Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | 2013 Water Quality Technology Conferene and Exposition, WQTC 2013 | proceeding |
2 | 36th WEDC International Conference: Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment | proceeding |
3 | 6th International Conference on Environmental Informatics, ISEIS 2007 | proceeding |
4 | AACL Bioflux | journal |
5 | ACE 2013 - 2013 AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition | proceeding |
6 | Acta Agriculturae Slovenica | journal |
7 | Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia | journal |
8 | Advances in Limnology | journal |
9 | Advances in Optics and Photonics | journal |
10 | Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources | journal |
11 | Advances in Water Resources | journal |
12 | Agricultural Water Management | journal |
13 | American City and County | journal |
14 | American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2013 Distribution Systems Symposium/Emergency Preparedness and Security Conference and Exposition | proceeding |
15 | AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exposition 2013 | proceeding |
16 | Annales - Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio B | journal |
17 | Applied Water Science | journal |
18 | Aquaculture Environment Interactions | journal |
19 | Aquatic Biosystems | journal |
20 | Aquatic Invasions | journal |
21 | Aquatic Sciences | journal |
22 | Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research | journal |
23 | Archives of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics | journal |
24 | Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution | journal |
25 | Australian Journal of Water Resources | journal |
26 | AWWA/WEF Utility Management Conference 2013 | proceeding |
27 | BHR Group - 22nd International Conference on Water Jetting 2014 | proceeding |
28 | Biofouling | journal |
29 | Biogeochemistry | journal |
30 | Biological Treatment Symposium 2013 | proceeding |
31 | Canadian Water Resources Journal | journal |
32 | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering | journal |
33 | Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | journal |
34 | Clays and Clay Minerals | journal |
35 | Clean - Soil, Air, Water | journal |
36 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | journal |
37 | Cryosphere | journal |
38 | Desalination | journal |
39 | Desalination and Water Treatment | journal |
40 | Drinking Water Engineering and Science | journal |
41 | Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances | journal |
42 | Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research | journal |
43 | Engineering the Panama Canal: A Centennial Retrospective - Proceedings of Sessions Honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Panama Canal at the ASCE Global Engineering Conference 2014 | proceeding |
44 | Environment | journal |
45 | Environmental Connection Conference 2015 | proceeding |
46 | Environmental Conservation | journal |
47 | Environmental Earth Sciences | journal |
48 | Environmental Fluid Mechanics | journal |
49 | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | journal |
50 | Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management | journal |
51 | Environmental Processes | journal |
52 | Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy | journal |
53 | Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology | journal |
54 | Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) | journal |
55 | Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences | journal |
56 | FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience | journal |
57 | Frontiers in Marine Science | journal |
58 | Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser | journal |
59 | Geocarto Imnternational | journal |
60 | Geographische Raudschau | journal |
61 | Geography Compass | journal |
62 | Geological Society Special Publication | journal |
63 | Geotermia | journal |
64 | Ground Water | journal |
65 | Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation | journal |
66 | Groundwater for Sustainable Development | journal |
67 | Grundwasser | journal |
68 | Handbook of Environmental Chemistry | book serie |
69 | Hidrobiologica | journal |
70 | Houille Blanche | journal |
71 | Hydrobiological Journal | journal |
72 | Hydroecologie Appliquee | journal |
73 | Hydrogeology Journal | journal |
74 | Hydrological Processes | journal |
75 | Hydrological Sciences Journal | journal |
76 | Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung | journal |
77 | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | journal |
78 | Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014, HWRS 2014 - Conference Proceedings | proceeding |
79 | IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences) | proceeding |
80 | Inland Waters | journal |
81 | International Agrophysics | journal |
82 | International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings | proceeding |
83 | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | journal |
84 | International Journal of Geophysics | journal |
85 | International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology | journal |
86 | International Journal of Marine Energy | journal |
87 | International Journal of River Basin Management | journal |
88 | International Journal of Water | journal |
89 | International Journal of Water Resources Development | journal |
90 | International Low Impact Development Conference 2015 - LID: It Works in All Climates and Soils - Proceedings of the 2015 International Low Impact Development Conference | proceeding |
91 | International Water and Irrigation | journal |
92 | International Water Power and Dam Construction | journal |
93 | Internationals Conference on Marine and Freshwater Environments, iMFE 2014 | proceeding |
94 | IRRIGA | journal |
95 | Irrigation Science | journal |
96 | ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | journal |
97 | IWMI Research Report | journal |
98 | Japanese Journal of Limnnology | journal |
99 | Journal Europeen d'Hydrologie | journal |
100 | Journal of Arid Land | journal |
101 | Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation | journal |
102 | Journal of Coastal Research | journal |
103 | Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | journal |
104 | Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering | journal |
105 | Journal of Environmental Hydrology | journal |
106 | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | journal |
107 | Journal of Environmental Quality | journal |
108 | Journal of Environmental Studies | journal |
109 | Journal of Flood Risk Management | journal |
110 | Journal of Geophysical Research | journal |
111 | Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste | journal |
112 | Journal of Hohai University | journal |
113 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | journal |
114 | Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques | journal |
