Geography Planning & Development

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
11st EAGE West Africa Workshop 2013: Subsurface Challenges in West Africaconference and proceeding
29th 3DGeoInfo Conference 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
4Acta Geographica Sinicajournal
5Acta Geographica Slovenicajournal
6Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographicajournal
7ADB Economics Working Paper Seriesbook serie
8Advances in Geographic Information Scienceconference and proceeding
9Advances in Hospitality and Leisurebook serie
11Africa Todayjournal
12African Affairsjournal
13African Geographical Reviewjournal
17Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informaticsjournal
18Alternatives Journaljournal
20American Review of Canadian Studiesjournal
21Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutensebook serie
23Ancient Mesoamericajournal
24Annales de Geographiejournal
25Annals of Leisure Researchjournal
26Annals of the American Association of Geographersjournal
28Anuario do Instituto de Geocienciasjournal
29APA Planning Advisory Service Reportsjournal
30Applied Geographyjournal
31Applied Geomaticsjournal
32Applied Spatial Analysis and Policyjournal
33Aquaculture, Economics and Managementjournal
34Arab World Geographerjournal
35Archaeological Dialoguesjournal
37Asia Pacific Issuesjournal
38Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
39Asia Pacific Viewpointjournal
40Asian Affairsjournal
41Asian Agri-Historyjournal
42Asian and Pacific Migration Journaljournal
43Asian Development Reviewjournal
44Asian Economic Journaljournal
45Asian Geographerjournal
46Asian Surveyjournal
47Asian-Pacific Economic Literaturejournal
48Australasian Journal of Environmental Managementjournal
49Australian Geographerjournal
50Australian Journal of International Affairsjournal
51Australian Plannerjournal
52AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichtenjournal
54Beritchte zur Deutschen Landeskundejournal
55Berkeley Planning Journaljournal
56Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environmentjournal
57Bitacora Urbano Territorial journal
58Bogazici Journaljournal
59Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanolesjournal
60British Journal of Middle Eastern Studiesjournal
62Building and Environmentjournal
63Built Environmentjournal
64Bulletin de L'Association de Geographes Francaisjournal
65Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographiejournal
66Bulletin of Geographyjournal
67Bulletin of Latin American Researchjournal
68Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Societyjournal
69Business Strategy and the Environmentjournal
70Business, Peace and Sustainable Developmentjournal
71Cahiers de Geographie de Quebecjournal
72Cahiers d'Etudes Africainesjournal
73Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Societyjournal
74Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadienjournal
75Canadian Journal of African Studiesjournal
76Canadian Journal of Urban Researchjournal
77Capitalism, Nature, Socialismjournal
78Caribbean Geographyjournal
79Cartography and Geographic Information Sciencejournal
80Case Studies on Transport Policyjournal
81Cato Journaljournal
82Central Asian Surveyjournal
83CESifo Economic Studiesjournal
84Children's Geographiesjournal
85China Journaljournal
86China Quarterlyjournal
87China Reportjournal
88Chinese Geographical Sciencejournal
89Chirigaku Hyoron/Geographical Review of Japanjournal
90Citizenship Studiesjournal
92City and Societyjournal
93Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territorialesjournal
94Civil Engineering and Urban Planning III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, CEUP 2014conference and proceeding
95Climate and Developmentjournal
96Climate Risk Managementjournal
97Colonial Latin American Reviewjournal
98Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Societyjournal
99Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastjournal
100Computers, Environment and Urban Systemsjournal
101Contemporary Pacificjournal
102Contemporary South Asiajournal
103Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studiesjournal
104Critical Asian Studiesjournal
105Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural journal
106Cuadernos de Investigacion Geograficajournal
107Cuadernos de Turismojournal
108Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismojournal
109Cuadernos del Cendes journal
110Cuadernos Geograficos, Universidad de Los Andes, Meridabook serie
111Cuaternario y Geomorfologiajournal
112Cultural Geographiesjournal
113Current Issues in Tourismjournal
114Czasopismo Geographicznejournal
115Defense and Security Analysisjournal
116Delabook serie
120Development Dialoguejournal
121Development in Practicejournal
122Development Policy Reviewjournal
123Development Southern Africajournal
124Dialogues in Human Geographyjournal
125Diaspora Studiesjournal
126Disaster Advancesjournal
128Documents d' Analisi Geograficajournal
129Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forumjournal
130Early Medieval Europejournal
131Earth Surface Processes and Landformsjournal
132East Asiajournal
133East European Politicsjournal
134Eastern European Countrysidebook serie
135Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturalesjournal
136Economic Affairsjournal
137Economic Geographyjournal
