Infectious Diseases

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
2The Lancet Infectious DiseasesJournal
3Clinical Microbiology ReviewsJournal
4FEMS Microbiology ReviewsJournal
5Clinical Infectious DiseasesJournal
6Trends in MicrobiologyJournal
7Current Opinion in MicrobiologyJournal
8The Lancet HIVJournal
9Journal of Infectious DiseasesJournal
10Drug Resistance UpdatesJournal
11Emerging Infectious DiseasesJournal
12Papillomavirus ResearchJournal
14Trends in ParasitologyJournal
16PLoS Neglected Tropical DiseasesJournal
17Current Opinion in HIV and AIDSJournal
18Reviews in Medical VirologyJournal
19Emerging Microbes and InfectionsJournal
20Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromesJournal
21Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyJournal
22Antimicrobial Agents and ChemotherapyJournal
23Current Opinion in Infectious DiseasesJournal
24Advances in Virus ResearchJournal
25Journal of the International AIDS SocietyJournal
26Clinical Microbiology and InfectionJournal
27Journal of InfectionJournal
28Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaJournal
29Infection and ImmunityJournal
30Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiologyJournal
31Gut MicrobesJournal
33AIDS Patient Care and STDsJournal
35International Journal for ParasitologyJournal
36Current HIV/AIDS ReportsJournal
37Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyJournal
38International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug ResistanceJournal
39Malaria JournalJournal
41Journal of Viral HepatitisJournal
42Sexually Transmitted DiseasesJournal
44International Journal of Medical MicrobiologyJournal
45Sexually Transmitted InfectionsJournal
46Journal of Clinical VirologyJournal
47Cellular and Molecular ImmunologyJournal
48AIDS and BehaviorJournal
49International Journal of Antimicrobial AgentsJournal
50BMC Infectious DiseasesJournal
51HIV MedicineJournal
52American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneJournal
53Infection and Drug ResistanceJournal
54Topics in antiviral medicineJournal
55Pediatric Infectious Disease JournalJournal
56Tropical Medicine and International HealthJournal
57Parasites and VectorsJournal
58Journal of Oral MicrobiologyJournal
59Influenza and other Respiratory VirusesJournal
60International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung DiseaseJournal
61International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and WildlifeJournal
62Expert Review of Anti-Infective TherapyJournal
63Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and VenereologyJournal
64AIDS ReviewsJournal
65Infection, Genetics and EvolutionJournal
66European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesJournal
67Gut PathogensJournal
68Ticks and Tick-borne DiseasesJournal
69International Journal of Infectious DiseasesJournal
70Journal of Hospital InfectionJournal
71Microbiology spectrumJournal
72Medecine et Maladies InfectieusesJournal
74Antiviral TherapyJournal
75Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseJournal
76Pathogens and DiseaseJournal
78Virus ResearchJournal
80Innate immunityJournal
81Epidemiology and InfectionJournal
82One HealthJournal
83Virology JournalJournal
84Zoonoses and Public HealthJournal
86American Journal of Infection ControlJournal
87AIDS Research and Human RetrovirusesJournal
88Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneJournal
89Annals of Clinical Microbiology and AntimicrobialsJournal
91Microbes and InfectionJournal
92Medical MycologyJournal
93Acta TropicaJournal
95Travel Medicine and Infectious DiseaseJournal
96Vector-Borne and Zoonotic DiseasesJournal
97Journal of Medical VirologyJournal
99Spatial and Spatio-temporal EpidemiologyJournal
100Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection ControlJournal
101AIDS Education and PreventionJournal
102New Microbes and New InfectionsJournal
103Infection and ChemotherapyJournal
104Pathogens and Global HealthJournal
105Current HIV ResearchJournal
106Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and InfectionJournal
107Parasitology ResearchJournal
108Open AIDS JournalJournal
109Hepatology ResearchJournal
110Journal of Medical EntomologyJournal
111HIV Clinical TrialsJournal
112Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesJournal
113Fungal BiologyJournal
114ACS Infectious DiseasesJournal
115HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative CareJournal
116Journal of Travel MedicineJournal
117Infectious Diseases of PovertyJournal
118Parasitology InternationalJournal
119Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious DiseasesJournal
121Microbial PathogenesisJournal
122Journal of Tropical PediatricsJournal
123AIDS Research and TreatmentJournal
124Infectious DiseasesJournal
125Infectious Agents and CancerJournal
126Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and InfectionJournal
127Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyJournal
128Transplant Infectious DiseaseJournal
129Current Infectious Disease ReportsJournal
130Journal of Infection in Developing CountriesJournal
132Journal of Infection and Public HealthJournal
133Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases Journal
134Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS CareJournal
135Trials in VaccinologyJournal
136Infectious Diseases and TherapyJournal
137International Journal of STD and AIDSJournal
138Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and GynecologyJournal
139Hepatitis MonthlyJournal
140Sexual HealthJournal
141Sahara JJournal
142Japanese Journal of Infectious DiseasesJournal
143Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and LeprologyJournal
144Journal of Parasitology ResearchJournal
145Journal of Global Infectious DiseasesJournal
146Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious DiseasesJournal
