Sr. No. | Title | ISSN |
1 | Accountability in Research | 0898-9621 |
2 | Accounting and Business Research | 0001-4788 |
3 | Accounting Education | 0963-9284 |
4 | Accounting History Review | 2155-2851 |
5 | Accounting in Europe | 1744-9480 |
6 | Acta Agri Scand A Animal Sci | 0906-4702 |
7 | Acta Agricult Combined (A and B ) | 9999-0954 |
8 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Plant Soil Science | 0906-4710 |
9 | Acta Borealia | 1503-111X |
10 | Acta Cardiologica | 0001-5385 |
11 | Acta Chirurgica Belgica | 0001-5458 |
12 | Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine | 1784-3286 |
13 | Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics | 0374-0463 |
14 | Acta Odontologica Scandinavica | 0001-6357 |
15 | Acta Oncologica | 1651-226X |
16 | Acta Orthopaedica | 1745-3674 |
17 | Acta Oto-Laryngologica | 0001-6489 |
18 | Action in Teacher Education | 0162-6620 |
19 | Action Learning: Research & Practice | 1476-7333 |
20 | Activities, Adaptation & Aging | 0192-4788 |
21 | Acute Cardiac Care | 1748-2941 |
22 | Addiction Research & Theory | 1606-6359 |
23 | Adelphi Series | 1944-5571 |
24 | Adelphi Series (Rest of the World Price) | 1944-5571 |
25 | Administrative Theory & Praxis | 1084-1806 |
26 | Adoption Quarterly | 1092-6755 |
27 | Advanced Composite Materials | 0924-3046 |
28 | Advanced Robotics | 0169-1864 |
29 | Advances in Applied Ceramics (Structural, Functional and Bioceramics) | 1743-6753 |
30 | Advances in Building Energy Research | 1751-2549 |
31 | Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies | 2374-068X |
32 | Advances in Mental Health | 1838-7357 |
33 | Advances in Physics | 0001-8732 |
34 | Advances in the History of Rhetoric | 1536-2426 |
35 | Aerosol Science & Technology | 0278-6826 |
36 | Africa Education Review | 1814-6627 |
37 | Africa Journal of Management | 2332-2373 |
38 | Africa Review | 0974-4053 |
39 | African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal | 1752-8631 |
40 | African Geographical Review | 1937-6812 |
41 | African Historical Review | 1753-2523 |
42 | African Identities | 1472-5843 |
43 | African Journal of AIDS Research | 1608-5906 |
44 | African Journal of Aquatic Science | 1608-5914 |
45 | African Journal of Herpetology | 2156-4574 |
46 | African Journal of Marine Science | 1814-232X |
47 | African Journal of Range & Forage Science | 1022-0119 |
48 | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | 1811-7295 |
49 | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development | 2042-1338 |
50 | African Journalism Studies | 2374-3670 |
51 | African Security | 1939-2206 |
52 | African Security Review | 1024-6029 |
53 | African Studies | 0002-0184 |
54 | African Zoology | 1562-7020 |
55 | Agenda | 1013-0950 |
56 | Aging & Mental Health | 1360-7863 |
57 | Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition | 1382-5585 |
58 | Agrekon | 0303-1853 |
59 | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems | 2168-3565 |
60 | AICCM Bulletin | 1034-4233 |
61 | AIDS Care | 1360-0451 |
62 | AJOB Journal Pack | DUMM-1561 |
63 | Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology | 0311-5518 |
64 | Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly | 0734-7324 |
65 | Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean | 0950-3110 |
66 | Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry | 0002-6980 |
67 | American Academy Advertising Journals Pack | 1525-SUPP |
68 | American Communist History | 1474-3892 |
69 | American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis | 0002-9157 |
70 | American Journal of Distance Education | 0892-3647 |
71 | American Journal of Family Therapy | 0192-6187 |
72 | American Journal of Health Education | 1932-5037 |
73 | American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences | 0196-6324 |
74 | American Journal Of Sexuality Education | 1554-6128 |
75 | American Journalism | 0882-1127 |
76 | American Nineteenth Century History | 1466-4658 |
77 | American Review of Canadian Studies | 0272-2011 |
78 | American Statistical Association journal pack | |
79 | American Statistical Association journal pack (Rest of the World Price) | |
80 | Amyloid | 1350-6129 |
81 | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration | 2167-8421 |
82 | Analytical Chemistry Letters | 2229-7928 |
83 | Analytical Letters | 0003-2719 |
84 | Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research | 1303-2917 |
85 | Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities | 0969-725X |
86 | Animal Biotechnology | 1049-5398 |
87 | Annales de la SociActAc Entomologique de France: International Journal of Entomology | 0037-9271 |
88 | Annals of GIS | 1947-5683 |
89 | Annals of Human Biology | 0301-4460 |
90 | Annals of Leisure Research | 1174-5398 |
91 | Annals of Medicine | 0785-3890 |
92 | Annals of Science Pack | DUMM-3790 |
93 | Annals of the American Association of Geographers AND The Professional Geographer | 9999-5608 |
94 | Annals of the American Association of Geographers AND The Professional Geographer (Rest of the World Price) | 9999-5608 |
95 | Annals of the International Communication Association | 2380-8985 |
96 | ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews | 0895-769X |
97 | Anthropological Forum | 0066-4677 |
98 | Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia | 1061-1959 |
99 | Anthropology & Medicine | 1364-8470 |
100 | Anthropology Now | 1942-8200 |
101 | Anthropology Southern Africa | 2332-3256 |
102 | Anthrozoos | 0892-7936 |
103 | Anxiety, Stress & Coping | 1061-5806 |
104 | Aphasiology | 0268-7038 |
105 | Applicable Analysis: An International Journal | 0003-6811 |
106 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | 0883-9514 |
107 | Applied Developmental Science | 1088-8691 |
108 | Applied Earth Science (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy | 2572-6838 |
109 | Applied Economics Full Set | 9999-7003 |
110 | Applied Economics incorporating Applied Financial Economics | 0003-6846 |
111 | Applied Economics Letters | 1350-4851 |
112 | Applied Environmental Education & Communication | 1533-015X |
113 | Applied Mathematical Finance | 1350-486X |
114 | Applied Measurement in Education | 0895-7347 |
115 | Applied Mobilities | 2380-0127 |
116 | Applied Neuropsychology (Adult and Child Journals) | PACK-4282 |
117 | Applied Neuropsychology: Child | 2162-2965 |
118 | Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | 0570-4928 |
119 | Aquaculture Economics & Management | 1365-7305 |
120 | Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management | 1463-4988 |
121 | Aquatic Insects | 0165-0424 |
122 | Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban Forestry | 0307-1375 |
123 | Archaeological Journal | 0066-5983 |
124 | Architectural Engineering and Design Management | 1745-2007 |
125 | Architectural Science Review | 0003-8628 |
126 | Architectural Theory Review | 1326-4826 |
127 | Architecture and Culture | 2050-7828 |
128 | Archives & Records: The Journal of the Archives & Records Association | 2325-7962 |
129 | Archives and Manuscripts | 0157-6895 |
130 | Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | 1476-3567 |
131 | Archives of Animal Nutrition | 1745-039X |
132 | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | 1933-8244 |
133 | Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry | 1381-3455 |
134 | Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection | 0323-5408 |
135 | Archives of Suicide Research | 1381-1118 |
136 | Area Development and Policy | 2379-2949 |
137 | Argumentation and Advocacy | 1051-1431 |
138 | Arid Land Research and Management | 1532-4990 |
139 | Armed Conflict Survey | 2374-0973 |
140 | Armed Conflict Survey (Rest of the World Price) | 2374-0973 |
141 | Arms & Armour | 1741-6124 |
142 | Art Education & NAEA News Pack | PACK-3125 |
143 | Art in Translation Online | 1756-1310 |
144 | Art Therapy | 0742-1656 |
145 | Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research , Policy and Practice | 1753-3015 |
146 | Arts Education Policy Review | 1063-2913 |
147 | Asia Pacific Business Review | 1360-2381 |
148 | Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy | 2150-7686 |
149 | Asia Pacific Journal of Education | 0218-8791 |
150 | Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration | 2327-6665 |
151 | Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development | 0218-5385 |
152 | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 1094-1665 |
153 | Asia Pacific Law Review | 1019-2557 |
154 | Asia Pacific Review | 1343-9006 |
155 | Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies | 2330-6343 |
156 | Asian Affairs | 0306-8374 |
157 | Asian Affairs: An American Review | 0092-7678 |
158 | Asian Anthropology | 1683-478X |
159 | Asian Englishes | 1348-8678 |
160 | Asian Ethnicity | 1463-1369 |
161 | Asian Geographer | 1022-5706 |
162 | Asian Journal of Communication | 0129-2986 |
163 | Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies | 2576-5949 |
164 | Asian Journal of Political Science | 0218-5377 |
165 | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | 1976-1597 |
166 | Asian Journal of Women's Studies | 1225-9276 |
167 | Asian Philosophy | 0955-2367 |
168 | Asian Population Studies | 1744-1730 |
169 | Asian Security | 1479-9855 |
170 | Asian Studies Review | 1035-7823 |
171 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | 1608-1625 |
172 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education | 1359-866X |
173 | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | 0260-2938 |
174 | Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice | 0969-594X |
175 | Assistive Technology: The Offical Journal of RESNA | 1040-0435 |
176 | Astropolitics | 1477-7622 |
177 | Atlantic Journal of Communication | 1545-6870 |
178 | Atlantic Studies: Global Currents | 1478-8810 |
179 | Atmosphere-Ocean | 0705-5900 |
180 | Atmosphere-Ocean (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0705-5900 |
181 | Attachment & Human Development | 1461-6734 |
182 | Auditory Perception & Cognition | 2574-2442 |
183 | Augmentative and Alternative Communication | 0743-4618 |
184 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | SUPL-4340 |
185 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | 1448-6563 |
186 | Australasian Journal of Water Resources | 1324-1583 |
187 | Australasian Philosophical Review | 2474-0500 |
188 | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art | 1443-4318 |
189 | Australian Archaeology | 0312-2417 |
190 | Australian Feminist Law Journal | 1320-0968 |
191 | Australian Feminist Studies | 0816-4649 |
192 | Australian Forestry | 0004-9158 |
193 | Australian Geographer | 0004-9182 |
194 | Australian Historical Studies | 1031-461X |
195 | Australian Journal of Civil Engineering | 1448-8353 |
196 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | 0812-0099 |
197 | Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 1448-837X |
198 | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | 0045-0618 |
199 | Australian Journal of Human Rights | 1323-238X |
200 | Australian Journal of International Affairs | 1035-7718 |
201 | Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties | 1940-4158 |
202 | Australian Journal of Linguistics | 0726-8602 |
203 | Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs | 1836-6503 |
204 | Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 1448-4846 |
205 | Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering | 1448-8388 |
206 | Australian Journal of Political Science | 1036-1146 |
207 | Australian Journal of Structural Engineering | 1328-7982 |
208 | Australian Planner | 0729-3682 |
209 | Australian Social Work | 0312-407X |
210 | Auto/Biography Studies | 2151-7290 |
211 | Autoimmunity | 0891-6934 |
212 | Autophagy | 1554-8627 |
213 | Avian Pathology | 0307-9457 |
214 | Azania:Archaeological Research in Africa | 0067-270X |
215 | Baptist Quarterly | 0005-576X |
216 | Basic and Applied Social Psychology | 0197-3533 |
217 | Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings | 0899-8280 |
218 | Bee World | 0005-772X |
219 | Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian | 0163-9269 |
220 | Behavioral Medicine | 0896-4289 |
221 | Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression | 1943-4472 |
222 | Behavioral Sleep Medicine | 1540-2002 |
223 | Behaviour & Information Technology | 0144-929X |
224 | Bereavement Care | 0268-2621 |
225 | Bilingual Research Journal | 1523-5882 |
226 | Bioacoustics - The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording | 0952-4622 |
227 | Biocatalysis and Biotransformation | 1024-2422 |
228 | Biocontrol Science and Technology | 0958-3157 |
229 | Biodemography and Social Biology | 1948-5565 |
230 | Biodiversity | 1488-8386 |
231 | Biodiversity (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1488-8386 |
232 | Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research | 0892-7014 |
233 | Biofuels | 1759-7269 |
234 | Biological Agriculture & Horticulture - An International Journal for Sustainable | 0144-8765 |
235 | Biological Rhythm Research | 0929-1016 |
236 | Biomarkers | 1354-750X |
237 | Bioremediation Journal | 1088-9868 |
238 | Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry | 0916-8451 |
239 | Biostatistics & Epidemiology | 2470-9360 |
240 | Biotechnic & Histochemistry | 1052-0295 |
241 | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews | 0264-8725 |
242 | Bird Study Pack | PACK-3657 |
243 | Black Theology: An International Journal | 1476-9948 |
244 | Blood Pressure | 1651-1999 |
245 | Body,Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy | 1743-2979 |
246 | Botany Letters | 1253-8078 |
247 | Brain Injury | 0269-9052 |
248 | Brain-Computer Interfaces | 2326-263X |
249 | British Journal for the History of Philosophy | 0960-8788 |
250 | British Journal of Biomedical Science | 0967-4845 |
251 | British Journal of Educational Studies | 0007-1005 |
252 | British Journal of Educational Studies (Rest of the World Price) | 0007-1005 |
253 | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling | 0306-9885 |
254 | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies | 1353-0194 |
255 | British Journal of Neurosurgery | 0268-8697 |