138Economy of Regionjournal
139Ecos - A Review of Conservationjournal
140Ecosystem Servicesjournal
141Electronic Green Journaljournal
143Energy for Sustainable Developmentjournal
144Enterprise Development and Microfinancejournal
145Environment and Historyjournal
146Environment and Planning Ajournal
147Environment and Planning B: Planning and Designjournal
148Environment and Planning C: Government and Policyjournal
149Environment and Planning D: Society and Spacejournal
150Environment and Society: Advances in Researchjournal
151Environment, Development and Sustainabilityjournal
152Environmental and Planning Law Journaljournal
153Environmental Developmentjournal
154Environmental Forumjournal
155Environmental Hazardsjournal
156Environmental Impact Assessment Reviewjournal
157Environmental Justicejournal
158Environmental Law and Managementjournal
159Environmental Policy and Governancejournal
160Environmental Practicejournal
161Environmental Science and Policyjournal
163e-Review of Tourism Researchjournal
164Espace Geographiquejournal
166Estudios Geograficosjournal
167Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanosjournal
168Ethics, Policy and Environmnetjournal
169Etudes Ruralesjournal
170Eurasian Geography and Economicsjournal
172European Countrysidejournal
173European Energy and Environmental Law Reviewjournal
174European Journal of Development Researchjournal
175European Journal of East Asian Studiesjournal
176European Journal of Geographyjournal
177European Journal of Housing Policyjournal
178European Journal of Spatial Developmentjournal
179European Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
180European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Researchjournal
181European Planning Studiesjournal
182European Reviewjournal
183European Societiesjournal
184European Spatial Research and Policyjournal
185Europe-Asia Studiesjournal
186Evaluation and Program Planningjournal
187Extractive Industries and Societyjournal
189Field Actions Science Reportjournal
190Finance and Developmentjournal
191Finisterra journal
192Florida Geographerjournal
194Focus on Geographyjournal
195Food and Nutrition Bulletinjournal
196Forum for Development Studiesjournal
197Forum Stadtjournal
198Gender and Developmentjournal
199Gender and Historyjournal
200Geo Journaljournal
201Geocarto Imnternationaljournal
203Geograficky Casopisjournal
204Geografija v Solijournal
205Geografisk Tidsskriftjournal
206Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geographyjournal
207Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geographyjournal
208Geografski Obzornikjournal
209Geografski Vestnikjournal
210Geographia Polonicajournal
211Geographia Technicajournal
212Geographica Helveticajournal
213Geographica Pannonicajournal
214Geographical Analysisjournal
215Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilonjournal
216Geographical Journaljournal
217Geographical Researchjournal
218Geographical Reviewjournal
219Geographie Economie Societejournal
220Geographie et Culturesbook serie
221Geographische Raudschaujournal
222Geographische Zeitschriftjournal
224Geography and Natural Resourcesjournal
225Geography Research Forumjournal
229Geojournal of Tourism and Geositesjournal
232Geopolitics of Energyjournal
233Geopolitics Quarterlyjournal
234Geospatial healthjournal
235Geo-Spatial Information Sciencejournal
236gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatikjournal
237GIS-Zeitschrift für Geoinformatikjournal
238Global Environmental Changejournal
239Global Social Policyjournal
240Global Societyjournal
242Grassroots Developmentjournal
243Great Plains Researchjournal
244Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Managementjournal
245Groundwater for Sustainable Developmentjournal
246Handbook of Regional and Urban Economicsbook serie
247Harvard International Reviewjournal
248Health and Placejournal
250Histoire et Societes Ruralesjournal
251Histoire Urbainejournal
252Historia Agrariajournal
253Housing and Societyjournal
254Housing, Care and Supportjournal
255Hrvatski Geografski Glasnikjournal
256Human Ecology Reviewjournal
257Human Geographiesjournal
258Hungarian Geographical Bulletinjournal
259Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studiesjournal
260IDS Bulletinjournal
261Impact Assessment and Project Appraisaljournal
262Independent Reviewjournal
263Indian Growth and Development Reviewjournal
264Indian Journal of Agricultural Economicsjournal
265Indonesia and the Malay Worldjournal
266Indonesian Journal of Geographyjournal
268Information Polityjournal
269Inner Asiajournal
271Innovation and Developmentjournal
272Integrated environmental assessment and managementjournal
273International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archivesconference and proceeding
274International Conference on Geoinformaticsjournal
275International Development Planning Reviewjournal
276International Financejournal
277International Forestry Reviewjournal
278International Journal of Applied Geospatial Researchjournal
279International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managementjournal
280International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Researchjournal
281International Journal of Disaster Risk Sciencejournal
282International Journal of Energy Technology and Policyjournal
