| | |
1 | 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, ICCP 2014 | conference and proceeding |
2 | AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | journal |
3 | Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg | journal |
4 | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | journal |
5 | Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica | journal |
6 | Acta Mathematica | journal |
7 | Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis | journal |
8 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica | journal |
9 | Acta Mathematica Scientia | journal |
10 | Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series | journal |
11 | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | journal |
12 | Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae | journal |
13 | Acta Mathematica Vietnamica | journal |
14 | Acta Numerica | journal |
15 | Acta Scientiarum - Technology | journal |
16 | Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica | journal |
17 | Advanced Nonlinear Studies | journal |
18 | Advanced Science Letters | journal |
19 | Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang) | journal |
20 | Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences | journal |
21 | Advances in Mathematics | journal |
22 | Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
23 | Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | journal |
24 | Aequationes Mathematicae | journal |
25 | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | journal |
26 | Afrika Matematika | journal |
27 | Algebras and Representation Theory | journal |
28 | American Journal of Mathematics | journal |
29 | American Mathematical Monthly | journal |
30 | American Statistician | journal |
31 | Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Matematica | journal |
32 | Analysis Mathematica | journal |
33 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica | journal |
34 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica Dissertationes | book serie |
35 | Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae | journal |
36 | Annales Polonici Mathematici | journal |
37 | Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure | journal |
38 | Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa - Classe di scienze | journal |
39 | Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara | journal |
40 | Annals of Mathematics Studies | journal |
41 | Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Series on Mathematics and its Applications | journal |
42 | Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series | journal |
43 | Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS | conference and proceeding |
44 | ANZIAM Journal | journal |
45 | Archiv der Mathematik | journal |
46 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | journal |
47 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | journal |
48 | Archivum Mathematicum | journal |
49 | Arkiv for Matematik | journal |
50 | Ars Combinatoria | journal |
51 | Asian Journal of Mathematics | book serie |
52 | Asian-European Journal of Mathematics | journal |
53 | Asterisque | book serie |
54 | Asymptotic Analysis | journal |
55 | Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti Lincei Matematica E Applicazioni | journal |
56 | Axiomathes | journal |
57 | Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics | journal |
58 | Biometrika | journal |
59 | Bolema - Mathematics Education Bulletin | journal |
60 | Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica | journal |
61 | Bolletino dell Unione Matematica Italiana | journal |
62 | Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche | journal |
63 | BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin | journal |
64 | Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica | journal |
65 | Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France | journal |
66 | Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques | journal |
67 | Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie | journal |
68 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | journal |
69 | Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences | journal |
70 | Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
71 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society | journal |
72 | Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin | journal |
73 | Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society | journal |
74 | Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society | journal |
75 | Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society | journal |
76 | Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology - Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
77 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | journal |
78 | Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society | journal |
79 | Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics | journal |
80 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics | journal |
81 | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin | journal |
82 | Carpathian Journal of Mathematics | journal |
83 | Chaos, Solitons and Fractals | journal |
84 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science | journal |
85 | Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B | journal |
86 | Collectanea Mathematica | journal |
87 | College Mathematics Journal | journal |
88 | Colloquium Mathematicum | journal |
89 | Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici | journal |
90 | Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae | journal |
91 | Communications in Contemporary Mathematics | journal |
92 | Communications in Mathematical Sciences | journal |
93 | Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society | journal |
94 | Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
95 | Comptes Rendus Mathematique | journal |
96 | Computational Complexity | journal |
97 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | journal |
98 | Constructive Approximation | journal |
99 | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | journal |
100 | Demonstratio Mathematica | journal |
101 | Developments in Mathematics | book serie |
102 | Differential Equations | journal |
103 | Dissertationes Mathematicae | journal |
104 | Documenta Mathematica | journal |
105 | Doklady Mathematics | journal |
106 | Duke Mathematical Journal | journal |
107 | Dynamic Systems and Applications | journal |
108 | Dynamical Systems | journal |
109 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | journal |
110 | Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences | journal |
111 | Empirical Economics | journal |
112 | Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete | book serie |
113 | Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | journal |
114 | Eurasian Mathematical Journal | journal |
115 | European Journal of Mathematics | journal |
116 | European Journal of Remote Sensing | journal |
117 | European Journal of Scientific Research | journal |
118 | Evolutionary Intelligence | journal |
119 | Experimental Mathematics | journal |
120 | Expositiones Mathematicae | journal |
121 | Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences | journal |
122 | Fields Institute Communications | book serie |
123 | Fields Institute Monographs | book serie |
