Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | Handbook of International Economics | book serie |
2 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | journal |
3 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | journal |
4 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | journal |
5 | Journal of the European Economic Association | journal |
6 | Theoretical Economics | journal |
7 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | journal |
8 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | journal |
9 | Structural Equation Modeling | journal |
10 | IMF Economic Review | book serie |
11 | Quantitative Marketing and Economics | journal |
12 | Experimental Economics | journal |
13 | Extremes | journal |
14 | Socio-Economic Review | journal |
15 | Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal | journal |
16 | Journal of Financial Stability | journal |
17 | Economy and Society | journal |
18 | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications | journal |
19 | Journal of Economic History | journal |
20 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | journal |
21 | Economics of Transportation | journal |
22 | Journal of International Economic Law | journal |
23 | Journal of Real Estate Research | journal |
24 | European Journal of Health Economics | journal |
25 | European Financial Management | journal |
26 | Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty | book serie |
27 | International Relations of the Asia-Pacific | journal |
28 | Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling | book serie |
29 | Annals of Finance | journal |
30 | Journal of Institutional Economics | journal |
31 | ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research | journal |
32 | Globalizations | journal |
33 | International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics | journal |
34 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | journal |
35 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | journal |
36 | Research in Transportation Economics | journal |
37 | Journal of Human Capital | journal |
38 | Review of World Economics | journal |
39 | Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics | journal |
40 | Spatial Economic Analysis | journal |
41 | Journal of the History of Economic Thought | journal |
42 | Review of Political Economy | journal |
43 | European Review of Economic History | journal |
44 | Economics of Innovation and New Technology | journal |
45 | Economics and Sociology | journal |
46 | Quantitative Finance | journal |
47 | Accounting and Finance | journal |
48 | Electronic Commerce Research | journal |
49 | Review of Derivatives Research | journal |
50 | Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance | journal |
51 | Journal of Economic Inequality | journal |
52 | Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic) | journal |
53 | Journal of Cultural Economics | journal |
54 | GAIA | journal |
55 | Wine Economics and Policy | journal |
56 | International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance | journal |
57 | Theory and Decision | journal |
58 | European Journal of Finance | journal |
59 | International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | journal |
60 | China and World Economy | journal |
61 | E a M: Ekonomie a Management | journal |
62 | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade | journal |
63 | International Economics | journal |
64 | Advances in Strategic Management | book serie |
65 | Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management | journal |
66 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | journal |
67 | Local Economy | journal |
68 | Journal of Economic Policy Reform | journal |
69 | Managerial Auditing Journal | journal |
70 | Journal of Economic Studies | journal |
71 | China Information | journal |
72 | Journal of Sports Economics | journal |
73 | International Journal of Auditing | journal |
74 | Value in Health Regional Issues | journal |
75 | B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics | journal |
76 | Research in Transportation Business and Management | journal |
77 | Maritime Economics and Logistics | journal |
78 | International Social Security Review | journal |
79 | Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies | journal |
80 | Historical Materialism | journal |
81 | Financial Accountability and Management | journal |
82 | Computational Economics | journal |
83 | Panoeconomicus | journal |
84 | Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics | journal |
85 | Cato Journal | journal |
86 | Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics | journal |
87 | City, Culture and Society | journal |
88 | Journal of Financial Crime | journal |
89 | Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities | journal |
90 | B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy | journal |
91 | Inter economics | journal |
92 | South Asia Research | journal |
93 | Foresight | journal |
94 | Journal of Economic Methodology | journal |
95 | Journal of Property Investment and Finance | journal |
96 | Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology | book serie |
97 | Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments | journal |
98 | SERIEs | journal |
99 | National Institute Economic Review | journal |
100 | Industrial Engineering and Management Systems | journal |
