Earth and Plentary Science

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
115th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences - Frontiers of Mathematical Geosciences: New Approaches to Understand the Natural World, IAMG 2013conference and proceeding
23rd International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, EORSA 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
3AAPG Bulletinjournal
4Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinicajournal
5Acta Geographica Sinicajournal
6Acta Geographica Slovenicajournal
7Acta Geotechnicajournal
8Acta Palaeobotanicajournal
9Acta Scientiarum - Technologyjournal
10Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographicajournal
11Advances in Geosciencesjournal
12Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificusjournal
13American Journal of Sciencejournal
14Annales - Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio Bjournal
15Annales Geophysicaejournal
16Annals of GISjournal
17Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciencesbook serie
18Antarctic Recordjournal
20Applied Geomaticsjournal
21Arabian Journal of Geosciencesjournal
22Archiving 2014 - Final Program and Proceedingsconference and proceeding
23Asian Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
24ATTI Della Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei Rendiconti Lincei Scienze Fisiche e Naturalijournal
25Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie Serie Ajournal
26Australian Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
27AVN Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichtenjournal
29Beritchte zur Deutschen Landeskundejournal
30Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas journal
31Boletim de Geociencias - Petrobrasjournal
32Boletim Paranaense de Geoscienciasjournal
33Boletin de Geologia journal
34Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana journal
35Brazilian Journal of Geology journal
37Bullentin of Canadian Petroleum Geologyjournal
38Bulletin - Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archivesjournal
39Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terrejournal
40Bulletin of Geosciencesjournal
41Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysiajournal
42Bulletin of the Society of University Cartographersjournal
43Cadernos Laboratoiro Xeoloxico de Laxejournal
44Canadian Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
45Canadian Journal of Remote Sensingjournal
46Carbon Balance and Managementjournal
47Caribbean Geographyjournal
48Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciencesjournal
49Cartographic Perspectivesjournal
50Chemistry and Ecologyjournal
51Chinese Geographical Sciencejournal
52Clays and Clay Mineralsjournal
53Cold Regions Science and Technologyjournal
54Comptes Rendus - Geosciencejournal
55Comunicacoes Geologicasjournal
56Cuadernos de Investigacion Geograficajournal
57Czasopismo Geographicznejournal
58Czech Polar Reportsjournal
59Die Erdejournal
60Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciencesjournal
61Disaster Advancesjournal
63Doklady Earth Sciencesjournal
65Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburghjournal
66Earth and Planetary Science Lettersjournal
67Earth Evolution Sciencesjournal
68Earth Interactionsjournal
69Earth Science Informaticsjournal
70Earth Sciences Historyjournal
71Earth Sciences Research Journal journal
72Earth Surface Processes and Landformsjournal
73Earth System Dynamicsjournal
74Earth System Science Datajournal
75Earth, Moon and Planetsjournal
76Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamicsjournal
77Earth's Cryospherejournal
78Earth-Science Reviewsjournal
79Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciencejournal
82Environmental and Engineering Geosciencejournal
83Environmental Geosciencesjournal
87Erosion Controljournal
88Estonian Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
89European Journal of Remote Sensingjournal
90European Journal of Scientific Researchjournal
91Finisterra journal
92Frontiers in Earth Sciencejournal
93Frontiers in Earth Sciencesbook serie
94Frontiers of Earth Science in Chinajournal
95GEM - International Journal on Geomathematicsjournal
96GEO: connexionjournal
97Geoarchaeology - An International Journaljournal
99Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysisjournal
102Geodesy and Cartographyjournal
103Geodetski Listjournal
104Geodetski Vestnikjournal
108Geografisk Tidsskriftjournal
109Geographia Polonicajournal
110Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilonjournal
111Geography Teacherjournal
114Geojournal of Tourism and Geositesjournal
115Geologica Belgicajournal
116Geological Bulletin of Chinajournal
118Geo-Marine Lettersjournal
119Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Riskjournal
120Geomicrobiology Journaljournal
121Geophysical Research Lettersjournal
122GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciencesbook serie
124Geoscience Canadajournal
125Geoscience Frontiersjournal
126Geoscience in South-West Englandjournal
127Geosciences (Switzerland) journal
128Geosciences Journaljournal
129Geoscientific Model Developmentjournal
131GIM Internationaljournal
132GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systemsconference and proceeding
134GIScience and Remote Sensingjournal
135GPS Solutionsjournal
136GPS Worldjournal
137Gulf of Mexico Sciencejournal
138Himalayan Geologyjournal
139Hrvatske Vodejournal
140Hungarian Geographical Bulletinjournal
141Hydrogeology Journaljournal
142Hydrology and Earth System Sciencesjournal
143IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazinejournal
144IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensingjournal
145Imago Mundijournal
146Indian Journal of Geosciencesjournal
147Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physicsjournal