124 | Filomat | journal |
125 | Fluctuation and Noise Letters | journal |
126 | For the Learning of Mathematics | journal |
127 | Forum Mathematicum | journal |
128 | Frontiers in Mathematics | book serie |
129 | Frontiers of Mathematics in China | journal |
130 | Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici | book serie |
131 | Georgian Mathematical Journal | journal |
132 | Glasgow Mathematical Journal | journal |
133 | Glasnik Matematicki | journal |
134 | Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
135 | Historia Mathematica | journal |
136 | Hokkaido Mathematical Journal | journal |
137 | Homology, Homotopy and Applications | journal |
138 | Houston Journal of Mathematics | journal |
139 | Illinois Journal of Mathematics | journal |
140 | IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | journal |
141 | Indagationes Mathematicae | journal |
142 | Indian Journal of Mathematics | journal |
143 | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
144 | Indiana University Mathematics Journal | journal |
145 | International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education | journal |
146 | International Journal of Algebra and Computation | journal |
147 | International Journal of Chemical Sciences | journal |
148 | International Journal of Game Theory | journal |
149 | International Journal of Mathematical Analysis | journal |
150 | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | journal |
151 | International Journal of Mathematics | journal |
152 | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | journal |
153 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
154 | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education | journal |
155 | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | journal |
156 | International Mathematics Research Notices | journal |
157 | Inventiones Mathematicae | journal |
158 | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | journal |
159 | Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics | journal |
160 | Israel Journal of Mathematics | journal |
161 | Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | journal |
162 | Izvestiya Mathematics | journal |
163 | Japanese Journal of Mathematics | journal |
164 | Journal d'Analyse Mathematique | journal |
165 | Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees | journal |
166 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | journal |
167 | Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | journal |
168 | Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik | journal |
169 | Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation | journal |
170 | Journal of Applied Probability | journal |
171 | Journal of Approximation Theory | journal |
172 | Journal of Classification | journal |
173 | Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing | journal |
174 | Journal of Convex Analysis | journal |
175 | Journal of Engineering Mathematics | journal |
176 | Journal of Evolution Equations | journal |
177 | Journal of Formalized Reasoning | journal |
178 | Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications | journal |
179 | Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations | journal |
180 | Journal of Information and Communication Technology | journal |
181 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences | journal |
182 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Japan) | journal |
183 | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | journal |
184 | Journal of Mathematics and the Arts | journal |
185 | Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University | journal |
186 | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education | journal |
187 | Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics | journal |
188 | Journal of Siberian Federal University - Mathematics and Physics | journal |
189 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
190 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | journal |
191 | Journal of the European Mathematical Society | journal |
192 | Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society | journal |
193 | Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu | journal |
194 | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society | journal |
195 | Journal of the London Mathematical Society | journal |
196 | Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan | journal |
197 | Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society | journal |
198 | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | journal |
199 | Journal of Theoretical Probability | journal |
200 | Kodai Mathematical Journal | journal |
201 | Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics | journal |
202 | Kyungpook Mathematical Journal | journal |
203 | Kyushu Journal of Mathematics | journal |
204 | Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems | journal |
205 | Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences | book serie |
206 | Lithuanian Mathematical Journal | journal |
207 | LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics | journal |
208 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics | journal |
209 | Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences | journal |
210 | Manuscripta Mathematica | journal |
211 | Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura | journal |
212 | Matematicki Vesnik | journal |
213 | Mathematica | journal |
214 | Mathematica Bohemica | journal |
215 | Mathematica Scandinavica | journal |
216 | Mathematica Slovaca | journal |
217 | Mathematical Geosciences | journal |
218 | Mathematical Inequalities and Applications | journal |
219 | Mathematical Intelligencer | journal |
220 | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | journal |
221 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | journal |
222 | Mathematical Notes | journal |
223 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | journal |
224 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | journal |
225 | Mathematical Programming, Series B | journal |
226 | Mathematical Research Letters | journal |
227 | Mathematical Sciences Research Journal | journal |
228 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | journal |
229 | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | journal |
230 | Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids | journal |
231 | Mathematics Education Research Journal | journal |
232 | Mathematics Enthusiast | journal |
233 | Mathematics Magazine | journal |
234 | Mathematics of Operations Research | journal |
235 | Mathematika | journal |
236 | Mathematische Annalen | journal |
237 | Mathematische Nachrichten | journal |
238 | Mathematische Semesterberichte | journal |
239 | Mathematische Zeitschrift | journal |
240 | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | journal |
241 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | journal |
242 | Mechanics of Composite Materials | journal |
243 | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics | journal |
244 | Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
245 | Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii | journal |
246 | Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability | journal |
247 | Michigan Mathematical Journal | journal |
248 | Milan Journal of Mathematics | journal |
