Geometry and Topology

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
126th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2014conference and proceeding
2Advances in Geometryjournal
3Algebraic and Geometric Topologyjournal
4Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spacesjournal
5Annales de l'Institut Fourierjournal
6Annals of Global Analysis and Geometryjournal
7Applied General Topologyjournal
8Ars Mathematica Contemporaneajournal
9Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applicationsjournal
10Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometriejournal
11CCCG 2013 - 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometryconference and proceeding
12Communications in Analysis and Geometryjournal
13Computational Geometry: Theory and Applicationsjournal
14Conformal Geometry and Dynamicsjournal
15Differential Geometry and its Applicationjournal
16Discrete and Computational Geometryjournal
17Electronic Journal of Combinatoricsjournal
18Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processingjournal
19European Journal of Combinatoricsjournal
20Fixed Point Theory and Applicationsjournal
22Fundamental and Applied Mathematicsjournal
23Funkcialaj Ekvaciojjournal
24Geometriae Dedicatajournal
25Geometric and Functional Analysisjournal
26Geometry and Topologyjournal
27Graphical Modelsjournal
28Groups, Geometry, and Dynamicsjournal
29Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statisticsjournal
30Hiroshima Mathematical Journaljournal
31International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applicationsjournal
32Journal for Geometry and Graphicsjournal
33Journal of Algebraic Geometryjournal
34Journal of Differential Geometryjournal
35Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applicationsjournal
36Journal of Geometric Analysisjournal
37Journal of Geometric Mechanicsjournal
38Journal of Geometryjournal
39Journal of Geometry and Physicsjournal
40Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physicsjournal
41Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applicationsjournal
42Journal of Graph Theoryjournal
43Journal of Homotopy and Related Structuresjournal
44Journal of K-Theoryjournal
45Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Visionjournal
46Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometryjournal
47Journal of Noncommutative Geometryjournal
48Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysisjournal
49Journal of Singularitiesjournal
50Journal of Spectral Theoryjournal
51Journal of Symplectic Geometryjournal
52Journal of Topologyjournal
53Journal of Topology and Analysisjournal
54JP Journal of Geometry and Topologyjournal
55Linear Algebra and Its Applicationsjournal
56Mathematical Communicationsjournal
57Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometryjournal
58Mathematical Reportsjournal
59Mathematics and Visualizationbook serie
61Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometryconference and proceeding
62Quantum Topologyjournal
63Real Analysis Exchangejournal
64Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell Universita di Padovojournal
65Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicasjournal
66Set-Valued and Variational Analysisjournal
67Soft Computingjournal
68Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applicationsjournal
69Topology and its Applicationsjournal
70Topology Proceedingsconference and proceeding
71Transformation Groupsjournal

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