Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal | journal |
2 | Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal | journal |
3 | Academy of Marketing Studies Journal | journal |
4 | Accounting Review | journal |
5 | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | journal |
6 | Acta Oeconomica | journal |
7 | Actual Problems of Economics | journal |
8 | Actuel Marx | journal |
9 | ADB Economics Working Paper Series | book serie |
10 | Advances in Austrian Economics | book serie |
11 | Advances in Econometrics | book serie |
12 | African Economic History | journal |
13 | AgBioForum | journal |
14 | Agrekon | journal |
15 | Agribusiness | journal |
16 | Agricultural and Resource Economics Review | journal |
17 | Agricultural Economics | journal |
18 | Agricultural Finance Review | journal |
19 | Agricultural History Review | journal |
20 | AIEL Series in Labour Economics | book serie |
21 | American Economic Review | journal |
22 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | journal |
23 | American Journal of Economics and Sociology | journal |
24 | Annals of Economics and Finance | journal |
25 | Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics | journal |
26 | Annual Review of Economics | journal |
27 | Annual Review of Financial Economics | journal |
28 | Annual Review of Resource Economics | journal |
29 | Applied Econometrics and International Development | journal |
30 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | journal |
31 | Applied Economics | journal |
32 | Applied Economics Letters | journal |
33 | Applied Financial Economics | journal |
34 | Applied Health Economics and Health Policy | journal |
35 | Argumenta Oeconomica | journal |
36 | Asian Affairs | journal |
37 | Asian Economic Papers | journal |
38 | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | journal |
39 | Asian-Pacific Economic Literature | journal |
40 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics | journal |
41 | Asia-Pacific Review | journal |
42 | Asia-Pacific Social Science Review | journal |
43 | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | journal |
44 | ASTIN Bulletin | journal |
45 | Auditing | journal |
46 | Australasian Marketing Journal | journal |
47 | Australian Economic History Review | journal |
48 | Australian Economic Review | journal |
49 | Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | journal |
50 | B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy | journal |
51 | B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics | journal |
52 | Banking and Finance Review | journal |
53 | Basic Income Studies | journal |
54 | Berichte uber Landwirtschaft | journal |
55 | Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis | journal |
56 | Borsa Istanbul Review | journal |
57 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | journal |
58 | BRQ Business Research Quarterly | journal |
59 | Bulletin of Economic Research | journal |
60 | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | journal |
61 | Business Economics | journal |
62 | Business Ethics | journal |
63 | Business Ethics Quarterly | journal |
64 | Cambridge Journal of Economics | journal |
65 | Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | journal |
66 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | journal |
67 | Canadian Journal of Economics | journal |
68 | Capital and Class | journal |
69 | CESifo DICE Report | journal |
70 | CESifo Economic Studies | journal |
71 | CESifo Forum | journal |
72 | China Agricultural Economic Review | journal |
73 | China Economic Review | journal |
74 | China Nonprofit Review | journal |
75 | China: An International Journal | journal |
76 | Cliometrica | journal |
77 | Comparative economic studies | journal |
78 | Competition Policy International | journal |
79 | Conflict Management and Peace Science | journal |
80 | Constitutional Political Economy | journal |
81 | Consumption Markets and Culture | journal |
82 | Contemporary Accounting Research | journal |
83 | Contemporary Economic Policy | journal |
84 | Contributions to Economics | book serie |
85 | Contributions to Political Economy | journal |
86 | Croatian Economic Survey | journal |
87 | Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural | journal |
88 | Cyprus Review | journal |
89 | De Economist | journal |
90 | Defence and Peace Economics | journal |
91 | Desarrollo y Sociedad | journal |
92 | Developing Economies | journal |
93 | Eastern Economic Journal | journal |
94 | Eastern European Economics | journal |
95 | Ecological Economics | journal |
96 | E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Service - Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Service, EEE 2014 | conference and proceeding |
97 | Econ Journal Watch | journal |
98 | Econometric Reviews | journal |
99 | Econometric Theory | journal |
100 | Econometrica | journal |
101 | Econometrics Journal | journal |
102 | Economia Chilena | journal |
103 | Economia Politica | journal |
104 | Economic Analysis and Policy | journal |
105 | Economic and Labour Relations Review | journal |
106 | Economic and Social Review | journal |
107 | Economic Change and Restructuring | journal |
108 | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research | journal |
109 | Economic Development and Cultural Change | journal |
110 | Economic Development Quarterly | journal |
111 | Economic Geography | journal |
112 | Economic History Review | journal |
113 | Economic Inquiry | journal |
114 | Economic Journal | journal |
115 | Economic Modelling | journal |
116 | Economic Notes | journal |
117 | Economic Outlook | journal |
118 | Economic Policy | journal |
119 | Economic Record | journal |
120 | Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja | journal |
121 | Economic Systems | journal |
122 | Economic Systems Research | journal |
123 | Economic Theory | journal |
124 | Economica | journal |
125 | Economics and Philosophy | journal |