101 | Journal of Real Estate Literature | journal |
102 | International Economic Journal | journal |
103 | Economic and Political Weekly | journal |
104 | Journal of Applied Economics | journal |
105 | China Economic Journal | journal |
106 | Review of Austrian Economics | journal |
107 | Cuadernos de Economia | journal |
108 | International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy | journal |
109 | Asian Social Science | journal |
110 | University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law | journal |
111 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research | journal |
112 | Review of Economic Perspectives | journal |
113 | Economy of Region | journal |
114 | Latin American Economic Review | journal |
115 | Economics of Governance | journal |
116 | Economists' Voice | journal |
117 | Economics | journal |
118 | Chinese Economy | journal |
119 | Young Consumers | journal |
120 | Journal of Private Enterprise | journal |
121 | Amfiteatru Economic | journal |
122 | International Journal of Health Economics and Management | journal |
123 | International Trade Journal | journal |
124 | Global Economic Review | journal |
125 | African Journal of Economic and Management Studies | journal |
126 | Economic Annals-XXI | journal |
127 | Decisions in Economics and Finance | journal |
128 | Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management | journal |
129 | Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration | journal |
130 | Handbook of the Economics of International Migration | book serie |
131 | New Zealand Economic Papers | journal |
132 | Review of Economic Design | journal |
133 | International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis | journal |
134 | Atlantic Economic Journal | journal |
135 | Revista de Economia Politica/Brazilian Journal of Political Economy | journal |
136 | South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences | journal |
137 | Revue de l'OFCE | journal |
138 | International Journal of Economics and Management | journal |
139 | Journal of Business Communication | journal |
140 | Asian Economic Policy Review | journal |
141 | Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa | journal |
142 | International Journal of Green Economics | journal |
143 | International Journal of Trade and Global Markets | journal |
144 | Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies | journal |
145 | Economics Bulletin | journal |
146 | Journal of Applied Economic Sciences | journal |
147 | Review of Law and Economics | journal |
148 | Journal of Economic Integration | journal |
149 | Revue Economique | journal |
150 | International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies | journal |
151 | Journal of Korea Trade | journal |
152 | Law and Economics Yearly Review | journal |
153 | International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | journal |
154 | Law and Development Review | journal |
155 | Journal of Asia Business Studies | journal |
156 | Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management | book serie |
157 | IZA Journal of Labor and Development | journal |
158 | Business Communication Quarterly | journal |
159 | Australian Economic Papers | journal |
160 | McKinsey Quarterly | journal |
161 | Juncture | journal |
162 | DLSU Business and Economics Review | journal |
163 | Economia e Politica Industriale | journal |
164 | European Research Studies Journal | journal |
165 | South East European Journal of Economics and Business | journal |
166 | EuroMed Journal of Business | journal |
167 | Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting | journal |
168 | Journal of Economic Asymmetries | journal |
169 | Economic Annals | journal |
170 | Baltic Journal of Economics | journal |
171 | International Advances in Economic Research | journal |
172 | Revista Brasileira de Economia | journal |
173 | Czech Economic Review | journal |
174 | World Customs Journal | journal |
175 | International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics | book serie |
176 | Investigaciones Regionales | journal |
177 | International Journal of Business Research | journal |
178 | AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv | journal |
179 | Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science | journal |
180 | Travail et Emploi | journal |
181 | University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law | journal |
182 | Institutions and Economies | journal |
183 | Economia Aplicada | journal |
184 | Latin American Journal of Economics | journal |
185 | Revue d'Economie du Developpement | journal |
186 | Pacific Rim Property Research Journal | journal |
187 | Global Economy Journal | journal |
188 | Croatian Economic Survey | journal |
189 | Journal of International Trade Law and Policy | journal |
190 | Society and Economy | journal |
191 | Recherches economiques de Louvain | journal |
192 | Contemporary Economics | journal |
193 | Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis | journal |
194 | Journal of South Asian Development | journal |
195 | Forum for Health Economics and Policy | journal |
196 | OECD Journal: Economic Studies | journal |
197 | Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics | journal |
198 | Revista de Economia Institucional | journal |
199 | Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences | journal |
