| | |
1 | 2013 7th Conference on Speech Technology and Human - Computer Dialogue, SpeD 2013 | conference and proceeding |
2 | 2014 IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, SLT 2014 - Proceedings | conference and proceeding |
3 | 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation, PACLIC 27 | conference and proceeding |
4 | 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature | journal |
5 | 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2014 - Proceedings of the Conference | conference and proceeding |
6 | AAA, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik | journal |
7 | ACL 2013 - 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference | conference and proceeding |
8 | Across Languages and Cultures | journal |
9 | Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | journal |
10 | Acta Baltico-Slavica | journal |
11 | Acta Linguistica Hafniensia | journal |
12 | Acta Linguistica Hungarica | journal |
13 | Acta Onomastica | journal |
14 | Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture | journal |
15 | Adamantius | journal |
16 | Advances in the History of Rhetoric | journal |
17 | Aevum - Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche | journal |
18 | African Diaspora | book serie |
19 | Africana Linguistica | journal |
20 | AILA Review | journal |
21 | Alea | journal |
22 | Altalanos Nyelveszeti Tanulmanyok | book serie |
23 | Altorientalische Forschungen | journal |
24 | Altre Modernita | journal |
25 | American Journal of Philology | journal |
26 | American Journal of Semiotics | journal |
27 | American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | journal |
28 | American Speech | journal |
29 | Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Stiinte Filologice, Lingvistica | journal |
30 | Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie | journal |
31 | Anales Cervantinos | journal |
32 | Anclajes | journal |
33 | Anglia | journal |
34 | Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia | journal |
35 | Annual of Language and Politics and Politics of Identity | journal |
36 | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics | journal |
37 | Annual Review of Linguistics | journal |
38 | Anthropological Linguistics | journal |
39 | Antik Tanulmanyok | journal |
40 | Anuario Lope de Vega | journal |
41 | Aphasiology | journal |
42 | Applied Linguistics | journal |
43 | Applied Ontology | journal |
44 | Applied Psycholinguistics | journal |
45 | Arabica | journal |
46 | Aramaic Studies | journal |
47 | Archivio Glottologico Italiano | journal |
48 | Arctos | journal |
49 | Argument and Computation | journal |
50 | Argumentation | journal |
51 | Arion - Journal of Humanities and the Classics | journal |
52 | Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi | journal |
53 | Artificial Intelligence | journal |
54 | Artificial Intelligence Review | journal |
55 | Asian EFL Journal | journal |
56 | Asian ESP Journal | journal |
57 | Asiatic | journal |
58 | Assessing Writing | journal |
59 | Atlantis | journal |
60 | Attention, Perception & Psychophysics | journal |
61 | Aula Orientalis | journal |
62 | Aussiger Beitrage | journal |
63 | Australian Journal of French Studies | journal |
64 | Australian Journal of Language and Literacy | journal |
65 | Australian Journal of Linguistics | journal |
66 | Australian Review of Applied Linguistics | journal |
67 | Australian Slavonic and East European Studies | journal |
68 | Babel | journal |
69 | Bakhtiniana | journal |
70 | Balkanistic Forum | journal |
71 | Balkanistica | journal |
72 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | journal |
73 | Beitrage zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur | journal |
74 | Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft | journal |
75 | Belgian Journal of Linguistics | journal |
76 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde | journal |
77 | Bilingual Research Journal | journal |
78 | Bilingualism | journal |
79 | Biosemiotics | journal |
80 | Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Jezykoznawczego | book serie |
81 | Boletimdo Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi:Ciencias Humanas | journal |
82 | Boletin de la Real Academia Espanola | journal |
83 | Boletin de Linguistica | journal |
84 | Brain and Language | journal |
85 | Brill's Indological Library | book serie |
86 | Brill's Inner Asian Library | book serie |
87 | Brill's Japanese Studies Library | book serie |
88 | Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics | journal |
89 | Brill's Series in Jewish Studies | book serie |
90 | Brill's Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas | book serie |
91 | Brno Studies in English | journal |
92 | Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris | journal |
93 | Bulletin du Cange - Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi | book serie |
94 | Bulletin Hispanique | journal |
95 | Bulletin of Hispanic Studies | journal |
96 | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies | journal |