249 | Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences | journal |
250 | Monatshefte für Mathematik | journal |
251 | Moscow Mathematical Journal | journal |
252 | Moscow Univ Mech Bull | journal |
253 | Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin | journal |
254 | Nagoya Mathematical Journal | journal |
255 | New York Journal of Mathematics | journal |
256 | Nexus Network Journal | journal |
257 | Note di Matematica | journal |
258 | Notices of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
259 | Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics | journal |
260 | Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal | journal |
261 | Open Mathematics | journal |
262 | Open Mathematics Journal | journal |
263 | Opuscula Mathematica | journal |
264 | Osaka Journal of Mathematics | journal |
265 | Pacific Journal of Mathematics | journal |
266 | P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications | journal |
267 | Panamerican Mathematical Journal | journal |
268 | Periodica Mathematica Hungarica | journal |
269 | Philosophia Mathematica | journal |
270 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | journal |
271 | Portugaliae Mathematica | journal |
272 | Positivity | journal |
273 | PRIMUS | journal |
274 | Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications | conference and proceeding |
275 | Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science | conference and proceeding |
276 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
277 | Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms | conference and proceeding |
278 | Proceedings of the Annual Southeastern Symposium on System Theory | conference and proceeding |
279 | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society | journal |
280 | Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences | journal |
281 | Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic | conference and proceeding |
282 | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC | conference and proceeding |
283 | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning | conference and proceeding |
284 | Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society | journal |
285 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences | journal |
286 | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society | journal |
287 | Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference 2013, PSC 2013 | conference and proceeding |
288 | Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science | conference and proceeding |
289 | Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | journal |
290 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics | journal |
291 | Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics | journal |
292 | Proyecciones | journal |
293 | Publicacions Matematiques | journal |
294 | Publicationes Mathematicae | journal |
295 | Publications de l'Institut Mathematique | journal |
296 | Publications Mathématiques | journal |
297 | Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | journal |
298 | Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly | journal |
299 | Pythagoras | journal |
300 | Quadrature | journal |
301 | Quaestiones Mathematicae | journal |
302 | Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | journal |
303 | Rad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Matematicke Znanosti | journal |
304 | RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications | journal |
305 | Random Structures and Algorithms | journal |
306 | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | journal |
307 | Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo | journal |
308 | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico | journal |
309 | Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste | journal |
310 | Representation Theory | journal |
311 | Research in Mathematics Education | journal |
312 | Results in Mathematics | journal |
313 | Review of Symbolic Logic | journal |
314 | Revista Colombiana de Matematicas | journal |
315 | Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina | journal |
316 | Revista Matematica Complutense | journal |
317 | Revista Matematica Iberoamericana | journal |
318 | Revista Virtual de Quimica | journal |
319 | Revue d'Histoire des Mathematiques | journal |
320 | Ricerche di Matematica | journal |
321 | Rivista di Matematica della Universita di Parma | journal |
322 | Robotica | journal |
323 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | journal |
324 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | journal |
325 | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | journal |
326 | Russian Mathematical Surveys | journal |
327 | Russian Mathematics | journal |
328 | Rynek Energii | journal |
329 | Science China Mathematics | journal |
330 | Selecta Mathematica, New Series | journal |
331 | SIAM Journal on Computing | journal |
332 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | journal |
333 | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | journal |
334 | Siberian Advances in Mathematics | journal |
335 | Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports | journal |
336 | Siberian Mathematical Journal | journal |
337 | Simulation | journal |
338 | Springer Monographs in Mathematics | book serie |
339 | Springer Proceedings in Mathematics | conference and proceeding |
340 | SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology | book serie |
341 | Stata Journal | journal |
342 | Statistical Science | journal |
343 | Studia Mathematica | journal |
344 | Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica | journal |
345 | SUT Journal of Mathematics | journal |
346 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | journal |
347 | Symmetry | journal |
348 | Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics | journal |
349 | Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences | journal |
350 | Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications | journal |
351 | Teaching Mathematics and its Applications | journal |
352 | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | journal |
353 | Thai Journal of Mathematics | journal |
354 | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan | journal |
355 | Theory and Applications of Categories | journal |
356 | Tohoku Mathematical Journal | journal |
357 | Tokyo Journal of Mathematics | journal |
358 | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | journal |
359 | Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society | journal |
360 | Trends in Mathematics | book serie |
361 | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | journal |
362 | Ufa Mathematical Journal | journal |
363 | Ukrainian Mathematical Journal | journal |
364 | Vestnik St. Petersburg University: Mathematics | journal |
365 | Vietnam Journal of Mathematics | journal |
366 | WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences | conference and proceeding |
367 | WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics | journal |
368 | WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control | journal |
369 | Yingyong Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Applied Sciences | journal |
370 | ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education | journal |
371 | Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik | journal |