Public Health, Environmental & Occupational Health

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
1Clinical Microbiology Reviewsjournal
2Annual Review of Public Healthjournal
3Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health Surveyjournal
4Obesity Reviewsjournal
5National health statistics reportsjournal
6Environmental Health Perspectivesjournal
7Tobacco Controljournal
8Journal of Health Economicsjournal
9Environmental Research Lettersjournal
10American Journal of Preventive Medicinejournal
12American Journal of Public Healthjournal
13Bulletin of the World Health Organizationjournal
14PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseasesjournal
15Journal of Adolescent Healthjournal
16Nicotine and Tobacco Researchjournal
17Population Health Metricsjournal
18Journal of the International AIDS Societyjournal
19Journal of Occupational Health Psychologyjournal
20Journal of Cancer Epidemiologyjournal
21Medical Carejournal
23AIDS Patient Care and STDsjournal
24Preventive Medicinejournal
25Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Healthjournal
26Implementation Sciencejournal
27Pediatric Obesityjournal
28Journal of Health and Social Behaviorjournal
29Value in Healthjournal
31Translational Researchjournal
32Sexually Transmitted Diseasesjournal
33Remedial and Special Educationjournal
35Journal of Epidemiology and Community Healthjournal
36Occupational and Environmental Medicinejournal
37AIDS and Behaviorjournal
38Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviorjournal
39American Journal of Community Psychologyjournal
40Prevention Sciencejournal
41Accident Analysis and Preventionjournal
42Tropical Medicine and International Healthjournal
43Maternal and Child Nutritionjournal
44European Journal of Public Healthjournal
45Milbank Quarterlyjournal
46Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Sourcejournal
47Influenza and other Respiratory Virusesjournal
48Indoor Airjournal
49International Journal for Quality in Health Carejournal
50Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiologyjournal
51Health and Placejournal
52International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Healthjournal
53BMC Public Healthjournal
54Globalization and Healthjournal
55International Journal of Health Geographicsjournal
56Health reports / Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Health Information = Rapports sur la sante / Statistique Canada, Centre canadien d'information sur la santejournal
57Future of Childrenjournal
58Trauma, Violence and Abusejournal
59Harm Reduction Journaljournal
60Preventing Chronic Diseasejournal
61International Journal of COPDjournal
62Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Healthjournal
63International Journal of Public Healthjournal
64Maternal and Child Health Journaljournal
65Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safetyjournal
66Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiologyjournal
67International perspectives on sexual and reproductive healthjournal
68Conflict and Healthjournal
69Quality of Life Researchjournal
70One Healthjournal
71Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciencesjournal
72Journal of School Healthjournal
73Culture, Health and Sexualityjournal
74Journal of Urban Healthjournal
75Primary Care Respiratory Journaljournal
76Women's Health Issuesjournal
77Zoonoses and Public Healthjournal
78Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicologybook serie
79Journal of Health Communicationjournal
80Journal of Medical Screeningjournal
81Sociology of Health and Illnessjournal
82Safety Sciencejournal
83American Journal of Infection Controljournal
84International Journal for Equity in Healthjournal
85AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIVjournal
86Psychology and Healthjournal
87Human Resources for Healthjournal
88Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygienejournal
89Public Health Nutritionjournal
90Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impactsjournal
91Journal of the American Board of Family Medicinejournal
92European Journal of Applied Physiologyjournal
93npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicinejournal
94Topics in Early Childhood Special Educationjournal
95Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseasejournal
96Human Ecologyjournal
97Revista de Saude Publica journal
98Health Education and Behaviorjournal
99Vital and health statistics. Series 11, Data from the National Health Surveyjournal
100American Journal of Industrial Medicinejournal
101European Journal of Cancer Preventionjournal
102Global Health Actionjournal
103Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Carejournal
104BMC International Health and Human Rightsjournal
105Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Controljournal
106AIDS Education and Preventionjournal
107Health Education Researchjournal
108Public Health Reportsjournal
109Chronic diseases and injuries in Canadajournal
110Global Public Healthjournal
111Health and Social Care in the Communityjournal
112Health and Quality of Life Outcomesjournal
113Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicinejournal
114Pathogens and Global Healthjournal
115Critical Public Healthjournal
116Burnout Researchjournal
117Ethnicity and Healthjournal
118Vascular Health and Risk Managementjournal
119Journal of Patient Safetyjournal
120International Journal of Mental Health Systemsjournal
121Food and Nutrition Researchjournal
122Open AIDS Journaljournal
123International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Healthjournal
124Qualitative Health Researchjournal