97 | Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquee | journal |
98 | Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies | journal |
99 | Byzantinoslavica | journal |
100 | Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade - Papers on Language and Society | journal |
101 | Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale | journal |
102 | Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain | journal |
103 | Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure | journal |
104 | Calidoscopio | journal |
105 | CALL-EJ | journal |
106 | Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies | journal |
107 | Cambridge Classical Journal | journal |
108 | Canadian Journal of Linguistics | journal |
109 | Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | journal |
110 | Canadian Modern Language Review | journal |
111 | Casopis pro Moderni Filologii | journal |
112 | Catalan Journal of Linguistics | journal |
113 | Cedille | journal |
114 | Child Language Teaching and Therapy | journal |
115 | Children's Literature in Education | journal |
116 | Chinese Language and Discourse | journal |
117 | Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion | journal |
118 | CLA Journal | journal |
119 | Classical Philology | journal |
120 | Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics | journal |
121 | Cognition | journal |
122 | Cognitive Linguistics | journal |
123 | Cognitive Psychology | journal |
124 | Cognitive Science | journal |
125 | Collectanea Christiana Orientalia | journal |
126 | College Composition and Communication | journal |
127 | College English | journal |
128 | Colloquia Germanica | journal |
129 | Communication Disorders Quarterly | journal |
130 | Communication Education | journal |
131 | Communication Monographs | journal |
132 | Communication Reports | journal |
133 | Communication Research | journal |
134 | Communication Sciences and Disorders | journal |
135 | Communication Theory | journal |
136 | Computational Linguistics | journal |
137 | Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal | conference and proceeding |
138 | Computer Assisted Language Learning | journal |
139 | Computers and Composition | journal |
140 | Constructions and Frames | journal |
141 | Corpora | journal |
142 | Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory | journal |
143 | Critica del Testo | journal |
144 | Critica Hispanica | journal |
145 | Critical Inquiry in Language Studies | journal |
146 | Cuadernos de Filologia Clasica | journal |
147 | Cultura Neolatina | journal |
148 | Cuneiform Monographs | book serie |
149 | Current Issues in Language Planning | journal |
150 | Dacoromania | journal |
151 | Degres | journal |
152 | DELTA Documentacao de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada | journal |
153 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | journal |
154 | Diachronica | journal |
155 | Dialectologia | journal |
156 | Dialectologia et Geolinguistica | journal |
157 | Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | journal |
158 | Discourse | journal |
159 | Discourse and Communication | journal |
160 | Discourse and Interaction | journal |
161 | Discourse and Society | journal |
162 | Discourse Processes | journal |
163 | Discourse Studies | journal |
164 | Dix-Neuf | journal |
165 | Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics | journal |
166 | Eesti ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri | journal |
167 | Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat | journal |
168 | Eikasmos | journal |
169 | Eirene | journal |
170 | Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching | journal |
171 | ELT Journal | journal |
172 | Emakeele Seltsi Aastaraamat | book serie |
173 | Emerita / Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios, Centro de Estudios Historicos | journal |
174 | Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia | book serie |
175 | Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory | book serie |
176 | English Academy Review | journal |
177 | English for Specific Purposes | journal |
178 | English in Australia | journal |
179 | English in Education | journal |
180 | English Language and Linguistics | journal |
181 | English Language Teaching | journal |
182 | English Linguistics / Journal of the English Linguistic Society of Japan | journal |
183 | English Studies | journal |
184 | English Teaching | journal |
185 | English Teaching and Learning | journal |
186 | English Text Construction | journal |
187 | English Today | journal |
188 | English World-Wide | journal |
189 | Erga-Logoi | journal |
190 | Eriu | journal |
191 | Espaco Plural | journal |
192 | Estudios de Asia y Africa | journal |
193 | Estudios de Fonetica Experimental | journal |
194 | Estudios de Linguistica del Espanol | journal |
195 | Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA) | journal |
196 | Estudios Filologicos | journal |
197 | Estudios Romanicos | journal |