115 | Journal of Hydro-Environment Research | journal |
116 | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE | journal |
117 | Journal of Hydrology | journal |
118 | Journal of Hydrology: New Zealand | journal |
119 | Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies | journal |
120 | Journal of Industrial Pollution Control | journal |
121 | Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management | journal |
122 | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE | journal |
123 | Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science | journal |
124 | Journal of Limnology | journal |
125 | Journal of New England Water Environment Association | journal |
126 | Journal of Soils and Water Conservation | journal |
127 | Journal of Spatial Hydrology | journal |
128 | Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems | journal |
129 | Journal of the American Water Resources Association | journal |
130 | Journal of the American Water Works Association | journal |
131 | Journal of the Indian Ocean Region | journal |
132 | Journal of Water and Climate Change | journal |
133 | Journal of Water and Health | journal |
134 | Journal of Water and Land Development | journal |
135 | Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology | journal |
136 | Journal of Water Law | journal |
137 | Journal of Water Process Engineering | journal |
138 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE | journal |
139 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE | journal |
140 | Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination | journal |
141 | Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development | journal |
142 | Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA | journal |
143 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering | journal |
144 | Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems | journal |
145 | Lake and Reservoir Management | journal |
146 | Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management | journal |
147 | Limnetica | journal |
148 | Limnology | journal |
149 | Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin | journal |
150 | Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen | journal |
151 | Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers | journal |
152 | Marine Chemistry | journal |
153 | Maritime Affairs | journal |
154 | Maritime Studies | journal |
155 | Membrane Water Treatment | journal |
156 | Mine Water and the Environment | journal |
157 | Nase More | journal |
158 | Natural Hazards | journal |
159 | New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research | journal |
160 | Nordic Hydrology | journal |
161 | Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft | journal |
162 | Paddy and Water Environment | journal |
163 | Pollution Research | journal |
164 | Proceedings of 2015 12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, IBCAST 2015 | proceeding |
165 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014 | proceeding |
166 | Reservoir Sedimentation - Special Session on Reservoir Sedimentation of the 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014 | proceeding |
167 | Revue Des Sciences De L'Eau | journal |
168 | River Research and Applications | journal |
169 | Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik | journal |
170 | Russian Meteorology and Hydrology | journal |
171 | San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science | journal |
172 | Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering | journal |
173 | Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | journal |
174 | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | journal |
175 | Suo | journal |
176 | Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology | journal |
177 | Sustainable Environment Research | journal |
178 | Sustainable Water Management Conference 2013 | proceeding |
179 | Sustainable Watershed Management - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Watershed Management, SUWAMA 2014 | proceeding |
180 | Swiss Competences in River Engineering and Restoration - Special Session on Swiss Competences in River Engineering and Restoration of the 7th International Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014 | proceeding |
181 | Taiwan Water Conservancy | journal |
182 | Technical Report - University of Texas at Austin, Center for Research in Water Resources | journal |
183 | Techniques - Sciences - Methodes | journal |
184 | Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua | journal |
185 | Terra | journal |
186 | Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers | journal |
187 | Transboundary Water Management in a Changing Climate - Proceedings of the AMICE Final Conference | proceeding |
188 | Transitional Waters Bulletin | journal |
189 | Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences | journal |
190 | Ultrapure Water | journal |
191 | Urban Water Journal | journal |
192 | Vodohospodarsky Casopis/Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics | journal |
193 | Wasser und Abfall | journal |
194 | Wasserwirtschaft | journal |
195 | Water (Switzerland) | journal |
196 | Water and Ecology | journal |
197 | Water and Energy International | journal |
198 | Water and Environment Journal | |
199 | Water and Wastes Digest | journal |
200 | Water Environment Research | journal |
201 | Water History | journal |
202 | Water International | journal |
203 | Water Management | journal |
204 | Water Policy | journal |
205 | Water Practice and Technology | journal |
206 | Water Quality Research Journal of Canada | journal |
207 | Water Research | journal |
208 | Water Resources | journal |
209 | Water Resources and Economics | journal |
210 | Water Resources and Industry | journal |
211 | Water Resources and Rural Development | journal |
212 | Water Resources Management | journal |
213 | Water Resources Research | journal |
214 | Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina | journal |
215 | Water S.A. | journal |
216 | Water Science and Technology | book serie |
217 | Water Science and Technology: Water Supply | book serie |
218 | Water Wheel | journal |
219 | Water, Air, and Soil Pollution | journal |
220 | Water, Sewage and Effluent | journal |
221 | Waterlines | journal |
222 | Working Paper of the University of Leeds, School of Geography | journal |
223 | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 Congress | proceeding |
224 | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: Water Without Borders - Proceedings of the 2014 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress | proceeding |
225 | World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015: Floods, Droughts, and Ecosystems - Proceedings of the 2015 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress | proceeding |
Water Science & Technology
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