283International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Developmentjournal
284International Journal of Environmental Studiesjournal
285International Journal of Geographical Information Sciencejournal
286International Journal of Geoinformaticsjournal
287International Journal of Global Environmental Issuesjournal
288International Journal of Heritage Studiesjournal
289International Journal of Historical Archeologyjournal
290International Journal of Islamic Architecturejournal
291International Journal of Marine and Coastal Lawjournal
292International Journal of Middle East Studiesjournal
293International Journal of Minority and Group Rightsjournal
294International Journal of Public Sector Managementjournal
295International Journal of Rural Managementjournal
296International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Cultural Contextjournal
297International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practicejournal
298International Journal of Sustainable Developmentjournal
299International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planningjournal
300International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecologyjournal
301International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Managementjournal
302International Journal of Sustainable Societyjournal
303International Journal of Sustainable Transportationjournal
304International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Developmentjournal
305International Journal of Tourism Researchjournal
306International Journal of Transport Economicsjournal
307International Journal of Urban Sciencesjournal
308International Journal of Urban Sustainable Developmentjournal
309International Journal of Waterjournal
310International perspectives on sexual and reproductive healthjournal
311International Planning Studiesjournal
312International Politicsjournal
313International Research in Geographical and Environmental Educationjournal
314International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Developmentjournal
315International Studiesjournal
316International Studies Perspectivesjournal
317International Studies Reviewjournal
318Investigaciones Geograficas : Boletin - Instituto de Geografia, Universidad Nacional, Autonoma de Mexico journal
319Investigaciones Regionalesjournal
320Irish Geographyjournal
321Island Studies Journaljournal
322ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Informationjournal
323ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensingjournal
324Jahrbuch für Regional Wissenschaft/Review of Regional Researchjournal
325Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studiesjournal
326Jimburn Chiri/Human Geography, Kyotojournal
327Journal für Enkwicklungspolitikjournal
328Journal of African Businessjournal
329Journal of Agricultural Education and Extensionjournal
330Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropicsjournal
331Journal of Architectural and Planning Researchjournal
332Journal of Architecture and Urbanismjournal
333Journal of Asian and African Studiesjournal
334Journal of Asian Pacific Communicationjournal
335Journal of Bioeconomicsjournal
336Journal of Borderlands Studiesjournal
337Journal of Contemporary African Studiesjournal
338Journal of Contermporary Chinajournal
339Journal of Cultural Geographyjournal
340Journal of Demographic Economicsjournal
341Journal of Developing Societiesjournal
342Journal of Development Effectivenessjournal
343Journal of East-West Businessjournal
344Journal of Economic Geographyjournal
345Journal of Ecotourismjournal
346Journal of Environment and Developmentjournal
347Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Managementjournal
348Journal of Environmental Law and Litigationjournal
349Journal of Environmental Planning and Managementjournal
350Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciencesjournal
351Journal of Flood Risk Managementjournal
352Journal of Forest Economicsjournal
353Journal of Geographical Systemsjournal
354Journal of Geographyjournal
355Journal of Geography in Higher Educationjournal
356Journal of Green Buildingjournal
357Journal of Historical Geographpyjournal
358Journal of Housing and the Built Environmentjournal
359Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studiesjournal
360Journal of International and Global Studiesjournal
361Journal of International Developmentjournal
362Journal of International Relations and Developmentjournal
363Journal of International Trade and Economic Developmentjournal
364Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policyjournal
365Journal of Land Use Sciencejournal
366Journal of Landscape Architecturejournal
367Journal of Latin American Studiesjournal
368Journal of Mapsjournal
369Journal of Mediterranean Archaeologyjournal
370Journal of Modern African Studiesjournal
371Journal of Mountain Sciencejournal
372Journal of Natural Resources Policy Researchjournal
373Journal of North African Studiesjournal
374Journal of Palestine Studiesjournal
375Journal of Place Management and Developmentjournal
376Journal of Planning and Environmental Lawjournal
377Journal of Planning Education and Researchjournal
378Journal of Planning Historyjournal
379Journal of Planning Literaturejournal
380Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Eventsjournal
381Journal of Political Ecologyjournal
