Sr. No. | Title |
1 | 2014 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, Networks 2014 |
2 | 2014 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management – Entrepreneurship Engineering: Harnessing Innovation, ASEM 2014 |
3 | 27th KI Workshop on Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen 2013, KI 2013 |
4 | 51st AGIFORS Annual Proceedings – Annual Symposium and Study Group Meeting, AGIFORS 2011 |
5 | Academia |
6 | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal |
7 | Academy of Management Journal |
8 | Academy of Management Perspectives |
9 | Academy of Management Review |
10 | Academy of Strategic Management Journal |
11 | Action Research |
12 | Advances in Strategic Management |
13 | AGIFORS 54th Annual Symposium: An Industry in Transformation |
14 | Agricultural Finance Review |
15 | American Health and Drug Benefits |
16 | American Journal of Evaluation |
17 | Argumenta Oeconomica |
18 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management |
19 | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics |
20 | Asia Pacific Management Review |
21 | Asian Business and Management |
22 | Baltic Journal of Management |
23 | BAR – Brazilian Administration Review |
24 | British Journal of Management |
25 | Business and Society Review |
26 | Business Strategy and the Environment |
27 | Business Strategy Series |
28 | Business: Theory and Practice |
29 | California Management Review |
30 | Change Management |
31 | China Business Review |
32 | Collection Management |
33 | Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research |
34 | Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development |
35 | Cooperation and Conflict |
36 | Corporate Governance |
37 | Corporate Reputation Review |
38 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management |
39 | Creative Industries Journal |
40 | Creativity and Innovation Management |
41 | Cuadernos de Administracion |
42 | Cuadernos de Gestion |
43 | Decision Sciences |
44 | DLSU Business and Economics Review |
45 | E a M: Ekonomie a Management |
46 | Economic and Industrial Democracy |
47 | Educational Management Administration and Leadership |
48 | Electronic Design |
49 | Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods |
50 | Emergence: Complexity and Organization |
51 | Entrepreneurial Executive |
52 | Entrepreneurship Research Journal |
53 | European Journal of Industrial Relations |
54 | European Journal of Management and Business Economics |
55 | European Management Journal |
56 | European Management Review |
57 | European Research on Management and Business Economics |
58 | European Sport Management Quarterly |
59 | Evaluation and Program Planning |
60 | Foundations of Management |
61 | Fuel Cells Bulletin |
62 | Gedrag en Organisatie |
63 | Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management |
64 | Global Strategy Journal |
65 | Graphic Arts Monthly |
66 | Group Decision and Negotiation |
67 | Harvard Business Review |
68 | Health Care Management Review |
69 | Howard Journal of Communications |
70 | Human Relations |
71 | Human Resource Management |
72 | Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance |
73 | IBM Data Management Magazine |
74 | ICEMSI 2013 – 2013 International Conference on Engineering, Management Science and Innovation |
75 | IEEE Engineering Management Review |
76 | IEEE Potentials |
77 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management |
78 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly |
79 | IMA Journal Management Mathematics |
80 | Industrial and Labor Relations Review |
81 | Industrial Management (Norcross, Georgia) |
82 | Industrial Management and Data Systems |
83 | Industrial Relations |
84 | Industry Week |
85 | Informacion Tecnologica |
86 | Information Resources Management Journal |
87 | Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales |
88 | Innovation Policy and the Economy |
89 | Innovations |
90 | Intangible Capital |
91 | Interfaces |
92 | International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management 2013, ASEM 2013 |
93 | International Business Management |
94 | International Conference on Harbour, Maritime and Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation |
95 | International Journal of Agile Systems and Management |
96 | International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences |
97 | International Journal of Applied Management Science |
98 | International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management |
99 | International Journal of Business |
100 | International Journal of Business and Society |
101 | International Journal of Business and Systems Research |
102 | International Journal of Business Excellence |
103 | International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics |
104 | International Journal of Business Performance Management |
105 | International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management |
106 | International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management |
107 | International Journal of COMADEM |
108 | International Journal of Commerce and Management |
109 | International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications |
110 | International Journal of Conflict Management |
111 | International Journal of Construction Management |
112 | International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management |
113 | International Journal of Design |
114 | International Journal of Disclosure and Governance |
115 | International Journal of Economics and Management |
116 | International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership |
117 | International Journal of Energy Sector Management |
118 | International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing |
119 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship |
120 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management |
121 | International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy |
122 | International Journal of Hospitality Management |
123 | International Journal of Human Resource Management |
124 | International Journal of Industrial Organization |
125 | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences |
126 | International Journal of Information and Management Sciences |
127 | International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management |
