Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal | journal |
2 | Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly | journal |
3 | American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | journal |
4 | American Journal of Sports Medicine | journal |
5 | Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism | journal |
6 | Apunts Medicina de l'Esport | journal |
7 | Archives of Budo | journal |
8 | Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | journal |
9 | Archivos de Medicina del Deporte | journal |
10 | Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery | journal |
11 | Asian Journal of Sports Medicine | journal |
12 | Biology of Sport | journal |
13 | Bone and Joint Journal | journal |
14 | British Journal of Sports Medicine | journal |
15 | Clinical Biomechanics | journal |
16 | Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine | journal |
17 | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research | journal |
18 | Clinics in Sports Medicine | journal |
19 | Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte | journal |
20 | Current Sports Medicine Reports | journal |
21 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin | journal |
22 | European Journal of Applied Physiology | journal |
23 | European Journal of Sport Science | journal |
24 | European Physical Education Review | journal |
25 | European Sport Management Quarterly | journal |
26 | Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews | journal |
27 | Exercise Immunology Review | journal |
28 | Gait and Posture | journal |
29 | High Altitude Medicine and Biology | journal |
30 | Human Movement Science | journal |
31 | International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training | journal |
32 | International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport | journal |
33 | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | journal |
34 | International Journal of Sport Finance | journal |
35 | International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing | journal |
36 | International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism | journal |
37 | International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship | journal |
38 | International Journal of Sports Medicine | journal |
39 | International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance | journal |
40 | International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching | journal |
41 | International Review for the Sociology of Sport | journal |
42 | International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology | journal |
43 | International SportMed Journal | journal |
44 | Isokinetics and Exercise Science | journal |
45 | Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine | journal |
46 | Journal de Traumatologie du Sport | journal |
47 | Journal of Aging and Physical Activity | journal |
48 | Journal of Applied Biomechanics | journal |
49 | Journal of Applied Physiology | journal |
50 | Journal of Applied Sport Psychology | journal |
51 | Journal of Athletic Training | journal |
52 | Journal of Biomechanics | journal |
53 | Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A | journal |
54 | Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology | journal |
55 | Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness | journal |
56 | Journal of Human Kinetics | journal |
57 | Journal of Human Sport and Exercise | journal |
58 | Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity | journal |
59 | Journal of Motor Behavior | journal |
60 | Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy | journal |
61 | Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma | journal |
62 | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | journal |
63 | Journal of Physiology | journal |
64 | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine | journal |
65 | Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport | journal |
66 | Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | journal |
67 | Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | journal |
68 | Journal of sport history | journal |
69 | Journal of Sport Management | journal |
70 | Journal of Sport Rehabilitation | journal |
71 | Journal of Sports Economics | journal |
72 | Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness | journal |
73 | Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | journal |
74 | Journal of Sports Sciences | journal |
75 | Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | journal |
76 | Journal of Teaching in Physical Education | journal |
77 | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition | journal |
78 | Journal of the Philosophy of Sport | journal |
79 | Kinesiology | journal |
80 | Knee | journal |
81 | Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy | journal |
82 | Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science | journal |
83 | Medicina dello Sport | journal |
84 | Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise | journal |
85 | Medicine and Sport Science | journal |
86 | Motor Control | journal |
87 | Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica | journal |
88 | Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine | journal |
89 | Pediatric Excercise Science | journal |
90 | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy | journal |
91 | Physical Therapy in Sport | journal |
92 | Physician and Sportsmedicine | journal |
93 | Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin | journal |
94 | PM and R | journal |
95 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology | conference and proceeding |
96 | Psychology of Sport and Exercise | journal |
97 | Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health | journal |
98 | Quest | journal |
99 | Research in Sports Medicine | journal |
100 | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | journal |
101 | Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte | journal |
102 | Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte | journal |
103 | Revista de Psicologia del Deporte | journal |
104 | Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte | journal |
105 | Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte | journal |
106 | RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte | journal |
107 | Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports | journal |
108 | Science and Sports | journal |
109 | Sociology of Sport Journal | journal |
110 | South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation | journal |
111 | Spine | journal |
112 | Sport en Geneeskunde | journal |
113 | Sport History Review | journal |
114 | Sport in Society | journal |
115 | Sport Management Review | journal |
116 | Sport Psychologist | journal |
117 | Sport Sciences for Health | journal |
118 | Sport, Education and Society | journal |
119 | Sport, Ethics and Philosophy | journal |
120 | Sports Biomechanics | journal |
121 | Sports Engineering | journal |
122 | Sports Medicine | journal |
123 | Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review | journal |
124 | Sportverletzung Sportschaden | journal |
125 | Sportwissenschaft | journal |
126 | Strength and Conditioning Journal | journal |
127 | The International journal of the history of sport | journal |
128 | Wilderness and Environmental Medicine | journal |
Sports Science
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