Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality Management

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
1Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Researchbook serie
2Advances in Hospitality and Leisurebook serie
3Annals of Leisure Researchjournal
4Annals of Tourism Researchjournal
5Applied Geographyjournal
6Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
7Bridging Tourism Theory and Practicebook serie
9Cornell Hospitality Quarterlyjournal
10Cuadernos de Turismojournal
11Current Issues in Tourismjournal
12e-Review of Tourism Researchjournal
13European Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
14European Sport Management Quarterlyjournal
15Event Managementjournal
16Geographica Pannonicajournal
17Hospitality and Societyjournal
18Hotel Managementjournal
19International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managementjournal
20International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Researchjournal
21International Journal of Heritage Studiesjournal
22International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administrationjournal
23International Journal of Hospitality Managementjournal
24International Journal of Retail and Distribution Managementjournal
25International Journal of Services, Economics and Managementjournal
26International Journal of Sport Policyjournal
27International Journal of Tourism Policyjournal
28International Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
29Journal of China Tourism Researchjournal
30Journal of Convention and Event Tourismjournal
31Journal of Ecotourismjournal
32Journal of Heritage Tourismjournal
33Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Educationjournal
34Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Managementjournal
35Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Researchjournal
36Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technologyjournal
37Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Managementjournal
38Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Educationjournal
39Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourismjournal
40Journal of Leisure Researchjournal
41Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourismjournal
42Journal of Place Management and Developmentjournal
43Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Eventsjournal
44Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourismjournal
45Journal of Service Managementjournal
46Journal of Sport and Tourismjournal
47Journal of Sustainable Tourismjournal
48Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourismjournal
49Journal of Tourism and Cultural Changejournal
50Journal of Tourism Historyjournal
51Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketingjournal
52Journal of Travel Researchjournal
53Journal of Vacation Marketingjournal
54Leisure Sciencesjournal
55Leisure Studiesjournal
56Leisure/ Loisirjournal
57Managing Sport and Leisurejournal
58Museum Management and Curatorshipjournal
59Property Managementjournal
60Research in Transportation Business and Managementjournal
61Restaurant Businessjournal
62Rural Societyjournal
63Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourismjournal
64Space and Culturejournal
65Sport Management Reviewjournal
66Sports, Business and Managementjournal
68Tourism Analysisjournal
69Tourism and Hospitality Managementjournal
70Tourism and Hospitality Researchjournal
71Tourism Economicsjournal
72Tourism Geographiesjournal
73Tourism in Marine Environmentsjournal
74Tourism Managementjournal
75Tourism Management Perspectivesjournal
76Tourism Planning and Developmentjournal
77Tourism Reviewjournal
78Tourism Social Science Seriesbook serie
79Tourism, Culture and Communicationjournal
81Tourist Studiesjournal
82Visitor Studiesjournal
83World Leisure Journaljournal
84Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themesjournal

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