128 | International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector |
129 | International Journal of Innovation Management |
130 | International Journal of Integrated Supply Management |
131 | International Journal of Intellectual Property Management |
132 | International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise |
133 | International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management |
134 | International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management |
135 | International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development |
136 | International Journal of Leadership in Education |
137 | International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital |
138 | International Journal of Management and Business Research |
139 | International Journal of Management Education |
140 | International Journal of Management Practice |
141 | International Journal of Management Reviews |
142 | International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management |
143 | International Journal of Managing Projects in Business |
144 | International Journal of Manpower |
145 | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management |
146 | International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making |
147 | International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations |
148 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management |
149 | International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management |
150 | International Journal of Organizational Analysis |
151 | International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking |
152 | International Journal of Product Development |
153 | International Journal of Production Research |
154 | International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management |
155 | International Journal of Project Organisation and Management |
156 | International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management |
157 | International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management |
158 | International Journal of Revenue Management |
159 | International Journal of Rural Management |
160 | International Journal of Selection and Assessment |
161 | International Journal of Services, Economics and Management |
162 | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management |
163 | International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage |
164 | International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing |
165 | International Journal of Strategic Property Management |
166 | International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management |
167 | International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship |
168 | International Journal of Technology |
169 | International Journal of Technology Management |
170 | International Journal of the Legal Profession |
171 | International Journal of Value Chain Management |
172 | International Labour Review |
173 | International Series in Operations Research and Management Science |
174 | International Studies of Management and Organization |
175 | International Transactions in Operational Research |
176 | Investment Management and Financial Innovations |
177 | JMM International Journal on Media Management |
178 | Journal for East European Management Studies |
179 | Journal für Betriebswirtschaft |
180 | Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change |
181 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems |
182 | Journal of Advanced Transportation |
183 | Journal of Air Transport Management |
184 | Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society |
185 | Journal of Asia Business Studies |
186 | Journal of Asset Management |
187 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making |
188 | Journal of Brand Management |
189 | Journal of Business Strategy |
190 | Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis |
191 | Journal of Cases on Information Technology |
192 | Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice |
193 | Journal of Change Management |
194 | Journal of Civil Engineering and Management |
195 | Journal of Cleaner Production |
196 | Journal of Communication Management |
197 | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management – ASCE |
198 | Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management |
199 | Journal of Corporate Finance |
200 | Journal of Destination Marketing and Management |
201 | Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship |
202 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy |
203 | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations |
204 | Journal of Engineering and Technology Management – JET-M |
205 | Journal of Enterprising Communities |
206 | Journal of Entrepreneurship |
207 | Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy |
208 | Journal of Entrepreneurship Education |
209 | Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies |
210 | Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management |
211 | Journal of Family Business Strategy |
212 | Journal of Financial Economics |
213 | Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance |
214 | Journal of Forecasting |
215 | Journal of General Management |
216 | Journal of Global Fashion Marketing |
217 | Journal of Global Information Management |
218 | Journal of Healthcare Management |
219 | Journal of High Technology Management Research |
220 | Journal of Human Resources |
221 | Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization |
222 | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management |
223 | Journal of Information Technology |
224 | Journal of International Business Studies |
225 | Journal of International Management |
226 | Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research |
227 | Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association |
228 | Journal of Knowledge Management |
229 | Journal of Labor Research |
230 | Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies |
231 | Journal of Management |
232 | Journal of Management Control |
233 | Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE |
234 | Journal of Management Inquiry |
235 | Journal of Management Studies |
236 | Journal of Manufacturing Processes |