256 | British Journal of Religious Education | 0141-6200 |
257 | British Journal of Sociology of Education | 0142-5692 |
258 | British Poultry Science | 0007-1668 |
259 | Bronte Studies | 1474-8932 |
260 | BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics | 1749-8430 |
261 | Building Research & Information | 0961-3218 |
262 | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | 0007-4918 |
263 | Bulletin of Spanish Studies and Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies | CBHS-PACK |
264 | Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies | 2474-1604 |
265 | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online | 1938-3282 |
266 | Business History plus Management & Organizational History | 0007-6791 |
267 | CAA Journals: The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, CAA Reviews | PACK-3249 |
268 | California Archaeology | 1947-461X |
269 | Cambridge Journal of Education | 0305-764X |
270 | Cambridge Review of International Affairs | 0955-7571 |
271 | Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal | 0832-2473 |
272 | Canadian Foreign Policy Journal | 1192-6422 |
273 | Canadian Journal of African Studies/ La Revue canadienne des etudes africaines | 0008-3968 |
274 | Canadian Journal of African Studies/ La Revue canadienne des etudes africaines (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0008-3968 |
275 | Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'etudes du developpe | 0225-5189 |
276 | Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 0826-3663 |
277 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | 0045-5091 |
278 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0045-5091 |
279 | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | 0706-0661 |
280 | Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing | 1712-7971 |
281 | Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine | 2474-5332 |
282 | Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly (The Canadian Journal of Metallurgy and Materia | 0008-4433 |
283 | Canadian Slavonic Papers | 0008-5006 |
284 | Canadian Slavonic Papers (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0008-5006 |
285 | Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal | 0008-5030 |
286 | Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques | 0701-1784 |
287 | Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0701-1784 |
288 | Cancer Biology & Therapy | 1538-4047 |
289 | Cancer Investigation | 0735-7907 |
290 | Capitalism Nature Socialism | 1045-5752 |
291 | Carbon Management | 1758-3004 |
292 | Caribbean Quarterly | 0008-6495 |
293 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science | 1523-0406 |
294 | Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics | 0008-7114 |
295 | Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 0163-9374 |
296 | Catalysis Reviews | 0161-4940 |
297 | Caucasus Survey | 2376-1199 |
298 | Celebrity Studies | 1939-2397 |
299 | Cell Cycle | 1538-4101 |
300 | Central Asian Survey | 0263-4937 |
301 | Central Europe | 1479-0963 |
302 | Challenge | 0577-5132 |
303 | Chance | 0933-2480 |
304 | Change:The Magazine of Higher Learning | 0009-1383 |
305 | Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education | 1358-684X |
306 | Chemical Engineering Communications | 0098-6445 |
307 | Chemistry and Ecology | 1029-0370 |
308 | Child & Family Behavior Therapy | 0731-7107 |
309 | Child & Youth Services | 1545-2298 |
310 | Child Care in Practice | 1357-5279 |
311 | Child Neuropsychology | 0929-7049 |
312 | Childhood Education | 0009-4056 |
313 | Childhood in the Past | 1758-5716 |
314 | Children's Geographies | 1473-3285 |
315 | Children's Health Care | 0273-9615 |
316 | China Economic Journal | 1753-8963 |
317 | China Journal of Accounting Studies | 2169-7213 |
318 | China Journal of Social Work | 1752-5098 |
319 | Chinese Education & Society | 1061-1932 |
320 | Chinese Journal of Communication | 1754-4750 |
321 | Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment | 1004-2857 |
322 | Chinese Law & Government | 0009-4609 |
323 | CHINESE LITERATURE TODAY | 2151-4399 |
324 | Chinese Sociological Review | 2162-0555 |
325 | Chinese Studies in History | 0009-4633 |
326 | CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature | 0193-7774 |
327 | Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice | 1539-4107 |
328 | Chronobiology International | 0742-0528 |
329 | Cities & Health | 2374-8834 |
330 | Citizenship Studies | 1362-1025 |
331 | City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, Action | 1360-4813 |
332 | Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems | 1028-6608 |
333 | Civil Wars | 1369-8249 |
334 | Classroom Discourse | 1946-3014 |
335 | Climacteric | 1369-7137 |
336 | Climate and Development | 1756-5529 |
337 | Climate Policy | 1469-3062 |
338 | Clinical and Experimental Hypertension | 1064-1963 |
339 | Clinical Gerontologist | 1545-2301 |
340 | Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics | 0269-9206 |
341 | Clinical Supervisior (The) | 0732-5223 |
342 | Clinical Toxicology | 1556-3650 |
343 | Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice | 1752-1882 |
344 | Coastal Engineering Journal | 2166-4250 |
345 | Coastal Management | 0892-0753 |
346 | Cochlear Implants International (An International Journal) | 1467-0100 |
347 | CoDesign | 1571-0882 |
348 | Cognition & Emotion | 0269-9931 |
349 | Cognition and Instruction | 0737-0008 |
350 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | 1650-6073 |
351 | Cognitive Neuropsychiatry | 1354-6805 |
352 | Cognitive Neuropsychology | 0264-3294 |
353 | Cognitive Neuroscience | 1758-8928 |
354 | Cold War History | 1468-2745 |
355 | Collection Management | 0146-2679 |
356 | College & Undergraduate Libraries | 1069-1316 |
357 | College Teaching | 8756-7555 |
358 | Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management | 0973-7766 |
359 | Colonial Latin American Review | 1060-9164 |
360 | Combinada de EducaciAn - Infancia y Aprendizaje and Cultura y EducaciAn pack | pack-1040-2 |
361 | Combinada de Psicologi•a: Revista de Psicologi•a Social and Estudios de Psicologia | Pack-3680 |
362 | Combustion Science and Technology | 1563-521X |
363 | Combustion Theory and Modelling | 1364-7830 |
364 | Comedy Studies | 2040-610X |
365 | Comments on Inorganic Chemistry | 0260-3594 |
366 | Commonwealth & Comparative Politics | 1466-2043 |
367 | Commonwealth Law Bulletin | 0305-0718 |
368 | Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research | 0250-0167 |
369 | Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies | 1479-1420 |
370 | Communication Booknotes Quarterly | 1094-8007 |
371 | Communication Education and Communication Teacher Pack | PACK-RCED |
372 | Communication Law and Policy | 1081-1680 |
373 | Communication Methods and Measures | 1931-2458 |
374 | Communication Monographs | 0363-7751 |
375 | Communication Research and Practice | 2204-1451 |
376 | Communication Studies | 1051-0974 |
377 | Communication Teacher | 1740-4630 |
378 | Communications in Algebra | 0092-7872 |
379 | Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 0360-5302 |
380 | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | 0010-3624 |
381 | Communications In Statistics - Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications Online | 2373-7484 |
382 | Communications In Statistics - Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications Online (Canadian Dollar Price) | 2373-7484 |
383 | Communications in Statistics - Parts A & B | 9999-0926 |
384 | Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation | 0361-0918 |
385 | Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods | 0361-0926 |
386 | Community & Junior College Libraries | 0276-3915 |
387 | Community College Journal of Research & Practice | 1066-8926 |
388 | Community Development | 1557-5330 |
389 | Community, Work & Family | 1366-8803 |
390 | Comparative American Studies An International Journal | 1477-5700 |
391 | Comparative and Continental Philosophy | 1757-0638 |
392 | Comparative Education | 0305-0068 |
393 | Comparative Legal History | 2049-677X |
394 | Comparative Strategy | 0149-5933 |
395 | Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education | 0305-7925 |
396 | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal | 1747-6933 |
397 | Composite Interfaces | 0927-6440 |
398 | Compost Science & Utilization | 1065-657X |
399 | Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing | 2469-4193 |
400 | Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology | 2374-3603 |
401 | Computer Assisted Language Learning | 0958-8221 |
402 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Pack - including GCM | PACK-5842 |
403 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualiza | 2168-1163 |
404 | Computer Science Education | 0899-3408 |
405 | Computers In The Schools | 0738-0569 |
406 | Conflict, Security & Development | 1467-8802 |
407 | Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies | 0734-3469 |
408 | Connection Science | 0954-0091 |
409 | Connective Tissue Research | 0300-8207 |
410 | Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites | 1350-5033 |
411 | Construction Management & Economics | 0144-6193 |
412 | Construction Research and Innovation | 2045-0249 |
413 | Consumption Markets and Culture | 1025-3866 |
414 | Contemporary British History | 1361-9462 |
415 | Contemporary Buddhism | 1463-9947 |
416 | Contemporary Chinese Thought | 1097-1467 |
417 | Contemporary French & Francophone Studies | 1740-9292 |
418 | Contemporary Italian Politics | 2324-8823 |
419 | Contemporary Japan | 1869-2729 |
420 | Contemporary Justice Review | 1028-2580 |
421 | Contemporary Levant | 2058-1831 |
422 | Contemporary Music Review | 0749-4467 |
423 | Contemporary Nurse | 1037-6178 |
424 | Contemporary Physics | 0010-7514 |
425 | Contemporary Politics | 1356-9775 |
426 | Contemporary Psychoanalysis | 0010-7530 |
427 | Contemporary Security Policy | 1352-3260 |
428 | Contemporary Social Science | 1745-0144 |
429 | Contemporary South Asia | 0958-4935 |
430 | Contemporary Theatre Review | 1048-6801 |
431 | Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies | 1030-4312 |
432 | COPD:Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | 1541-2555 |
433 | Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research | 2377-4657 |
434 | Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology (The International Journal of Corr | 1478-422X |
435 | Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation | 2150-1378 |
436 | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | 0951-5070 |
437 | CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice | 0886-9634 |
438 | Creative Industries Journal | 1751-0694 |
439 | Creativity Research Journal | 1040-0419 |
440 | Criminal Justice Ethics | 0731-129X |
441 | Criminal Justice Studies | 1478-601X |
442 | Critical African Studies | 2168-1392 |
443 | Critical Arts | 0256-0046 |
444 | Critical Asian Studies | 1467-2715 |
445 | Critical Discourse Studies | 1740-5904 |
446 | Critical Horizons (A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory) | 1440-9917 |
447 | Critical Inquiry in Language Studies | 1542-7587 |
448 | Critical Interventions: Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture | 1930-1944 |
449 | Critical Military Studies | 2333-7486 |
450 | Critical Policy Studies | 1946-0171 |
451 | Critical Public Health | 0958-1596 |
452 | Critical Review | 0891-3811 |
453 | Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy | 1369-8230 |
454 | Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | 1040-8347 |
455 | Critical Reviews In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1040-9238 |
456 | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | 0738-8551 |
457 | Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 1040-8363 |
458 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | 1064-3389 |
459 | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | 1040-8398 |
460 | Critical Reviews in Microbiology | 1040-841X |
461 | Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | 0735-2689 |
462 | Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences | 1040-8436 |
463 | Critical Reviews in Toxicology | 1040-8444 |
464 | Critical Studies in Education | 1750-8487 |
465 | Critical Studies in Media Communication | 1529-5036 |
466 | Critical Studies on Security | 2162-4887 |
467 | Critical Studies on Terrorism | 1753-9153 |
468 | Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory | 0301-7605 |
469 | Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction | 0011-1619 |
470 | Cryptologia | 0161-1194 |
471 | Crystallography Reviews | 0889-311X |
472 | Cultura y EducaciAn | 1135-6405 |
473 | Cultural and Social History | 1478-0038 |
474 | Cultural Studies | 0950-2386 |
475 | Cultural Trends | 0954-8963 |
476 | Culture and Organization | 1475-9551 |
477 | Culture and Religion | 1475-5610 |
478 | Culture, Health & Sexuality | 1464-5351 |
479 | Culture, Theory and Critique | 1473-5784 |
480 | Current | 0011-3131 |
481 | Current Eye Research | 0271-3683 |
482 | Current Issues in Language Planning | 1466-4208 |
483 | Current Issues in Tourism | 1368-3500 |
484 | Current Medical Research and Opinion | 0300-7995 |
485 | Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa | 1013-929X |
486 | Curriculum Inquiry | 0362-6784 |
487 | Curriculum Inquiry (Rest of the World Price) | 0362-6784 |
488 | Curriculum Journal | 0958-5176 |
489 | Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education | 2574-2981 |
490 | Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology | 1556-9527 |
491 | Cybernetics & Systems | 0196-9722 |
492 | Cyber-Physical Systems | 2333-5777 |
493 | Dance Chronicle | 0147-2526 |
494 | Dance Education in Practice | 2373-4833 |
495 | Dance Education in Practice (Canadian Dollar Price) | 2373-4833 |
496 | de arte | 0004-3389 |
497 | Deafness & Education International | 1464-3154 |
498 | Death Studies | 0748-1187 |
499 | Defence and Peace Economics | 1476-8267 |
500 | Defence and Security Analysis | 1475-1801 |
501 | Defence Studies | 1470-2436 |
502 | Democracy and Security | 1741-9166 |
503 | Democratization | 1351-0347 |
504 | Design and Culture | 1754-7075 |
