| |
1 | Acta Adriatica |
2 | Acta Oceanologica Sinica |
3 | Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering |
4 | Annales Hydrographiques |
5 | Annual Review of Marine Science |
6 | Antarctic Science |
7 | Aquatic Biology |
8 | Atmosphere – Ocean |
9 | Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics |
10 | Atoll Research Bulletin |
11 | Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal |
12 | Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata |
13 | Brazilian Journal of Oceanography |
14 | Bulletin of Marine Science |
15 | Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan |
16 | China Ocean Engineering |
17 | Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology |
18 | Continental Shelf Research |
19 | Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers |
20 | Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography |
21 | Developments in Sedimentology |
22 | Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans |
23 | Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research |
24 | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science |
25 | Fish and Fisheries |
26 | Fisheries and Aquatic Science |
27 | Fisheries Oceanography |
28 | Frontiers in Marine Science |
29 | Geoacta (Argentina) |
30 | GeoArabia |
31 | Geo-Marine Letters |
32 | Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems |
33 | Global and Planetary Change |
34 | Helgoland Marine Research |
35 | Hidrobiologica |
36 | Hydro International |
37 | Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014, HWRS 2014 – Conference Proceedings |
38 | IAHS Publication (International Association of Hydrological Sciences) |
39 | ICES Journal of Marine Science |
40 | Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences |
41 | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports |
42 | International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law |
43 | International Journal of Nautical Archaeology |
44 | International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography |
45 | International Ocean Systems |
46 | International Symposium on Ocean Electronics, SYMPOL |
47 | IWMI Research Report |
48 | Izvestiya – Atmospheric and Ocean Physics |
49 | Journal of Coastal Conservation |
50 | Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami |
51 | Journal of Geophysical Research |
52 | Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management |
53 | Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology |
54 | Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science |
55 | Journal of Marine Research |
56 | Journal of Marine Science and Technology |
57 | Journal of Marine Science and Technology |
58 | Journal of Marine Systems |
59 | Journal of Navigation |
60 | Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science |
61 | Journal of Ocean University of China |
62 | Journal of Oceanography |
63 | Journal of Operational Oceanography |
64 | Journal of Physical Oceanography |
65 | Journal of Sea Research |
66 | Journal of the Indian Ocean Region |
67 | Kuste |
68 | La Mer |
69 | Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research |
70 | Limnology and Oceanography |
71 | Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin |
72 | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology |
73 | Marine and Freshwater Research |
74 | Marine and Petroleum Geology |
75 | Marine Biodiversity |
76 | Marine Biodiversity Records |
77 | Marine Biology Research |
78 | Marine Chemistry |
79 | Marine Environmental Research |
80 | Marine Geodesy |
81 | Marine Geology |
82 | Marine Geophysical Researches |
83 | Marine Georesources and Geotechnology |
84 | Marine Micropaleontology |
85 | Marine Ornithology |
86 | Marine Pollution Bulletin |
87 | Marine Resource Economics |
88 | Marine Technology Society Journal |
89 | Mariner’s Mirror |
90 | Mediterranean Marine Science |
91 | Memoirs of Museum Victoria |
92 | Methods in Oceanography |
93 | NAFO Scientific Council Studies |
94 | NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs |
95 | Ocean and Coastal Management |
96 | Ocean Dynamics |
97 | Ocean Modelling |
98 | Ocean Science |
99 | Ocean Science Journal |
100 | Oceanography |
101 | Oceanologia |
102 | Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies |
103 | Oceanology |
104 | Offshore |
105 | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology |
106 | Palaeontologia Electronica |
107 | Paleoceanography |
108 | Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin |
109 | Plankton and Benthos Research |
110 | Polar Research |
111 | Polarforschung |
112 | Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference |
113 | Proceedings WODCON XX – Congress and Exhibition: The Art of Dredging |
114 | Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia |
115 | Russian Journal of Marine Biology |
116 | Russian Journal of Pacific Geology |
117 | Science of Tsunami Hazards |
118 | Scientia Marina |
119 | Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography |
120 | Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences |
121 | Thalassas |
122 | World Dredging, Mining and Constructions |