126 | Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment | journal |
127 | Economics and Politics | journal |
128 | Economics Letters | journal |
129 | Economics of Education Review | journal |
130 | Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy | journal |
131 | Economics of Transition | journal |
132 | Economie et Statistique | journal |
133 | Economie Internationale | journal |
134 | Economist | journal |
135 | Economy and Society | journal |
136 | Education Economics | journal |
137 | eJournal of Tax Research | journal |
138 | Ekonomicky Casopis | journal |
139 | Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift | journal |
140 | Ekonomista | journal |
141 | Electronic Markets | journal |
142 | Emerging Markets Review | journal |
143 | Empirical Economics | journal |
144 | Energy Economics | journal |
145 | Energy Journal | journal |
146 | Energy Studies Review | journal |
147 | Energy Systems | journal |
148 | Engineering Economics | journal |
149 | Engineering Economist | journal |
150 | Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica | journal |
151 | Entrepreneurial Executive | journal |
152 | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | journal |
153 | Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice | journal |
154 | Environment and Development Economics | journal |
155 | Environment, Development and Sustainability | journal |
156 | Environmental and Resource Economics | journal |
157 | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies | journal |
158 | Estudios de Economia | journal |
159 | Etudes Rurales | journal |
160 | Eurasian Geography and Economics | journal |
161 | European Actuarial Journal | journal |
162 | European Economic Review | journal |
163 | European Journal of Government and Economics | journal |
164 | European Journal of Law and Economics | journal |
165 | European Journal of Political Economy | journal |
166 | European Research on Management and Business Economics | journal |
167 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | journal |
168 | Europe-Asia Studies | journal |
169 | Explorations in Economic History | journal |
170 | Feminist Economics | journal |
171 | Finance a Uver | journal |
172 | Financial Analysts Journal | journal |
173 | Financial Management | journal |
174 | Financial Review | journal |
175 | Fiscal Studies | journal |
176 | Food Policy | journal |
177 | Forest Policy and Economics | journal |
178 | Fortune | journal |
179 | Foundations and Trends in Econometrics | journal |
180 | Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship | journal |
181 | Foundations and Trends in Finance | book serie |
182 | Foundations and Trends in Marketing | journal |
183 | Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics | journal |
184 | Frontiers in Energy Research | journal |
185 | Frontiers of Economics in China | journal |
186 | Fuzzy Economic Review | journal |
187 | Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business | journal |
188 | Games and Economic Behavior | journal |
189 | Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice | journal |
190 | GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review | journal |
191 | Geographie Economie Societe | journal |
192 | German Economic Review | journal |
193 | German Journal of Agricultural Economics | journal |
194 | Global Business and Economics Review | journal |
195 | Global Finance Journal | journal |
196 | Global Policy | journal |
197 | Graziadio Business Report | journal |
198 | Hacienda Publica Espanola | journal |
199 | Handbook of Computational Economics | book serie |
200 | Handbook of Economic Forecasting | book serie |
201 | Handbook of Economic Growth | book serie |
202 | Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications | book serie |
203 | Handbook of Income Distribution | book serie |
204 | Handbook of International Economics | book serie |
205 | Handbook of Public Economics | book serie |
206 | Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics | book serie |
207 | Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture | book serie |
208 | Handbook of the Economics of Finance | book serie |
209 | Harvard Business Review | journal |
210 | History of Economic Ideas | journal |
211 | History of Political Economy | journal |
212 | Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics | journal |
213 | Humanomics | journal |
214 | IIMB Management Review | journal |
215 | Indian Economic and Social History Review | journal |
216 | Indian Growth and Development Review | journal |
217 | Indian Journal of Labour Economics | journal |
218 | Industrial and Corporate Change | journal |
219 | Information Economics and Policy | journal |
220 | Innovation Policy and the Economy | book serie |
221 | Innovations | journal |
222 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics | journal |
223 | International Advances in Economic Research | journal |
224 | International Economic Review | journal |
225 | International Economics and Economic Policy | journal |
226 | International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics | journal |
227 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | journal |
228 | International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research | journal |
229 | International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences | journal |
230 | International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance | journal |
231 | International Journal of Business | journal |
232 | International Journal of Business and Society | journal |
233 | International Journal of Central Banking | journal |
234 | International Journal of Consumer Studies | journal |
235 | International Journal of Development Issues | journal |
236 | International Journal of Disclosure and Governance | journal |
237 | International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics | journal |
238 | International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies | journal |
