| | |
1 | 14th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWMC 2013: Integrating Storage, Transportation, and Disposal | conference and proceeding |
2 | 2013 21st Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference, NAWTEC 2013 | conference and proceeding4 |
3 | 36th WEDC International Conference: Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment | conference and proceeding |
4 | 4th IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements 2013: Protection Environment, Climate Changes and Pollution Control | conference and proceeding |
5 | Air and Waste Management Association - Climate Change Conference 2013: Impacts, Policy and Regulation | conference and proceeding |
6 | Air and Waste Management Association - International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors 2013 | conference and proceeding |
7 | Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | journal |
8 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering | journal |
9 | Atmospheric Pollution Research | journal |
10 | BioCycle | journal |
11 | Biofuels | journal |
12 | Biomass and Bioenergy | journal |
13 | Bioresource Technology | journal |
14 | BioResources | journal |
15 | Chemical Engineering and the Law Forum 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
16 | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering | journal |
17 | Compost Science and Utilization | journal |
18 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | journal |
19 | EM: Air and Waste Management Association's Magazine for Environmental Managers | journal |
20 | Embedded Topical Meeting on Decommissioning and Remote Systems 2014, Held at the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting | conference and proceeding |
21 | Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental | journal |
22 | Environmental Engineering Science | journal |
23 | Environmental Forensics | journal |
24 | Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management | journal |
25 | Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy | journal |
26 | Environmental Protection Engineering | journal |
27 | Environmental Quality Management | journal |
28 | Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) | journal |
29 | E-Water | journal |
30 | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | journal |
31 | GCB Bioenergy | journal |
32 | Geosystem Engineering | journal |
33 | Handbook of Environmental Chemistry | book serie |
34 | International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation | journal |
35 | International Journal of Environment and Pollution | journal |
36 | International Journal of Environment and Waste Management | journal |
37 | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | journal |
38 | International Journal of Environmental Studies | journal |
39 | International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology | journal |
40 | International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture | journal |
41 | International Journal of Regulation and Governance | journal |
42 | Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | journal |
43 | Journal of CO2 Utilization | journal |
44 | Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCE | journal |
45 | Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering | journal |
46 | Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering | journal |
47 | Journal of Environmental Management | journal |
48 | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology | journal |
49 | Journal of Environmental Quality | journal |
50 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | journal |
51 | Journal of Environmental Studies | journal |
52 | Journal of Hazardous Materials | journal |
53 | Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste | journal |
54 | Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering | journal |
55 | Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management | journal |
56 | Journal of Materials and Environmental Science | Journal |
57 | Journal of Radiological Protection | journal |
58 | Journal of Residuals Science and Technology | journal |
59 | Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management | journal |
60 | Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials | journal |
61 | Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association | journal |
62 | Journal of Water and Health | journal |
63 | Journal of Water Process Engineering | journal |
64 | Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development | journal |
65 | Metal Finishing | journal |
66 | MSW Management | journal |
67 | Nuclear Engineering and Design | journal |
68 | Nuclear Engineering International | journal |
69 | Nukleonika | journal |
70 | Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material | journal |
71 | Pollution Engineering | journal |
72 | Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management | journal |
73 | Proceedings of the 36th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response | conference and proceeding |
74 | Proceedings of the 37th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response | conference and proceeding |
75 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM | conference and proceeding |
76 | Progress in Industrial Ecology | journal |
77 | Progress in Nuclear Energy | journal |
78 | Radioprotection | journal |
79 | Radwaste Solutions | journal |
80 | Remediation | journal |
81 | Resource Recycling | journal |
82 | Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing | journal |
83 | Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology | journal |
84 | Revista Escola de Minas | journal |
85 | Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental | journal |
86 | Science of the Total Environment | journal |
87 | Sustainable Environment Research | journal |
88 | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | journal |
89 | Technical Report - University of Texas at Austin, Center for Research in Water Resources | journal |
90 | Waste and Biomass Valorization | journal |
91 | Waste Management | journal |
92 | Water and Ecology | journal |
93 | Water and Wastes Digest | journal |
94 | Water Research | journal |
95 | Water S.A. | journal |
96 | World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL | journal |