Development Economics

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
1Africa Development/Afrique et Developmentjournal
2African and Asian Studiesjournal
3African Development Reviewjournal
4African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Developmentjournal
5Afrika Spectrumjournal
6Afrique Contemporainejournal
8Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systemsjournal
9AHURI Final Reportjournal
10AHURI Positioning Paperbook serie
11Annals of Tourism Researchjournal
12Anuario do Instituto de Geocienciasjournal
13Applied Econometrics and International Developmentjournal
14Applied Economic Perspectives and Policyjournal
15Appropriate Technologyjournal
16Asia Pacific Viewpointjournal
17Asian Development Reviewjournal
18Asian Economic Journaljournal
19Asian-Pacific Economic Literaturejournal
20Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studiesjournal
21Bulletin of Latin American Researchjournal
22Cahiers d'Etudes Africainesjournal
23Canadian Journal of Development Studiesjournal
24Central Asia and the Caucasusjournal
25Central Asian Surveyjournal
26CEPAL Reviewjournal
27China Quarterlyjournal
28China Reportjournal
30Climate and Developmentjournal
31Communist and Post-Communist Studiesjournal
32Community Development Journaljournal
33Community, Work and Familyjournal
34Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle Eastjournal
35Contemporary British Historyjournal
36Contemporary South Asiajournal
37Contemporary Southeast Asiajournal
38Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Developmentbook serie
39Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studiesjournal
40Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Managementjournal
41Desarrollo y Sociedad journal
42Developing Economiesjournal
44Development and Changejournal
45Development Dialoguejournal
46Development Engineeringjournal
47Development in Practicejournal
48Development Policy Reviewjournal
49Development Southern Africajournal
50Development Studies Researchjournal
52East Asiajournal
53East European Politicsjournal
54Economic Affairsjournal
55Economic Development and Cultural Changejournal
56Economic Development Quarterlyjournal
58Enterprise Development and Microfinancejournal
59Environment and Development Economicsjournal
60Environmental Hazardsjournal
61European Journal of Development Researchjournal
62European Journal of East Asian Studiesjournal
64Extractive Industries and Societyjournal
65Field Actions Science Reportjournal
66Finance and Developmentjournal
67Food Policyjournal
68Food Securityjournal
69Forum for Development Studiesjournal
71Gender and Developmentjournal
72Gender, Technology and Developmentjournal
73Grassroots Developmentjournal
74Housing Policy Debatejournal
75Housing, Theory and Societyjournal
76Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studiesjournal
77IDS Bulletinjournal
78IMF Occasional Papersjournal
79Indian Journal of Agricultural Economicsjournal
80Information Technology for Developmentjournal
81Inner Asiajournal
82Innovation and Developmentjournal
83International Development Planning Reviewjournal
84International Financejournal
85International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managementjournal
86International Journal of Development Issuesjournal
87International Journal of Ecology and Developmentjournal
88International Journal of Educational Developmentjournal
89International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Developmentjournal
90International Journal of Urban and Regional Researchjournal
91International Journal of Urban Sustainable Developmentjournal
92International Journal of Water Resources Developmentjournal
93Investigaciones Regionalesjournal
94Irish Studies in International Affairsjournal
95IZA Journal of Labor and Developmentjournal
96Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studiesjournal
97Journal für Enkwicklungspolitikjournal
98Journal of African Businessjournal
99Journal of African Economiesjournal
100Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropicsjournal
101Journal of Asian and African Studiesjournal
102Journal of Community Practicejournal
103Journal of Contemporary African Studiesjournal
104Journal of Contermporary Chinajournal
105Journal of Developing Societiesjournal
106Journal of Development Effectivenessjournal
107Journal of Development of Economicsjournal
108Journal of Development Studiesjournal
109Journal of East Asian Studiesjournal
110Journal of East-West Businessjournal
111Journal of Ecology and Rural Environmentjournal
112Journal of Environment and Developmentjournal
113Journal of Family Social Workjournal
114Journal of Futures Studiesjournal
115Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth Historyjournal
116Journal of International Developmentjournal
117Journal of International Relations and Developmentjournal
118Journal of International Trade and Economic Developmentjournal
119Journal of North African Studiesjournal
120Journal of Planning Education and Researchjournal
121Journal of Punjab Studiesjournal
122Journal of Regional Sciencejournal
123Journal of Rural Developmentjournal
124Journal of Rural Studiesjournal
125Journal of Social Development in Africajournal
126Journal of Social Entrepreneurshipjournal
127Journal of South Asian Developmentjournal
128Journal of Sustainable Developmentjournal
129Journal of the American Planning Associationjournal
130Journal of the Asian Pacific Economyjournal
131Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCEjournal
132Journal of Third World Studiesjournal
133Journal of Transnational Managementjournal
134Journal of Water and Land Developmentjournal
135Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Developmentjournal
136Journal of Workplace Learningjournal
137Labour, Capital and Societyjournal
138Land Degradation and Developmentjournal
139Law and Development Reviewjournal
140Local Government Studiesjournal
141Maritime Studiesjournal
142Middle East Reportjournal
143Mondes En Developpementjournal
144Mountain Research and Developmentjournal
146New Political Economyjournal
147NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciencesjournal
148Ocean Development and International Lawjournal
149Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orientsjournal
150Oxford Development Studiesjournal
151Pacific Economic Reviewjournal
152Pakistan Development Reviewjournal
153Perspectives on Global Development and Technologyjournal
154PIDE Working Papersjournal
155Policy Sciencesjournal
156Population and Development Reviewjournal
158Problemas del Desarrollo journal
159Progress in Development Studiesjournal
160Progress in Industrial Ecologyjournal
161Public Administration and Developmentjournal
162Quarterly Journal of International Agriculturejournal
163RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas journal
164Regional Development Dialoguejournal
165Regional Science Inquiryjournal
166Regional Science Policy and Practicejournal
167Report - Chr. Michelsen Institutejournal
168Research for Rural Developmentconference and proceeding
169Research in Accounting in Emerging Economiesbook serie
170Research in Public Policy Analysis and Managementbook serie
171Review of African Political Economyjournal
172Review of Development Economicsjournal
173Review of International Economicsjournal
174Review of Urban and Regional Development Studiesjournal
175Revista de Estudios Regionalesjournal
176Revue d'Economie du Developpementjournal
177Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilitajournal
178Savings and Developmentjournal
179Social Neurosciencejournal
180Social Policy and Administrationjournal
181Society and Natural Resourcesjournal
182South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studiesjournal
183South Asian Surveyjournal
184South East Asia Researchjournal
185Southeast Asian Studiesjournal
187Studies in Comparative International Developmentjournal
188Sustainable Developmentjournal
190Third World Quarterlyjournal
191Tourism Managementjournal
192Tourism Planning and Developmentjournal
193Transition Studies Reviewjournal
195Tropical Agriculturejournal
196Utilities Policyjournal
197Water Resources and Rural Developmentjournal
198Women's Studies International Forumjournal
199Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institutejournal
200Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studiesjournal
201World Bank Economic Reviewjournal
202World Bank Research Observerjournal
203World Developmentjournal
204Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themesjournal

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