239 | International Journal of Economic Theory | journal |
240 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | journal |
241 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship | journal |
242 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management | journal |
243 | International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business | journal |
244 | International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies | journal |
245 | International Journal of Finance and Economics | journal |
246 | International Journal of Game Theory | journal |
247 | International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship | journal |
248 | International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems | journal |
249 | International Journal of Market Research | journal |
250 | International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance | journal |
251 | International Journal of Product Development | journal |
252 | International Journal of Production Economics | journal |
253 | International Journal of Revenue Management | journal |
254 | International Journal of Services, Economics and Management | journal |
255 | International Journal of Social Economics | journal |
256 | International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship | journal |
257 | International Journal of Technology and Globalisation | journal |
258 | International Journal of the Economics of Business | journal |
259 | International Journal on Hydropower and Dams | journal |
260 | International Marketing Review | journal |
261 | International Organizations Law Review | journal |
262 | International Paperworld IPW | journal |
263 | International Review of Applied Economics | journal |
264 | International Review of Economics and Finance | journal |
265 | International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics | journal |
266 | International Review of Finance | journal |
267 | International Review of Financial Analysis | journal |
268 | International Review of Law and Economics | journal |
269 | International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research | journal |
270 | International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing | journal |
271 | International Tax and Public Finance | journal |
272 | Internet Research | journal |
273 | Investigaciones de Historia Economica | journal |
274 | Investment Analysts Journal | journal |
275 | Investment Management and Financial Innovations | journal |
276 | Irish Studies in International Affairs | journal |
277 | IZA Journal of European Labor Studies | journal |
278 | IZA Journal of Labor Economics | journal |
279 | IZA Journal of Labor Policy | journal |
280 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte | journal |
281 | Jahrbucher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik | journal |
282 | Japan and the World Economy | journal |
283 | Japanese Economic Review | journal |
284 | Journal for Labour Market Research | journal |
285 | Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics | journal |
286 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | journal |
287 | Journal of Accounting Research | journal |
288 | Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics | journal |
289 | Journal of Advanced Transportation | journal |
290 | Journal of African Economies | journal |
291 | Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | journal |
292 | Journal of Agricultural Economics | journal |
293 | Journal of Alternative Investments | journal |
294 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | journal |
295 | Journal of Asian Economics | journal |
296 | Journal of Asian Pacific Communication | journal |
297 | Journal of Australian Political Economy | journal |
298 | Journal of Banking and Finance | journal |
299 | Journal of Banking Regulation | journal |
300 | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics | journal |
301 | Journal of Bioeconomics | journal |
302 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | journal |
303 | Journal of Business Economics and Management | journal |
304 | Journal of Business Ethics | journal |
305 | Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis | journal |
306 | Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice | journal |
307 | Journal of Commercial Biotechnology | journal |
308 | Journal of Common Market Studies | journal |
309 | Journal of Comparative Asian Development | journal |
310 | Journal of Comparative Economics | journal |
311 | Journal of Competition Law and Economics | journal |
312 | Journal of Consumer Culture | journal |
313 | Journal of Consumer Policy | journal |
314 | Journal of Consumer Research | journal |
315 | Journal of Corporate Finance | journal |
316 | Journal of Credit Risk | journal |
317 | Journal of Demographic Economics | journal |
318 | Journal of Derivatives | journal |
319 | Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds | journal |
320 | Journal of Development of Economics | journal |
321 | Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship | journal |
322 | Journal of East Asian Studies | journal |
323 | Journal of Econometrics | journal |
324 | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | journal |
325 | Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development | journal |
326 | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | journal |
327 | Journal of Economic Education | journal |
328 | Journal of Economic Geography | journal |
329 | Journal of Economic Growth | journal |
330 | Journal of Economic History | journal |
331 | Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination | journal |
332 | Journal of Economic Issues | journal |
333 | Journal of Economic Literature | journal |
334 | Journal of Economic Perspectives | journal |
335 | Journal of Economic Psychology | journal |
336 | Journal of Economic Surveys | journal |
337 | Journal of Economic Theory | journal |