198 | Estudis Romanics | journal |
199 | Estudos de Linguistica Galega | journal |
200 | Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee | journal |
201 | Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines | journal |
202 | Euphrosyne | journal |
203 | European Journal of Communication | journal |
204 | European Journal of English Studies | journal |
205 | European Journal of Scandinavian Studies | journal |
206 | Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention | journal |
207 | Exemplaria | journal |
208 | Fachsprache | journal |
209 | Filologija | journal |
210 | Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen | journal |
211 | First Language | journal |
212 | Fluminensia | journal |
213 | Folia Linguistica | journal |
214 | Folia Onomastica Croatica | journal |
215 | Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica | journal |
216 | Foreign Language Annals | journal |
217 | Foro Hispanico | book serie |
218 | Forum for Modern Language Studies | journal |
219 | Forum Italicum | journal |
220 | French Studies | journal |
221 | French Studies Bulletin | journal |
222 | Functions of Language | journal |
223 | Gema Online Journal of Language Studies | journal |
224 | Gender and Language | journal |
225 | Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift | journal |
226 | Germano-Slavica | journal |
227 | Gesture | journal |
228 | Glotta - Zeitschrift fur Griechische und Lateinische Sprache | journal |
229 | Glottotheory | journal |
230 | GOVOR: Casopis za fonetiku | journal |
231 | Graeco-Latina Brunensia | journal |
232 | Gripla | book serie |
233 | GWC 2014: Proceedings of the 7th Global Wordnet Conference | conference and proceeding |
234 | Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie | journal |
235 | Health Progress | journal |
236 | Helios | journal |
237 | Hermeneus | journal |
238 | Hermes | journal |
239 | Hermes (Denmark) | journal |
240 | Hikma | journal |
241 | Hispania | journal |
242 | Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences | journal |
243 | Hispanic Review | journal |
244 | Histoire Epistemologie Langage | journal |
245 | Historiographia Linguistica | journal |
246 | Historische Sprachforschung | journal |
247 | Human Communication Research | journal |
248 | Humor | journal |
249 | Iberica | journal |
250 | Iberoromania | journal |
251 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | journal |
252 | Ikala | journal |
253 | Incontri Linguistici | journal |
254 | Indogermanischen Forschungen | journal |
255 | Indo-Iranian Journal | journal |
256 | Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics | journal |
257 | Information Grammaticale | journal |
258 | Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching | journal |
259 | Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft | book serie |
260 | Interaction Studies | journal |
261 | Intercultural Pragmatics | journal |
262 | International Journal for the Semiotics of Law | journal |
263 | International Journal of American Linguistics | journal |
264 | International Journal of Applied Linguistics | journal |
265 | International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature | journal |
266 | International Journal of Audiology | journal |
267 | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | journal |
268 | International Journal of Bilingualism | journal |
269 | International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies | journal |
270 | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | journal |
271 | International Journal of English Studies | journal |
272 | International Journal of Francophone Studies | journal |
273 | International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders | journal |
274 | International Journal of Lexicography | journal |
275 | International Journal of Marketing Semiotics | journal |
276 | International Journal of Multilingualism | journal |
277 | International Journal of Speech Technology | journal |
278 | International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law | journal |
279 | International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | journal |
280 | International Journal of the Sociology of Language | journal |
281 | International Multilingual Research Journal | journal |
282 | Interpreters Newsletter | journal |
283 | Interpreting | journal |
284 | inTRAlinea | journal |
285 | IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching | journal |
286 | Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research | journal |
287 | Italian Journal of Linguistics | journal |
288 | Italian Studies | journal |
289 | Italienisch | journal |
290 | ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium) | journal |
291 | IUP Journal of English Studies | journal |
292 | JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory | journal |
293 | Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik | book serie |
294 | JALT CALL Journal | journal |
295 | Jazykovedny Casopis | journal |
296 | Jezik in Slovstvo | journal |
