Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | 2014 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Technology, ICGET 2014 | conference and proceeding |
2 | 2nd EAGE Integrated Reservoir Modelling Conference - Uncertainty Management: Are we Doing it Right? | conference and proceeding |
3 | 6th International Conference on Environmental Informatics, ISEIS 2007 | conference and proceeding |
4 | AACL Bioflux | journal |
5 | Advances in Climate Change Research | journal |
6 | Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics | journal |
7 | Air and Waste Management Association - Climate Change Conference 2013: Impacts, Policy and Regulation | conference and proceeding |
8 | Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health | journal |
9 | Alternatives Journal | journal |
10 | American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, AFPM - Environmental Conference 2014: Enforcement Initiatives | conference and proceeding |
11 | Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy | journal |
12 | Applied Biosafety | journal |
13 | Applied Vegetation Science | journal |
14 | Aquaculture Environment Interactions | journal |
15 | Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management | journal |
16 | Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law | journal |
17 | Asian Economic Policy Review | journal |
18 | Atoms for Peace | journal |
19 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | journal |
20 | Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy | journal |
21 | Austrian Journal of Forest Science | journal |
22 | BHR Group - 15th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation and Fire in Tunnels 2013 | conference and proceeding |
23 | Biopesticides International | journal |
24 | Biotechnology for Biofuels | journal |
25 | Biotechnology Law Report | journal |
26 | British Journal of Politics and International Relations | journal |
27 | Business Strategy and the Environment | journal |
28 | Cahiers/Agricultures | journal |
29 | Capitalism, Nature, Socialism | journal |
30 | Carbon Balance and Management | journal |
31 | Chemical Engineering and the Law Forum 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
32 | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | journal |
33 | Climate Risk Management | journal |
34 | Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management | book serie |
35 | Conservation and Society | journal |
36 | Conservation Evidence | journal |
37 | Conservation Physiology | journal |
38 | Conservation Science Western Australia | journal |
39 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management | journal |
40 | d Fisheries | journal |
41 | Development Policy Review | journal |
42 | Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum | journal |
43 | Eco.mont | journal |
44 | Ecological Engineering | journal |
45 | Ecological Management and Restoration | journal |
46 | Economic Policy | journal |
47 | Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment | journal |
48 | Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy | journal |
49 | Ecosystem Services | journal |
50 | Ecotoxicology | journal |
51 | Energy for Sustainable Development | journal |
52 | Energy Policy | journal |
53 | Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy | journal |
54 | Environment, Development and Sustainability | journal |
55 | Environmental and Planning Law Journal | journal |
56 | Environmental and Resource Economics | journal |
57 | Environmental Communication | journal |
58 | Environmental Conservation | journal |
59 | Environmental Development | journal |
60 | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies | journal |
61 | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal | journal |
62 | Environmental Evidence | journal |
63 | Environmental Forensics | journal |
64 | Environmental Forum | journal |
65 | Environmental Impact Assessment Review | journal |
66 | Environmental Justice | journal |
67 | Environmental Law and Management | journal |
68 | Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management | journal |
69 | Environmental Policy and Governance | journal |
70 | Environmental Policy and Law | journal |
71 | Environmental Practice | journal |
72 | Environmental Processes | journal |
73 | Environmental Quality Management | journal |
74 | Environmental Science and Policy | journal |
75 | Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts | journal |
76 | Environmental Toxicology | journal |
77 | Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics | journal |
78 | Ethics, Policy and Environmnet | journal |
79 | European Countryside | journal |
80 | European Energy and Environmental Law Review | journal |
81 | European Journal of Housing Policy | journal |
82 | European Journal of Spatial Development | journal |
83 | European Journal of Wildlife Research | journal |
84 | European Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition 2014, EWEA 2014 | conference and proceeding |
85 | Extractive Industries and Society | journal |
86 | Food Policy | journal |
87 | Forest Ecology and Management | journal |
88 | Forest Policy and Economics | journal |
89 | Forest Science and Technology | journal |
90 | Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft | journal |
91 | Geography and Natural Resources | journal |
92 | Global Environment | journal |
93 | Global Environmental Change | journal |
94 | Global Environmental Politics | journal |
95 | Global Policy | journal |
96 | Global Social Policy | journal |
97 | Globalizations | journal |
98 | Grass and Forage Science | journal |
99 | Green Energy and Technology | book serie |
100 | Harvard Environmental Law Review | journal |
101 | Health Security | journal |
102 | Housing Policy Debate | journal |
103 | Human Dimensions of Wildlife | journal |
104 | Human Ecology Review | journal |
105 | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal | journal |
106 | Information Economics and Policy | journal |
107 | International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology | journal |
108 | International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | journal |
109 | International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management | journal |
110 | International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management | journal |
111 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | journal |
112 | International Journal of Environment and Pollution | journal |
113 | International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development | journal |
114 | International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management | journal |
115 | International Journal of Global Environmental Issues | journal |
116 | International Journal of Global Warming | journal |
117 | International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control | journal |
118 | International Journal of Law in the Built Environment | journal |
119 | International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law | journal |
120 | International Journal of Project Management | journal |
121 | International Journal of Public Sector Management | journal |
122 | International Journal of Refugee Law | journal |
123 | International Journal of Rural Management | journal |
124 | International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development | journal |
125 | International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice | journal |
126 | International Journal of Sustainable Development | journal |
127 | International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning | journal |
128 | International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology | journal |
129 | International Journal of Sustainable Society | journal |
