| | |
1 | Agricultural History Review | journal |
2 | Aleph | journal |
3 | Ambix | journal |
4 | Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia | journal |
5 | Annals of Science | journal |
6 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | journal |
7 | Anthropologie | journal |
8 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | journal |
9 | Ars Pharmaceutica | journal |
10 | Asclepio | journal |
11 | Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte | journal |
12 | Biology and Philosophy | journal |
13 | Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche | journal |
14 | British Journal for the History of Science | journal |
15 | British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | journal |
16 | BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin | journal |
17 | Centaurus | journal |
18 | Constructivist Foundations | journal |
19 | Cromohs | journal |
20 | Daedalus | journal |
21 | Dynamis | journal |
22 | Early Science and Medicine | journal |
23 | Earth Sciences History | journal |
24 | East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine | journal |
25 | Educational Philosophy and Theory | journal |
26 | Endeavour | journal |
27 | Engineering Studies | journal |
28 | Episteme | journal |
29 | Epistemologia | journal |
30 | European Journal for Philosophy of Science | journal |
31 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | journal |
32 | Filozofia Nauki | journal |
33 | Foundations of Science | journal |
34 | Gesnerus | journal |
35 | Handbook of the History of Logic | book serie |
36 | Histoire de l'Education | journal |
37 | Historia (Chile) | journal |
38 | Historia scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan | journal |
39 | Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos | journal |
40 | Historical metallurgy | journal |
41 | Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences | journal |
42 | History and Philosophy of Logic | journal |
43 | History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | journal |
44 | History and Technology | journal |
45 | History of Education | journal |
46 | History of Education and Children's Literature | journal |
47 | History of Medicine | journal |
48 | History of Science | journal |
49 | History of Science and Medicine Library | book serie |
50 | History of the Human Sciences | journal |
51 | History Workshop Journal | journal |
52 | Hygiea Internationalis | journal |
53 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | journal |
54 | Index de Enfermeria | journal |
55 | Intellectual History Review | journal |
56 | Interdisciplinary Science Reviews | journal |
57 | International Studies in the Philosophy of Science | journal |
58 | Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine | journal |
59 | Isis; an international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences | journal |
60 | Journal for General Philosophy of Science | journal |
61 | Journal of American History | journal |
62 | Journal of Anesthesia History | journal |
63 | Journal of East Asian Linguistics | journal |
64 | Journal of Econometrics | journal |
65 | Journal of Futures Studies | journal |
66 | Journal of Interdisciplinary History | journal |
67 | Journal of medical biography | journal |
68 | Journal of Sex Research | journal |
69 | Journal of Sociolinguistics | journal |
70 | Journal of the History of Biology | journal |
71 | Journal of the History of Economic Thought | journal |
72 | Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | journal |
73 | Journal of the Philosophy of History | journal |
74 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | journal |
75 | Korean Journal of Medical History | journal |
76 | KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time | journal |
77 | Library and Information History | journal |
78 | Mathematical Intelligencer | journal |
79 | Medical Problems of Performing Artists | journal |
80 | Medicina e Storia | journal |
81 | Medizinhistorisches Journal | journal |
82 | Metascience | journal |
83 | Metode | journal |
84 | NanoEthics | journal |
85 | New Ideas in Psychology | journal |
86 | Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London | journal |
87 | Nuncius / Istituto e museo di storia della scienza | journal |
88 | OAH Magazine of History | journal |
89 | Oceania | journal |
90 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | journal |
91 | Philosophia Naturalis | journal |
92 | Philosophia Scientiae | book serie |
93 | Philosophy & Technology | journal |
94 | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | journal |
95 | Philosophy and Public Affairs | journal |
96 | Philosophy of Science | journal |
97 | Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine | journal |
98 | Phronesis | journal |
99 | Pragmatics and Cognition | journal |
100 | Principia | journal |
101 | Psychological Bulletin | journal |
102 | Psychological Methods | journal |
103 | Psychological Review | journal |
104 | Public Opinion Quarterly | journal |
105 | Qualitative Research | journal |
106 | Radix | journal |
107 | Renaissance and Reformation | journal |
108 | Research in Economic History | book serie |
109 | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology | book serie |
110 | Revista de Historia Industrial | journal |
111 | Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances | journal |
112 | Revue de Linguistique Romane | journal |
113 | Science | journal |
114 | Science and Technology Studies | journal |
115 | Science as Culture | journal |
116 | Science Education | journal |
117 | Science in Context | journal |
118 | Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series | book serie |
119 | Social Science and Medicine | journal |
120 | Social Studies of Science | journal |
121 | Studia Leibnitiana | journal |
122 | Studia Linguistica | journal |
123 | Studia Logica | journal |
124 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A | journal |
125 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics | journal |
126 | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences | journal |
127 | Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society | book serie |
128 | Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology | journal |
129 | Theoria: Revista de Teoria, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia | journal |
130 | Theory and Psychology | journal |
131 | T'oung Pao | journal |
132 | Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana | journal |
133 | Victorian Periodicals Review | journal |