505 | Design for Health | 2473-5132 |
506 | Development in Practice | 0961-4524 |
507 | Development Southern Africa | 0376-835X |
508 | Developmental Neuropsychology | 8756-5641 |
509 | Developmental Neurorehabilitation | 1751-8423 |
510 | Deviant Behavior | 0163-9625 |
511 | Diaspora Studies | 0973-9572 |
512 | Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education | 1559-5692 |
513 | Diatom Research | 0269-249X |
514 | Digital Creativity | 1462-6268 |
515 | Digital Journalism | 2167-0811 |
516 | Diplomacy & Statecraft | 0959-2296 |
517 | Disability & Rehabilitation Full Set (Pack) | PACK-5165 |
518 | Disability & Society | 0968-7599 |
519 | Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology | 1748-3115 |
520 | Discourse Processes | 0163-853X |
521 | Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education | 0159-6306 |
522 | disP - The Planning Review | 0251-3625 |
523 | Distance Education | 0158-7919 |
524 | Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory | 1600-910X |
525 | Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal | 1545-3669 |
526 | Dix-Neuf (Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviemistes) Online | 1478-7318 |
527 | Drama Australia Journal | 1445-2294 |
528 | Dress (The Journal of the Costume Society of America) | 0361-2112 |
529 | Drug and Chemical Toxicology | 0148-0545 |
530 | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy | 0363-9045 |
531 | Drug Metabolism Reviews | 0360-2532 |
532 | Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy | 0968-7637 |
533 | Drying Technology | 0737-3937 |
534 | Dutch Crossing (Journal of Low Country Studies) | 0309-6564 |
535 | Dynamical Systems: An International Journal | 1468-9367 |
536 | Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict | 1746-7586 |
537 | Early Child Development and Care | 0300-4430 |
538 | Early Education & Development | 1040-9289 |
539 | Early Medieval China | 1529-9104 |
540 | Early Modern French Studies | 2056-3035 |
541 | Early Popular Visual Culture | 1746-0654 |
542 | Early Years | 0957-5146 |
543 | East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal | 0012-8325 |
544 | East European Jewish Affairs | 1350-1674 |
545 | East European Politics | 2159-9165 |
546 | Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies | 2327-7408 |
547 | Eastern Communication Association Jnls | 9999-3373 |
548 | Eastern European Economics | 0012-8775 |
549 | Eating Disorders | 1064-0266 |
550 | Ecological Psychology | 1040-7413 |
551 | Ecology of Food & Nutrition | 0367-0244 |
552 | Econometric Reviews | 0747-4938 |
553 | Economic and Political Studies | 2095-4816 |
554 | Economic Geography | 0013-0095 |
555 | Economic History of Developing Regions | 2078-0389 |
556 | Economic Systems Research | 0953-5314 |
557 | Economics of Innovation and New Technology | 1043-8599 |
558 | Economy and Society | 0308-5147 |
559 | Ecoscience | 1195-6860 |
560 | Ecoscience (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1195-6860 |
561 | EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter | 0736-6981 |
562 | Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education | 0300-4279 |
563 | Education Economics | 0964-5292 |
564 | Education for Primary Care | 1473-9879 |
565 | Education Research Abstracts Online | 1467-5900 |
566 | Educational Action Research | 0965-0792 |
567 | Educational Assessment | 1062-7197 |
568 | Educational Gerontology | 0360-1277 |
569 | Educational Media International | 0952-3987 |
570 | Educational Philosophy and Theory incorporating ACCESS | 0013-1857 |
571 | Educational Psychologist | 0046-1520 |
572 | Educational Psychology | 0144-3410 |
573 | Educational Psychology in Practice | 0266-7363 |
574 | Educational Research | 0013-1881 |
575 | Educational Research & Evaluation | 1380-3611 |
576 | Educational Review | 0013-1911 |
577 | Educational Studies | 0305-5698 |
578 | Educational Studies: The Journal of the American Educational Studies Association | 1532-6993 |
579 | Electric Power Components & Systems | 1532-5008 |
580 | Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine | 1536-8378 |
581 | Electromagnetics | 0272-6343 |
582 | Emerging Markets Finance & Trade | 1540-496X |
583 | Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties | 1363-2752 |
584 | Emu - Austral Ornithology | 0158-4197 |
585 | Endocrine Research | 0743-5800 |
586 | Energy Engineering | 0199-8595 |
587 | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | 1556-7036 |
588 | Energy Sources, Part B | 1556-7249 |
589 | Energy Sources, Parts A and B | 9999-7036 |
590 | Engineering Management Journal | 1042-9247 |
591 | Engineering Optimization | 0305-215X |
592 | Engineering Studies | 1937-8629 |
593 | English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies | 1013-1752 |
594 | English in Education | 0425-0494 |
595 | English Studies | 0013-838X |
596 | English Studies in Africa | 0013-8398 |
597 | Enterprise Information Systems | 1751-7575 |
598 | Entrepreneurship & Regional Development | 0898-5626 |
599 | Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development | 0013-9157 |
600 | Environmental Archaeology (The Journal of Human Palaeoecology) | 1461-4103 |
601 | Environmental Claims Journal | 1040-6026 |
602 | Environmental Communication | 1752-4032 |
603 | Environmental Education Research | 1350-4622 |
604 | Environmental Forensics | 1527-5922 |
605 | Environmental Hazards | 1747-7891 |
606 | Environmental Politics | 0964-4016 |
607 | Environmental Practice | 1466-0474 |
608 | Environmental Sociology | 2325-1042 |
609 | Environmental Technology Pack | PACK-3330 |
610 | Environmental Technology Pack (Rest of the World Price) | PACK-3330 |
611 | Environmental Technology Reviews | 2162-2515 |
612 | EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives | 0939-8368 |
613 | Epigenetics | 1559-2294 |
614 | Equity & Excellence in Education | 1066-5684 |
615 | Ergonomics | 0014-0139 |
616 | Estudios de Psicologi•a | 0210-9395 |
617 | Ethics & Behavior | 1050-8422 |
618 | Ethics and Education | 1744-9642 |
619 | Ethics and Social Welfare | 1749-6535 |
620 | Ethics, Policy & Environment | 2155-0085 |
621 | Ethnic and Racial Studies | 0141-9870 |
622 | Ethnicity and Health | 1355-7858 |
623 | Ethnoarchaeology (Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studi | 1944-2890 |
624 | Ethnography & Education | 1745-7823 |
625 | Ethnomusicology Forum | 1741-1912 |
626 | Ethnopolitics | 1744-9057 |
627 | Ethnos | 0014-1844 |
628 | Ethology Ecology & Evolution | 0394-9370 |
629 | Eurasian Geography and Economics | 1538-7216 |
630 | European Accounting Review: Full Set | 0963-8180 |
631 | European Competition Journal | 1744-1056 |
632 | European Early Childhood Education Research Journal | 1350-293X |
633 | European Education | 1056-4934 |
634 | European Journal for Sport and Society | 1613-8171 |
635 | European Journal of Behavior Analysis | 1502-1149 |
636 | European Journal of Computational Mechanics | 1779-7179 |
637 | European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology | 2325-4823 |
638 | European Journal of Developmental Psychology | 1740-5629 |
639 | European Journal of Engineering Education | 0304-3797 |
640 | European Journal of English Studies | 1382-5577 |
641 | European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering | 1964-8189 |
642 | European Journal of Higher Education | 2156-8235 |
643 | European Journal of Information Systems / Health Systems / Journal of Business A | PACK-085X |
644 | European Journal of Phycology | 0967-0262 |
645 | European Journal of Physiotherapy | 2167-9169 |
646 | European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling | 1364-2537 |
647 | European Journal of Social Work | 1369-1457 |
648 | European Journal of Special Needs Education | 0885-6257 |
649 | European Journal of Sport Science | 1746-1391 |
650 | European Journal of Teacher Education | 0261-9768 |
651 | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 0967-2567 |
652 | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | 1359-432X |
653 | European Planning Studies | 0965-4313 |
654 | European Politics and Society | 2374-5118 |
655 | European Review of History | 1350-7486 |
656 | European Review of Social Psychology | 1046-3283 |
657 | European Romantic Review | 1050-9585 |
658 | European Security | 0966-2839 |
659 | European Societies plus European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology Pac | PACK-4823 |
660 | European Sport Management Quarterly | 1618-4742 |
661 | Europe-Asia Studies | 0966-8136 |
662 | Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention | 1748-9539 |
663 | Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health | 2379-4925 |
664 | Exceptionality | 0936-2835 |
665 | Exemplaria: Medieval / Early Modern / Theory | 1041-2573 |
666 | Experimental Aging Research | 0361-073X |
667 | Experimental Heat Transfer | 0891-6152 |
668 | Experimental Lung Research | 0190-2148 |
669 | Experimental Mathematics | 1058-6458 |
670 | Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy | 1471-2598 |
671 | Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery | 1742-5247 |
672 | Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery | 1746-0441 |
673 | Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology | 1742-5255 |
674 | Expert Opinion on Drug Safety | 1474-0338 |
675 | Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs | 1472-8214 |
676 | Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs | 1354-3784 |
677 | Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs Online | 2167-8707 |
678 | Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy | 1465-6566 |
679 | Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents | 1354-3776 |
680 | Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets | 1472-8222 |
681 | Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy | 1473-7140 |
682 | Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy | 1478-7210 |
683 | Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy | 1477-9072 |
684 | Expert Review of Clinical Immunology | 1744-666X |
685 | Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology | 1751-2433 |
686 | Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism | 1744-6651 |
687 | Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology | 1747-4124 |
688 | Expert Review of Hematology | 1747-4086 |
689 | Expert Review of Medical Devices | 1743-4440 |
690 | Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics | 1473-7159 |
691 | Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics | 1473-7175 |
692 | Expert Review of Ophthalmology | 1746-9899 |
693 | Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research | 1473-7167 |
694 | Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development Online | 2380-8993 |
695 | Expert Review of Proteomics | 1478-9450 |
696 | Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine | 1747-6348 |
697 | Expert Review of Vaccines | 1476-0584 |
698 | Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia | 1033-1867 |
699 | Family & Community History | 1463-1180 |
700 | Fashion Theory & Fashion Practice PACK | PACK-RFFT |
701 | Fat Studies | 2160-4851 |
702 | Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior | 2164-1846 |
703 | Feminist Economics | 1354-5701 |
704 | Feminist Media Studies | 1468-0777 |
705 | Feminist Modernist Studies | 2469-2921 |
706 | Ferroelectric Letters Section | 0731-5171 |
707 | Ferroelectrics | 0015-0193 |
708 | Ferroelectrics Combined | 9999-0015 |
709 | Fetal and Pediatric Pathology | 1551-3815 |
710 | Fiber & Integrated Optics | 0146-8030 |
711 | Financial Analysts Journal | 0015-198X |
712 | First Amendment Studies | 2168-9725 |
713 | First World War Studies | 1947-5020 |
714 | FLY | 1933-6934 |
715 | Folk Life (Journal of Ethnological Studies) | 0430-8778 |
716 | Folklore | 0015-587X |
717 | Food & Foodways | 0740-9710 |
718 | Food Additives and Contaminants Pack (Parts A and B) | 9999-203X |
719 | Food Biotechnology | 0890-5436 |
720 | Food Reviews International | 8755-9129 |
721 | Food, Culture & Society | 1552-8014 |
722 | Footwear Science | 1942-4280 |
723 | Forests, Trees and Livelihoods | 1472-8028 |
724 | Forum for Development Studies | 0803-9410 |
725 | Forum for Social Economics | 0736-0932 |
726 | Free Radical Research | 1071-5762 |
727 | Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures | 1536-383X |
728 | Fusion Science and Technology | 1536-1055 |
729 | Gender and Development | 1355-2074 |
730 | Gender and Education | 0954-0253 |
731 | Gender, Place & Culture | 0966-369X |
732 | Gender, Technology and Development | 0971-8524 |
733 | Geocarto International | 1010-6049 |
734 | Geografisk Tidsskrif-Danish Journal of Geography | 0016-7223 |
735 | Geografiska Annaler Series A, Physical Geography | 0435-3676 |
736 | Geografiska Annaler Series B, Human Geography | 0435-3684 |
737 | GeoHumanities | 2373-566X |
738 | Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal | 1748-6025 |
739 | Geomicrobiology Journal | 0149-0451 |
740 | Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics | 1029-0419 |
741 | Geopolitics | 1465-0045 |
742 | Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards | 1749-9518 |
743 | Geosystem Engineering | 1226-9328 |
744 | German Politics | 0964-4008 |
745 | Gerontology & Geriatrics Education | 0270-1960 |
746 | GFF | 1103-5897 |
747 | Gifted and Talented International | 1533-2276 |
748 | GIScience & Remote Sensing | 1548-1603 |
749 | Global Affairs | 2334-0460 |
750 | Global Change, Peace & Security | 1478-1158 |
751 | Global Crime | 1744-0572 |
752 | Global Economic Review | 1226-508X |
753 | Global Food History | 2054-9547 |
754 | Global Intellectual History | 2380-1883 |
755 | Global Public Health | 1744-1706 |
756 | Global Society | 1360-0826 |
757 | Globalisation, Societies and Education | 1476-7724 |
758 | Globalizations | 1474-7731 |
759 | GM Crops | 1938-1999 |
760 | Grana | 0017-3134 |
761 | Green Letters | 1468-8417 |
762 | Griffith Law Review | 1038-3441 |
763 | Growth Factors | 0897-7194 |
764 | Gut Microbes | 1949-0976 |
765 | Gynecological Endocrinology | 0951-3590 |
766 | Health Care for Women International | 0739-9332 |
767 | Health Communication | 1041-0236 |
768 | Health Marketing Quarterly | 0735-9683 |
