| | |
1 | 88th Annual International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement 2013 | conference and proceeding |
2 | ACS Macro Letters | journal |
3 | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | journal |
4 | Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis | journal |
5 | Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry | journal |
6 | Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry | journal |
7 | Advances in Organometallic Chemistry | book serie |
8 | Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry | book serie |
9 | Advances in Polymer Science | journal |
10 | Advances in Polymer Technology | journal |
11 | Aldrichimica Acta | journal |
12 | Amino Acids | journal |
13 | Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry | book serie |
14 | Applied Biological Chemistry | journal |
15 | Archives of Pharmacal Research | journal |
16 | Arkivoc | journal |
17 | Artificial DNA: PNA and XNA | journal |
18 | Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
19 | Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
20 | Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre | journal |
21 | Bioconjugate Chemistry | journal |
22 | Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications | journal |
23 | Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry | journal |
24 | Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters | journal |
25 | Bioorganic Chemistry | journal |
26 | Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya | journal |
27 | Biophysical Chemistry | journal |
28 | Biopolymers | journal |
29 | Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry | journal |
30 | Canadian Journal of Chemistry | journal |
31 | Carbohydrate Chemistry | book serie |
32 | Carbohydrate Polymers | journal |
33 | Carbohydrate Research | journal |
34 | Carbon Letters | journal |
35 | Cellular Polymers | journal |
36 | Cellulose Chemistry and Technology | journal |
37 | Celulosa Y Papel | journal |
38 | Central European Journal of Energetic Materials | journal |
39 | Cereal Chemistry | journal |
40 | ChemBioChem | journal |
41 | ChemCatChem | journal |
42 | Chemistry and Physics of Lipids | journal |
43 | Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds | journal |
44 | ChemMedChem | journal |
45 | Chinese Journal of Chromatography | journal |
46 | Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
47 | Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition) | journal |
48 | Chirality | journal |
49 | Cholesterol | journal |
50 | Chromatographia | journal |
51 | Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening | journal |
52 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | journal |
53 | Current Organic Chemistry | journal |
54 | Current Organic Synthesis | journal |
55 | Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry | journal |
56 | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy | journal |
57 | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | journal |
58 | European Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
59 | European Polymer Journal | journal |
60 | Express Polymer Letters | journal |
61 | Fuel | journal |
62 | Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures | journal |
63 | Grasas y Aceites | journal |
64 | Helvetica Chimica Acta | journal |
65 | Heterocycles | journal |
66 | Heterocyclic Communications | journal |
67 | High Performance Polymers | journal |
68 | Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry | journal |
69 | Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry | journal |
70 | International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | journal |
71 | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | journal |
72 | International journal of nanomedicine | journal |
73 | JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society | journal |
74 | Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry | journal |
75 | Journal of Asian Natural Products Research | journal |
76 | Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry | journal |
77 | Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | journal |
78 | Journal of Chromatography A | journal |
79 | Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants | journal |
80 | Journal of Flow Chemistry | journal |
81 | Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | journal |
82 | Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry | journal |
83 | Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals | journal |
84 | Journal of Microencapsulation | journal |
85 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | journal |
86 | Journal of Molecular Structure | journal |
87 | Journal of Natural Medicines | journal |
88 | Journal of Natural Products | journal |
89 | Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
90 | Journal of Organometallic Chemistry | journal |
91 | Journal of Peptide Science | journal |
92 | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews | journal |
93 | Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology | journal |
94 | Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry | journal |
95 | Journal of Polymer Research | journal |
96 | Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry | journal |
97 | Journal of Rubber Research | journal |
98 | Journal of the Indian Chemical Society | journal |
99 | Letters in Organic Chemistry | journal |
100 | Lipids | journal |
101 | Macroheterocycles | journal |
102 | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics | journal |
103 | Macromolecular Materials and Engineering | journal |
104 | Macromolecular Rapid Communications | journal |
105 | Macromolecular Research | journal |
106 | Macromolecular Symposia | journal |
107 | Macromolecular Theory and Simulations | journal |
108 | Macromolecules | journal |
109 | Main Group Chemistry | journal |
110 | Medicinal Chemistry Research | journal |
111 | Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries | journal |
112 | Methods of Biochemical Analysis | book serie |
113 | Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry | journal |
114 | MolBank | journal |
115 | Molecular Diversity | journal |
116 | Molecular Informatics | journal |
117 | Molecules | journal |
118 | Natural Product Reports | journal |
119 | Natural Product Research | journal |
120 | Natural Product Sciences | journal |
121 | Open Structural Biology Journal | journal |
122 | Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry | journal |
123 | Organic Chemistry Frontiers | journal |
124 | Organic Communications | journal |
125 | Organic Letters | journal |
126 | Organic Preparations and Procedures International | journal |
127 | Organic Process Research & Development | journal |
128 | Organic Reactions | book serie |
129 | Organic Syntheses | book serie |
130 | Organometallic Chemistry | journal |
131 | Organometallics | journal |
132 | Organophosphorus Chemistry | book serie |
133 | Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
134 | Pharmaceutical Research | journal |
135 | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements | journal |
136 | Planta Medica | journal |
137 | Polimeros | journal |
138 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | journal |
139 | Polymer | journal |
140 | Polymer Chemistry | journal |
141 | Polymer Testing | journal |
142 | Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry | book serie |
143 | Progress in Organic Coatings | journal |
144 | Progress in Polymer Science | journal |
145 | Progress in Rubber Plastics Recycling Technology | journal |
146 | Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives | journal |
147 | Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces | journal |
148 | Protein Journal | journal |
149 | Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry | journal |
150 | Records of Natural Products | journal |
151 | Redox Biology | journal |
152 | Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse | journal |
153 | Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry | journal |
154 | Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry | journal |
155 | Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds | book serie |
156 | Starch/Staerke | journal |
157 | Steroids | journal |
158 | Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis | book serie |
159 | Studies in Natural Products Chemistry | book serie |
160 | Synlett | journal |
161 | Synthesis | journal |
162 | Synthetic Communications | journal |
163 | Tetrahedron | journal |
164 | Tetrahedron Asymmetry | journal |
165 | Tetrahedron Letters | journal |
166 | Topics in Organometallic Chemistry | book serie |
167 | Trends in Carbohydrate Research | journal |
168 | Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology | journal |
169 | Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi/Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry | journal |