| | |
1 | A Contrario. Revue interdisciplinaire de sciences sociales | journal |
2 | Acta Politica | journal |
3 | ADB Economics Working Paper Series | book serie |
4 | Advances in Global Leadership | book serie |
5 | Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations | book serie |
6 | Africa Development/Afrique et Developpement | journal |
7 | African Journal of Legal Studies | journal |
8 | African Security | journal |
9 | African Security Review | journal |
10 | African Studies | journal |
11 | Afrika Spectrum | journal |
12 | Afrique Contemporaine | journal |
13 | Alternatives | journal |
14 | American Foreign Policy Interests | journal |
15 | American Journal of International Law | journal |
16 | Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Seria Stiinte Politice | journal |
17 | Analise Social | journal |
18 | Analisis Politico | journal |
19 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry | journal |
20 | Applied Econometrics and International Development | journal |
21 | Asia Pacific Issues | journal |
22 | Asian Affairs | journal |
23 | Asian Business and Management | journal |
24 | Asian Economic Papers | journal |
25 | Asian Economic Policy Review | journal |
26 | Asian Journal of Political Science | journal |
27 | Asian Politics and Policy | journal |
28 | Asian Security | journal |
29 | Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law | journal |
30 | Asia-Pacific Review | journal |
31 | Asia-Pacific Social Science Review | journal |
32 | Astropolitics | journal |
33 | Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations | journal |
34 | Australian Journal of International Affairs | journal |
35 | Australian Journal of Politics and History | journal |
36 | Austrian Studies | book serie |
37 | Baltic Journal of Economics | journal |
38 | Baltic Journal of European Studies | journal |
39 | Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression | journal |
40 | British Journal of Politics and International Relations | journal |
41 | British Politics | journal |
42 | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | journal |
43 | Business and Politics | journal |
44 | Bylye Gody | journal |
45 | Cahiers du Monde Russe | journal |
46 | Cambridge Review of International Affairs | journal |
47 | Canadian Foreign Policy Journal | journal |
48 | Capitalism, Nature, Socialism | journal |
49 | Central Asia and the Caucasus | journal |
50 | Central Europe | journal |
51 | Central European Journal of International and Security Studies | journal |
52 | CEU Political Science Journal | journal |
53 | China Business Review | journal |
54 | China Quarterly | journal |
55 | China Report | journal |
56 | Chinese Journal of International Law | journal |
57 | Chinese Journal of International Politics | journal |
58 | Citizenship Studies | journal |
59 | Civil Wars | journal |
60 | Cold War History | journal |
61 | Colombia Internacional | journal |
62 | Columbia Journal of Transnational Law | journal |
63 | Common Market Law Review | journal |
64 | Commonwealth and Comparative Politics | journal |
65 | Comparative European Politics | journal |
66 | Comparative Strategy | journal |
67 | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East | journal |
68 | Competition Policy International | journal |
69 | Conflict Management and Peace Science | journal |
70 | Conflict, Security and Development | journal |
71 | Congress and the Presidency | journal |
72 | Contemporary Arab Affairs | journal |
73 | Contemporary British History | journal |
74 | Contemporary Political Theory | journal |
75 | Contemporary Politics | journal |
76 | Contemporary Security Policy | journal |
77 | Contemporary South Asia | journal |
78 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | journal |
79 | Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development | book serie |
80 | Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies | journal |
81 | Cornell International Law Journal | journal |
82 | Creativity Studies | journal |
83 | Critical Review | journal |
84 | Critical Social Policy | journal |
85 | Critical Studies on Terrorism | journal |
86 | Critique Internationale | journal |
87 | Croatian International Relations Review | journal |
88 | Cuadernos del Cendes | journal |
89 | Daedalus | journal |
90 | Defence Studies | journal |
91 | Defense and Security Analysis | journal |
92 | Democracy and Security | journal |
93 | Democratization | journal |
94 | Demokratizatsiya | journal |
95 | Desarrollo y Sociedad | journal |
96 | Diaspora Studies | journal |
97 | Diplomacy and Statecraft | journal |
98 | Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide | journal |
99 | East Asia | journal |
100 | East European Jewish Affairs | journal |
101 | East European Politics | journal |
102 | Economic and Political Weekly | journal |
103 | Electoral Studies | journal |
104 | Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica | journal |
105 | ERA Forum | journal |
106 | Esprit | journal |
107 | Ethics and Global Politics | journal |
108 | Ethics and International Affairs | journal |
109 | Ethnopolitics | journal |
110 | Etudes de Droit International | book serie |
111 | European Business Organization Law Review | journal |
112 | European Integration - Online Papers | journal |
113 | European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice | journal |