769 | Health Psychology Review | 1743-7199 |
770 | Health Sociology Review | 1446-1242 |
771 | Health Systems | 2047-6965 |
772 | Health Systems & Reform | 2328-8604 |
773 | Health, Risk & Society | 1369-8575 |
774 | Hearing Balance and Communication | 2169-5725 |
775 | Heat Transfer Engineering | 0145-7632 |
776 | Hemoglobin | 0363-0269 |
777 | Heritage & Society | 2159-032X |
778 | High Ability Studies | 1359-8139 |
779 | High Pressure Research, An International Journal | 0895-7959 |
780 | Higher Education Research and Development | 0729-4360 |
781 | Hispanic Research Journal (Iberian and Latin American Studies) | 1468-2737 |
782 | Historical Biology | 0891-2963 |
783 | Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television | 0143-9685 |
784 | Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History | 0161-5440 |
785 | History & Technology, an International Journal | 0734-1512 |
786 | History and Anthropology | 0275-7206 |
787 | History and Philosophy of Logic | 0144-5340 |
788 | History Australia | 1449-0854 |
789 | History of Economics Review | 1037-0196 |
790 | History of Education | 0046-760X |
791 | History of European Ideas Pack | PACK-RHEI |
792 | History of Photography | 0308-7298 |
793 | History of Retailing and Consumption | 2373-518X |
794 | History: Reviews of New Books | 0361-2759 |
795 | HIV Clinical Trials | 1528-4336 |
796 | HKIE Transactions | 1023-697X |
797 | Holocaust Studies | 1750-4902 |
798 | Home Cultures | 1740-6315 |
799 | Home Health Care Services Quarterly | 0162-1424 |
800 | Hospital Practice | 2154-8331 |
801 | Hospital Topics | 0018-5868 |
802 | Housing and Society | 0888-2746 |
803 | Housing Policy Debate | 1051-1482 |
804 | Housing Studies | 0267-3037 |
805 | Housing, Theory & Society | 1651-2278 |
806 | Howard Journal of Communication | 1064-6175 |
807 | Human & Ecological Risk Assessment | 1080-7039 |
808 | Human Dimensions of Wildlife | 1087-1209 |
809 | Human Fertility | 1464-7273 |
810 | Human Performance | 0895-9285 |
811 | Human Resource Development International | 1367-8868 |
812 | Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance | 2330-3131 |
813 | Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics | 2164-5515 |
814 | Human-Computer Interaction | 0737-0024 |
815 | Hydrological Sciences Journal | 0262-6667 |
816 | Hypertension in Pregnancy | 1064-1955 |
817 | Ibsen Studies | 1502-1866 |
818 | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces | 1042-0940 |
819 | Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power | 1070-289X |
820 | Identity | 1528-3488 |
821 | IETE Journal of Education | 0974-7338 |
822 | IETE Journal of Research | 0377-2063 |
823 | IETE Journal of Research, IETE Technical Review & IETE Journal of Education Pac | PACK-2063 |
824 | IETE Technical Review | 0256-4602 |
825 | IISE Transactions | 2472-5854 |
826 | IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | 2472-5579 |
827 | IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors | 2472-5838 |
828 | IISS Publications Combined | 9999-932X |
829 | IISS Publications Combined (Rest of the World Price) | 9999-932X |
830 | Imago Mundi | 0308-5694 |
831 | Immigrants & Minorities; Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora | 0261-9288 |
832 | Immunological Investigations | 0882-0139 |
833 | Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology | 0892-3973 |
834 | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal | 1461-5517 |
835 | India Review | 1473-6489 |
836 | Indian Chemical Engineer | 0019-4506 |
837 | Indian Law Review | 2473-0580 |
838 | Indonesia and the Malay World | 1469-8382 |
839 | Industrial Archaeology Review | 0309-0728 |
840 | Industry & Innovation | 1366-2716 |
841 | Infancia y Aprendizaje | 0210-3702 |
842 | Infant Observation | 1369-8036 |
843 | Infectious Diseases | 2374-4243 |
844 | INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research | 0315-5986 |
845 | Informatics for Health and Social Care | 1753-8157 |
846 | Information and Communications Technology Law | 1360-0834 |
847 | Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective | 1939-3555 |
848 | Information Systems Management | 1058-0530 |
849 | Information Technology for Development | 0268-1102 |
850 | Information, Communication and Society and Internet Histories Pack | RICS-PACK |
851 | Inhalation Toxicology | 0895-8378 |
852 | Inland Waters | 2044-2041 |
853 | Innovation | 1447-9338 |
854 | Innovation and Development | 2157-930X |
855 | Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching | 1750-1229 |
856 | Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences | 1351-1610 |
857 | Innovations in Education & Teaching International | 1470-3297 |
858 | Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry | 2470-1556 |
859 | Inquiry | 0020-174X |
860 | Instrumentation Science and Technology | 1073-9149 |
861 | Int Journal of Heritage Studies | 1352-7258 |
862 | Int. J. Strategic Communication | 1553-118X |
863 | Int. Journal of Listening | 1090-4018 |
864 | Integral Transforms and Special Functions | 1065-2469 |
865 | Integrated Ferroelectrics | 1058-4587 |
866 | Intellectual History Review | 1749-6977 |
867 | Intelligence & National Security | 0268-4527 |
868 | Intelligent Buildings International | 1750-8975 |
869 | Interactive Learning Environments | 1049-4820 |
870 | Inter-Asia Cultural Studies | 1464-9373 |
871 | Intercultural Education | 1467-5986 |
872 | Interdisciplinary Science Reviews | 0308-0188 |
873 | Interiors | 2041-9112 |
874 | International Critical Thought | 2159-8282 |
875 | International Economic Journal | 1016-8737 |
876 | International Feminist Journal of Politics | 1461-6742 |
877 | International Forum of Psychoanalysis | 0803-706X |
878 | International Gambling Studies | 1445-9795 |
879 | International Geology Review | 0020-6814 |
880 | International History Review | 0707-5332 |
881 | International Interactions | 0305-0629 |
882 | International Journal for Academic Development | 1360-144X |
883 | International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics | 1550-2287 |
884 | International Journal for the Psychology of Religion | 1050-8619 |
885 | International journal for the Study of the Christian Church | 1474-225X |
886 | International Journal of Acarology | 0164-7954 |
887 | International Journal of Advanced Logistics | 2287-108X |
888 | International Journal of Advertising | 0265-0487 |
889 | International Journal of African Renaissance Studies | 1818-6874 |
890 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | 1747-762X |
891 | International Journal of Ambient Energy | 0143-0750 |
892 | International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration | 1558-3058 |
893 | International Journal of Art Therapy | 1745-4832 |
894 | International Journal of Audiology | 1499-2027 |
895 | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | 1367-0050 |
896 | International Journal of Cartography | 2372-9333 |
897 | International Journal of Cast Metals Research | 1364-0461 |
898 | International Journal of Children's Spirituality | 1364-436X |
899 | International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis | 0020-7144 |
900 | International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization | 1939-2699 |
901 | International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice | 0192-4036 |
902 | International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics | 1061-8562 |
903 | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | 0951-192X |
904 | International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory | 2379-9927 |
905 | International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Pack | PACK-GCOM |
906 | International Journal of Computers and Applications | 1206-212X |
907 | International Journal of Construction Education and Research | 1557-8771 |
908 | International Journal of Construction Management | 1562-3599 |
909 | International Journal of Control | 0020-7179 |
910 | International Journal of Crashworthiness | 1358-8265 |
911 | International Journal of Cultural Policy | 1028-6632 |
912 | International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation | 2165-0349 |
913 | International Journal of Developmental Disabilities | 2047-3869 |
914 | International Journal of Digital Earth | 1753-8947 |
915 | International Journal of Disability, Development and Education | 1034-912X |
916 | International Journal of Early Years Education | 0966-9760 |
917 | International Journal of Electronics Letters | 2168-1724 |
918 | International Journal of Electronics Pack - | 2168-PACK |
919 | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | 0306-7319 |
920 | International Journal of Environmental Health Research | 0960-3123 |
921 | International Journal of Environmental Studies | 0020-7233 |
922 | International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education | 1754-3266 |
923 | International Journal of Fluid Power | 1439-9776 |
924 | International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | 0963-7486 |
925 | International Journal of Forensic Mental Health | 1499-9013 |
926 | International Journal of Forest Engineering | 1494-2119 |
927 | International Journal Of Fruit Science | 1553-8362 |
928 | International Journal of General Systems | 0308-1079 |
929 | International Journal of Geographic Information Science | 1365-8816 |
930 | International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | 1938-6362 |
931 | International Journal of Green Energy | 1543-5075 |
932 | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy | 0020-7284 |
933 | International Journal of Health Promotion and Education | 1463-5240 |
934 | International Journal of Healthcare Management | 2047-9700 |
935 | International Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Administration | 1525-6480 |
936 | International Journal of Housing Policy | 1949-1247 |
937 | International Journal of Human Resource Management | 0958-5192 |
938 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | 1044-7318 |
939 | International Journal of Hyperthermia | 0265-6736 |
940 | International Journal of Image and Data Fusion | 1947-9832 |
941 | International Journal of Inclusive Education | 1360-3116 |
942 | International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion | 1745-7300 |
943 | International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence | 0885-0607 |
944 | International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education | 2471-1616 |
945 | International Journal of Leadership in Education | 1360-3124 |
946 | International Journal of Lifelong Education | 0260-1370 |
947 | International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications | 1367-5567 |
948 | International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management | 1750-9653 |
949 | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | 0020-739X |
950 | International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment | 1748-0930 |
951 | International Journal of Modelling and Simulation | 0228-6203 |
952 | International Journal of Multilingualism | 1479-0718 |
953 | International Journal of Neuroscience | 0020-7454 |
954 | International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics | 1080-3548 |
955 | International Journal of Odonatology | 1388-7890 |
956 | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | 1744-5760 |
957 | International Journal of Pavement Engineering | 1029-8436 |
958 | International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport | 2474-8668 |
959 | International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media | 1479-4713 |
960 | International Journal of Pest Management | 0967-0874 |
961 | International Journal of Philosophical Studies | 0967-2559 |
962 | International Journal of Philosophy and Theology | 2169-2327 |
963 | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 1522-6514 |
964 | International Journal of Play | 2159-4937 |
965 | International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization | 1023-666X |
966 | International Journal of Production Research | 0020-7543 |
967 | International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice | 1365-1501 |
968 | International Journal of Public Administration | 0190-0692 |
969 | International Journal of Qualititative Studies in Education | 0951-8398 |
970 | International Journal of Radiation Biology | 0955-3002 |
971 | International Journal of Rail Transportation | 2324-8378 |
972 | International Journal of Regional and Local History | 2051-4530 |
973 | International Journal of Remote Sensing (Pack) | 9990-1161 |
974 | International Journal of Research and Method in Education | 1743-727X |
975 | International Journal of River Basin Management | 1571-5124 |
976 | International Journal of River Basin Management & Journal of Hydraulic Research | 1571-512X |
977 | International Journal of School & Educational Psychology | 2168-3603 |
978 | International Journal of Science Education Full Set | 9999-0693 |
979 | International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public En | 2154-8455 |
980 | International Journal Of Sexual Health (New Title) | 1931-7611 |
981 | International Journal of Social Research Methodology | 1364-5579 |
982 | International Journal of Spa and Wellness | 2472-1735 |
983 | International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | 1754-9507 |
984 | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 1612-197X |
985 | International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics | 1940-6940 |
986 | International Journal of Sustainable Energy | 1478-6451 |
987 | International Journal of Sustainable Engineering | 1939-7038 |
988 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 1556-8318 |
989 | International Journal of Systems Science Pack - incorporating TSYS and TSYB | SUPP-2674 |
990 | International Journal of Testing | 1530-5058 |
991 | International Journal of the Economics of Business | 1357-1516 |
992 | International Journal of the History of Sport | 0952-3367 |
993 | International Journal of the Legal Profession | 0969-5958 |
994 | International Journal of Tourism Sciences | 1598-0634 |
995 | International Journal of Training Research | 1448-0220 |
