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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
12014 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law, RELAW 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
22014 International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies, ICT 2014conference and proceeding
3ABA Journaljournal
4Accident Analysis and Preventionjournal
5ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacionaljournal
6Acta Juridica Hungaricajournal
7Adoption Quarterlyjournal
8African Journal of Legal Studiesjournal
9African Security Reviewjournal
10AFTE Journaljournal
11Alternative Law Journaljournal
12American Bankruptcy Law Journaljournal
13American Business Law Journaljournal
14American Criminal Law Reviewjournal
15American Journal of Comparative Lawjournal
16American Journal of Criminal Justicejournal
17American Journal of International Lawjournal
18American Journal of Law and Medicinejournal
19American Journal of Legal Historyjournal
20American Law and Economics Reviewjournal
21Annual Review of Law and Social Sciencebook serie
22Anuario de Psicologia Juridicajournal
23Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional journal
24Arab Law Quarterlyjournal
25Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophiejournal
26Artificial Intelligence and Lawjournal
27Asia Pacific Law Reviewjournal
28Asian Affairsjournal
29Asian Journal of Comparative Lawjournal
30Asian Journal of Criminologyjournal
31Asian Journal of International Lawjournal
32Asian Journal of Law and Societyjournal
33Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Lawjournal
34ATA Journal of Legal Tax Researchjournal
35Australian Law Journaljournal
36Baltic Journal of Law and Politicsjournal
37Behavioral Sciences and the Lawjournal
38Boletin de la Asociacion Internacional de Derecho Cooperativojournal
39Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado journal
40Boston University Law Reviewjournal
41British Journal of Community Justicejournal
42British Journal of Criminologyjournal
43Buffalo Law Reviewjournal
44California Law Reviewjournal
45Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studiesjournal
46Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justicejournal
47Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudencejournal
48Canadian Journal of Law and Societyjournal
49Canadian journal of women and the law = Revue juridique La femme et le droitjournal
50Catholic University Law Reviewjournal
51Central European Journal of Public Policyjournal
52Chemical Engineering and the Law Forum 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safetyconference and proceeding
53Child Abuse Reviewjournal
54Chinese Journal of International Lawjournal
55Chinese Law and Governmentjournal
56Clinical Riskjournal
57Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problemsjournal
58Columbia Journal of Transnational Lawjournal
59Columbia Law Reviewjournal
60Common Market Law Reviewjournal
61Commonwealth Law Bulletinjournal
62Communication Law and Policyjournal
63Communications Lawjournal
64Comparative Legal Historyjournal
65Competition Policy Internationaljournal
66Computer Fraud and Securityjournal
67Computer Law and Security Reviewjournal
68Computer Standards and Interfacesjournal
69Computers and Securityjournal
70Conflict Resolution Quarterlyjournal
71Constitutional Political Economyjournal
72Contemporary Justice Reviewjournal
73Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justicejournal
74Cornell International Law Journaljournal
75Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policyjournal
76Cornell Law Reviewjournal
77Crime and Delinquencyjournal
78Crime Prevention and Community Safetyjournal
79Crime Sciencejournal
80Crime, Law and Social Changejournal
81Crime, Media, Culturejournal
82Criminal Justice and Behaviorjournal
83Criminal Justice Ethicsjournal
84Criminal Justice Mattersjournal
85Criminal Justice Policy Reviewjournal
86Criminal Justice Reviewjournal
87Criminal Justice Studiesjournal
88Criminal Law and Philosophyjournal
89Criminal Law Forumjournal
90Criminal Law Reviewjournal
92Criminology and Criminal Justicejournal
93Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Lawjournal
94Critical Criminologyjournal
95Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policyjournal
96Cuestiones Constitucionales journal
97Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Lawbook serie
99Denver University Law Reviewjournal
100Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschaujournal
101Deviance et Societejournal
102Deviant Behaviorjournal
103Digital Investigationjournal
105Droit et Societejournal
106Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forumjournal
107Duke Law Journaljournal
108Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocidejournal
109Ecclesiastical Law Journaljournal
110Ecology Law Quarterlyjournal
111Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciencesjournal
112Electricity Journaljournal
113Employee Relations Law Journaljournal
114Environmental and Planning Law Journaljournal
115Environmental Policy and Lawjournal
116ERA Forumjournal
117Estudios Constitucionales journal
118Etudes de Droit Internationalbook serie
119European Business Organization Law Reviewjournal
120European Competition Journaljournal
121European Constitutional Law Reviewjournal
122European Energy and Environmental Law Reviewjournal
123European Food and Feed Law Reviewjournal
124European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justicejournal
125European Journal of Criminologyjournal
126European Journal of Health Lawjournal
127European Journal of International Lawjournal
128European Journal of Law and Economicsjournal
129European Journal of Migration and Lawjournal