297 | Jezikoslovlje | journal |
298 | Jezikoslovni Zapiski | journal |
299 | Jezyk Polski | journal |
300 | Journal Asiatique | journal |
301 | Journal of African Cultural Studies | journal |
302 | Journal of African Languages and Linguistics | journal |
303 | Journal of Applied Communication Research | journal |
304 | Journal of Asia TEFL | journal |
305 | Journal of Celtic Linguistics | journal |
306 | Journal of Child Language | journal |
307 | Journal of China Tourism Research | journal |
308 | Journal of Chinese Linguistics | journal |
309 | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | journal |
310 | Journal of College Reading and Learning | journal |
311 | Journal of Communication | journal |
312 | Journal of Communication Disorders | journal |
313 | Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics | journal |
314 | Journal of Constructivist Psychology | journal |
315 | Journal of Contemporary Ethnography | journal |
316 | Journal of East Asian Linguistics | journal |
317 | Journal of English and Germanic Philology | journal |
318 | Journal of English for Academic Purposes | journal |
319 | Journal of English Linguistics | journal |
320 | Journal of English Studies | journal |
321 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition | journal |
322 | Journal of Fluency Disorders | journal |
323 | Journal of French Language Studies | journal |
324 | Journal of Germanic Linguistics | journal |
325 | Journal of Greek Linguistics | journal |
326 | Journal of Hellenic Studies | journal |
327 | Journal of Historical Linguistics | journal |
328 | Journal of Historical Pragmatics | journal |
329 | Journal of Japanese Studies | journal |
330 | Journal of Language and Literature | journal |
331 | Journal of Language and Politics | journal |
332 | Journal of Language and Social Psychology | journal |
333 | Journal of Language Teaching and Research | journal |
334 | Journal of Language, Identity, and Education | journal |
335 | Journal of Language, Literature and Culture | journal |
336 | Journal of Linguistic Anthropology | journal |
337 | Journal of Linguistics | journal |
338 | Journal of Literacy Research | journal |
339 | Journal of Literary Semantics | journal |
340 | Journal of Logic, Language and Information | journal |
341 | Journal of Memory and Language | journal |
342 | Journal of Multicultural Discourses | journal |
343 | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development | journal |
344 | Journal of Near Eastern studies | journal |
345 | Journal of Neurolinguistics | journal |
346 | Journal of Phonetics | journal |
347 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages | journal |
348 | Journal of Politeness Research | journal |
349 | Journal of Politics in Latin America | journal |
350 | Journal of Pragmatics | journal |
351 | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | journal |
352 | Journal of Quantitative Linguistics | journal |
353 | Journal of Romance Studies | journal |
354 | Journal of Second Language Writing | journal |
355 | Journal of Semantics | journal |
356 | Journal of Semitic Studies | journal |
357 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | journal |
358 | Journal of Spanish Language Teaching | journal |
359 | Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | journal |
360 | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | journal |
361 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | journal |
362 | Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society | journal |
363 | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing | journal |
364 | Journal of Writing Research | journal |
365 | Keel ja Kirjandus | journal |
366 | Kemanusiaan | journal |
367 | Kodikas/Code: Ars Semiotica | journal |
368 | Komp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii | conference and proceeding |
369 | Kritika Kultura | journal |
370 | L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature | journal |
371 | La Linguistique | journal |
372 | Lahivordlusi/Lahivertailuja | book serie |
373 | Langage et l'Homme | journal |
374 | Langage et Societe | journal |
375 | Langages | journal |
376 | Language | journal |
377 | Language Acquisition | journal |
378 | Language and Communication | journal |
379 | Language and Computers | book serie |
380 | Language and Dialogue | journal |
381 | Language and Education | journal |
382 | Language and History | journal |
383 | Language and Intercultural Communication | journal |
384 | Language and Linguistics | journal |
385 | Language and Literature | journal |
386 | Language and Speech | journal |
387 | Language Assessment Quarterly | journal |
388 | Language Awareness | journal |
389 | Language Dynamics and Change | journal |
390 | Language in Society | journal |
391 | Language Learning | journal |
392 | Language Learning and Development | journal |
393 | Language Learning and Technology | journal |
394 | Language Learning Journal | journal |
395 | Language Matters | journal |
396 | Language Policy | journal |