125Public health genomicsjournal
126Tobacco Induced Diseasesjournal
127Journal of Primary Preventionjournal
128Salud Publica de Mexico journal
129Population Health Managementjournal
130International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthjournal
131Health, Risk and Societyjournal
132Expert Review of Respiratory Medicinejournal
133Journal of Travel Medicinejournal
134Infectious Diseases of Povertyjournal
135Archives of Public Healthjournal
136Disability and Health Journaljournal
137Journal of Health, Population and Nutritionjournal
138Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Researchjournal
139Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilitiesjournal
140Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Healthjournal
142International Journal of Consumer Studiesjournal
143Journal of Community Healthjournal
144Annals of Occupational Hygienejournal
145International Healthjournal
146American Journal of Health Promotionjournal
147Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessmentjournal
148Journal of Rural Healthjournal
149Cadernos de Saude Publica journal
150Ageing and Societyjournal
151Scandinavian Journal of Public Healthjournal
152Journal of American College Healthjournal
153Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Researchjournal
154AIDS Research and Treatmentjournal
155Emerging Health Threats Journaljournal
156Child: Care, Health and Developmentjournal
157Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Preventionjournal
158Health Promotion Internationaljournal
159Public Healthjournal
160American Journal of Health Behaviorjournal
161Health Expectationsjournal
162Journal of Health Services Research and Policyjournal
163Health promotion practicejournal
164Journal of Transport and Healthjournal
165Noise and Healthjournal
166Traffic Injury Preventionjournal
167Journal of Public Health Policyjournal
168Substance Use and Misusejournal
169Journal of Community Geneticsjournal
170Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapyjournal
171Journal of Drug Issuesjournal
172Health Educationjournal
173Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMPjournal
174Annals of Human Biologyjournal
175Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Healthjournal
176LGBT Healthjournal
177Journal of Public Healthjournal
178Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillancejournal
179Journal of Infection and Public Healthjournal
180Journal of Radiological Protectionjournal
181Chronic Diseases in Canadajournal
182Journal of Public Health Dentistryjournal
183Trials in Vaccinologyjournal
184Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciencesjournal
185International Journal of STD and AIDSjournal
186Sexual Healthjournal
187Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutzjournal
188Sahara Jjournal
189Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practicejournal
190Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economicsjournal
191International Journal of Preventive Medicinejournal
192Public Health Reviewsjournal
193Canadian Journal of Public Healthjournal
194International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Healthjournal
195Preventive Medicine Reportsjournal
196American Journal of Men's Healthjournal
197Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilitiesjournal
198Injury Preventionjournal
199High Altitude Medicine and Biologyjournal
200Occupational Medicinejournal
201International Journal of Industrial Ergonomicsjournal
202Ciencia e Saude Coletiva journal
203International Journal of Circumpolar Healthjournal
204Health Promotion Journal of Australiajournal
205Osong Public Health and Research Perspectivesjournal
206Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicologyjournal
207Indoor and Built Environmentjournal
208Advances in School Mental Health Promotionjournal
209Reviews on Environmental Healthjournal
210Biomedical and Environmental Sciencesjournal
211Safety and Health at Workjournal
212Drug and Chemical Toxicologyjournal
213World Mycotoxin Journaljournal
214Australian Journal of Primary Healthjournal
215Risk Management and Healthcare Policyjournal
216Journal of Cancer Educationjournal
217Journal of Environmental and Public Healthjournal
218Industrial Healthjournal
219Community Mental Health Journaljournal
220Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistryjournal
221Journal of Immigrant and Minority Healthjournal
222Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygienejournal
223Research in Occupational Stress and Well Beingbook serie
224Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineeringjournal
225Journal of Biosocial Sciencejournal
226Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publiquejournal
227Journal of Occupational Healthjournal
228African Journal of AIDS Researchjournal
229Environmental Health and Preventive Medicinejournal
231Tropical Medicine and Healthjournal
232Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Healthjournal
233International Journal of Workplace Health Managementjournal
234International Journal of Environmental Health Researchjournal
235Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health journal
236Evaluation and Program Planningjournal
237Community Dental Healthjournal
238Family and Community Healthjournal
239Toxicology and Industrial Healthjournal
240Global health promotionjournal
241Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underservedjournal
242Journal of the American Mosquito Control Associationjournal
243Current Sports Medicine Reportsjournal
244International Journal of Pharmacy Practicejournal
245Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysisjournal
246Radiation Protection Dosimetryjournal
247Journal of Water and Healthjournal
248International Journal of Sexual Healthjournal
249Journal of Primary Health Carejournal
250Disaster Prevention & Managementjournal
251International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicinejournal
252Gaceta Sanitaria journal
253Quality in Primary Carejournal
254Israel Journal of Health Policy Researchjournal
255Rural and Remote Healthjournal
256Journal of physiological anthropologyjournal
257Asia Pacific Family Medicinejournal
259International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcarejournal
260International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotionjournal
261Archives of Environmental and Occupational Healthjournal
262SSM - Population Healthjournal
263Health Securityjournal
264Wilderness and Environmental Medicinejournal
265Biocontrol Sciencejournal
266Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologijujournal
267Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomicsbook serie
268Journal of Correctional Health Carejournal
269International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Healthjournal
270Journal of Research in Health Sciencesjournal
271Diving and Hyperbaric Medicinejournal
272Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletinjournal
273Clinical Social Work Journaljournal
274Military Medicinejournal
275Public Health Research and Practicejournal
276Saude e Sociedade journal
277Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicinejournal
278International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Healthjournal
279International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistryjournal
280Anthropology and Medicinejournal
281Indian Journal of Community Medicinejournal
282Iranian Journal of Public Healthjournal
283Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparednessjournal
284Healthcare Policyjournal
285Public Health Nursingjournal
286Social Work in Public Healthjournal
287Health Education Journaljournal
288American Journal of Health Educationjournal
289Food Protection Trendsjournal
290Molecular and Cellular Toxicologyjournal
291Mental Health in Family Medicinejournal
292Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behaviorjournal
294Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Developmentjournal
295Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) journal
296Noise Control Engineering Journaljournal
297Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Healthjournal
298Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodologyjournal
300Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciencesjournal
302Journal of Agromedicinejournal
303Fluoride - Quarterly Reportsjournal
304Australian Journal of Rural Healthjournal
305Social Work in Mental Healthjournal
306Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitspsychologiejournal
307Occupational Therapy in Mental Healthjournal
308Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Sciencejournal
309Games for health journaljournal
310Infection, Disease and Healthjournal
311Epidemiologia e prevenzionejournal
313Central European Journal of Public Healthjournal
314Journal of Allied Healthjournal
315Indian Journal of Palliative Carejournal
316Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Workjournal
317Perspectives in Public Healthjournal
318Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygienejournal
319Annals of the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection)journal
320Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutritionjournal
321Journal of Rehabilitationjournal
322American Journal of Lifestyle Medicinejournal
323Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciencesjournal
324Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaftenjournal
325Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abusejournal
326African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicinejournal
327International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicinejournal
328IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineeringjournal
329Journal of Practice Teaching and Learningjournal
330International Quarterly of Community Health Educationjournal
331Education for Primary Carejournal
332Home Health Care Services Quarterlyjournal
333Workplace health & safetyjournal
334Mental Health and Preventionjournal
335Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practicejournal
336Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higienyjournal
337Current Nutrition and Food Sciencejournal
338Drug Information Journaljournal
339Shokuhin eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japanjournal
340Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicinejournal
341Tropical Doctorjournal
342International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomicsjournal
343Performance Enhancement and Healthjournal
344Ethiopian Journal of Health Developmentjournal
345Journal of Drug Educationjournal
346Education Therapeutique du Patientjournal
347Journal of Public Mental Healthjournal
348International Journal of Health Promotion and Educationjournal
349Revista Cubana de Salud Publica journal
350Journal of Environmental Healthjournal
351Revista Ambiente e Aguajournal
352International Journal of Men's Healthjournal
353Journal of Community Health Nursingjournal
354Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la SociedadChilena de Infectologia. journal
356Revista Espanola de Salud Publica journal
357Journal of Agricultural Safety and Healthjournal