130European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context journal
131European Journal on Criminal Policy and Researchjournal
132European Law Journaljournal
133Federal Probationjournal
134Federal Registerjournal
135Feminist Criminologyjournal
136First Amendment Studiesjournal
137First Mondayjournal
138Food and Drug Law Journaljournal
139Fordham Law Reviewjournal
140Forensic Science Reviewjournal
141Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologiejournal
142George Washington Law Reviewjournal
143Georgetown Law Journaljournal
144Giornale di Storia Costituzionalejournal
145Global Crimejournal
146Global Journal of Comparative Lawjournal
147Global Juristjournal
148Global Policyjournal
149Government Information Quarterlyjournal
150Graduate Institute of International and Development Studiesbook serie
151Griffith Law Reviewjournal
153Hague Journal on the Rule of Lawjournal
154Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Reviewjournal
155Harvard Environmental Law Reviewjournal
156Harvard International Law Journaljournal
157Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policyjournal
158Harvard Journal on Legislationjournal
159Harvard Law Reviewjournal
160Hastings Law Journaljournal
161Higher Educationjournal
162Historia Constitucionaljournal
163Homeland Security Affairsjournal
164Homicide Studiesjournal
165Hong Kong Law Journaljournal
166Howard Journal of Criminal Justicejournal
167Human Affairsjournal
168Human Rights Law Reviewjournal
169Human Rights Reviewjournal
170Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studiesjournal
171IEEE Security and Privacyjournal
172IET Intelligent Transport Systemsjournal
173IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Lawjournal
174Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyjournal
175Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studiesjournal
176Indiana Law Journaljournal
177Industrial Law Journaljournal
178Information and Communications Technology Lawjournal
181International and Comparative Law Quarterlyjournal
182International Commentary on Evidencejournal
183International Community Law Reviewjournal
184International Criminal Justice Reviewjournal
185International Criminal Law Reviewjournal
186International Criminal Law Seriesbook serie
187International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economicsjournal
188International Human Rights Law Reviewjournal
189International Humanitarian Law Seriesbook serie
190International Insolvency Reviewjournal
191International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracyjournal
192International Journal for the Semiotics of Lawjournal
193International Journal of Conflict and Violencejournal
194International Journal of Constitutional Lawjournal
195International Journal of Cyber Criminologyjournal
196International Journal of Discrimination and the Lawjournal
197International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensicsjournal
198International Journal of Human Rightsjournal
199International Journal of Intellectual Property Managementjournal
200International Journal of Law and Information Technologyjournal
201International Journal of Law and Managementjournal
202International Journal of Law and Psychiatryjournal
203International Journal of Law in Contextjournal
204International Journal of Law in the Built Environmentjournal
205International Journal of Law, Crime and Justicejournal
206International Journal of Law, Policy and the Familyjournal
207International Journal of Marine and Coastal Lawjournal
208International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Carejournal
209International Journal of Private Lawjournal
210International Journal of Public Law and Policyjournal
211International Journal of Refugee Lawjournal
212International Journal of Speech, Language and the Lawjournal
213International Journal of Technology Managementjournal
214International Journal of the Legal Professionjournal
215International Organizationjournal
216International Organizations Law Reviewjournal
217International Review of Law and Economicsjournal
218International Review of Law, Computers and Technologyjournal
219International Review of the Red Crossjournal
220International Review of Victimologyjournal
221International Securityjournal
222International Sports Law Journaljournal
223International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophyjournal
224Iowa Law Reviewjournal
225Islamic Law and Societyjournal
226Israel Law Reviewjournal
227Issues in Legal Scholarshipjournal
228Ius et Praxis journal
230Japanese Journal of Legal Medicinejournal
231JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulationjournal
232Journal for European Environmental and Planning Lawjournal
233Journal of Addictions and Offender Counselingjournal
234Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economicsjournal
235Journal of African Lawjournal
236Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Researchjournal
237Journal of Air Transport Managementjournal
238Journal of Applied Security Researchjournal
239Journal of Arts Management, Law and Societyjournal
240Journal of Borderlands Studiesjournal
241Journal of Business Ethicsjournal
242Journal of Child Custodyjournal
243Journal of Children's Servicesjournal
244Journal of Competition Law and Economicsjournal
245Journal of Conflict and Security Lawjournal
246Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justicejournal
247Journal of Corporate Law Studiesjournal
248Journal of Crime and Justicejournal
249Journal of Criminal Justicejournal
250Journal of Criminal Justice Educationjournal
251Journal of Criminal Law and Criminologyjournal
252Journal of Criminal Psychologyjournal
253Journal of Disability Policy Studiesjournal
254Journal of Divorce and Remarriagejournal