996 | International Journal Of Transgenderism | 1553-2739 |
997 | International Journal of Urban Sciences | 1226-5934 |
998 | International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development | 1946-3138 |
999 | International Journal Of Vegetable Science (New Title) | 1931-5260 |
1000 | International Journal of Ventilation | 1473-3315 |
1001 | International Journal of Water Resources Development | 0790-0627 |
1002 | International Journal on Media Management | 1424-1277 |
1003 | International Materials Reviews | 0950-6608 |
1004 | International Multilingual Research Journal | 1931-3152 |
1005 | International Peacekeeping | 1353-3312 |
1006 | International Planning Studies | 1356-3475 |
1007 | International Public Management Journal | 1096-7494 |
1008 | International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | 1038-2046 |
1009 | International Review of Applied Economics | 0269-2171 |
1010 | International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | 1360-0869 |
1011 | International Review of Psychiatry | 0954-0261 |
1012 | International Review of Public Administration | 1229-4659 |
1013 | International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research | 0959-3969 |
1014 | International Review of Sociology | 0390-6701 |
1015 | International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 1750-984X |
1016 | International Reviews in Physical Chemistry | 0144-235X |
1017 | International Reviews of Immunology | 0883-0185 |
1018 | International Spectator | 0393-2729 |
1019 | International Studies in Catholic Education | 1942-2539 |
1020 | International Studies in Sociology of Education | 0962-0214 |
1021 | International Studies in the Philosophy of Science | 0269-8595 |
1022 | International Wood Products Journal | 2042-6445 |
1023 | Internet Histories | 2470-1475 |
1024 | Internet Histories (Canadian Dollar Price) | 2470-1475 |
1025 | Internet Reference Services Quarterly | 1087-5301 |
1026 | Interventions Pack | Pack-5554 |
1027 | Int'l Journal of Electronic Commerce | 1086-4415 |
1028 | Int'l Journal of Mental Health | 0020-7411 |
1029 | Int'l Journal of Political Economy | 0891-1916 |
1030 | Int'l Journal of Sociology | 0020-7659 |
1031 | Int'l Studies of Management & Org. | 0020-8825 |
1032 | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | 1741-5977 |
1033 | Invertebrate Reproduction & Development | 0792-4259 |
1034 | Investigations in Mathematics Learning | 1947-7503 |
1035 | Investment Analysts Journal | 1029-3523 |
1036 | Iran | 0578-6967 |
1037 | Iranian Studies | 0021-0862 |
1038 | Irish Educational Studies | 0332-3315 |
1039 | Irish Political Studies | 0790-7184 |
1040 | Irish Studies Review | 0967-0882 |
1041 | Ironmaking & Steelmaking (Processes, Products and Applications) | 0301-9233 |
1042 | ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | 0971-5010 |
1043 | Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0959-6410 |
1044 | Islets | 1938-2014 |
1045 | Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies | 1025-6016 |
1046 | Israel Affairs | 1353-7121 |
1047 | Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs | 2373-9770 |
1048 | Issues in Mental Health Nursing | 0161-2840 |
1049 | Italian Culture | 0161-4622 |
1050 | Italian Studies | 0075-1634 |
1051 | Japan Forum | 0955-5803 |
1052 | Japanese Studies | 1037-1397 |
1053 | Javnost - The Public | 1318-3222 |
1054 | Jazz Perspectives | 1749-4060 |
1055 | Jewish Culture and History | 1462-169X |
1056 | Journal for Cultural Research | 1479-7585 |
1057 | Journal for Maritime Research | 2153-3369 |
1058 | Journal for Specialists in Group Work | 0193-3922 |
1059 | Journal for the Study of Spirituality | 2044-0243 |
1060 | Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education | 1935-7397 |
1061 | Journal Of Access Services | 1536-7967 |
1062 | Journal Of Addictive Diseases | 1055-0887 |
1063 | Journal of Adhesion | 0021-8464 |
1064 | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology | 0169-4243 |
1065 | Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning | 1472-9679 |
1066 | Journal of Advertising | 0091-3367 |
1067 | Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology | 2053-9320 |
1068 | Journal Of African Business | 1522-8916 |
1069 | Journal of African Cultural Studies | 1369-6815 |
1070 | Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage | 2161-9441 |
1071 | Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma | 1092-6771 |
1072 | Journal Of Aging & Social Policy | 0895-9420 |
1073 | Journal Of Agricultural & Food Information | 1049-6505 |
1074 | Journal Of Agromedicine | 1059-924X |
1075 | Journal of American College Health | 0744-8481 |
1076 | Journal of Apicultural Research | 0021-8839 |
1077 | Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science | 1088-8705 |
1078 | Journal Of Applied Aquaculture | 1045-4438 |
1079 | Journal of Applied Communication Research | 0090-9882 |
1080 | Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | 1166-3081 |
1081 | Journal Of Applied School Psychology | 1537-7903 |
1082 | Journal Of Applied Security Research | 1936-1610 |
1083 | Journal of Applied Sport Psychology | 1041-3200 |
1084 | Journal of Applied Statistics | 0266-4763 |
1085 | Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research | SUPP-XXXX |
1086 | Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology | 1049-8850 |
1087 | Journal of Arabian Studies | 2153-4764 |
1088 | Journal of Architectural Conservation | 1355-6207 |
1089 | Journal of Architectural Education and Technology, Architecture + Design | PACK-4883 |
1090 | Journal of Architectural Education and Technology, Architecture + Design (Rest of the World Price) | PACK-4883 |
1091 | Journal Of Archival Organization | 1533-2748 |
1092 | Journal of Asian Natural Products Research | 1028-6020 |
1093 | Journal of Asian Public Policy | 1751-6234 |
1094 | Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business | 1059-9231 |
1095 | Journal of Asthma | 0277-0903 |
1096 | Journal of Australian Studies | 1444-3058 |
1097 | Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies | 1944-8953 |
1098 | Journal of Baltic Studies | 0162-9778 |
1099 | Journal of Behavioral Finance | 1542-7560 |
1100 | Journal of Beliefs & Values | 1361-7672 |
1101 | Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility | 2576-117X |
1102 | Journal of Biological Education | 0021-9266 |
1103 | Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature | 2231-1866 |
1104 | Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition | 0920-5063 |
1105 | Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | 0739-1102 |
1106 | Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics | 1054-3406 |
1107 | Journal Of Bisexuality | 1529-9724 |
1108 | Journal of Borderlands Studies | 0886-5655 |
1109 | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | 0883-8151 |
1110 | Journal of Bryology | 0373-6687 |
1111 | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | 1940-1493 |
1112 | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | |
1113 | Journal Of Business & Finance Librarianship | 0896-3568 |
1114 | Journal of Business Analytics | 2573-234X |
1115 | Journal Of Business To Business Marketing | 1051-712X |
1116 | Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry | 0732-8303 |
1117 | Journal of Change Management | 1469-7017 |
1118 | Journal of Chemotherapy | 1120-009X |
1119 | Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health | 1728-0583 |
1120 | Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse | 1067-828X |
1121 | Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling | 2372-7810 |
1122 | Journal Of Child Custody | 1537-9418 |
1123 | Journal of Child Psychotherapy | 0075-417X |
1124 | Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse | 1053-8712 |
1125 | Journal of Children & Poverty | 1079-6126 |
1126 | Journal of Children and Media | 1748-2798 |
1127 | Journal Of China Tourism Research | 1938-8160 |
1128 | Journal of Chinese Cinemas | 1750-8061 |
1129 | Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies | 1476-5284 |
1130 | Journal of Chinese Governance | 2381-2346 |
1131 | Journal of Civil Society | 1744-8689 |
1132 | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | 1380-3395 |
1133 | Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Pack | PACK-HCAP |
1134 | Journal of Cognition and Development | 1524-8372 |
1135 | Journal of Cognitive Psychology and Auditory Perception & Cognition | Pack-5911 |
1136 | Journal of College and Character | 2194-587x |
1137 | Journal of College and Character (Canadian Dollar Price) | 2194-587x |
1138 | Journal of College Reading and Learning | 1079-0195 |
1139 | Journal of College Reading and Learning (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1079-0195 |
1140 | Journal Of College Student Psychotherapy | 8756-8225 |
1141 | Journal of Communication in Healthcare (Strategies, Media and Engagement in Glob | 1753-8068 |
1142 | Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage | 2051-8196 |
1143 | Journal of Community Health Nursing | 0737-0016 |
1144 | Journal Of Community Practice | 1070-5422 |
1145 | Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis | 1387-6988 |
1146 | Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics | |
1147 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport | 2332-4309 |
1148 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | 0887-4417 |
1149 | Journal of Conflict Archaeology | 1574-0773 |
1150 | Journal of Constructivist Psychology | 1072-0537 |
1151 | Journal Of Consumer Health On The Internet | 1539-8285 |
1152 | Journal of Contemporary African Studies | 0258-9001 |
1153 | Journal of Contemporary Asia | 0047-2336 |
1154 | Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. | 2573-9638 |
1155 | Journal of Contemporary China | 1067-0564 |
1156 | Journal of Contemporary European Studies | 1478-2804 |
1157 | Journal of Contemporary Religion | 1353-7903 |
1158 | Journal of Control and Decision | 2330-7706 |
1159 | Journal Of Convention & Event Tourism | 1547-0148 |
1160 | Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry | 0095-8972 |
1161 | Journal of Corporate Law Studies | 1473-5970 |
1162 | Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy | 1476-4172 |
1163 | Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics | 1941-658X |
1164 | Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy | 2326-716X |
1165 | Journal Of Couple & Relationship Therapy | 1533-2691 |
1166 | Journal Of Creativity In Mental Health | 1540-1383 |
1167 | Journal of Crime and Justice | 0735-648X |
1168 | Journal of Criminal Justice Education | 1051-1253 |
1169 | Journal of Critical Realism | 1476-7430 |
1170 | Journal Of Crop Improvement | 1542-7528 |
1171 | Journal Of Culinary Science & Technology | 1542-8052 |
1172 | Journal of Cultural Economy | 1753-0350 |
1173 | Journal of Cultural Geography | 0887-3631 |
1174 | Journal of Cultural Geography (Rest of the World Price) | 0887-3631 |
1175 | Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy | 1550-5170 |
1176 | Journal of Curriculum Studies | 0022-0272 |
1177 | Journal of Cyber Policy | 2373-8871 |
1178 | Journal of Cyber Security Technology | 2374-2917 |
1179 | Journal of Decision Systems | 1246-0125 |
1180 | Journal of Dermatological Treatment | 0954-6634 |
1181 | Journal of Development Effectiveness | 1943-9342 |
1182 | Journal of Development Studies | 0022-0388 |
1183 | Journal of Dietary Supplements | 1939-0211 |
1184 | Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | 1023-6198 |
1185 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 2153-2974 |
1186 | Journal of Disability & Religion | 1522-8967 |
1187 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | 0972-0529 |
1188 | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology | 0193-2691 |
1189 | Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage | 1050-2556 |
1190 | Journal of Drug Targeting | 1061-186X |
1191 | Journal Of Dual Diagnosis | 1550-4263 |
1192 | Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories | 1726-037X |
1193 | Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education | 1090-1027 |
1194 | Journal of Early Christian History | 2222-582X |
1195 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | 1363-2469 |
1196 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | 1753-1055 |
1197 | Journal Of East-West Business | 1066-9868 |
1198 | Journal of Ecohydraulics | 2470-5357 |
1199 | Journal of Economic Issues | 0021-3624 |
1200 | Journal of Economic Methodology | 1350-178X |
1201 | Journal of Economic Policy Reform | 1748-7870 |
1202 | Journal of Ecotourism | 1472-4049 |
1203 | Journal of Education and Work | 1363-9080 |
1204 | Journal of Education for Business | 0883-2323 |
1205 | Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) | 1082-4669 |
1206 | Journal of Education for Teaching | 0260-7476 |
1207 | Journal of Education Policy | 0268-0939 |
1208 | Journal of Educational Administration and History | 0022-0620 |
1209 | Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation | 1047-4412 |
1210 | Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect | 0894-6566 |
1211 | Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties | 1745-7289 |
1212 | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | 0920-5071 |
1213 | Journal Of Electronic Resources In Medical Libraries | 1542-4065 |
1214 | Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship | 1941-126X |
1215 | Journal of Energetic Materials | 0737-0652 |
1216 | Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law | 0264-6811 |
1217 | Journal of Engineering Design | 0954-4828 |
1218 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy | 2160-6544 |
1219 | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | 0964-0568 |
1220 | Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning | 1523-908X |
1221 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Parts A, B, C | 9999-8051 |
1222 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A | 1093-4529 |
1223 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B | 0360-1234 |
1224 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C | 1059-0501 |