382Journal of Political Ideologiesjournal
383Journal of Population Ageingjournal
384Journal of Property Researchjournal
385Journal of Public Transportationjournal
386Journal of Punjab Studiesjournal
387Journal of Refugee Studiesjournal
388Journal of Regional Analysis and Policyjournal
389Journal of Remote Sensingjournal
390Journal of Rural Studiesjournal
391Journal of Security and Sustainability Issuesjournal
392Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planningjournal
393Journal of Social Development in Africajournal
394Journal of Southeast Asian Studiesjournal
395Journal of Southern African Studiesjournal
396Journal of Spatial Information Sciencejournal
397Journal of Spatial Sciencejournal
398Journal of Sustainability Science and Managementjournal
399Journal of Sustainable Developmentjournal
400Journal of Sustainable Forestryjournal
401Journal of Sustainable Tourismjournal
402Journal of the American Planning Associationjournal
403Journal of the Asian Pacific Economyjournal
404Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensingjournal
405Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Societyjournal
406Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCEjournal
407Journal of Third World Studiesjournal
408Journal of Tourism and Cultural Changejournal
409Journal of Tourism Historyjournal
410Journal of Transnational Managementjournal
411Journal of Transport and Land Usejournal
412Journal of Transport Geographyjournal
413Journal of Transport Historyjournal
414Journal of Travel Researchjournal
415Journal of Urban Designjournal
416Journal of Urbanismjournal
417Journal of Water and Land Developmentjournal
418Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCEjournal
420Labour, Capital and Societyjournal
421Land Use Policyjournal
422Landscape Ecologyjournal
423Landscape Researchjournal
424Landscapes (United Kingdom)journal
425Latin American Perspectivesjournal
426Latin American Politics and Societyjournal
427Latin American Research Reviewjournal
428Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartographyconference and proceeding
429Leisure Studiesjournal
430Leisure/ Loisirjournal
431Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciencesjournal
432Living Reviews in Landscape Researchjournal
433Local Environmentjournal
434Local Population Studiesjournal
435London Journaljournal
436Longe Range Planningjournal
437Mapping and Image Sciencejournal
438Marine Resource Economicsjournal
439Maritime Policy and Managementjournal
440Maritime Studiesjournal
441Mathematical Population Studiesjournal
442Mediterranean Quarterlyjournal
444Meditteranean Politicsjournal
445Middle East Reportjournal
446Middle Eastern Studiesjournal
447Migraciones Internacionales journal
448Migration Lettersjournal
449Mineral Economicsjournal
450Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaftjournal
452Modern Asian Studiesjournal
453Modern Cartography Seriesbook serie
454Modern Chinajournal
455Monthly Reviewjournal
456Moravian Geographical Reportsjournal
457Mundo Agrario journal
458National Interestjournal
459Nationalism and Ethnic Politicsjournal
460Nationalities Papersjournal
461Nations and Nationalismjournal
462New Meditjournal
463New Political Economyjournal
464New Zealand Geographerjournal
465Nordia Geographical Publicationsjournal
466Norsk Geografisk Tidsskriftjournal
467OECD Observerjournal
468Open Geography Journaljournal
469Open House Internationaljournal
470OpenAccess Series in Informaticsconference and proceeding
471Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orientsjournal
472Oxford Development Studiesjournal
473Oxford Journal of Archaeologyjournal
474Pacific Affairsjournal
475Pacific Economic Reviewjournal
476Pacific Reviewjournal
477Pakistan Development Reviewjournal
478PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontologyjournal
479Papers in Regional Sciencejournal
480Pennsylvania Geographerjournal
481Perspectives on Global Development and Technologyjournal
482Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitikjournal
483Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformationjournal
484PIDE Working Papersjournal
486Planning Advisory Service Memojournal
487Planning and Environmental Lawjournal
488Planning Malaysiajournal
489Planning Perspectivesjournal
490Planning Practice and Researchjournal
491Planning Theoryjournal
492Planning Theory and Practicejournal
494Polar Geographyjournal
495Polar Recordjournal
496Polish Geological Institute Special Papersjournal
497Political Geographyjournal
499Population, Space and Placejournal
500Prairie Forumjournal
501Problemy Ekorozwojujournal
502Proceedings - 2014 International Conference of Educational Innovation Through Technology, EITT 2014conference and proceeding
503Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management - Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Developmentconference and proceeding
504Proceedings of the 10th Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, EMECS 2013 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conferenceconference and proceeding
505Proceedings of the 13th World Confernece of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS 2012conference and proceeding
506Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformaticsconference and proceeding
507Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planningjournal