255Journal of East Asia and International Lawjournal
256Journal of Empirical Legal Studiesjournal
257Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethicsjournal
258Journal of Environmental Lawjournal
259Journal of Environmental Law and Litigationjournal
260Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justicejournal
261Journal of Experimental Criminologyjournal
262Journal of Family Violencejournal
263Journal of Financial Crimejournal
264Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicinejournal
265Journal of forensic nursingjournal
266Journal of Forensic Practicejournal
267Journal of Gang Researchjournal
268Journal of Human Rightsjournal
269Journal of Human Rights Practicejournal
270Journal of Human Securityjournal
271Journal of Intellectual Propertyjournal
272Journal of International Commercial Law and Technologyjournal
273Journal of International Criminal Justicejournal
274Journal of International Economic Lawjournal
275Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studiesjournal
276Journal of International Trade Law and Policyjournal
277Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policyjournal
278Journal of Intervention and Statebuildingjournal
279Journal of Juristic Papyrologyjournal
280Journal of Law and Economicsjournal
281Journal of Law and Medicinejournal
282Journal of Law and Societyjournal
283Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizationjournal
284Journal of Law, Religion and Statejournal
285Journal of Legal Analysisjournal
286Journal of Legal Educationjournal
287Journal of Legal Historyjournal
288Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Lawjournal
289Journal of Legal Studiesjournal
290Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issuesjournal
291Journal of Maritime Law and Commercejournal
292Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicinejournal
293Journal of Offender Rehabilitationjournal
294Journal of Planning and Environmental Lawjournal
295Journal of Police and Criminal Psychologyjournal
296Journal of Quantitative Criminologyjournal
297Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Preventionjournal
298Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studiesjournal
299Journal of Social Welfare and Family Lawjournal
300Journal of Strategic Securityjournal
301Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.journal
302Journal of the History of International Lawjournal
303Journal of the International Academy for Case Studiesjournal
304Journal of Tort Lawjournal
305Journal of Transportation Securityjournal
306Journal of Value Inquiryjournal
307Journal of Water Lawjournal
308Journal of World Energy Law and Businessjournal
309Journal of World Intellectual Propertyjournal
310Journal of World Tradejournal
311Journals of Intellectual Property Rightsjournal
315Justice Quarterlyjournal
316Justice System Journaljournal
317Juvenile and Family Court Journaljournal
318King's Law Journaljournal
320Kriminologisches Journaljournal
321Lavoro e Dirittojournal
322Law and Contemporary Problemsjournal
323Law and Critiquejournal
324Law and Development Reviewjournal
325Law and Economics Yearly Reviewjournal
326Law and Ethics of Human Rightsjournal
327Law and Financial Markets Reviewjournal
328Law and History Reviewjournal
329Law and Human Behaviorjournal
330Law and Humanitiesjournal
331Law and Literaturejournal
332Law and Philosophyjournal
333Law and Policyjournal
334Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunalsjournal
335Law and Social Inquiryjournal
336Law and Society Reviewjournal
337Law Library Journaljournal
338Law Teacherjournal
339Law, Culture and the Humanitiesjournal
340Law, Probability and Riskjournal
341Legal Aspects of Sustainable Developmentbook serie
342Legal History Librarybook serie
343Legal History Reviewjournal
344Legal Issues of Economic Integrationjournal
345Legal Reference Services Quarterlyjournal
346Legal Studiesjournal
347Legal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharingbook serie
348Legal Theoryjournal
349Leiden Journal of International Lawjournal
350Lex Localisjournal
351Library and Archival Securityjournal
352Liverpool Law Reviewjournal
353Louisiana Law Reviewjournal
354Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Lawjournal
355Maghreb - Machrekjournal
356Manchester Journal of International Economic Lawjournal
357Marine Policyjournal
358Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technologyjournal
359Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridicajournal
360McGill Journal of Law and Healthjournal
361Medecine et Droitjournal
362Medical Law Internationaljournal
363Medical Law Reviewjournal
364Medicine and Lawjournal
365Medicine, Science and the Lawjournal
366Melbourne University Law Reviewjournal
367Michigan Law Reviewjournal
368Microwave Reviewjournal
369Middle East Law and Governancejournal
370Military Law Reviewjournal
371Minnesota Law Reviewjournal
372Modern Law Reviewjournal
373Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreformjournal
375Muslim World Journal of Human Rightsjournal
376Nanotechnology Law and Businessjournal
377Natural Resources Journaljournal
379Netherlands National Law Reviewjournal
380Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rightsjournal
381Netherlands Yearbook of International Lawbook serie
382New Criminal Law Reviewjournal
383New York University Law Reviewjournal
384Nijhoff International Trade Law Seriesbook serie
385Nijhoff Studies in European Union Lawbook serie
386Nordic Journal of Human Rightsjournal
387Nordic Journal of International Lawjournal
388Northwestern Journal of International Law and Businessjournal
389Northwestern University Law Reviewjournal
390Notre Dame Law Reviewjournal
391NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Managementjournal
392Ocean Development and International Lawjournal
393Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commercialejournal
394Osterreichisches Archiv fur Recht und Religionjournal
395Oxford Journal of Legal Studiesjournal
396Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journaljournal
397Parliamentary Affairsjournal
398Planning and Environmental Lawjournal
399PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Reviewjournal
400Police Practice and Researchjournal
401Police Quarterlyjournal
403Policing (Oxford)journal
404Policing and Societyjournal
405Politica Criminal journal
406Prison Journaljournal
407Probation Journaljournal
408Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Lawconference and proceeding
409Psychiatry, Psychology and Lawjournal
410Psychological Injury and Lawjournal
411Psychology, Crime and Lawjournal
412Psychology, Public Policy, and Lawjournal
413Public Organization Reviewjournal
414Punishment and Societyjournal
415Quaderni Costituzionalijournal
416Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiasticajournal
417Quebec Journal of International Lawjournal
418Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Propertyjournal
419Rassegna Italiana di Criminologiajournal
420Ratio jurisjournal
421Recht und Psychiatriejournal
423Refugees and Human Rightsbook serie
424Regulation and Governancejournal
425Res Publicajournal
426Research in Biopoliticsbook serie
427Research in Law and Economicsbook serie
428Residential Treatment for Children and Youthjournal
429Resources Policyjournal
430Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Lawjournal
431Review of Law and Economicsjournal
432Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijojournal
433Revista Chilena de Derecho journal
434Revista de Derecho journal
435Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeojournal
436Revista de Derecho Politicojournal
437Revista de Derecho Privadojournal
438Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoesjournal
439Revista de Estudios Historico-Juridicos journal
440Revista de Llengua i Dretjournal
441Revista Derecho del Estadojournal
442Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federalsjournal
443Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucionaljournal
444Revista General de Derecho Administrativojournal
445Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etrangerjournal
446Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifiquejournal
447Revue Internationale de Droit Economiquejournal
448Revue Internationale de Droit Penaljournal
450Russian Law Journaljournal
451Russian Politics and Lawjournal
452Rutgers Law Reviewjournal
453Security and Human Rightsjournal
454Security Journaljournal
455Singapore Journal of Legal Studiesjournal
456Social and Legal Studiesjournal
457Social Justice Researchjournal
458Social Science Computer Reviewjournal
459Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviancebook serie
460South African Journal on Human Rightsjournal
461Southern California Law Reviewjournal
463Stanford Journal of International Lawjournal
464Stanford Law Reviewjournal
465Statute Law Reviewjournal
466Studi sulla Questione Criminalejournal
467Studia Islamicajournal
468Studies in East European Thoughtjournal
469Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technologyjournal
470Studies in Law Politics and Societybook serie
471Studies in Social Justicejournal
472Studies in Space Lawbook serie
473Supreme Court Reviewjournal
474Sur - International Journal of Human Rightsjournal
476Telematics and Informaticsjournal
477Temple Law Reviewjournal
478Teoria y Realidad Constitucionaljournal
479Texas Law Reviewjournal
480The International Journal of Transitional Justicejournal
481The Journal of Adult Protectionjournal
482The Journal of legal medicinejournal
483The Journal of Legislative Studiesjournal
484Theoretical Criminologyjournal
485Theoretical Inquiries in Lawjournal
486Theory and Practice of Legislationjournal
487Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidsschade Milieuschade en Aansprakelijkheidsrechtjournal
488Tilburg Law Reviewjournal
489Transnational Environmental Lawjournal
490Transport Policyjournal
491Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justicejournal
492Trends in Organized Crimejournal
493Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Regjournal
494UCLA Law Reviewjournal
495University of Chicago Law Reviewjournal
496University of Cincinnati Law Reviewjournal
497University of Illinois Law Reviewjournal
498University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Lawjournal
499University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Lawjournal
500University of Pennsylvania Law Reviewjournal
501University of Pittsburgh Law Reviewjournal
502University of Toronto Law Journaljournal
503Utilities Policyjournal
504Utrecht Law Reviewjournal
505Vanderbilt Law Reviewjournal
506Victims and Offendersjournal
507Violence Against Womenjournal
508Violence and Victimsjournal
509Virginia Law Reviewjournal
510Vniversitas journal
511Washington Law Reviewjournal
512Washington Quarterlyjournal
513Wisconsin Law Reviewjournal
514Women and Criminal Justicejournal
515Women's Studies International Forumjournal
516World Trade Reviewjournal
517Yale Law Journaljournal
518Yearbook of International Humanitarian Lawjournal
519Youth Justicejournal
520Youth Violence and Juvenile Justicejournal
521Zbornik - Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebujournal
522Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichtejournal
523Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilungjournal
524Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilungjournal

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