114 | European Journal of East Asian Studies | journal |
115 | European Journal of International Law | journal |
116 | European Journal of International Relations | journal |
117 | European Journal of Political Economy | journal |
118 | European Journal of Political Theory | journal |
119 | European Political Science | journal |
120 | European Political Science Review | journal |
121 | European Politics and Society | journal |
122 | European Review | journal |
123 | European Union Politics | journal |
124 | Foreign Affairs | journal |
125 | Foreign Policy | journal |
126 | Foreign Policy Analysis | journal |
127 | French Politics | journal |
128 | Geopolitics | journal |
129 | Geopolitics Quarterly | journal |
130 | German Politics | journal |
131 | Gestion y Politica Publica | journal |
132 | Global Change, Peace and Security | journal |
133 | Global Crime | journal |
134 | Global Economic Review | journal |
135 | Global Governance | journal |
136 | Global Jurist | journal |
137 | Global Policy | journal |
138 | Global Responsibility to Protect | journal |
139 | Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies | book serie |
140 | Hamdard Islamicus | journal |
141 | Handbook of International Economics | book serie |
142 | Harvard International Law Journal | journal |
143 | Harvard International Review | journal |
144 | Health and Human Rights | journal |
145 | Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences | journal |
146 | Historia Constitucional | journal |
147 | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | journal |
148 | IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law | journal |
149 | Index on Censorship | journal |
150 | India Quarterly | journal |
151 | India Review | journal |
152 | Indo-Iranian Journal | journal |
153 | Information Society | journal |
154 | Innovation and Development | journal |
155 | Insight Turkey | journal |
156 | Intelligence and National Security | journal |
157 | Internasjonal Politikk | journal |
158 | International Affairs | journal |
159 | International and Comparative Law Quarterly | journal |
160 | International Area Studies Review | journal |
161 | International Community Law Review | journal |
162 | International Criminal Law Review | journal |
163 | International Criminal Law Series | book serie |
164 | International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics | journal |
165 | International Feminist Journal of Politics | journal |
166 | International Humanitarian Law Series | book serie |
167 | International Interactions | journal |
168 | International Journal | journal |
169 | International Journal of Children's Rights | journal |
170 | International Journal of China Studies | journal |
171 | International Journal of Development Issues | journal |
172 | International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations | journal |
173 | International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies | journal |
174 | International Journal of Iberian Studies | journal |
175 | International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence | journal |
176 | International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice | journal |
177 | International Journal of Minority and Group Rights | journal |
178 | International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society | journal |
179 | International Journal of Public Policy | journal |
180 | International Journal of Public Sector Management | journal |
181 | International Journal of Technology and Globalisation | journal |
182 | International Negotiation | journal |
183 | International Organization | journal |
184 | International Organizations Law Review | journal |
185 | International Peacekeeping | journal |
186 | International Political Science Review | journal |
187 | International Politics | journal |
188 | International Relations | journal |
189 | International Relations of the Asia-Pacific | journal |
190 | International Security | journal |
191 | International Spectator | journal |
192 | International Studies | journal |
193 | International Studies Perspectives | journal |
194 | International Studies Quarterly | journal |
195 | International Studies Review | journal |
196 | International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy | journal |
197 | Internationale Politik | journal |
198 | Irish Political Studies | journal |
199 | Irish Studies in International Affairs | journal |
200 | Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | journal |
201 | Island Studies Journal | journal |
202 | Israel Affairs | journal |
203 | Issues and Studies | journal |
204 | Itinerario | journal |
205 | Izquierdas | journal |
206 | Janus.net | journal |
207 | Japan and the World Economy | journal |
208 | Japanese Journal of Political Science | journal |
209 | Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | journal |
210 | Japanese Studies | journal |
211 | Journal of Australian Studies | journal |
212 | Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies | journal |
213 | Journal of Borderlands Studies | journal |
214 | Journal of Chinese Political Science | journal |
215 | Journal of Cold War Studies | journal |
216 | Journal of Common Market Studies | journal |
217 | Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies | journal |
218 | Journal of Comparative Asian Development | journal |