1225 | Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants | 0972-060X |
1226 | Journal of Essential Oil Research | 1041-2905 |
1227 | Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity In Social Work | 1531-3204 |
1228 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | 1369-183X |
1229 | Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice | 1537-7938 |
1230 | Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse | 1533-2640 |
1231 | Journal of European Integration | 0703-6337 |
1232 | Journal of European Public Policy | 1350-1763 |
1233 | Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work | 2376-1407 |
1234 | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | 1362-3079 |
1235 | Journal of Family Communication | 1526-7431 |
1236 | Journal Of Family Psychotherapy | 0897-5353 |
1237 | Journal Of Family Social Work | 1052-2158 |
1238 | Journal of Family Studies | 1322-9400 |
1239 | Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy | 0895-2833 |
1240 | Journal of Field Archaeology | 0093-4690 |
1241 | Journal Of Food Products Marketing | 1045-4446 |
1242 | Journal Of Foodservice Business Research | 1537-8020 |
1243 | Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology | 1478-9949 |
1244 | Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice | 2473-2850 |
1245 | Journal of Forest Research | 1341-6979 |
1246 | Journal of Further and Higher Education | 0309-877X |
1247 | Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health | 1935-9705 |
1248 | Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social Services | 1053-8720 |
1249 | Journal of Gender Studies | 0958-9236 |
1250 | Journal of Genocide Research | 1462-3528 |
1251 | Journal of Geography and The Geography Teacher | 9999-1341 |
1252 | Journal of Geography in Higher Education | 0309-8265 |
1253 | Journal of Geoscience Education | 1089-9995 |
1254 | Journal Of Gerontological Social Work | 0163-4372 |
1255 | Journal Of Glbt Family Studies | 1550-428X |
1256 | Journal of Global Ethics | 1744-9626 |
1257 | Journal of Global Fashion Marketing: Bridging Fashion and Marketing | 2325-4483 |
1258 | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | 1097-198X |
1259 | Journal Of Global Marketing | 0891-1762 |
1260 | Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World | 2163-9159 |
1261 | Journal of Global Sport Management | 2470-4067 |
1262 | Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics | 2150-4857 |
1263 | Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy | 0885-4726 |
1264 | Journal of Health Communication | 1081-0730 |
1265 | Journal Of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants | 1049-6475 |
1266 | Journal of Heritage Tourism | 1743-873X |
1267 | Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management | 1360-080X |
1268 | Journal of Histotechnology | 0147-8885 |
1269 | Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social Services | 1538-1501 |
1270 | Journal Of Homosexuality | 1540-3602 |
1271 | Journal Of Hospital Librarianship | 1532-3269 |
1272 | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education | 1096-3758 |
1273 | Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management | 1936-8623 |
1274 | Journal Of Housing For The Elderly | 0276-3893 |
1275 | Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment | 1091-1359 |
1276 | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 1945-2829 |
1277 | Journal Of Human Resources In Hospitality & Tourism | 1533-2845 |
1278 | Journal of Human Rights | 1475-4835 |
1279 | Journal of Human Trafficking | 2332-2705 |
1280 | Journal Of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition | 1932-0248 |
1281 | Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies | 1470-1847 |
1282 | Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research | 1326-0219 |
1283 | Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee Studies | 1556-2948 |
1284 | Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry | 1532-1819 |
1285 | Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History | 0308-6534 |
1286 | Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering | 2168-1015 |
1287 | Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy | 1528-9168 |
1288 | Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences | 0252-2667 |
1289 | Journal Of Information Technology & Politics | 1933-1681 |
1290 | Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research | 2333-6897 |
1291 | Journal of Intelligence History | 1616-1262 |
1292 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 1547-2450 |
1293 | Journal of Interactive Advertising | 1525-2019 |
1294 | Journal of Intercultural Communication Research | 1747-5759 |
1295 | Journal of Intercultural Studies | 0725-6868 |
1296 | Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics | 0972-0502 |
1297 | Journal Of Intergenerational Relationships | 1535-0770 |
1298 | Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve | |
1299 | Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy | 1748-6831 |
1300 | Journal of International and Intercultural Communication | 1751-3057 |
1301 | Journal Of International Consumer Marketing | 0896-1530 |
1302 | Journal Of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing | 0897-4438 |
1303 | Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy | 1388-0292 |
1304 | Journal Of Internet Commerce | 1533-2861 |
1305 | Journal of Interprofessional Care | 1356-1820 |
1306 | Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | 1750-2977 |
1307 | Journal of Investigative Surgery | 0894-1939 |
1308 | Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology | 1556-4894 |
1309 | Journal of Israeli History | 1353-1042 |
1310 | Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema | 1756-4905 |
1311 | Journal of Jewish Education | 1524-4113 |
1312 | Journal of Land Use Science | 1747-423X |
1313 | Journal of Landscape Architecture | 1862-6033 |
1314 | Journal of Language, Identity & Education | 1534-8458 |
1315 | Journal of Language, Literature and Culture | 2051-2856 |
1316 | Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies | 1356-9325 |
1317 | Journal of Latinos and Education | 1534-8431 |
1318 | Journal of Legal History | 0144-0365 |
1319 | Journal of Legal Medicine | 0194-7648 |
1320 | Journal of Legislative Studies | 1357-2334 |
1321 | Journal of Leisure Research | 0022-2216 |
1322 | Journal Of Lesbian Studies | 1089-4160 |
1323 | Journal Of Lgbt Issues In Counseling | 1553-8605 |
1324 | Journal Of Lgbt Youth | 1936-1653 |
1325 | Journal Of Library & Information Services In Distance Learning | 1533-290X |
1326 | Journal Of Library Administration | 0193-0826 |
1327 | Journal Of Library Metadata | 1938-6389 |
1328 | Journal of Liposome Research | 0898-2104 |
1329 | Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies | 1082-6076 |
1330 | Journal of Literary Studies | 0256-4718 |
1331 | Journal of Location Based Services | 1748-9733 |
1332 | Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping | 1532-5024 |
1333 | Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry | 1060-1325 |
1334 | Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics | 0022-2348 |
1335 | Journal of Management Analytics | 2327-0012 |
1336 | Journal of Management Information Systems | 0742-1222 |
1337 | Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion | 1476-6086 |
1338 | Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy | 1066-9817 |
1339 | Journal Of Map And Geography Libraries | 1542-0353 |
1340 | Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology | 2046-4177 |
1341 | Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology Pack | 2046-41XX |
1342 | Journal Of Marketing Channels | 1046-669X |
1343 | Journal of Marketing Communications | 1352-7266 |
1344 | Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education | 0884-1241 |
1345 | Journal of Marketing Management | 0267-257X |
1346 | Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice | 1069-6679 |
1347 | Journal of Mathematical Sociology | 0022-250X |
1348 | Journal of Mathematics and Music: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, Analysis and Composition | 1745-9737 |
1349 | Journal of Mathematics and the Arts | 1751-3472 |
1350 | Journal of Media and Religion | 1534-8423 |
1351 | Journal of Media Business Studies | 1652-2354 |
1352 | Journal of Media Economics | 0899-7764 |
1353 | Journal of Media Ethics | 2373-6992 |
1354 | Journal of Media Law | 1757-7632 |
1355 | Journal of Medical Economics | 1369-6998 |
1356 | Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology | 0309-1902 |
1357 | Journal of Medieval History | 0304-4181 |
1358 | Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies | 1754-6559 |
1359 | Journal of Mega Infrastructure Projects and ' Sustainable Development | 2472-4718 |
1360 | Journal of Mental Health | 0963-8237 |
1361 | Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities | 1931-5864 |
1362 | Journal of Microencapsulation | 0265-2048 |
1363 | Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy | 0832-7823 |
1364 | Journal of Military Ethics | 1502-7570 |
1365 | Journal of Modern Chinese History | 1753-5654 |
1366 | Journal of Modern Italian Studies | 1354-571X |
1367 | Journal of Modern Jewish Studies | 1472-5886 |
1368 | Journal of Modern Optics | 0950-0340 |
1369 | Journal of Moral Education | 0305-7240 |
1370 | Journal of Motor Behavior | 0022-2895 |
1371 | Journal of Multicultural Discourses | 1744-7143 |
1372 | Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development | 0143-4632 |
1373 | Journal of Museum Education | 1059-8650 |
1374 | Journal of Musical Arts in Africa | 1812-1004 |
1375 | Journal of Musicological Research | 0141-1896 |
1376 | Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs | 1360-2004 |
1377 | Journal of Natal and Zulu History | 0259-0123 |
1378 | Journal Of Natural Fibers | 1544-0478 |
1379 | Journal of Natural History | 0022-2933 |
1380 | Journal of Neurogenetics | 0167-7063 |
1381 | Journal of New Music Research | 0929-8215 |
1382 | Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics | 1402-9251 |
1383 | Journal of Nonparametric Statistics | 1048-5252 |
1384 | Journal Of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing | 1049-5142 |
1385 | Journal of North African Studies | 1362-9387 |
1386 | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology | 0022-3131 |
1387 | Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics | 2155-1197 |
1388 | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 0144-3615 |
1389 | Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene | 1545-9624 |
1390 | Journal of Occupational Science | 1442-7591 |
1391 | Journal Of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention | 1941-1243 |
1392 | Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation | 1050-9674 |
1393 | Journal of Operational Oceanography | 1755-876X |
1394 | Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management | 0160-8061 |
1395 | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | 1091-9392 |
1396 | Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy | 1536-0288 |
1397 | Journal of Paper Conservation | 1868-0860 |
1398 | Journal of Pastoral Theology | 1064-9867 |
1399 | Journal of Peace Education | 1740-0201 |
1400 | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | 0885-3134 |
1401 | Journal of Personality Assessment | 0022-3891 |
1402 | Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance | 0730-3084 |
1403 | Journal of Plant Nutrition | 0190-4167 |
1404 | Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery | 2000-6764 |
1405 | Journal of Poetry Therapy | 0889-3675 |
1406 | Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism | 1833-5330 |
1407 | Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events | 1940-7963 |
1408 | Journal of Political Ideologies | 1356-9317 |
1409 | Journal Of Political Marketing | 1537-7857 |
1410 | Journal of Political Power | 2158-379X |
1411 | Journal of Political Science Education | 1551-2169 |
1412 | Journal of Popular Film and Television | 0195-6051 |
1413 | Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | 0160-3477 |
1414 | Journal of Postcolonial Writing | 1744-9855 |
1415 | Journal Of Poverty | 1087-5549 |
1416 | Journal Of Prevention & Intervention In The Community | 1085-2352 |
1417 | Journal of Private International Law | 1744-1048 |
1418 | Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory ' & Research | 1556-6382 |
1419 | Journal Of Progessive Human Services | 1042-8232 |
1420 | Journal Of Promotion Management | 1049-6491 |
1421 | Journal of Property Research | 0959-9916 |
1422 | Journal of Psychoactive Drugs | 0279-1072 |
1423 | Journal of Psychology in Africa | 1433-0237 |
1424 | Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology | 0734-7332 |
1425 | Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology | 0167-482X |
1426 | Journal of Public Affairs Education | 1523-6803 |
1427 | Journal Of Public Child Welfare | 1554-8732 |
1428 | Journal Of Public Child Welfare (Rest of the World Price) | 1554-8732 |
1429 | Journal of Public Relations Research | 1062-726X |
1430 | Journal Of Quality Assurance In Hospitality & Tourism | 1528-008X |
1431 | Journal of Quality Technology | 0022-4065 |
1432 | Journal of Quantitative Linguistics | 0929-6174 |
1433 | Journal of Radio and Audio Media | 1937-6529 |
1434 | Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction | 1079-9893 |
1435 | Journal Of Relationship Marketing | 1533-2667 |
1436 | Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In Social Work: Social Thought | 1542-6432 |
1437 | Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & Aging | 1552-8030 |
1438 | Journal Of Religious & Theological Information | 1047-7845 |
1439 | Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology | 0264-6838 |
1440 | Journal of Research in Childhood Education | 0256-8543 |
1441 | Journal of Research on Christian Education | 1065-6219 |
1442 | Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness | 1934-5747 |
1443 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 1539-1523 |
1444 | Journal of Responsible Innovation | 2329-9460 |
1445 | Journal of Risk Research | 1366-9877 |
1446 | Journal of Russian & East European Psychology | 1061-0405 |
