Sr. No. | Title |
1 | Acta Colombiana de Psicologia |
2 | Aggressive Behavior |
3 | Agora |
4 | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research |
5 | American Journal of Orthopsychiatry |
6 | American Psychologist |
7 | Anales de Psicologia |
8 | Analise Psicologica |
9 | Annals of Behavioral Medicine |
10 | Annee Psychologique |
11 | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics |
12 | Annual Review of Psychology |
13 | Anuario de Psicologia |
14 | Appetite |
15 | Applied Psycholinguistics |
16 | Applied Psychological Measurement |
17 | Archives of Sexual Behavior |
18 | Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia |
19 | Asian American Journal of Psychology |
20 | Asian Journal of Psychiatry |
21 | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy |
22 | Australian Journal of Psychology |
23 | Australian Psychologist |
24 | Avaliacao Psicologica |
25 | Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation |
26 | Behavioral Sleep Medicine |
27 | BioPsychoSocial Medicine |
28 | BMC Psychology |
29 | Body Image |
30 | British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology |
31 | British Journal of Psychology |
32 | Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science |
33 | Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
34 | Canadian Psychology |
35 | Career Development Quarterly |
36 | Ceskoslovenska Psychologie |
37 | Cogent Psychology |
38 | Cognition and Instruction |
39 | Computers in Human Behavior |
40 | Conflict Resolution Quarterly |
41 | Consulting Psychology Journal |
42 | Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation |
43 | Creativity Research Journal |
44 | Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health |
45 | Criminal Justice and Behavior |
46 | Cross-Cultural Research |
47 | Current Directions in Psychological Science |
48 | Current Opinion in Psychology |
49 | Current Psychology |
50 | Cyberpsychology |
51 | Dreaming |
52 | Dynamical Psychology |
53 | Educational and Psychological Measurement |
54 | Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality |
55 | Emotion |
56 | Estudios de Psicologia |
57 | Estudios demograficos y urbanos |
58 | Estudios Sociologicos |
59 | Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) |
60 | Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) |
61 | Ethics and Behavior |
62 | European Journal of Mental Health |
63 | European Psychologist |
64 | Europe’s Journal of Psychology |
65 | Experimental Aging Research |
66 | Experimental Psychology |
67 | Feminism and Psychology |
68 | Frontiers in Psychology |
69 | Giornale Italiano di Psicologia |
70 | Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine |
71 | Hellenic Journal of Psychology |
72 | Histoire Epistemologie Langage |
73 | History of Psychology |
74 | Homicide Studies |
75 | Human Performance |
76 | Humor |
77 | Individual Differences Research |
78 | Interdisciplinaria |
79 | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
80 | International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies |
81 | International Journal of Dream Research |
82 | International Journal of Psychological Research |
83 | International Journal of Psychology |
84 | International Journal of Selection and Assessment |
85 | International Journal of Stress Management |
86 | Irish Journal of Psychology |
87 | Japanese Psychological Research |
88 | Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour |
89 | Journal of Behavioral Medicine |
90 | Journal of Business and Psychology |
91 | Journal of Career Assessment |
92 | Journal of Career Development |
93 | Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse |
94 | Journal of Child Language |
95 | Journal of Classification |
96 | Journal of Comparative Psychology |
97 | Journal of Consciousness Studies |
98 | Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation |
99 | Journal of Educational Measurement |
100 | Journal of Employment Counseling |
101 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General |
102 | Journal of Family Psychology |
103 | Journal of Gambling Studies |
104 | Journal of Homosexuality |
105 | Journal of Individual Differences |
106 | Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability |
107 | Journal of Mathematical Psychology |
108 | Journal of Organizational Behavior |
109 | Journal of Parapsychology |
110 | Journal of Phenomenological Psychology |
111 | Journal of Positive Psychology |
112 | Journal of Psychoactive Drugs |
113 | Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment |
114 | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research |
115 | Journal of Psychology and Theology |
116 | Journal of Psychology in Africa |
117 | Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied |
118 | Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology |
119 | Journal of Research in Personality |
120 | Journal of Research in Reading |
121 | Journal of Sex Research |
122 | Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless |
123 | Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences |
124 | Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology |
125 | L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature |
126 | Laterality |
127 | Law and Human Behavior |
128 | Linguistics in the Netherlands |
129 | Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle |
130 | Mathematical Social Science |
131 | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development |
132 | Medical Science Technology |
133 | Memory |
134 | Mens Sana Monographs |
135 | Methodology |
136 | Military Psychology |
137 | Neuropsychoanalysis |
138 | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation |
139 | New Ideas in Psychology |
140 | New Zealand Journal of Psychology |
141 | Nordic Psychology |
142 | North American Journal of Psychology |
143 | Open Psychology Journal |
144 | Paideia |
145 | Papeles del Psicologo |
146 | Personality and Individual Differences |
147 | Perspectives on Psychological Science |
148 | Polish Psychological Bulletin |
149 | Pratiques Psychologiques |
150 | Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |
151 | Psicologia em Estudo |
152 | Psicologia USP |
153 | Psicologia: Reflexao e Critica |
154 | Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa |
155 | Psicologica |
156 | Psicoperspectivas |
157 | Psicothema |
158 | Psihologija |
159 | Psiholoska Obzorja |
160 | Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal |
161 | PsyCh Journal |
162 | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law |
163 | Psychoanalytic Perspectives |
164 | Psychologia |
165 | Psychologica Belgica |
166 | Psychological Bulletin |
167 | Psychological Inquiry |
168 | Psychological Methods |
169 | Psychological Perspectives |
170 | Psychological Record |
171 | Psychological Reports |
172 | Psychological Review |
173 | Psychological Science |
174 | Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Supplement |
175 | Psychologie Francaise |
176 | Psychologische Rundschau |
177 | Psychologist |
178 | Psychology and Education |
179 | Psychology in Russia: State of the Art |
180 | Psychology Learning and Teaching |
181 | Psychology of Music |
182 | Psychology of Women Quarterly |
183 | Psychology Research and Behavior Management |
184 | Psychology, Crime and Law |
185 | Psychometrika |
186 | Psykhe |
187 | Qualitative Research in Psychology |
188 | Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology |
189 | Research in the Sociology of Health Care |
190 | Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting |
191 | Research on Social Work Practice |
192 | Review of General Psychology |
193 | Revista Colombiana de Psicologia |
194 | Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais |
195 | Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica |
196 | Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia y Salud |
197 | Revista Interamericana de psicologia/Interamerican Journal of Psychology |
198 | Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia |
199 | Roczniki Psychologiczne |
200 | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
201 | Scientific Studies of Reading |
202 | Self and Identity |
203 | Sexologies |
204 | Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment |
205 | Shinrigaku Kenkyu |
206 | Siglo Cero |
207 | Social Networks |
208 | Social Psychology |
209 | Sociological Focus |
210 | South African Journal of Psychology |
211 | Spanish Journal of Psychology |
212 | Studia Psychologica |
213 | Suma Psicologica |
214 | Suvremena Psihologija |
215 | Swiss Journal of Psychology |
216 | Teaching of Psychology |
217 | Temas em Psicologia |
218 | The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion |
219 | The Monist |
220 | Theory and Psychology |
221 | Thinking and Reasoning |
222 | TPM – Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology |
223 | Training and Education in Psychology |
224 | Travail Humain |
225 | Turk Psikoloji Dergisi |
226 | Universitas Psychologica |
227 | Voprosy Psikhologii |
228 | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science |
229 | Women and Therapy |
230 | Zeitschrift fur Psychologie |
231 | Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung |
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