Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | Applied Energy | journal |
2 | Energy Economics | journal |
3 | ChemSusChem | journal |
4 | Energy Policy | journal |
5 | Energy | journal |
6 | Biotechnology for Biofuels | journal |
7 | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | journal |
8 | AAPG Bulletin | journal |
9 | Energy Journal | journal |
10 | International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control | journal |
11 | Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering | journal |
12 | Geophysics | journal |
13 | SPE Journal | journal |
14 | Bioenergy Research | journal |
15 | SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering | journal |
16 | Energy Reports | journal |
17 | Energy Strategy Reviews | journal |
18 | Journal of Energy Chemistry | journal |
19 | Building Simulation | journal |
20 | Energy Efficiency | journal |
21 | Energy Systems | journal |
22 | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | journal |
23 | Electricity Journal | journal |
24 | International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | journal |
25 | International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering | journal |
26 | Energy Procedia | conference and proceeding |
27 | Green | journal |
28 | International Journal of Sustainable Energy | journal |
29 | Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology | journal |
30 | International Journal of Exergy | journal |
31 | Journal of World Energy Law and Business | journal |
32 | Industrial Lubrication and Tribology | journal |
33 | Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy | journal |
34 | Die Erde | journal |
35 | SPE Economics and Management | journal |
36 | Journal of Spatial Science | journal |
37 | Energy Studies Review | journal |
38 | Energy Technology | journal |
39 | International Journal of Critical Infrastructures | journal |
40 | Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy | journal |
41 | International Journal of Energy Sector Management | journal |
42 | Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal | journal |
43 | Rev Roumaine des Sciences Techniques-Series Electrotechnique et Energetique | journal |
44 | International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology | journal |
45 | Energy and Environment | journal |
46 | Rasayan Journal of Chemistry | journal |
47 | WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems | journal |
48 | Rynek Energii | journal |
49 | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | journal |
50 | Informacion Tecnologica | journal |
51 | Rudarsko Geolosko Naftni Zbornik | journal |
52 | Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2014 | conference and proceeding |
53 | Geofisica Internacional | journal |
54 | Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy | journal |
55 | Journal of Energy in Southern Africa | journal |
56 | Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference | conference and proceeding |
57 | SOCAR Proceedings | journal |
58 | Petroleum and Coal | journal |
59 | WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development | journal |
60 | CT y F - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro | journal |
61 | Energetika | journal |
62 | SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, MEOS, Proceedings | conference and proceeding |
63 | International Energy Journal | journal |
64 | Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft | journal |
65 | Ekologija | journal |
66 | Advanced Science Letters | journal |
67 | Papers Presented at the Annual Conference - Rural Electric Power Conference | conference and proceeding |
68 | Open Petroleum Engineering Journal | journal |
69 | Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais | journal |
70 | Lecture Notes in Energy | book serie |
71 | High Technology Letters | journal |
72 | Proceedings of the Biennial International Pipeline Conference, IPC | conference and proceeding |
73 | International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics | journal |
74 | RSC Energy and Environment Series | book serie |
75 | 2014 IEEE Green Energy and Systems Conference, IGESC 2014 | conference and proceeding |
76 | The Journal of Pipeline Engineering | journal |
77 | Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal | journal |
78 | Geographische Raudschau | journal |
79 | DGMK Tagungsbericht | conference and proceeding |
80 | Mining Report | journal |
81 | Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention, CONCAPAN 2014 | conference and proceeding |
82 | Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013 | conference and proceeding |
83 | SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings | conference and proceeding |
84 | 2014 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2014 | conference and proceeding |
85 | Conference of the Nuclear Engineering Division 2007, Held at the 2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting | conference and proceeding |
86 | Atoms for Peace | journal |
87 | Environmental Aspects, Applications and Implications of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2013 - Topical Conference at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
88 | Nuclear Engineering Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
89 | North American Mixing Forum 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
90 | Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research | journal |
91 | Separations Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
92 | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University | journal |
93 | Separations Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety | conference and proceeding |
94 | Annual Fuels and Lubes Asia Conference and Exhibition | conference and proceeding |
95 | Developments in Petroleum Science | book serie |
96 | International Gas Research Conference Proceedings | conference and proceeding |
97 | Energy and Transport Processes 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety | conference and proceeding |
98 | Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWMA | conference and proceeding |
99 | CONCAWE Review | journal |
100 | Power | journal |
101 | CONCAWE Reports | journal |
102 | Energy and Transport Processes 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future | conference and proceeding |
103 | 2015 IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCCCE 2015 | conference and proceeding |
104 | Offshore | journal |
105 | Hart's E and P | journal |
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