200 | Business Information Review | journal |
201 | Revista de Economia Aplicada | journal |
202 | International Review of Economics | journal |
203 | Danube | journal |
204 | America Latina en la Historia Economica | journal |
205 | Economia Mexicana, Nueva Epoca | journal |
206 | South Asia Economic Journal | journal |
207 | Cuadernos de Administracion | journal |
208 | Korean Economic Review | journal |
209 | IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering, Proceedings (CIFEr) | conference and proceeding |
210 | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies | journal |
211 | Revista de Economia del Rosario | journal |
212 | Seoul Journal of Economics | journal |
213 | Entreprises et Histoire | journal |
214 | Iranian Economic Review | journal |
215 | Investigacion Economica | journal |
216 | Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia 1600-1900 | book serie |
217 | Library of Economic History | book serie |
218 | Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia | book serie |
219 | Ekonomski Pregled | journal |
220 | Portuguese Economic Journal | journal |
221 | Revista de Economia Contemporanea | journal |
222 | Revista de Analisis Economico | journal |
223 | Progress in Industrial Ecology | journal |
224 | Cuadernos de Economia | journal |
225 | Trziste | journal |
226 | Citizenship, Social and Economics Education | journal |
227 | Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research | journal |
228 | Estudos Economicos | journal |
229 | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, CIFEr 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013 | conference and proceeding |
230 | International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics | journal |
231 | Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms | book serie |
232 | EEAG Report on the European Economy | journal |
233 | CEPAL Review | journal |
234 | Journal of Current Chinese Affairs | journal |
235 | Geneva Reports on the World Economy | journal |
236 | Economie et Prevision | journal |
237 | Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing | book serie |
238 | Contributions to Economic Analysis | book serie |
239 | Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique | journal |
240 | Nova Economia | journal |
241 | International Journal of Economics and Business Research | journal |
242 | Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali | journal |
243 | Open Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics Journal | journal |
244 | Frontiers of Economics and Globalization | book serie |
245 | Journal Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability | journal |
246 | International Journal of Economic Perspectives | journal |
247 | Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis | book serie |
248 | Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies | journal |
249 | Development Engineering | journal |
250 | Proceedings of WHPCF 2013: 6th Workshop on High Performance Computational Finance - Held in Conjunction with SC 2013: The Int. Conf. for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis | conference and proceeding |
251 | Business and Economic Horizons | journal |
252 | Comparative Economic Research | journal |
253 | Business Strategy Review | journal |
254 | Journal of Income Distribution | journal |
255 | Transnational Corporations | journal |
256 | Agroalimentaria | journal |
257 | Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research | journal |
258 | Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali | journal |
259 | Israel Economic Review | journal |
260 | Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations | book serie |
261 | China Business Review | journal |
262 | Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education | journal |
263 | European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences | journal |
264 | Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems | journal |
265 | Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Al I Cuza din Iasi - Sectiunea Stiinte Economice | journal |
266 | Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics | journal |
267 | European Competition Journal | journal |
268 | Privredna Kretanja i Ekonomska Politika | journal |
269 | Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines | journal |
270 | Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth | book serie |
271 | Rulers and Elites | book serie |
272 | Ikonomicheski Izsledvania | journal |
273 | Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics | journal |
274 | New Economic Windows | book serie |
275 | Advances in Financial Economics | book serie |
276 | 2013 7th Intenational Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: With Focus on e-Security, ECDC 2013 | conference and proceeding |
277 | North Korean Review | journal |
278 | Vierteljahresschrift fur Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte | journal |
279 | Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference ICT, Society and Human Beings 2013, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2013 | conference and proceeding |
280 | International Journal of Economic Research | journal |
281 | Revue Internationale de Droit Economique | journal |
282 | Economies et Societes | journal |
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