| |
1 | A + U-Architecture and Urbanism |
2 | A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture |
3 | AHURI Final Report |
4 | AHURI Positioning Paper |
5 | Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutense |
6 | Architecture and Culture |
7 | Architecture, City and Environment |
8 | Architektura a Urbanizmus |
9 | Archnet-IJAR |
10 | Articulo – Journal of Urban Research |
11 | AUS |
12 | Australian Planner |
13 | Bitacora Urbano Territorial |
14 | Buildings & Landscapes |
15 | Built Environment |
16 | Bulletin of Geography |
17 | Cahiers des Ameriques Latines |
18 | Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
19 | Case Studies on Transport Policy |
20 | Change Over Time |
21 | Cities |
22 | Citta e Storia |
23 | City |
24 | City and Community |
25 | City and Society |
26 | City, Culture and Society |
27 | Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales |
28 | Crime Science |
29 | CTBUH Journal |
30 | Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo |
31 | Economic Development Quarterly |
32 | Education and Urban Society |
33 | Environment and Urbanization |
34 | Environment and Urbanization ASIA |
35 | Eure |
36 | European Journal of Spatial Development |
37 | European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research |
38 | European Urban and Regional Studies |
39 | Forum Stadt |
40 | Frontiers of Architectural Research |
41 | Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics |
42 | Harvard Design Magazine |
43 | Histoire Urbaine |
44 | Historia Urbana |
45 | Housing and Society |
46 | Housing Policy Debate |
47 | Housing Studies |
48 | Housing, Theory and Society |
49 | IATSS Research |
50 | International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design |
51 | International Journal of Design in Society |
52 | International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice |
53 | International Journal of Islamic Architecture |
54 | International Journal of Law in the Built Environment |
55 | International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment |
56 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research |
57 | International Journal of Urban Sciences |
58 | International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development |
59 | International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development |
60 | Journal of Architectural and Planning Research |
61 | Journal of Architecture and Planning |
62 | Journal of Architecture and Urbanism |
63 | Journal of Children and Poverty |
64 | Journal of Contemporary Ethnography |
65 | Journal of Design and Built Environment |
66 | Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy |
67 | Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management |
68 | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment |
69 | Journal of Place Management and Development |
70 | Journal of Planning Education and Research |
71 | Journal of Property Research |
72 | Journal of Public Transportation |
73 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics |
74 | Journal of the American Planning Association |
75 | Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE |
76 | Journal of Transport and Land Use |
77 | Journal of Urban Affairs |
78 | Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering |
79 | Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis |
80 | Journal of Urban Design |
81 | Journal of Urban Economics |
82 | Journal of Urban History |
83 | Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal |
84 | Journal of Urban Technology |
85 | Journal of Urbanism |
86 | Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences |
87 | London Journal |
88 | Mediterranee |
89 | Metszet |
90 | Mundo Agrario |
91 | New Urban Configurations |
92 | Open House International |
93 | Planning Malaysia |
94 | Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management – Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development |
95 | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning |
96 | Projections |
97 | Prostor |
98 | Regional Science and Urban Economics |
99 | Research in Urban Sociology |
100 | Research in Urbanism Series |
101 | Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional |
102 | Revista INVI |
103 | Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales |
104 | Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais |
105 | Revista Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura |
106 | Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture |
107 | Sapiens |
108 | Scienze Regionali |
109 | Smart and Sustainable Built Environment |
110 | Sociologija i Prostor |
111 | Space and Culture |
112 | Spatium |
113 | Sud-Ouest Europeen |
114 | Surveillance & Society |
115 | Territoire en Mouvement |
116 | Territorio |
117 | The Urban Review |
118 | Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management |
119 | Town Planning Review |
120 | Transsylvania Nostra |
121 | Urban Affairs Review |
122 | Urban and Regional Data Management, UDMS Annual 2013 – Proceedings of the Urban Data Management Society Symposium 2013 |
123 | Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development |
124 | Urban Climate |
125 | Urban Design International |
126 | Urban Ecosystems |
127 | Urban Education |
128 | Urban Forum |
129 | Urban Geography |
130 | Urban History |
131 | Urban History Review/Revue d’Histoire Urbaine |
132 | Urban Morphology |
133 | Urban Policy and Research |
134 | Urban Research and Practice |
135 | Urban Studies |
136 | Urbani Izziv |
137 | Urbanities |
138 | Urbe |