338 | Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics | journal |
339 | Journal of Economics and Business | journal |
340 | Journal of Economics and Finance | journal |
341 | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy | journal |
342 | Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalokonomie | journal |
343 | Journal of Emerging Market Finance | journal |
344 | Journal of Empirical Finance | journal |
345 | Journal of Enterprising Communities | journal |
346 | Journal of Entrepreneurship | journal |
347 | Journal of Entrepreneurship Education | journal |
348 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | journal |
349 | Journal of European Real Estate Research | journal |
350 | Journal of Evolutionary Economics | journal |
351 | Journal of Family and Economic Issues | journal |
352 | Journal of Family Business Strategy | journal |
353 | Journal of Finance | journal |
354 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | journal |
355 | Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning | journal |
356 | Journal of Financial Econometrics | journal |
357 | Journal of Financial Economic Policy | journal |
358 | Journal of Financial Economics | journal |
359 | Journal of Financial Intermediation | journal |
360 | Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction | journal |
361 | Journal of Financial Markets | journal |
362 | Journal of Financial Services Research | journal |
363 | Journal of Fixed Income | journal |
364 | Journal of Futures Markets | journal |
365 | Journal of Housing Economics | journal |
366 | Journal of Human Resources | journal |
367 | Journal of Industrial Ecology | journal |
368 | Journal of Industrial Economics | journal |
369 | Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics | journal |
370 | Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics | journal |
371 | Journal of International Business and Economics | journal |
372 | Journal of International Business Studies | journal |
373 | Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy | journal |
374 | Journal of International Economics | journal |
375 | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money | journal |
376 | Journal of International Marketing | journal |
377 | Journal of International Money and Finance | journal |
378 | Journal of Labor Economics | journal |
379 | Journal of Law and Economics | journal |
380 | Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization | journal |
381 | Journal of Macroeconomics | journal |
382 | Journal of Marketing | journal |
383 | Journal of Marketing Research | journal |
384 | Journal of Mathematical Economics | journal |
385 | Journal of Media Economics | journal |
386 | Journal of Monetary Economics | journal |
387 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | journal |
388 | Journal of Multinational Financial Management | journal |
389 | Journal of Operational Risk | journal |
390 | Journal of Pension Economics and Finance | journal |
391 | Journal of Policy Modeling | journal |
392 | Journal of Political Economy | journal |
393 | Journal of Population Economics | journal |
394 | Journal of Portfolio Management | journal |
395 | Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | journal |
396 | Journal of Private Equity | journal |
397 | Journal of Productivity Analysis | journal |
398 | Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management | journal |
399 | Journal of Public Economic Theory | journal |
400 | Journal of Public Economics | journal |
401 | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | journal |
402 | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | journal |
403 | Journal of Regulatory Economics | journal |
404 | Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management | journal |
405 | Journal of Risk and Insurance | journal |
406 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | journal |
407 | Journal of Risk Model Validation | journal |
408 | Journal of Social Entrepreneurship | journal |
409 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | journal |
410 | Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | book serie |
411 | Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient | journal |
412 | Journal of the Economics of Ageing | journal |
413 | Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | journal |
414 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy | journal |
415 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society) | journal |
416 | Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland | journal |
417 | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy | journal |
418 | Journal of Urban Economics | journal |
419 | Journal of Wealth Management | journal |
420 | Journal of World Trade | journal |
421 | Judgment and Decision Making | journal |
422 | Kyklos | journal |
423 | Labour Economics | journal |
424 | Land Economics | journal |
425 | Legal Issues of Economic Integration | journal |
426 | Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences | journal |
427 | Macroeconomic Dynamics | journal |
428 | Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies | journal |
429 | Manchester Journal of International Economic Law | journal |
430 | Manchester School | journal |
431 | Marine Policy | journal |
432 | Marine Resource Economics | journal |
433 | Marketing Letters | journal |
434 | Marketing Science | journal |
435 | Mathematical Finance | journal |
436 | Metroeconomica | journal |
437 | MIS Quarterly Executive | journal |
438 | Mondes En Developpement | journal |
439 | National Tax Journal | journal |
440 | NBER Macroeconomics Annual | book serie |
441 | NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking | journal |
442 | New Medit | journal |
443 | New Perspectives on Turkey | journal |
444 | North American Actuarial Journal | journal |
445 | North American Journal of Economics and Finance | journal |
446 | Nurture | journal |
447 | Open Economies Review | journal |