219 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | journal |
220 | Journal of Contemporary African Studies | journal |
221 | Journal of Contemporary European Research | journal |
222 | Journal of Contemporary European Studies | journal |
223 | Journal of Contermporary China | journal |
224 | Journal of Current Chinese Affairs | journal |
225 | Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs | journal |
226 | Journal of East Asian Studies | journal |
227 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | journal |
228 | Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development | journal |
229 | Journal of European Integration | journal |
230 | Journal of European Integration History | journal |
231 | Journal of Human Rights | journal |
232 | Journal of Human Rights Practice | journal |
233 | Journal of Human Security | journal |
234 | Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History | journal |
235 | Journal of Intelligence History | journal |
236 | Journal of International and Global Studies | journal |
237 | Journal of International Relations and Development | journal |
238 | Journal of International Trade Law and Policy | journal |
239 | Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | journal |
240 | Journal of Israeli History | journal |
241 | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | journal |
242 | Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce | journal |
243 | Journal of Modern Italian Studies | journal |
244 | Journal of Modern Jewish Studies | journal |
245 | Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs | journal |
246 | Journal of North African Studies | journal |
247 | Journal of Peace Education | journal |
248 | Journal of Peace Research | journal |
249 | Journal of Peacebuilding and Development | journal |
250 | Journal of Political Ecology | journal |
251 | Journal of Political Ideologies | journal |
252 | Journal of Public Affairs | journal |
253 | Journal of Public and International Affairs | journal |
254 | Journal of Punjab Studies | journal |
255 | Journal of Refugee Studies | journal |
256 | Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy | journal |
257 | Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies | journal |
258 | Journal of Slavic Military Studies | journal |
259 | Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies | journal |
260 | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies | journal |
261 | Journal of Strategic Security | journal |
262 | Journal of Strategic Studies | journal |
263 | Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy | journal |
264 | Journal of the History of International Law | journal |
265 | Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | journal |
266 | Journal of the Middle East and Africa | journal |
267 | Journal of Third World Studies | journal |
268 | Journal of Transatlantic Studies | journal |
269 | Journal of Transportation Security | journal |
270 | Journal of War and Culture Studies | journal |
271 | Journal of World Trade | journal |
272 | Juncture | journal |
273 | Korean Journal of Defense Analysis | journal |
274 | Landfall | journal |
275 | Latin American Politics and Society | journal |
276 | Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals | journal |
277 | Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development | book serie |
278 | Legal History Library | book serie |
279 | Leiden Journal of International Law | journal |
280 | Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review | journal |
281 | Living Reviews in European Governance | journal |
282 | Maghreb - Machrek | journal |
283 | McKinsey Quarterly | journal |
284 | Media, War and Conflict | journal |
285 | Mediterranean Quarterly | journal |
286 | Meditteranean Politics | journal |
287 | Mezinarodni vztahy | journal |
288 | Middle East Critique | journal |
289 | Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication | journal |
290 | Middle East Policy | journal |
291 | Middle East Quarterly | journal |
292 | Middle East Report | journal |
293 | Millennium: Journal of International Studies | journal |
294 | Modern Judaism | journal |
295 | Muslim World Journal of Human Rights | journal |
296 | National Interest | journal |
297 | Nationalism and Ethnic Politics | journal |
298 | Nationalities Papers | journal |
299 | Nations and Nationalism | journal |
300 | Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights | journal |
301 | New Left Review | journal |
302 | New Perspectives | journal |
303 | New Political Economy | journal |
304 | Nijhoff International Trade Law Series | book serie |
305 | Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law | book serie |
306 | Nonproliferation Review | journal |
307 | Nordic Journal of Human Rights | journal |
308 | Nordic Journal of International Law | journal |
309 | North Korean Review | journal |
310 | Ocean Development and International Law | journal |
311 | OECD Journal: Economic Studies | journal |
312 | Online Journal Modelling the New Europe | journal |
313 | Open Political Science Journal | journal |
314 | Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft | journal |
315 | Pacific Focus | journal |
316 | Parlement[s] | journal |
317 | Peace and Conflict | journal |
318 | Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy | journal |
319 | Pensee | journal |
320 | Perspectives on Global Development and Technology | journal |