147Osong Public Health and Research PerspectivesJournal
148Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases SocietyJournal
149Journal of Vector Borne DiseasesJournal
150British Journal of Biomedical ScienceJournal
151Surgical InfectionsJournal
152Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina TropicalJournal
153Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine Journal
154Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical MicrobiologyJournal
155Journal of ChemotherapyJournal
156Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao PauloJournal
157Korean Journal of ParasitologyJournal
158Journal of Arthropod-Borne DiseasesJournal
159African Journal of AIDS ResearchJournal
160Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases Journal
161Tropical Medicine and Health Journal
162Advances in Virology Journal
163Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine Journal
164Acta VirologicaJournal
165Iranian Journal of Parasitology Journal
166Revista Iberoamericana de MicologiaJournal
168Journal of Water and HealthJournal
169Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug DiscoveryJournal
170Jundishapur Journal of MicrobiologyJournal
171Infectious Disease ReportsJournal
172Medical Mycology Case ReportsJournal
173Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica et AdriaticaJournal
175Tuberculosis and Respiratory DiseasesJournal
176Journal of AIDS and Clinical ResearchJournal
177Tropical BiomedicineJournal
178Virology: Research and TreatmentJournal
179Journal de Mycologie MedicaleJournal
181Journal of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesJournal
182Journal of International PeacekeepingJournal
185Mikrobiyoloji BulteniJournal
186Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public HealthJournal
187International Journal of MycobacteriologyJournal
189Infection, Disease and HealthJournal
190Current Fungal Infection ReportsJournal
191Journal of Preventive Medicine and HygieneJournal
192Postepy Higieny i Medycyny DoswiadczalnejJournal
193Clinical Microbiology NewsletterJournal
194Therapeutic Advances in Infectious DiseaseJournal
195Acta Dermatovenerologica CroaticaJournal
196Virus Adaptation and TreatmentJournal
197Tropical DoctorJournal
199Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical DiseaseJournal
200Indian Journal of TuberculosisJournal
201Le infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettiveJournal
202Ethiopian Journal of Health DevelopmentJournal
203Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, ImunologieJournal
204Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la SociedadChilena de Infectologia. Journal
206Archives of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesJournal
207Journal of Infection PreventionsJournal
208African Journal of Infectious DiseasesJournal
209Journal of Antivirals and AntiretroviralsJournal
210Leprosy ReviewJournal
211Japanese Journal of AntibioticsJournal
212Kasmera Journal
213Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted DiseasesJournal
214American Journal of Infectious DiseasesJournal
215Voprosy VirusoloiiJournal
216Korean Journal of Medical MycologyJournal
217Problems of Infectious and Parasitic DiseasesJournal
218Japanese Journal of Medical MycologyJournal
219Medecine et sante tropicalesJournal
220Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial DiseasesJournal
221Infectious Diseases in Clinical PracticeJournal
222Research Journal of ParasitologyJournal
223Infectio Journal
224Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni LekarstviJournal
225Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and VirologyJournal
226Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental Journal
227Research Journal of MicrobiologyJournal
228Malaysian Journal of MicrobiologyJournal
229HIV and AIDS ReviewJournal
230Anti-Infective AgentsJournal
231Clinical Epidemiology and Global HealthJournal
232Klimik DergisiJournal
233Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis ControlJournal
234Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biologyJournal
235Journal of Communicable DiseasesJournal
236Birkhauser Advances in Infectious DiseasesJournal
237Journal Africain d'Hepato-GastroenterologieJournal
238Indian Journal of LeprosyJournal
239Archives of Clinical MicrobiologyJournal
241Korean Journal of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesJournal
242Hygiene + MedizinJournal
243Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical Journal
244Open Parasitology JournalJournal
245Malaria Research and TreatmentJournal
246Journal of PathogensJournal
247International Journal of Tropical MedicineJournal
248Antibiotiki i KhimioterapiyaJournal
250Cocuk Enfeksiyon DergisiJournal
252Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and InfectionJournal
253Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and TuberculosisJournal
254Open Infectious Diseases JournalJournal
255Journal des Anti-InfectieuxJournal
257Chinese Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyJournal
258Hot Topics in Viral HepatitisJournal
259Infektoloski GlasnikJournal
260Krankenhaushygiene und InfektionsverhutungJournal
261Oxford Medical Case ReportsJournal
262Enfermedades Infecciosas y MicrobiologiaJournal
263Issues in Infectious DiseasesJournal
264Giornale Italiano di Medicina TropicaleJournal
265Forum for Nordic Dermato-VenerologyJournal
266Internet Journal of MicrobiologyJournal
267Pediatric Infection and VaccineJournal
268Mikologia LekarskaJournal
269Japanese Journal of LeprosyJournal
270Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en VenereologieJournal
271AIDS ReaderJournal
272Skin ResearchJournal
273Hospital Infection ControlJournal

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