448 | Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics | journal |
449 | Oxford Economic Papers | journal |
450 | Oxford Review of Economic Policy | journal |
451 | Pacific Basin Finance Journal | journal |
452 | Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy | journal |
453 | Politica Economica | journal |
454 | Politicka Ekonomie | journal |
455 | Politics, Philosophy and Economics | journal |
456 | Portuguese Economic Journal | journal |
457 | Post-Communist Economies | journal |
458 | Post-Soviet Affairs | journal |
459 | Prague Economic Papers | journal |
460 | Problemas del Desarrollo | journal |
461 | Przeglad Wschodnioeuropejski | journal |
462 | Public Budgeting and Finance | journal |
463 | Public Choice | journal |
464 | Public Finance Review | journal |
465 | Pulp and Paper Canada | journal |
466 | Qualitative Research in Financial Markets | journal |
467 | Quantitative Economics | journal |
468 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | journal |
469 | Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance | journal |
470 | Rail Human Factors: Supporting Reliability, Safety and Cost Reduction | conference and proceeding |
471 | RAND Journal of Economics | journal |
472 | Real Estate Economics | journal |
473 | Recta | journal |
474 | Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies | journal |
475 | Regional Science and Urban Economics | journal |
476 | Regional Science Inquiry | journal |
477 | Regional Statistics | journal |
478 | Regional Studies, Regional Science | journal |
479 | Research in Economic Anthropology | book serie |
480 | Research in Economic History | book serie |
481 | Research in Economics | journal |
482 | Research in Experimental Economics | book serie |
483 | Research in Labor Economics | book serie |
484 | Research in Law and Economics | book serie |
485 | Research in Political Economy | book serie |
486 | Resources and Energy Economics | journal |
487 | Resources Policy | journal |
488 | Resources, Conservation and Recyclcing | journal |
489 | REVESCO Revista de Estudios Cooperativos | journal |
490 | Review of Black Political Economy | journal |
491 | Review of Development Finance | journal |
492 | Review of Economic Conditions in Italy | journal |
493 | Review of Economic Dynamics | journal |
494 | Review of Economic Studies | journal |
495 | Review of Economics and Statistics | journal |
496 | Review of Economics of the Household | journal |
497 | Review of Environmental Economics and Policy | journal |
498 | Review of Financial Economics | journal |
499 | Review of Financial Studies | journal |
500 | Review of Income and Wealth | journal |
501 | Review of Industrial Organization | journal |
502 | Review of International Political Economy | journal |
503 | Review of Keynesian Economics | journal |
504 | Review of Network Economics | journal |
505 | Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies | journal |
506 | Review of Radical Political Economics | journal |
507 | Review of Social Economy | journal |
508 | Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural | journal |
509 | Revista de Economia Mundial | journal |
510 | Revista de Estudios Regionales | journal |
511 | Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History | journal |
512 | Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad | journal |
513 | Revista Galega de Economia | journal |
514 | Revue d'Economie Industrielle | journal |
515 | Revue Francaise de Gestion | journal |
516 | Risk and Decision Analysis | journal |
517 | Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions | journal |
518 | Risk Management | journal |
519 | Risk Management and Insurance Review | journal |
520 | Scandinavian Actuarial Journal | journal |
521 | Scandinavian Journal of Economics | journal |
522 | Science Technology and Human Values | journal |
523 | Scienze Regionali | journal |
524 | Scottish Journal of Political Economy | journal |
525 | Singapore Economic Review | journal |
526 | Small Business Economics | journal |
527 | Social and Economic Studies | journal |
528 | Social Choice and Welfare | journal |
529 | Social Marketing Quarterly | journal |
530 | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences | journal |
531 | South African Journal of Economics | journal |
532 | Southern Economic Journal | journal |
533 | Space Policy | journal |
534 | Spanish Review of Financial Economics | journal |
535 | Statistical Journal of the IAOS | journal |
536 | Statistika | journal |
537 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | journal |
538 | Structural Change and Economic Dynamics | journal |
539 | Studies in Economics and Finance | journal |
540 | Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics | journal |
541 | Studies in Political Economy | journal |
542 | Studies on Russian Economic Development | journal |
543 | Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science | book serie |
544 | Tax Policy and the Economy | book serie |
545 | Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie | journal |
546 | Transformations in Business and Economics | journal |
547 | Travail, Genre et Societe | journal |
548 | Trimestre Economico | journal |
549 | Universia Business Review | journal |
550 | Work, Employment and Society | journal |
551 | World Bank Economic Review | journal |
552 | World Bank Research Observer | journal |
553 | World Development | journal |
554 | World Economy | journal |
555 | World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development | journal |
556 | World Trade Review | journal |
557 | WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics | journal |
558 | Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakultet au Rijeci | journal |
559 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft | journal |
560 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie | journal |
Economics and Econometrics
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