130 | International Journal of Technology and Globalisation | journal |
131 | International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development | journal |
132 | International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development | journal |
133 | International Journal of Water | journal |
134 | International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | journal |
135 | International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development | journal |
136 | International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics | journal |
137 | ironmental Claims Journal | journal |
138 | ironmental Monitoring and Assessment | journal |
139 | Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies | journal |
140 | Journal for East European Management Studies | journal |
141 | Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law | journal |
142 | Journal of Air Transport Management | journal |
143 | Journal of Aquatic Plant Management | journal |
144 | Journal of Arid Land | journal |
145 | Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management | journal |
146 | Journal of Environment and Development | journal |
147 | Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management | journal |
148 | Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management | journal |
149 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | journal |
150 | Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management | journal |
151 | Journal of Environmental Health | journal |
152 | Journal of Environmental Law | journal |
153 | Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation | journal |
154 | Journal of Environmental Management | journal |
155 | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | journal |
156 | Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning | journal |
157 | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology | journal |
158 | Journal of Environmental Quality | journal |
159 | Journal of European Social Policy | journal |
160 | Journal of Geophysics and Engineering | journal |
161 | Journal of Hydro-Environment Research | journal |
162 | Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management | journal |
163 | Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy | journal |
164 | Journal of Land Use Science | journal |
165 | Journal of Marine and Island Cultures | journal |
166 | Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research | journal |
167 | Journal of Planning and Environmental Law | journal |
168 | Journal of Public Policy | journal |
169 | Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy | journal |
170 | Journal of Social Policy | journal |
171 | Journal of Spatial Hydrology | journal |
172 | Journal of Sustainability Science and Management | journal |
173 | Journal of Sustainable Forestry | journal |
174 | Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association | journal |
175 | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society | journal |
176 | Journal of the Indian Ocean Region | journal |
177 | Journal of Transnational Management | journal |
178 | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy | journal |
179 | Journal of Water and Climate Change | journal |
180 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE | journal |
181 | Journal of World Energy Law and Business | journal |
182 | Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems | journal |
183 | Land Use Policy | journal |
184 | Landscape and Ecological Engineering | journal |
185 | Landscape and Urban Planning | journal |
186 | Landscape Research | journal |
187 | Landschap | journal |
188 | Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development | book serie |
189 | Legal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharing | book serie |
190 | Life Sciences, Society and Policy | journal |
191 | Living Reviews in Landscape Research | journal |
192 | Local Environment | journal |
193 | Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law | journal |
194 | Management of Environmental Quality | journal |
195 | Marine Policy | journal |
196 | Marine Resource Economics | journal |
197 | Maritime Policy and Management | journal |
198 | Maritime Studies | journal |
199 | Monthly Review | journal |
200 | North American Journal of Fisheries Management | journal |
201 | Ocean and Coastal Management | journal |
202 | Ocean Development and International Law | journal |
203 | Oxford Review of Economic Policy | journal |
204 | Park Science | journal |
205 | Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy | journal |
206 | Pesticide Formulation and Delivery Systems: 33rd Volume, | conference and proceeding |
207 | Planning and Environmental Law | journal |
208 | Plant Protection Quarterly | journal |
209 | Policy and Politics | journal |
210 | Policy Sciences | journal |
211 | Policy Studies Journal | journal |
212 | Population Research and Policy Review | journal |
213 | Prairie Forum | journal |
214 | Problemy Ekorozwoju | journal |
215 | Proceedings - International Conference on Technologies for Sustainable Development, ICTSD 2015 | conference and proceeding |
216 | Progress in Industrial Ecology | journal |
217 | Rangeland Ecology and Management | journal |
218 | Rangelands | journal |
219 | Recent Advances in Environmental Vibration - Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration, ISEV 2013 | conference and proceeding |
220 | Regional Science Policy and Practice | journal |
221 | Research in Biopolitics | book serie |
222 | Research in Urban Policy | book serie |
223 | Resources Policy | journal |
224 | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | journal |
225 | Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law | journal |
226 | Review of Policy Research | journal |
227 | Reviews in Aquaculture | journal |
228 | Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture | journal |
229 | Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental | journal |
230 | Ribarstvo, Croatian Journal of Fisheries | journal |
231 | Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita | journal |
232 | RSC Green Chemistry | book serie |
233 | Sapiens | journal |
234 | Science and Public Policy | journal |
235 | Science et Changements Planetaires - Secheresse | journal |
236 | Smart and Sustainable Built Environment | journal |
237 | Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Middle East Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainable Development Conference and Exhibition, MEHSE 2014 | conference and proceeding |
238 | Socijalna Ekologija | journal |
239 | Spatial Statistics | journal |
240 | Sustainability | journal |
241 | Sustainability | journal |
242 | Sustainability Science | journal |
243 | Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy | journal |
244 | Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidsschade Milieuschade en Aansprakelijkheidsrecht | journal |
245 | Transnational Environmental Law | journal |
246 | Transport and Sustainability | book serie |
247 | Tuexenia | journal |
248 | Ursus | journal |
249 | Utilities Policy | journal |
250 | Water Alternatives | journal |
251 | Water and Environment Journal | journal |
252 | Water International | journal |
253 | Water Policy | journal |
254 | Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina | journal |
255 | Water S.A. | journal |
256 | Weather and Climate Extremes | journal |
257 | Wetlands Ecology and Management | journal |
258 | Wildlife Biology | journal |
259 | Wildlife Research | journal |
260 | Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion | journal |
261 | Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes | journal |
262 | Ymer | journal |
Management, Monitoring, Policy & Law
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