1447 | Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention | 1404-3858 |
1448 | Journal Of School Choice | 1558-2159 |
1449 | Journal Of School Violence | 1538-8220 |
1450 | Journal of Science Teacher Education | 1046-560X |
1451 | Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy | 0092-623X |
1452 | Journal of Sex Research | 0022-4499 |
1453 | Journal of Sexual Aggression | 1355-2600 |
1454 | Journal of Simulation | 1747-7778 |
1455 | Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship | 0827-6331 |
1456 | Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless | 1573-658X |
1457 | Journal of Social Entrepreneurship | 1942-0676 |
1458 | Journal Of Social Service Research | 0148-8376 |
1459 | Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | 0964-9069 |
1460 | Journal of Social Work Education | 1043-7797 |
1461 | Journal Of Social Work In End-Of-Life & Palliative Care | 1552-4256 |
1462 | Journal of Social Work Practice | 0265-0533 |
1463 | Journal Of Social Work Practice In The Addictions | 1533-256X |
1464 | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies | 1468-3857 |
1465 | Journal of Southern African Studies | 0305-7070 |
1466 | Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies | 1463-6204 |
1467 | Journal of Spanish Language Teaching | 2324-7797 |
1468 | Journal of Spatial Science | 1449-8596 |
1469 | Journal Of Spirituality In Mental Health | 1934-9637 |
1470 | Journal of Sport & Tourism | 1477-5085 |
1471 | Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | 2152-0704 |
1472 | Journal of Sports Sciences Pack | RJSP-PACK |
1473 | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation | 0094-9655 |
1474 | Journal of Statistics and Management Systems | 0972-0510 |
1475 | Journal of Strategic Marketing | 0965-254X |
1476 | Journal of Strategic Studies | 0140-2390 |
1477 | Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance | 2470-5314 |
1478 | Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice | 1949-6591 |
1479 | Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1949-6591 |
1480 | Journal of Substance Use | 1465-9891 |
1481 | Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | 1741-5993 |
1482 | Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials | 2165-0373 |
1483 | Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment | 2043-0795 |
1484 | Journal Of Sustainable Forestry | 1054-9811 |
1485 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 0966-9582 |
1486 | Journal of Systematic Paleontology | 1477-2019 |
1487 | Journal Of Teaching In International Business | 0897-5930 |
1488 | Journal Of Teaching In Social Work | 0884-1233 |
1489 | Journal Of Teaching In Travel & Tourism | 1531-3220 |
1490 | Journal Of Technology In Human Services | 1522-8835 |
1491 | Journal of the African Literature Association | 2167-4736 |
1492 | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association | 1096-2247 |
1493 | Journal of the American College of Nutrition | 0731-5724 |
1494 | Journal of the American Institute for Conservation | 0197-1360 |
1495 | Journal of the American Planning Association | 0194-4363 |
1496 | Journal of the American Planning Association (Rest of the World Price) | 0194-4363 |
1497 | Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists | 0361-0470 |
1498 | Journal of the American Statistical Association | |
1499 | Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy | 1354-7860 |
1500 | Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association | 2475-0158 |
1501 | Journal of the British Archaeological Association | 0068-1288 |
1502 | Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology | 0007-1773 |
1503 | Journal of the Chinese Advanced Materials Society | 2224-3682 |
1504 | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | 0253-3839 |
1505 | Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association | 1812-4461 |
1506 | Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | 0964-704X |
1507 | Journal of the Indian Ocean Region | 1948-0881 |
1508 | Journal of the Institute of Conservation | 1945-5224 |
1509 | Journal of the Learning Sciences | 1050-8406 |
1510 | Journal of the Operational Research Society/Knowledge Management Research & Prac | PACK-5682 |
1511 | Journal of the Philosophy of Sport | 0094-8705 |
1512 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association Pack | PACK-6933 |
1513 | Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand | 0303-6758 |
1514 | Journal of the Textile Institute | 0040-5000 |
1515 | Journal of Thermal Stresses | 0149-5739 |
1516 | Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change | 1476-6825 |
1517 | Journal of Tourism History | 1755-182X |
1518 | Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues | 1528-7394 |
1519 | Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews | 1093-7404 |
1520 | Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Parts A, B Combined | 9999-7394 |
1521 | Journal Of Transnational Management | 1547-5778 |
1522 | Journal of Transportation Safety & Security | 1943-9962 |
1523 | Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation | 1529-9732 |
1524 | Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 1054-8408 |
1525 | Journal of Trust Research | 2151-5581 |
1526 | Journal of Turbulence (Online) | 1468-5248 |
1527 | Journal of Urban Affairs | 0735-2166 |
1528 | Journal of Urban Design | 1357-4809 |
1529 | Journal of Urban Technology | 1063-0732 |
1530 | Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainabilty | 1754-9175 |
1531 | Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology | 0272-4634 |
1532 | Journal of Visual Art Practice | 1470-2029 |
1533 | Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine | 1745-3054 |
1534 | Journal of Visual Literacy | 1051-144X |
1535 | Journal of Vocational Education and Training | 1363-6820 |
1536 | Journal of War & Culture Studies | 1752-6272 |
1537 | Journal Of Web Librarianship | 1932-2909 |
1538 | Journal of Wetland Archaeology | 1473-2971 |
1539 | Journal of Wine Research | 0957-1264 |
1540 | Journal Of Women & Aging | 0895-2841 |
1541 | Journal Of Women, Politics & Policy | 1554-477X |
1542 | Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology | 0277-3813 |
1543 | Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health | 1555-5240 |
1544 | Journal of World Languages | 2169-8252 |
1545 | Journal of Youth Studies | 1367-6261 |
1546 | Journal on the Use of Force and International Law | 2053-1702 |
1547 | Journalism Practice | 1751-2786 |
1548 | Journalism Studies and Journalism Practice Full Set | 9999-DMMY |
1549 | Judicial Review | 1085-4681 |
1550 | Jung Journal | 1934-2039 |
1551 | Jurisprudence | 2040-3313 |
1552 | Justice Evaluation Journal | 2475-1979 |
1553 | Justice Quarterly and Journal of Criminal Justice Education | 9999-8825 |
1554 | Justice Quarterly and Justice Evaluation Journal Pack | PACK-8825 |
1555 | Justice System Journal | 0098-261X |
1556 | Kappa Delta Pi Record | 0022-8958 |
1557 | King's Law Journal | 0961-5768 |
1558 | KIVA: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History | 0023-1940 |
1559 | Knowledge Management Research & Practice | 1477-8238 |
1560 | Konsthistorisk Tidskrift | 0023-3609 |
1561 | Labor History | 0023-656X |
1562 | Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work | 1030-1763 |
1563 | Lake and Reservoir Management | 0743-8141 |
1564 | Landscape History | 0143-3768 |
1565 | Landscape Research | 0142-6397 |
1566 | Landscapes | 1466-2035 |
1567 | Language & History | 1759-7536 |
1568 | Language & Intercultural Communication | 1470-8477 |
1569 | Language Acquisition | 1048-9223 |
1570 | Language and Education | 0950-0782 |
1571 | Language Assessment Quarterly | 1543-4303 |
1572 | Language Awareness | 0965-8416 |
1573 | Language Learning and Development | 1547-5441 |
1574 | Language Learning Journal | 0957-1736 |
1575 | Language Matters | 1022-8195 |
1576 | Language, Cognition and Neuroscience Pack | 0169-0965 |
1577 | Language, culture and Curriculum | 0790-8318 |
1578 | Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition | 1357-650X |
1579 | Latin American and Carribean Ethnic Studies | 1744-2222 |
1580 | Latin American Business Review | 1097-8526 |
1581 | Law & Literature | 1535-685X |
1582 | Law and Financial Markets Review | 1752-1440 |
1583 | Law and Humanities | 1752-1483 |
1584 | Law, Innovation and Technology | 1757-9961 |
1585 | Leadership & Policy in Schools | 1570-0763 |
1586 | Learning Media & Technology | 1743-9884 |
1587 | Learning: Research and Practice | 2373-5082 |
1588 | Legal Ethics | 1460-728X |
1589 | Legal Reference Services Quarterly | 0270-319X |
1590 | Leisure Sciences | 0149-0400 |
1591 | Leisure Studies | 0261-4367 |
1592 | Leisure/Loisir | 1492-7713 |
1593 | Leukemia & Lymphoma | 1042-8194 |
1594 | LEUKOS: The journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America | 1550-2724 |
1595 | Levant Pack | PACK-YLEV |
1596 | Library & Information History | 1758-3489 |
1597 | Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services | 1464-9055 |
1598 | Life Writing | 1448-4528 |
1599 | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | 0308-1087 |
1600 | Liquid Crystals Pack | DUMM-8292 |
1601 | Liquid Crystals Reviews | 2168-0396 |
1602 | Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory | 1043-6928 |
1603 | Literacy Research & Instruction | 1938-8071 |
1604 | Lithic Technology | 0197-7261 |
1605 | Liturgy | 0458-063X |
1606 | Local Environment | 1354-9839 |
1607 | Local Government Studies | 0300-3930 |
1608 | Logistique & Management | 1250-7970 |
1609 | Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology | 1651-2022 |
1610 | Loisir et Sociactac / Society and Leisure | 0705-3436 |
1611 | Luxury | 2051-1817 |
1612 | mAbs | 1942-0862 |
1613 | Machining Science & Technology | 1091-0344 |
1614 | Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies | 1752-0843 |
1615 | Management & Organizational History | 1744-9359 |
1616 | Managing Sport and Leisure | 2375-0472 |
1617 | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology | 1023-6244 |
1618 | Marine Biology Research | 1745-1000 |
1619 | Marine Geodesy | 0149-0419 |
1620 | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 1064-119X |
1621 | Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India | 0973-3159 |
1622 | Maritime Policy & Management | 0308-8839 |
1623 | Marketing Education Review | 1052-8008 |
1624 | Marriage & Family Review | 0149-4929 |
1625 | Mass Communication and Society | 1520-5436 |
1626 | Material Religion | 1743-2200 |
1627 | Materials and Manufacturing Processes | 1042-6914 |
1628 | Materials at High Temperatures | 0960-3409 |
1629 | Materials Research Innovations Online | 1433-075X |
1630 | Materials Science and Technology | 0267-0836 |
1631 | Materials Technology (Advanced Performance Materials) | 1066-7857 |
1632 | Math Horizons | 1072-4117 |
1633 | Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | 1387-3954 |
1634 | Mathematical Association of America | PACK-9890 |
1635 | Mathematical Population Studies | 0889-8480 |
1636 | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | 1098-6065 |
1637 | Mathematics Magazine | 0025-570X |
1638 | Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development & Counseling Outcome Re | PACK-1756 |
1639 | Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science | 1091-367X |
1640 | Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective | 1536-6367 |
1641 | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines | 1539-7734 |
1642 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | 1537-6494 |
1643 | Media Asia | 0129-6612 |
1644 | Media History | 1368-8804 |
1645 | Media Practice and Education | 2574-1136 |
1646 | Media Psychology | 1521-3269 |
1647 | Medical Anthropology | 0145-9740 |
1648 | Medical Reference Services Quarterly | 0276-3869 |
1649 | Medical Teacher | 0142-159X |
1650 | Medicine Conflict & Survival | 1362-3699 |
1651 | Medieval Archaeology | 0076-6097 |
1652 | Medieval Mystical Theology | 2046-5726 |
1653 | Medieval Sermon Studies | 1366-0691 |
1654 | Mediterranean Historical Review | 0951-8967 |
1655 | Mediterranean Politics | 1362-9395 |
1656 | Memory | 0965-8211 |
1657 | Mental Health, Religion & Culture | 1367-4676 |
1658 | Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning | 1361-1267 |
1659 | Metaphor and Symbol | 1092-6488 |
1660 | Method(e)s African Review of Social Sciences Methodology | 2375-4745 |
1661 | Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology | 0146-1109 |
1662 | Middle East Critique | 1943-614 |
1663 | Middle East Development Journal | 1793-8120 |
1664 | Middle Eastern Literatures | 1475-262X |
1665 | Middle Eastern Studies | 0026-3206 |
1666 | Middle School Journal | 0094-0771 |
1667 | Midland History | 0047-729X |
1668 | Migration and Development | 2163-2324 |
1669 | Military Behavioral Health | 2163-5781 |
1670 | Military Psychology | 0899-5605 |
1671 | Mind, Culture, and Activity | 1074-9039 |
1672 | Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review | 0882-7508 |
1673 | Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Transactions of the Institutions o | 2572-6641 |
1674 | Ming Studies | 0147-037X |
1675 | Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied technologies | 1364-5706 |
1676 | Mining Technology (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Se | 2572-6668 |
1677 | Mitochondrial DNA Part A | 2470-1394 |
1678 | Mobilities Pack | RMOB-PACK |
1679 | Modern and Contemporary France | 1469-9869 |
1680 | Modern Rheumatology | 1439-7595 |
1681 | Modern Rheumatology Case Reports Online | 2472-5625 |
1682 | Molecular & Cellular Oncology | |
1683 | Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals | 1542-1406 |
1684 | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters | Supp-1245 |
1685 | Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics | 1362-3028 |
1686 | Molecular Simulation | 0892-7022 |
1687 | Molluscan Research | 1323-5818 |
1688 | Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society | 0269-3445 |
1689 | Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies | 0254-9948 |
1690 | Mortality | 1357-6275 |
1691 | Multicultural Education Review | 2005-615X |
