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Periodical Service
Sr. No.Title
1Acta Ecologica Sinica
2Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
3Advances in Ecological Research
4African Journal of Range and Forage Science
5Agriculture and Food Security
6Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
7Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
9American Journal of Environmental Sciences
10Animal Conservation
11Annales Zoologici Fennici
12Annals of Forest Research
13Annals of Forest Science
14Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
16Anthropocene Review
17Applied and Environmental Microbiology
18Applied Soil Ecology
19Applied Vegetation Science
20Aquaculture, Economics and Management
21Aquatic Biology
22Aquatic Biosystems
23Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
24Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management
25Aquatic Sciences
26Arboriculture and Urban Forestry
27Arthropod-Plant Interactions
28Asian Journal of Earth Sciences
29Asian Myrmecology
30Austral Ecology
31Austral Entomology
32Austrian Journal of Forest Science
33Avian Conservation and Ecology
36Biodiversity and Conservation
37Biological Invasions
39Bird Conservation International
40Bois et Forets des Tropiques
42Bolleti de la Societat d’Historia Natural de les Balears
44Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
45Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
46Canadian Journal of Forest Research
47Check List
48Chemistry and Ecology
49Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
50Chinese Journal of Ecology
51Community Ecology
52Compost Science and Utilization
53Conservation and Society
54Conservation Biology
55Conservation Evidence
56Conservation Letters
58Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science
59Die Erde
64Ecologia Austral
65Ecological Appplications
66Ecological Entomology
67Ecological Indicators
68Ecological Informatics
69Ecology and Civil Engineering
70Ecology and Evolution
71Ecology and Society
72Ecology of Food and Nutrition
73Ecology of Freshwater Fish
74Ecology, Environment and Conservation
77Ecosystem Services
80Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
81Ekologia Bratislava
83Endangered Species Research
84Environmental Entomology
85Environmental Evidence
86Environmental Impact Assessment Review
87Environmental Management
89Estonian Journal of Ecology
90Estuaries and Coasts
91Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
92Ethnobiology and Conservation
93Excellence in Ecology
94Experimental and Applied Acarology
95Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica
96FEMS Microbiology Ecology
98Field Mycology
99Fisheries Management and Ecology
100Flora Montiberica
101Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants
103FOG – Freiberg Online Geoscience
104Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A
105Folia Oecologica
106Food Webs
107Forest Pathology
108Forest Research
109Forest Science
110Forest Science and Practice
112Freshwater Science
113Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
114Frontiers of Biology in China
115Fundamental and Applied Limnology
116Fungal Diversity
117Fungal Ecology
118Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society
119Gayana – Botanica
121Global Change Biology
122Global Ecology and Biogeography
123Global Ecology and Conservation
124Global Environmental Change
125Global Food Security
128Human Ecology
129Human Ecology
130Human-Wildlife Interactions
131Hydrobiological Journal
132Hydroecologie Appliquee
133ICES Journal of Marine Science
135Indian Journal of Ecology
136Insect Systematics and Evolution
137International Forestry Review
138International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
139International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management
140International Journal of Biometeorology
141International Journal of Ecology
142International Journal of Ecology and Development
143International Journal of Environmental Studies
144International Journal of Fruit Science
145International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
146International Journal of Wildland Fire
147Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
148Issues in Ecology
149Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
150Japanese Journal of Ecology
151Japanese Journal of Limnnology
152Journal for Nature Conservation
153Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
154Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
155Journal of Applied Aquaculture
156Journal of Applied Ecology
157Journal of Arid Environments
158Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
159Journal of Biogeography
160Journal of Biological Dynamics
161Journal of Biological Systems
162Journal of Coastal Conservation
163Journal of Coastal Research
164Journal of Ecology
165Journal of Ecology and Environment
166Journal of Economic Entomology
167Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health
168Journal of Elementology
169Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management
170Journal of Environmental Studies
171Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
172Journal of Forest Economics
173Journal of Geophysical Research
174Journal of Great Lakes Research
175Journal of Insect Conservation
176Journal of Integrative Agriculture
177Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
178Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
179Journal of Limnology
180Journal of Mammalogy
181Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
182Journal of Plankton Research
183Journal of Plant Ecology
184Journal of Political Ecology
185Journal of the American Water Resources Association
186Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
187Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society
188Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
189Journal of Vector Ecology
190Journal of Vegetation Science
191Journal of Wildlife Diseases
192Journal of Wildlife Management
193Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
195Landscape and Ecological Engineering
196Landscape and Urban Planning
197Landscape Ecology
198Landscape Online
200Life Sciences in Space Research
203Living Reviews in Landscape Research
205Marine and Freshwater Research
206Marine Biodiversity Records
207Marine Biology
208Marine Ecology
209Marine Ecology – Progress Series
210Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
211Memoranda – Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
212Microbial Ecology
213Microbiology spectrum
214Mikologiya I Fitopatologiya
215Mires and Peat
216Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
217NAFO Scientific Council Studies
218Natura Croatica
219Natural Areas Journal
220Natureza a Conservacao
221Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
223New Zealand Journal of Ecology
224New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science
225New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
226North American Journal of Fisheries Management
227Oecologia Australis
228Open Conservation Biology Journal
229Outlook on Agriculture
230Pacific Conservation Biology
231Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
233Papers on Global Change IGBP
234Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
236Plankton and Benthos Research
237Plant Ecology
238Plant Ecology and Diversity
239Plant Sociology
240Plant Species Biology
241PLoS Computational Biology
242Polar Record
243Polar Science
244Polish Journal of Ecology
245Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
246Polish Journal of Soil Science
247Polish Polar Research
248Prairie Forum
250Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management – Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development
251Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
252Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales
253Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
254Progress in Industrial Ecology
255Psychological Injury and Law
256Rangeland Ecology and Management
257Rangeland Journal
259Regional Studies in Marine Science
260Research Journal of Botany
261Restoration Ecology
262Reviews in Aquaculture
263Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
264Ribarstvo, Croatian Journal of Fisheries
265Science et Changements Planetaires – Secheresse
266Science for Conservation
268Silva Balcanica
269South African Journal of Plant and Soil
270South African Journal of Wildlife Research
271Southwestern Entomologist
274Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology
275Sustainability Science
276Systematic and Applied Acarology
279Theoretical Ecology
280Transitional Waters Bulletin
281Trees – Structure and Function
282Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
283Tropical Conservation Science
284Tropical Ecology
286Turk Tarim ve Ormancilik Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
288Urban Ecosystems
289Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
290US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service – Resource Bulletin
291USDA Forest Service – General Technical Report PNW
292USDA Forest Service – General Technical Report RMRS-GTR
293USDA Forest Service – Research Note PNW-RN
294USDA Forest Service – Research Note RMRS-RN
295USDA Forest Service – Research Papers PNW-RP
296USDA Forest Service – Research Papers RMRS
297USDA Forest Service – Resource Bulletin PNW-RB
298Vie et Milieu
299Waldokologie Online
300Water and Ecology
301Web Ecology
303West African Journal of Applied Ecology
304Western North American Naturalist
305Wetland Science
308Wildlife Biology in Practice
309Wilson Journal of Ornithology
310Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion
311Zoology and Ecology

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