148International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)conference and proceeding
149International Journal of Applied Geospatial Researchjournal
150International Journal of Astrobiologyjournal
151International Journal of Digital Earthjournal
152International Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
153International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineeringjournal
154International Journal of Geoinformaticsjournal
155International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technologyjournal
156International Journal of Image and Data Fusionjournal
157International Journal of Integrative Biologyjournal
158International Journal of Navigation and Observationjournal
159International Journal of Remote Sensingjournal
160Investigaciones Geograficas : Boletin - Instituto de Geografia, Universidad Nacional, Autonoma de Mexico journal
161IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Scienceconference and proceeding
162Iranian Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
163Irish Geographyjournal
164Irish Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
165Isis; an international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influencesjournal
166ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Informationjournal
167Italian Journal of Geosciencesjournal
168Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earthjournal
169Jeoloji Muhendisligi Dergisijournal
171Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systemsjournal
172Journal of Applied Geodesyjournal
173Journal of Applied Remote Sensingjournal
174Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciencejournal
175Journal of Earth Sciencejournal
176Journal of Geographical Sciencesjournal
177Journal of Geophysical Researchjournal
178Journal of Geoscience Educationjournal
179Journal of Geosciencesjournal
180Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciencesjournal
181Journal of Hohai Universityjournal
182Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studiesjournal
183Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Earth Sciencesjournal
184Journal of Mapsjournal
185Journal of Natural Disastersjournal
186Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Researchjournal
187Journal of Petroleum Geologyjournal
188Journal of Quaternary Sciencejournal
189Journal of Remote Sensingjournal
190Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japanjournal
191Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensingjournal
192Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartographyjournal
193Kartografija i Geoinformacijejournal
194Kartographische Nachrichtenjournal
197Mathematical Geosciencesjournal
199Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Universityjournal
200Metallurgical and Mining Industryjournal
201Miscellanea Geographicajournal
202Modern Cartography Seriesbook serie
203Moravian Geographical Reportsjournal
204Moscow University Geology Bulletinjournal
205National Identitiesjournal
206Natural Hazardsjournal
207Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciencejournal
208Nature Geosciencejournal
209New Zealand Geographerjournal
210New Zealand Journal of Geology, and Geophysicsjournal
211Nordia Geographical Publicationsjournal
212Norsk Geografisk Tidsskriftjournal
213Open Geography Journaljournal
214Open Geosciencesjournal
215Pennsylvania Geographerjournal
216Pesquisas em Geocienciasjournal
217Petroleum Geosciencejournal
218Photogrammetric Recordjournal
219Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformationjournal
220Physical Geographyjournal
221PIK Reportbook serie
222Planet Earthjournal
223Polar Geographyjournal
224Polar Recordjournal
225Polar Researchjournal
226Polar Sciencejournal
227Polish Geological Institute Special Papersjournal
228Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformaticsconference and proceeding
229Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciencesjournal
230Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineeringjournal
231Progress in Physical Geographyjournal
232Przeglad Geograficznyjournal
233Quaestiones Geographicaejournal
234Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeologyjournal
235Quaternary Geochronologyjournal
236Quaternary Researchjournal
237Radio Sciencejournal
238Radioactivity in the Environmentbook serie
240Regional Research of Russiajournal
241Remote Sensingjournal
242Remote Sensing Lettersjournal
243Research Journal of Chemistry and Environmentjournal
244Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria journal
245Revista de Teledeteccionjournal
246Science China Earth Sciencesjournal
247Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Sciencejournal
248South African Journal of Science journal
249Southeastern Geographerjournal
250Southern African Geographical Journaljournal
251Spatial Economic Analysisjournal
252SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedingsproceeding
253SPE/AAPG Western Regional Meetingsproceeding
255Survey Reviewjournal
256Surveying and Land Information Sciencejournal
257Sustainable Earth Sciences, SES 2013: Technologies for Sustainable Use of the Deep proceeding
259Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciencesjournal
260Transactions in GISjournal
261Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Applied Earth Sciencejournal
262Turkish Journal of Earth Sciencesjournal
263Vestnik Moskovskogo Unviersiteta, Seriya Geografiyajournal
264Working Paper of the University of Leeds, School of Geographyjournal
265World Archaeologyjournal
266Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaftenjournal
267Zeitschrift für Geomorphologiejournal
268ZFV - Zeitschrift für Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagementjournal

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