397 | Language Problems and Language Planning | journal |
398 | Language Related Research | journal |
399 | Language Resources and Evaluation | journal |
400 | Language Sciences | journal |
401 | Language Teaching | journal |
402 | Language Teaching Research | journal |
403 | Language Testing | journal |
404 | Language Variation and Change | journal |
405 | Language, Cognition and Neuroscience | journal |
406 | Language, Culture and Curriculum | journal |
407 | Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools | journal |
408 | Languages in Contrast | journal |
409 | Langue Francaise | journal |
410 | Latomus | journal |
411 | Lebende Sprachen | journal |
412 | Lengua y Habla | journal |
413 | Lengua y Migracion | journal |
414 | Lenguas Modernas | journal |
415 | Letteratura e Letterature | journal |
416 | Lexikos | journal |
417 | Lexis (Peru) | journal |
418 | LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition | journal |
419 | Lidil | journal |
420 | Lili - Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik | journal |
421 | Lingua | journal |
422 | Lingua e Stile | journal |
423 | Lingua Nostra | journal |
424 | Lingua Posnaniensis | journal |
425 | Linguamatica | journal |
426 | Lingue e Linguaggio | journal |
427 | Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations | journal |
428 | Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism | journal |
429 | Linguistic Inquiry | journal |
430 | Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication | book serie |
431 | Linguistic Research | journal |
432 | Linguistic Review | journal |
433 | Linguistic Typology | journal |
434 | Linguistica | journal |
435 | Linguistica Antverpiensia | journal |
436 | Linguistica Espanola Actual | book serie |
437 | Linguistica Pragensia | journal |
438 | Linguistica Silesiana | journal |
439 | Linguistica Uralica | journal |
440 | Linguistics | journal |
441 | Linguistics and Education | journal |
442 | Linguistics and Language Compass | journal |
443 | Linguistics and Philosophy | journal |
444 | Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area | journal |
445 | Lingvisticae Investigationes | journal |
446 | Listy Filologicke | journal |
447 | Literacy | journal |
448 | Literacy Research and Instruction | journal |
449 | Literary and Linguistics Computing | journal |
450 | Literator | journal |
451 | Literatura y Linguistica | journal |
452 | Machine Translation | journal |
453 | Magyar Nyelv | journal |
454 | Magyar Nyelvor | journal |
455 | Medieval Encounters | journal |
456 | Medioevo Romanzo | journal |
457 | Medium Aevum | journal |
458 | Metaphor and Symbol | journal |
459 | Metaphor and the Social World | journal |
460 | Mind and Language | journal |
461 | Mind, Culture, and Activity | journal |
462 | Miscelanea | journal |
463 | MLN, Modern Language Notes | journal |
464 | Mnemosyne | journal |
465 | Mnemosyne, Supplements | book serie |
466 | Modern Language Journal | journal |
467 | Modern Language Review | journal |
468 | Modern Philology | journal |
469 | Moderna Sprak | journal |
470 | Monografias de Traduccion e Interpretacion | journal |
471 | Morphology | journal |
472 | Moyen Age | journal |
473 | Moyen Francais | journal |
474 | Multicultural Education | journal |
475 | Multicultural Shakespeare | journal |
476 | Multilingua | journal |
477 | Museon | journal |
478 | Museum Helveticum | book serie |
479 | Mutatis Mutandis | journal |
480 | Muttersprache | journal |
481 | NAACL HLT 2013 - 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Main Conference | conference and proceeding |
482 | Names | journal |
483 | Natural Language and Linguistic Theory | journal |
484 | Natural Language Engineering | journal |
485 | Natural Language Semantics | journal |
486 | Neophilologus | journal |
487 | Neuphilologische Mitteilungen | journal |
488 | Nevtani Ertesito | journal |
489 | New Voices in Translation Studies | journal |
490 | Nordic Journal of English Studies | journal |
491 | Nordic Journal of Linguistics | journal |
492 | Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift | journal |
493 | Notes and queries | journal |
494 | Nottingham French Studies | journal |
495 | Nouvelle Revue d'Onomastique | journal |
496 | Novum Testamentum | journal |
497 | NOWELE | journal |
498 | NyS | book serie |
499 | Oceanic Linguistics | journal |
500 | Onomazein | journal |
501 | Oralia | book serie |
502 | Oriental COCOSDA 2014 - 17th Conference of the Oriental Chapter of the International Coordinating Committee on Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems and Assessment / CASLRE (Conference on Asian Spoken Language Research and Evaluation) | conference and proceeding |
503 | Oxford German Studies | journal |
504 | Palimpsestes | book serie |
505 | Panacea | journal |
506 | Papers on Language and Literature | journal |
507 | Peritia | journal |
508 | Perspectives: Studies in Translatology | journal |
509 | Philologus | journal |
510 | Phonetica | journal |
511 | Phonology | journal |
512 | PMLA | journal |