321 | Perspectives on Political Science | journal |
322 | Perspectives on Politics | journal |
323 | Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | journal |
324 | Philippine Political Science Journal | journal |
325 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | journal |
326 | Policy and Society | journal |
327 | Policy Studies | journal |
328 | Politica Economica | journal |
329 | Politica y Gobierno | journal |
330 | Political Power and Social Theory | journal |
331 | Political Psychology | journal |
332 | Political Studies Review | journal |
333 | Politicka Misao | journal |
334 | Politics | journal |
335 | Politics and Policy | journal |
336 | Politics and Society | journal |
337 | Politikon | journal |
338 | Politologicky Casopis | journal |
339 | Politologija | journal |
340 | Postcolonial Studies | journal |
341 | Post-Soviet Affairs | journal |
342 | Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques | journal |
343 | Quarterly Journal of Political Science | journal |
344 | Raisons Politiques | journal |
345 | Refugee Survey Quarterly | journal |
346 | Refugees and Human Rights | book serie |
347 | Regional and Federal Studies | journal |
348 | Regions and Cohesion | journal |
349 | Religion and Human Rights | journal |
350 | Research in Labor Economics | book serie |
351 | Research in Political Economy | book serie |
352 | Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change | book serie |
353 | Review of African Political Economy | journal |
354 | Review of International Political Economy | journal |
355 | Review of International Studies | journal |
356 | Review of Political Economy | journal |
357 | Review of Politics | journal |
358 | Revija za Socijalnu Politiku | journal |
359 | Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional | journal |
360 | Revista de Ciencia Politica | journal |
361 | Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo | journal |
362 | Revista de Economia Mundial | journal |
363 | Revista de Economia Politica/Brazilian Journal of Political Economy | journal |
364 | Revista de Estudios Politicos | journal |
365 | Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals | journal |
366 | Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica | journal |
367 | Revue d'Economie Politique | journal |
368 | Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest | journal |
369 | Revue du Marche Commun et de L'Union Europeenne | journal |
370 | Revue Francaise de Science Politique | journal |
371 | Revue Internationale de Droit Penal | journal |
372 | Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee | journal |
373 | Revue Internationale et Strategique | journal |
374 | Ricerche di Storia Politica | journal |
375 | RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs | journal |
376 | Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica | journal |
377 | Romanian Journal of European Affairs | journal |
378 | Romanian Journal of Political Science | journal |
379 | RUSI Journal | journal |
380 | Russian Journal of Communication | journal |
381 | Safundi | journal |
382 | Security and Human Rights | journal |
383 | Security Dialogue | journal |
384 | Security Studies | journal |
385 | Small Wars and Insurgencies | journal |
386 | South African Journal of International Affairs | journal |
387 | South Asian Survey | journal |
388 | South East Asia Research | journal |
389 | Southeast Asian Studies | journal |
390 | Southeastern Europe | journal |
391 | Space and Polity | journal |
392 | Stability | journal |
393 | Stanford Journal of International Law | journal |
394 | State Politics and Policy Quarterly | journal |
395 | Strategic Analysis | journal |
396 | Strategic Comments | journal |
397 | Stred | journal |
398 | Studia Politica | journal |
399 | Studies in Comparative International Development | journal |
400 | Studies in Conflict and Terrorism | journal |
401 | Studies in East Asian Security and International Relations | book serie |
402 | Studies in Law Politics and Society | book serie |
403 | Studies in Political Economy | journal |
404 | Survival | journal |
405 | Swiss Political Science Review | journal |
406 | Taiwanese Political Science Review | journal |
407 | Tamkang Journal of International Affairs | journal |
408 | Teoria y Realidad Constitucional | journal |
409 | Territory, Politics, Governance | journal |
410 | Terrorism and Political Violence | journal |
411 | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy | journal |
412 | The Journal of Legislative Studies | journal |
413 | The Military Balance | journal |
414 | The Muslim World | journal |
415 | Thesis Eleven | journal |
416 | Thunderbird International Business Review | journal |
417 | Transformations in Business and Economics | journal |
418 | Transnational Corporations | journal |
419 | Turkish Studies | journal |
420 | Twentieth-Century China | journal |
421 | Uluslararasi Iliskiler | journal |
422 | UNISCI Discussion Papers | journal |
423 | Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana | journal |
424 | Washington Quarterly | journal |
425 | Water Alternatives | journal |
426 | Western European Politics | journal |
427 | World Economy | journal |
428 | World Policy Journal | journal |
429 | World Political Science | journal |
430 | World Politics | journal |
431 | World Trade Review | journal |