Sr. No. | Title |
1 | 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 – Conference Proceedings |
2 | Advances in Classification Research Online |
3 | American Statistician |
4 | Annales de l’institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics |
5 | Annals of Applied Probability |
6 | Annals of Applied Statistics |
7 | Annals of Mathematics |
8 | Annals of Probability |
9 | Annals of Statistics |
10 | Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application |
11 | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics |
12 | Austrian Journal of Statistics |
13 | Biometrical Journal |
14 | Biometrika |
15 | Biostatistics |
16 | Boletin de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa |
17 | Canadian Journal of Statistics |
18 | Communications in Analysis and Geometry |
19 | Computational Statistics |
20 | Electronic Communications in Probability |
21 | Electronic Journal of Probability |
22 | Environmental and Ecological Statistics |
23 | European Actuarial Journal |
24 | Finance and Stochastics |
25 | Game Studies |
26 | Games |
27 | Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications |
28 | Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty |
29 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics |
30 | International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013): Reshaping Society Through Information Systems Design |
31 | International Game Theory Review |
32 | International Journal of Biostatistics |
33 | International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining |
34 | International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics |
35 | International Journal of Game Theory |
36 | International Journal of Information Science and Management |
37 | International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management |
38 | International Statistical Review |
39 | Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics |
40 | Journal of Applied Analysis |
41 | Journal of Applied Probability |
42 | Journal of Applied Statistics |
43 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics |
44 | Journal of Choice Modelling |
45 | Journal of Classification |
46 | Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics |
47 | Journal of Forecasting |
48 | Journal of Grey System |
49 | Journal of Mixed Methods Research |
50 | Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods |
51 | Journal of Multivariate Analysis |
52 | Journal of Nonparametric Statistics |
53 | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation |
54 | Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment |
55 | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference |
56 | Journal of Statistical Software |
57 | Journal of Statistics Education |
58 | Journal of the American Statistical Association |
59 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society) |
60 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology |
61 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics |
62 | Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland |
63 | Journal of Theoretical Probability |
64 | Journal of Time Series Analysis |
65 | Law, Probability and Risk |
66 | Lecture Notes in Statistics |
67 | Mathematical Methods of Statistics |
68 | Mathematical Social Science |
69 | Mathematics and Financial Economics |
70 | Metrika |
71 | North American Actuarial Journal |
72 | OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis |
73 | Operational Research |
74 | Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics |
75 | Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research |
76 | Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences |
77 | Probability Theory and Related Fields |
78 | R Journal |
79 | Regional Statistics |
80 | Risk and Decision Analysis |
81 | Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics |
82 | Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
83 | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics |
84 | Scientific data |
85 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
86 | SORT |
87 | South African Statistical Journal |
88 | Spatial Economic Analysis |
89 | Statistica Neerlandica |
90 | Statistica Sinica |
91 | Statistical Journal of the IAOS |
92 | Statistical Methods and Applications |
93 | Statistical Modelling |
94 | Statistical Papers |
95 | Statistical Science |
96 | Statistics |
97 | Statistics and Computing |
98 | Statistics and Probability Letters |
99 | Statistics and Risk Modeling |
100 | Statistics in Transition |
101 | Statistics Surveys |
102 | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing |
103 | Statistika |
104 | Stochastic Analysis and Applications |
105 | Test |
106 | Theory of Probability and its Applications |
107 | Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
108 | Transplant Research and Risk Management |
109 | Utilitas Mathematica |
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