| |
1 | Acta Acustica united with Acustica |
2 | Acta Ethnographica Hungarica |
3 | AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society |
4 | American Antiquity |
5 | American Historical Review |
6 | American Imago |
7 | American Museum Novitates |
8 | American Music |
9 | Annals of the Naprstek Museum |
10 | Anuario Musical |
11 | Apollo |
12 | Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft |
13 | Archives of American Art Journal |
14 | Arti Musices |
15 | ARTnews |
16 | Avant Scene Opera |
17 | Bach |
18 | Black Music Research Journal |
19 | Boletin Cientifico del Centro de Museos |
20 | British Journal of Music Education |
21 | Brukenthal. Acta Musei |
22 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education |
23 | Cambridge Opera Journal |
24 | Clavier Companion |
25 | Co-herencia |
26 | Computer Music Journal |
27 | Conservar Patrimonio |
28 | Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage |
29 | Contemporary Music Review |
30 | Cuadernos de Musica, Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas |
31 | Culture et Musees |
32 | Curator |
33 | De Musica Disserenda |
34 | Dix-Neuf |
36 | Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur |
37 | Early Music |
38 | Early Music History |
39 | Eighteenth-Century Music |
40 | Empirical Studies of the Arts |
41 | Ethnomusicology |
42 | Ethnomusicology Forum |
43 | Folk Music Journal |
44 | Fontes Artis Musicae |
45 | Ge-Conservacion |
46 | Getty Research Journal |
47 | Horror Studies |
48 | Hudebni Veda |
49 | I Tatti Studies |
50 | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine |
51 | International Journal of Community Music |
52 | International Journal of Cultural Property |
53 | International Journal of Heritage Studies |
54 | International Journal of Intangible Heritage |
55 | International Journal of Music Education |
56 | International Journal of the Inclusive Museum |
57 | International Review of African American Art |
58 | International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music |
59 | Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien |
60 | Jazz Perspectives |
61 | Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism |
62 | Journal of African Cultural Studies |
63 | Journal of Band Research |
64 | Journal of Folklore Research |
65 | Journal of Mathematics and Music |
66 | Journal of Museum Education |
67 | Journal of Music Teacher Education |
68 | Journal of Music Theory |
69 | Journal of Music Therapy |
70 | Journal of Music, Technology and Education |
71 | Journal of Musicological Research |
72 | Journal of Musicology |
73 | Journal of New Music Research |
74 | Journal of Popular Music Studies |
75 | Journal of Research in Music Education |
76 | Journal of The American Institute for Conservation |
77 | Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society |
78 | Journal of the American Musicological Society |
79 | Journal of the History of Collections |
80 | Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa |
81 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association |
82 | Journal of the Society for American Music |
83 | Leonardo |
84 | Leonardo Music Journal |
85 | Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin |
86 | Modernism/Modernity |
87 | Monumenta Graeca et Romana |
88 | Museum Anthropology |
89 | Museum International |
90 | Museum News |
91 | Music Analysis |
92 | Music and Letters |
93 | Music Education Research |
94 | Music Perception |
95 | Music Reference Services Quarterly |
96 | Music Theory Spectrum |
97 | Music Therapy Perspectives |
98 | Musica Hodie |
99 | Musicae Scientiae |
100 | Musical Quarterly |
101 | Musical Times |
102 | Musicology Australia |
103 | Musik in Bayern |
104 | Musik und Asthetik |
105 | Musikforschung |
106 | MusikTheorie |
107 | Muzikoloski Zbornik |
108 | Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik |
109 | Nineteenth Century Music |
110 | Nineteenth-Century Music Review |
111 | Notes |
112 | October |
113 | Opera |
114 | Opera Quarterly |
115 | Organised Sound |
116 | Osterreichische Musikzeitschrift |
117 | PAJ – Journal of Performance and Art |
118 | PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology |
119 | Per Musi |
120 | Perfect Beat |
121 | Perspectives of New Music |
122 | Plainsong and Medieval Music |
123 | Popular Entertainment Studies |
124 | Popular Music |
125 | Popular Music and Society |
126 | Proceedings – 40th International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2014 and 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2014 – Music Technology Meets Philosophy: From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos |
127 | Psychology of Music |
128 | ReCollections |
129 | Records of the Australian Museum |
130 | Renaissance and Reformation |
131 | Research Studies in Music Education |
132 | Revista Electronica Complutense de Investigacion Musical |
133 | Revista Musical Chilena |
134 | Revue de Musicologie |
135 | Revue des Musees de France |
136 | Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
137 | Tempo |
138 | Terra Sebvs |
139 | The Public Historian |
140 | Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis |
141 | Traditiones |
142 | Twentieth-Century Music |
143 | Visitor Studies |
144 | Visual Resources |
145 | Voices – Journal of New York Folklore |
146 | Wacana Seni |
147 | Winterthur Portfolio |
148 | World of Music |
149 | Yearbook for Traditional Music |
150 | Zivot Umjetnosti |