513 | Poetica | journal |
514 | Poetics | journal |
515 | Poradnik Jezykowy | journal |
516 | Porta Linguarum | journal |
517 | Post-Medieval Archaeology | journal |
518 | Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics | journal |
519 | Pragmalinguistica | journal |
520 | Pragmatics | journal |
521 | Pragmatics and Cognition | journal |
522 | Pragmatics and Society | journal |
523 | Probus | journal |
524 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody | conference and proceeding |
525 | Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural | journal |
526 | Psychology of Language and Communication | journal |
527 | Public Relations Inquiry | journal |
528 | Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica | journal |
529 | Quaderns | journal |
530 | Quarterly Journal of Speech | journal |
531 | Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje | journal |
532 | Reading and Writing | journal |
533 | Reading and Writing Quarterly | journal |
534 | Reading Psychology | journal |
535 | Reading Teacher | journal |
536 | ReCALL | journal |
537 | Recherche et Pratiques Pedagogiques en Langues de Specialite - Cahiers de l'APLIUT | journal |
538 | Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes | book serie |
539 | RELC Journal | journal |
540 | Research in Contemporary World Literature/ Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji | journal |
541 | Research in Language | journal |
542 | Research in the Teaching of English | journal |
543 | Research on Language and Social Interaction | journal |
544 | Review of Cognitive Linguistics | journal |
545 | Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares | journal |
546 | Revista de Filologia Alemana | journal |
547 | Revista de Filologia Espanola | journal |
548 | Revista de Filologia Romanica | journal |
549 | Revista de Linguistica y Lenguas Aplicadas | journal |
550 | Revista de Llengua i Dret | journal |
551 | Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada | journal |
552 | Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana | journal |
553 | Revista Signos | journal |
554 | Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor philologie en geschiedenis | journal |
555 | Revue de Linguistique Romane | journal |
556 | Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes | journal |
557 | Revue des Etudes Slaves | journal |
558 | Revue des Langues Romanes | journal |
559 | Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquee | journal |
560 | Revue Romane | journal |
561 | Revue Roumaine de Linguistique | journal |
562 | Rhetoric and Public Affairs | journal |
563 | Rhetoric Review | journal |
564 | Rhetorica | journal |
565 | RILCE. Revista de Filologia Hispanica | journal |
566 | Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale | journal |
567 | Rivista di Filologia Classica | journal |
568 | Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia | journal |
569 | RLA, Revista de linguistica teorica y aplicada | journal |
570 | Romance Philology | journal |
571 | Romanica Cracoviensia | journal |
572 | Romanische Forschungen | journal |
573 | RomanoArabica | journal |
574 | RSQ-Rhetoric Society Quarterly | journal |
575 | Russian Linguistics | journal |
576 | Russian Review | journal |
577 | Scandinavian Studies | journal |
578 | Scando-Slavica | journal |
579 | Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia | journal |
580 | Second Language Learning and Teaching | journal |
581 | Second Language Research | journal |
582 | Sefarad | journal |
583 | Semiotica | journal |
584 | Sendebar | journal |
585 | Seoul Journal of Korean Studies | journal |
586 | Sign Language & Linguistics | journal |
587 | Sign Language Studies | journal |
588 | Sign Systems Studies | journal |
589 | Signa | journal |
590 | Signo y Pensamiento | journal |
591 | Sintagma | journal |
592 | Sistemi Intelligenti | journal |
593 | SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation | journal |
594 | SKY Journal of Linguistics | journal |
595 | Slavia | journal |
596 | Slavia Orientalis | journal |
597 | Slavic and East European Information Resources | journal |
598 | Slavic and East European Journal | journal |
599 | Slavica Slovaca | journal |
600 | Slavisticna Revija | journal |
601 | Slavonic and East European Review | journal |
602 | Slavonica | journal |
603 | Slovenska Rec/Slovak Speech | journal |
604 | Slovenski Jezik | journal |
605 | Slovo | journal |
606 | Slovo a Slovesnost | journal |
607 | Social Semiotics | journal |
608 | Sociolinguistic Studies | journal |
609 | South African Journal of African Languages | journal |
610 | South Asian Studies | journal |
611 | Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies | journal |
612 | Spanish in Context | journal |
613 | Spanish Journal of Psychology | journal |
614 | Speech Communication | journal |
615 | Speech, Language and Hearing | journal |
616 | SPMRL 2013 - 4th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages, Proceedings of the Workshop | conference and proceeding |