237 | Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management |
238 | Journal of Marketing Management |
239 | Journal of Media Business Studies |
240 | Journal of Medical Marketing |
241 | Journal of Modelling in Management |
242 | Journal of Modern Project Management |
243 | Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis |
244 | Journal of Network and Systems Management |
245 | Journal of Operations Management |
246 | Journal of Organizational and End User Computing |
247 | Journal of Organizational Behavior Management |
248 | Journal of Organizational Change Management |
249 | Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict |
250 | Journal of Organizational Ethnography |
251 | Journal of Place Management and Development |
252 | Journal of Product and Brand Management |
253 | Journal of Product Innovation Management |
254 | Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice |
255 | Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management |
256 | Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering |
257 | Journal of Quality Technology |
258 | Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship |
259 | Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management |
260 | Journal of Risk |
261 | Journal of Risk Research |
262 | Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management |
263 | Journal of Service Management |
264 | Journal of Service Theory and Practice |
265 | Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
266 | Journal of Small Business Management |
267 | Journal of Small Business Strategy |
268 | Journal of Strategic Marketing |
269 | Journal of the Operational Research Society |
270 | Knowledge and Process Management |
271 | Knowledge Management |
272 | Leadership |
273 | Leadership and Management in Engineering |
274 | Leadership and Policy in Schools |
275 | Library Leadership and Management |
276 | Longe Range Planning |
277 | Machine Design |
278 | Management |
279 | Management and Organization Review |
280 | Management and Organizational History |
281 | Management Communication Quarterly |
282 | Management in Education |
283 | Management International Review |
284 | Management Learning |
285 | Management Science |
286 | Managerial and Decision Economics |
287 | Managerial Finance |
288 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management |
289 | MIT Sloan Management Review |
290 | Monographs in Leadership and Management |
291 | Monthly Labor Review |
292 | Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy – Proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 2014 |
293 | Nankai Business Review International |
294 | Negotiation and Conflict Management Research |
295 | Negotiation Journal |
296 | New Directions for Evaluation |
297 | New Technology, Work and Employment |
298 | Nonprofit Management & Leadership |
299 | Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business |
300 | NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management |
301 | Omega |
302 | Operational Research |
303 | Operations Management Research |
304 | Operations Research Perspectives |
305 | OR55 Keynotes and Extended Abstracts – 55th Conference of the Operational Research Society 2013 |
306 | Organisation Management Journal |
307 | Organization |
308 | Organization Science |
309 | Organization Studies |
310 | Organizational Cultures |
311 | Organizational Research Methods |
312 | Paperboard Packaging |
313 | Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences |
314 | Place Branding and Public Diplomacy |
315 | Plant Engineer (London) |
316 | Plant Engineering |
317 | Polish Journal of Management Studies |
318 | Problems and Perspectives in Management |
319 | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems, SMSIS 2013 |
320 | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Strategic Management and Its Support by Information Systems 2015, SMSIS 2015 |
321 | Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, SOR 2013 |
322 | Proceedings of the 24th International Business Information Management Association Conference – Crafting Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Strategic Planning and Smart Implementation |
323 | Proceedings of the International Conference of DAAAM Baltic |
324 | Production Planning and Control |
325 | Project Management Journal |
326 | Public Performance & Management Review |
327 | Public Personnel Management |
328 | Public Relations Inquiry |
329 | Purusharta |
330 | Quality – Access to Success |
331 | Quality Innovation Prosperity |
332 | Quality Progress |
333 | R and D Management |
334 | RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas |
335 | Research in Transportation Business and Management |
336 | Research Journal of Business Management |
337 | Research Methodology in Strategy and Management |
338 | Research Policy |
339 | Research Technology Management |
340 | Review of Industrial Organization |
341 | Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios |
342 | Revue Francaise de Gestion |
343 | Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions |
344 | Risk Management |
345 | Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita |
346 | Scandinavian Journal of Management |
347 | School Leadership and Management |
348 | Security Journal |
349 | Service Business |
350 | Service Industries Journal |
351 | Society and Economy |
352 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
353 | South African Journal of Business Management |
354 | Sport Management Review |
355 | Sports, Business and Management |
356 | Strategic Direction |
357 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
358 | Strategic Management Journal |
359 | Strategic Organization |
360 | Strategy and Leadership |
361 | Supply Chain Management |
362 | System Dynamics Review |
363 | Systemic Practice and Action Research |
364 | Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
365 | Tamkang Journal of International Affairs |
366 | Technology Analysis and Strategic Management |
367 | Tourism Management |
368 | TQM Journal |
369 | Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences |
370 | Travail et Emploi |
371 | World of Mining – Surface and Underground |
372 | Zeitschrift für Evaluation |
373 | ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb |
Strategy and Management
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