508Professional Geographerjournal
509Progress in Human Geographyjournal
510Progress in Physical Geographyjournal
511Progress in Planningjournal
515Przeglad Geograficznyjournal
516Public Roadsjournal
517Quarterly Journal of International Agriculturejournal
518RA'E GA - O Espaco Geografico em Analisejournal
520Refugee Survey Quarterlyjournal
521Regional and Federal Studiesjournal
522Regional Development Dialoguejournal
523Regional Research of Russiajournal
524Regional Science Inquiryjournal
525Regional Science Policy and Practicejournal
526Regional Studies, Regional Sciencejournal
527Regions and Cohesionjournal
528Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environmentjournal
529Report - Chr. Michelsen Institutejournal
530Research in Rural Sociology and Developmentbook serie
532Review of African Political Economyjournal
533Review of Development Economicsjournal
534Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Lawjournal
535Review of International Economicsjournal
536Review of Policy Researchjournal
537Review of Regional Studiesjournal
538Review of Urban and Regional Development Studiesjournal
539Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regionaljournal
540Revista Brasileira de Historia journal
541Revista de Geografia Norte Grandejournal
542Revista de Gestao Social e Ambientaljournal
543Revista de Teledeteccionjournal
544Revista Geografica Venezolanajournal
545Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionaisjournal
546Revista Venezolana de Gerenciajournal
547Revue de Geographie Alpinejournal
548Revue du Marche Commun et de L'Union Europeennejournal
549Rivista Geographica Italianajournal
550Round Tablejournal
551Rural History: Economy, Society, Culturejournal
553Savings and Developmentjournal
554Sbornik Ceske Geograficke Spolecnostijournal
555Scandinavian Economic History Reviewjournal
556Science and Public Policyjournal
557Scienze Regionalijournal
558Scottish Geographical Journaljournal
559Scripta Novajournal
560Singapore Journal of Tropical Geographyjournal
561Social and Cultural Geographyjournal
562Sociedade e Estado journal
563Socijalna Ekologijajournal
564Socio-Economic Planning Sciencesjournal
565Sociologija i Prostorjournal
566South Asian Surveyjournal
567South East Asia Researchjournal
568Southeast Asian Studiesjournal
569Southeastern Geographerjournal
570Southern African Geographical Journaljournal
571Space and Culturejournal
572Space and Polityjournal
573Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiologyjournal
574Spatial Economic Analysisjournal
575Studi Emigrazionejournal
576Sud-Ouest Europeenbook serie
579Sustainability Sciencejournal
580Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policyjournal
581Sustainable Cities and Societyjournal
582Teaching Geographyjournal
584Territoire en Mouvementjournal
586Territory, Politics, Governancejournal
587The Middle East Journaljournal
588Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Managementjournal
589Theory and Practice in Hospitality and Tourism Research - Proceedings of the 2nd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference 2014conference and proceeding
590Thunderbird International Business Reviewjournal
591Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografiejournal
592Tourism and Hospitality Researchjournal
593Tourism Economicsjournal
594Tourism Geographiesjournal
595Tourism in Marine Environmentsjournal
596Tourism Reviewjournal
597Tourism, Culture and Communicationjournal
598Town Planning Reviewjournal
599Traffic Engineering and Controljournal
600Transactions of the Institute of British Geographersjournal
601Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographersjournal
602Transport Policyjournal
603Transportation Planning and Technologyjournal
605Urban and Regional Data Management, UDMS Annual 2013 - Proceedings of the Urban Data Management Society Symposium 2013conference and proceeding
606Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Developmentjournal
607Urban Climatejournal
608Urban Design Internationaljournal
609Urban Forumjournal
610Urban Geographyjournal
611Urban Historyjournal
612Urban Policy and Researchjournal
613Urban Research and Practicejournal
614Urban Water Journaljournal
615Urbani Izzivjournal
617Vestnik Moskovskogo Unviersiteta, Seriya Geografiyajournal
619Water (Switzerland) journal
620Water Alternativesjournal
621Water Historyjournal
622Water Policyjournal
623Water Resources and Economicsjournal
624Water Resources and Industryjournal
625Water Resources and Rural Developmentjournal
626Weather and Climate Extremesjournal
627WIREs Climate Changejournal
628Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institutejournal
629Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studiesjournal
630Working Paper of the University of Leeds, School of Geographyjournal
631World Developmentjournal
632World Review of Intermodal Transportation Researchjournal
633Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religionjournal
634WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Developmentjournal
636Zeitschrift für Geomorphologiejournal
637Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographiejournal
638Zhongguo Renkou Ziyuan Yu Huan Jing/ China Population Resources and Environmentjournal

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