358Medicina del Lavorojournal
359Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Carejournal
360Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Researchjournal
361Medycyna Pracyjournal
362Journal of Infection Preventionsjournal
363Research in Social Science and Disabilityjournal
365Journal of Healthcare Leadershipjournal
366Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita journal
367Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil journal
368Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnementjournal
369Journal of Nutrition and Healthjournal
370ACSM's Health and Fitness Journaljournal
371Sante Publiquejournal
372Safer Communitiesjournal
373Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Healthjournal
374Food and Drug Law Journaljournal
375Human Movementjournal
376Society and Mental Healthjournal
377Iran Occupational Healthjournal
378Canadian Journal of Community Mental Healthjournal
380Human Ecologyjournal
381Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Researchbook serie
382Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicinejournal
383Indian Journal of Community Healthjournal
384Social Medicinejournal
385Environmental Quality Managementjournal
386Chinese Journal of Endemiologyjournal
387Journal of Military Medicinejournal
388Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizinjournal
389International Journal of Mental Health Promotionjournal
390Journal of Workplace Behavioral Healthjournal
391Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseasesjournal
392Dermatologie in Beruf und Umweltjournal
393The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Associationjournal
395Salud Colectiva journal
396Home Health Care Management and Practicejournal
397Pakistan Journal of Nutritionjournal
399Zdravstveno Varstvojournal
400Pravention und Gesundheitsforderungjournal
401Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica journal
402Medecine et sante tropicalesjournal
403International Journal of Mental Healthjournal
404London Journal of Primary Carejournal
405European Journal of Mental Healthjournal
406Revista da Educacao Fisicajournal
407Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental journal
408Health SA Gesondheid journal
409Advances in Medical Sociologybook serie
410Taiwan Journal of Public Healthjournal
411Journal of UOEHjournal
412Occupational Ergonomicsjournal
413Japanese Journal of Hygienejournal
415Clinical Epidemiology and Global Healthjournal
416South African Family Practicejournal
417Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomiejournal
418Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biologyjournal
419Technical Report Series - World Health Organization, Genevajournal
420WHO Drug Informationjournal
421Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicinejournal
423Pracovni Lekarstvijournal
424Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Healthjournal
425Index de Enfermeria journal
426Journal of Health and Human Services Administrationjournal
427International Journal of Low Radiationjournal
428Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomiajournal
429Communication and Medicinejournal
430TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletinjournal
431Environnement, Risques et Santejournal
432International Journal of Probiotics and Prebioticsjournal
433European Orthopaedics and Traumatologyjournal
434Healthcare Financial Managementjournal
435Open Public Health Journaljournal
436Hygiene + Medizinjournal
437Revista de Salud Publica journal
438Trauma und Berufskrankheitjournal
439New Zealand Public Health Surveillance Reportjournal
440Policy and Practice in Health and Safetyjournal
442International Journal of Environment and Healthjournal
443Journal of racial and ethnic health disparitiesjournal
444Sciences Sociales et Santejournal
445Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)journal
447O Mundo da Saudejournal
448Electronic Journal of Health Informaticsjournal
449Journal of AHIMA / American Health Information Management Associationjournal
450Gesundheitswesen, Supplementjournal
451Occupational Therapy Nowjournal
452Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institutejournal
453Public Health Forumjournal
454Applied Biosafetyjournal
455OT Practicejournal
456Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Developmentjournal
457Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologiijournal
458Revista Mexicana de Neurocienciajournal
459Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxisjournal
460Health Care and Informatics Review Onlinejournal
461Family Medicine and Community Healthjournal
462Hygiea Internationalisjournal
463Japanese Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicinejournal
464Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2013conference and proceeding
465Giornale Italiano di Medicina Tropicalejournal
466Occupational Healthjournal
467Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.Vjournal
468Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo journal
469Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practicejournal
470Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealandjournal
471Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiologiajournal
472Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Healthjournal
473Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.)journal
474Journal of Public Health in Africajournal
475WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Healthconference and proceeding
476Nuclear Plant Journaljournal

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