Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | Organizational Research Methods | journal |
2 | International Journal of Management Reviews | journal |
3 | Structural Equation Modeling | journal |
4 | International Journal of Operations and Production Management | journal |
5 | Journal of Environmental Informatics | journal |
6 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | journal |
7 | Judgment and Decision Making | journal |
8 | Ecological Indicators | journal |
9 | MIT Sloan Management Review | journal |
10 | Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis | journal |
11 | Management Learning | journal |
12 | Journal of Sport Management | journal |
13 | Annals of Operations Research | journal |
14 | Group Decision and Negotiation | journal |
15 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of China | journal |
16 | Decision Analysis | journal |
17 | Theory and Decision | journal |
18 | International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research | journal |
19 | Journal of Organizational Change Management | journal |
20 | Research in Transportation Business and Management | journal |
21 | Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education | journal |
22 | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | journal |
23 | TQM Journal | journal |
24 | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings | conference and proceeding |
25 | Decision Science Letters | journal |
26 | Journal of Futures Studies | journal |
27 | Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports | journal |
28 | Periodica Polytechnica, Social and Management Sciences | journal |
29 | International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies | journal |
30 | Communications in Biometry and Crop Science | journal |
31 | International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing | journal |
32 | Advances in Decision Sciences | journal |
33 | International Journal of Management and Decision Making | journal |
34 | International Journal of Agile Systems and Management | journal |
35 | American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits | journal |
36 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan | journal |
37 | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | book serie |
38 | 2015 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision, CogSIMA 2015 | conference and proceeding |
39 | 5th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, IOMAC 2013 | conference and proceeding |
40 | International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management | journal |
41 | Direccion y Organizacion | journal |
42 | New Economic Windows | book serie |
Decision Sciences
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