617 | Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung - STUF | journal |
618 | Sprachwissenschaft | journal |
619 | Sprak och Stil | journal |
620 | Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie | journal |
621 | Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici | journal |
622 | Studi Slavistici | journal |
623 | Studia Anglica Posnaniensia | journal |
624 | Studia Celtica | journal |
625 | Studia Islamica | journal |
626 | Studia Linguistica | journal |
627 | Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis | journal |
628 | Studia Romanica Posnaniensia | journal |
629 | Studia Semitica Neerlandica | book serie |
630 | Studia Slavica | journal |
631 | Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Slowianskiej | journal |
632 | Studien zur Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und Interkulturellen Kommunikation | book serie |
633 | Studies in African Linguistics | journal |
634 | Studies in Chinese Linguistics | journal |
635 | Studies in Language | journal |
636 | Studies in Philology | journal |
637 | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | journal |
638 | Studii si Cercetari Fliologice, Seria Limbi Romanice | journal |
639 | Studii si cercetari lingvistice | journal |
640 | Suvremena Lingvistika | journal |
641 | Synergies Algerie | journal |
642 | Synergies Chili | journal |
643 | Synergies Espagne | journal |
644 | Synergies Europe | journal |
645 | Synergies Italie | journal |
646 | Synergies Turquie | journal |
647 | Syntax | journal |
648 | Synthesis | journal |
649 | System | journal |
650 | Taiwan Journal of Linguistics | journal |
651 | TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues | journal |
652 | Target | journal |
653 | Teaching English with Technology | journal |
654 | Terminology | journal |
655 | TESOL Journal | journal |
656 | TESOL Quarterly | journal |
657 | Text & Talk | journal |
658 | The French Review | journal |
659 | The Interpreter and Translator Trainer | journal |
660 | The Journal of Indo-European Studies | journal |
661 | The Mental Lexicon | journal |
662 | The Review of English Studies | journal |
663 | Theoretical Linguistics | journal |
664 | Theory and Practice in Language Studies | journal |
665 | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde | journal |
666 | Tonos Digital | journal |
667 | Topics in Cognitive Science | journal |
668 | Topics in Language Disorders | journal |
669 | Topics in Linguistics | journal |
670 | T'oung Pao | journal |
671 | Trans | journal |
672 | TRANS. Revista de Traductologia | journal |
673 | Transactions of the American Philological Association | journal |
674 | Transactions of the Philological Society | journal |
675 | Translation and Interpreting | journal |
676 | Translation and Interpreting Studies | journal |
677 | Translation and Literature | journal |
678 | Translation Review | journal |
679 | Translation Studies | journal |
680 | Translator | book serie |
681 | Travaux de Linguistique | journal |
682 | Turkbilig | journal |
683 | Tyche | journal |
684 | Ural-Altaic Studies | journal |
685 | Vetus Testamentum | journal |
686 | VIAL - Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics | journal |
687 | Vigiliae Christianae | journal |
688 | Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements | book serie |
689 | Virittaja | journal |
690 | Voprosy Jazykoznanija | journal |
691 | Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki | journal |
692 | Vox Romanica | journal |
693 | Welt der Slaven-Halbjahresschrift fur Slavistik | journal |
694 | Western Journal of Communication | journal |
695 | Wiener Studien | journal |
696 | Word | journal |
697 | Word and Image | journal |
698 | Word and Text | journal |
699 | World Englishes | journal |
700 | Writing Systems Research | journal |
701 | Written Language and Literacy | journal |
702 | XLinguae | journal |
703 | Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory | journal |
704 | Year's Work in English Studies | journal |
705 | Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde | journal |
706 | Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik | journal |
707 | Zeitschrift fur Balkanologie | book serie |
708 | Zeitschrift fur Celtische Philologie | book serie |
709 | Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur | journal |
710 | Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik | journal |
711 | Zeitschrift fur Franzosische Sprache und Literatur | journal |
712 | Zeitschrift fur Germanistik | journal |
713 | Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik | journal |
714 | Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik | journal |
715 | Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie | journal |
716 | Zeitschrift für Semiotik | journal |
717 | Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie | journal |
718 | Zeitschrift fur Slawistik | journal |
719 | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | journal |
720 | ZFF, Zeitschrift fur Fremdsprachenforschung | journal |