1692 | Multicultural Perspectives | 1521-0960 |
1693 | Multivariate Behavioral Research | 0027-3171 |
1694 | Museum History Journal | 1936-9816 |
1695 | Museum Management and Curatorship | 0964-7775 |
1696 | Museums & Social Issues (A Journal of Reflective Discourse) | 1559-6893 |
1697 | Music Education Research | 1461-3808 |
1698 | Music Reference Services Quarterly | 1058-8167 |
1699 | Musicology Australia | 0814-5857 |
1700 | Muziki | 1812-5980 |
1701 | Mycologia | 0027-5514 |
1702 | NACLA Report on the Americas | 1071-4839 |
1703 | NACLA Report on the Americas (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1071-4839 |
1704 | NAKHE Pack | UQST-PACK |
1705 | Names | 0027-7738 |
1706 | Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering | 1556-7265 |
1707 | Nanotoxicology | 1439-7595 |
1708 | NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education | 1940-7882 |
1709 | NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education (Canadian Dollar Price) | 1940-7882 |
1710 | National Identities | 1460-8944 |
1711 | Nationalism & Ethnic Politics | 1353-7113 |
1712 | Natural Product Research [Part A and Part B] | 1478-6419 |
1713 | Natural Resources & Engineering | |
1714 | Nawpa Pacha (Journal of Andean Archaeology) | 0077-6297 |
1715 | NCSLI Measure: The Journal of Measurement Science | |
1716 | NDEO Dance Education Pack | 2373-PACK |
1717 | NDEO Dance Education Pack (Canadian Dollar Price) | 2373-PACK |
1718 | Network: Computation in Neural Systems | 0954-898X |
1719 | Neurocase | 1355-4794 |
1720 | Neurological Research (A Journal of Progress in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Neur | 0161-6412 |
1721 | Neuro-Ophthalmology | 0165-8107 |
1722 | Neuropsychoanalysis | 1529-4145 |
1723 | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | 0960-2011 |
1724 | Neutron News | 1044-8632 |
1725 | New Genetics & Society | 1463-6778 |
1726 | New Political Economy | 1356-3467 |
1727 | New Political Science | 0739-3148 |
1728 | New Review of Academic Librarianship | 1361-4533 |
1729 | New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship | 1361-4541 |
1730 | New Review of Film & Television Studies | 1740-0309 |
1731 | New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia | 1361-4568 |
1732 | New Review of Information Networking | 1361-4576 |
1733 | New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative W | 1479-0726 |
1734 | New Zealand Economic Papers | 0077-9954 |
1735 | New Zealand Entomologist | 0077-9962 |
1736 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | 0028-8233 |
1737 | New Zealand Journal of Botany | 0028-825X |
1738 | New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science | 0114-0671 |
1739 | New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics | 0028-8306 |
1740 | New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research | 0028-8330 |
1741 | New Zealand Journal of Zoology | 0301-4223 |
1742 | New Zealand Veterinary Journal | 0048-0169 |
1743 | Nineteenth Century Contexts | 0890-5495 |
1744 | Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation | 1058-9759 |
1745 | Nora, Nordic Journal of Women's Studies | 0803-8740 |
1746 | Nordic Journal of Human Rights | 1891-8131 |
1747 | Nordic Journal of Music Therapy | 0809-8131 |
1748 | Nordic Journal of Psychiatry | 0803-9488 |
1749 | Nordic Psychology | 1901-2276 |
1750 | Nordic Social Work Research | 2156-857X |
1751 | Norma: International Journal for Masculinity Studies | 2333-4843 |
1752 | Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr | 0029-1951 |
1753 | North American Actuarial Journal | 1092-0277 |
1754 | Northern History | 0078-172X |
1755 | Norwegian Archaeological Review | 1502-7678 |
1756 | Nuclear Physics News | 1050-6896 |
1757 | Nuclear Science and Engineering | 0029-5639 |
1758 | Nuclear Technology | 0029-5450 |
1759 | Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids | 1525-7770 |
1760 | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | 0163-0563 |
1761 | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications | 1040-7782 |
1762 | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals | 1040-7790 |
1763 | Nutrition and Cancer | 0163-5581 |
1764 | Nutritional Neuroscience (An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervou Online | 1476-8305 |
1765 | Occupational Therapy in Health Care | 0738-0577 |
1766 | Occupational Therapy In Mental Health | 0164-212X |
1767 | Ocean Development & International Law | 0090-8320 |
1768 | Ocular Immunology and Inflammation | 0927-3948 |
1769 | OncoImmunology Online | 2162-402X |
1770 | Oncology Issues | 1045-3356 |
1771 | Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning | 0268-0513 |
1772 | Ophthalmic Epidemiology | 0928-6586 |
1773 | Ophthalmic Genetics | 1381-6810 |
1774 | Optimization | 0233-1934 |
1775 | Optimization Methods and Software | 1029-4937 |
1776 | Orbit | 0167-6830 |
1777 | Organic Preparations and Procedures International:???? The New Journal for Organic | 0030-4948 |
1778 | Organization Management Journal | 1541-6518 |
1779 | Organogenesis | 1547-6278 |
1780 | Oriental Insects | 0030-5316 |
1781 | Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology | 0030-6525 |
1782 | Oxford Development Studies | 1360-0818 |
1783 | Oxford German Studies | 0078-7191 |
1784 | Oxford Review of Education | 0305-4985 |
1785 | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | 1472-9342 |
1786 | Ozone: Science & Engineering | 0191-9512 |
1787 | Pacific Rim Property Research Journal | 1444-5921 |
1788 | Paedagogica Historica | 0030-9230 |
1789 | Paediatrics and International Child Health | 2046-9047 |
1790 | PaleoAmerica (A journal of early human migration and dispersal) | 2055-5563 |
1791 | Palestine Exploration Quarterly | 0031-0328 |
1792 | Palynology | 0191-6122 |
1793 | Papers in Applied Geography | 2375-4931 |
1794 | Parallax | 1353-4645 |
1795 | Parenting | 1529-5192 |
1796 | Parliaments, Estates and Representation | 0260-6755 |
1797 | Particulate Science and Technology | 0272-6351 |
1798 | Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Em | 0264-3944 |
1799 | Pathogens and Global Health | 2047-7724 |
1800 | Patterns of Prejudice | 0031-322X |
1801 | Peabody Journal of Education | 0161-956X |
1802 | Peace Review | 1040-2659 |
1803 | Peacebuilding | 2164-7259 |
1804 | Pedagogies: An International Journal | 1554-480X |
1805 | Pedagogy, Culture & Society | 1468-1366 |
1806 | Pediatric Hematology and Oncology | 0888-0018 |
1807 | Peking University Law Journal | 2051-7483 |
1808 | Performance Research | 1352-8165 |
1809 | Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies | 1477-9757 |
1810 | Perspectives on Political Science | 1045-7097 |
1811 | Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education | 1360-3108 |
1812 | Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice | 0907-676X |
1813 | Petroleum Science and Technology | 1091-6466 |
1814 | Pharmaceutical Development and Technology | 1083-7450 |
1815 | Phase Transitions, A Multinational Journal | 0141-1594 |
1816 | Philippine Political Science Journal | 0115-4451 |
1817 | Philosophical Explorations | 1386-9795 |
1818 | Philosophical Magazine | 1478-6435 |
1819 | Philosophical Magazine Letters | 0950-0839 |
1820 | Philosophical Papers | 0556-8641 |
1821 | Philosophical Psychology | 0951-5089 |
1822 | Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements | 1042-6507 |
1823 | Photographies | 1754-0763 |
1824 | Photography and Culture | 1751-4517 |
1825 | Phycologia | 0031-8884 |
1826 | Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics | 0270-3181 |
1827 | Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics | 0194-2638 |
1828 | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy | 1740-8989 |
1829 | Physical Geography | 0272-3646 |
1830 | Physical Therapy Reviews | 1083-3196 |
1831 | Physics and Chemistry of Liquids | 0031-9104 |
1832 | Physiotherapy Theory and Practice: An International Journal of Physical Therapy | 0959-3985 |
1833 | Plains Anthropologist | 0032-0447 |
1834 | Planning Perspectives | 0266-5433 |
1835 | Planning Practice and Research | 0269-7459 |
1836 | Planning Theory & Practice | 1464-9357 |
1837 | Plant Biosystems | 1126-3504 |
1838 | Plant Ecology & Diversity | 1755-0874 |
1839 | Plant Signaling & Behavior Online | 1559-2324 |
1840 | Plastics, Rubber and Composites Macromolecular Engineering | 1465-8011 |
1841 | Platelets | 0953-7104 |
1842 | Poem | 2051-9842 |
1843 | Polar Geography | 1088-937X |
1844 | Police Practice and Research - An International Journal | 1561-4263 |
1845 | Policing & Society | 1043-9463 |
1846 | Policy and Practice in Health and Safety | 1477-3996 |
1847 | Policy Reviews in Higher Education | 2332-2969 |
1848 | Policy Studies | 0144-2872 |
1849 | Political Communication | 1058-4609 |
1850 | Political Science | 0032-3187 |
1851 | Political Theology | 1462-317X |
1852 | Politics, Groups and Identities | 2156-5503 |
1853 | Politics, Religion & Ideology | 2156-7689 |
1854 | Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies | 0258-9346 |
1855 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | 1040-6638 |
1856 | Polymer Reviews | 1558-3724 |
1857 | Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering | 2574-0881 |
1858 | Popular Communication | 1540-5702 |
1859 | Popular Music and Society Pack | PACK-7766 |
1860 | Population Studies | 0032-4728 |
1861 | Porn Studies | 2326-8743 |
1862 | Postcolonial Studies | 1368-8790 |
1863 | Post-Communist Economies | 1463-1377 |
1864 | Postgraduate Medicine | 0032-5481 |
1865 | Post-Medieval Archaeology | 0079-4236 |
1866 | Post-Soviet Affairs | 1060-586X |
1867 | Powder Metallurgy | 0032-5899 |
1868 | Practical Theology | 1756-073X |
1869 | Practice - Social Work in Action | 0950-3153 |
1870 | PRACTICE (Contemporary Issues in Practitioner ' Education) | TBC |
1871 | Prehospital Emergency Care | 1090-3127 |
1872 | Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 1082-6068 |
1873 | Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth | 1045-988X |
1874 | PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies | 1051-1970 |
1875 | Problems of Economic Transition | 1061-1991 |
1876 | Problems of Post-Communism | 1075-8216 |
1877 | Production Planning & Control | 0953-7287 |
1878 | Professional Development in Education | 1941-5257 |
1879 | Progress in Palliative Care (Science and the Art of Caring) | 0969-9260 |
1880 | Prose Studies | 0144-0357 |
1881 | Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology | 2475-0573 |
1882 | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | 1321-8719 |
1883 | Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes | 0033-2747 |
1884 | Psychoanalysis, Self and Context | 2472-0038 |
1885 | Psychoanalytic Dialogues | 1048-1885 |
1886 | Psychoanalytic Inquiry | 0735-1690 |
1887 | Psychoanalytic Perspectives | 1551-806X |
1888 | Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Applications, Theory and Research | 0266-8734 |
1889 | Psychoanalytic Social Work | 1522-8878 |
1890 | Psychoanalytic Study of the Child | 0079-7308 |
1891 | Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, Groups & Organisations | 1475-3626 |
1892 | Psychological Inquiry | 1047-840X |
1893 | Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought | 0033-2925 |
1894 | Psychology & Health and Health Psychology Review Pack | 0887-PACK |
1895 | Psychology & Sexuality | 1941-9899 |
1896 | Psychology, Crime & Law | 1068-316X |
1897 | Psychology, Health & Medicine | 1354-8506 |
1898 | Psychosis | 1752-2439 |
1899 | Psychotherapy Research | 1050-3307 |
1900 | Psyecology | 2171-1976 |
1901 | Public Archaeology | |
1902 | Public Art Dialogue | 2150-2552 |
1903 | Public Integrity | 1099-9922 |
1904 | Public Library Quarterly | 0161-6846 |
1905 | Public Management Review | 1471-9037 |
1906 | Public Money & Management | 0954-0962 |
1907 | Public Performance & Mgmt Review | 1530-9576 |
1908 | Public Services Quarterly | 1522-8959 |
1909 | Publications of the English Goethe Society | 0959-3683 |
1910 | Quaestiones Mathematicae | 1607-3606 |
1911 | Qualitative Research in Psychology | 1478-0887 |
1912 | Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise | 1939-8441 |
1913 | Quality Engineering | 0898-2112 |
1914 | Quality in Higher Education | 1353-8322 |
1915 | Quality Management Journal | 1068-6967 |
1916 | Quality Technology & Quantitative Management Online | 1684-3703 |
1917 | Quantitative Finance | 1469-7688 |
1918 | Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal | 1768-6733 |
1919 | Quarterly Journal of Speech Pack | PACK-1479 |
1920 | Quarterly Review of Film & Video | 1050-9208 |
1921 | Race, Ethnicity and Education Pack | PACK-CREE |
1922 | Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids | 1042-0150 |
1923 | Reading & Writing Quarterly | 1057-3569 |
1924 | Reading Psychology | 0270-2711 |
1925 | Reference Librarian (The) | 0276-3877 |
1926 | Reflective Practice | 1462-3943 |
1927 | Reformation | 1357-4175 |
1928 | Reformation & Renaissance Review | 1462-2459 |
1929 | Regional & Federal Studies | 1359-7566 |
1930 | Regional Studies Pack | 9999-3404 |
1931 | Religion | 0048-721X |
1932 | Religion & Education | 1550-7394 |
1933 | Religion, Brain & Behavior | 2153-599X |
1934 | Religion, State & Society: the Keston | 0963-7494 |
1935 | Religious Education | 0034-4087 |
1936 | Remote Sensing Letters | 2150-704X |
1937 | Representation | 0034-4893 |
1938 | Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | 2329-7018 |
1939 | Research in Dance Education | 1464-7893 |
1940 | Research in Drama Education | 1356-9783 |
1941 | Research in Human Development | 1542-7609 |
1942 | Research in Mathematics Education | 1479-4802 |
1943 | Research in Nondestructive Evaluation | 0934-9847 |
1944 | Research in Post-Compulsory Education | 1359-6748 |
1945 | Research in Science & Technological Education | 0263-5143 |
1946 | Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal | 1543-8627 |
1947 | Research into Higher Education Abstracts | 1467-5862 |
1948 | Research on Language & Social Interaction | 0835-1813 |
1949 | Research Papers in Education | 0267-1522 |
1950 | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | 0270-1367 |
1951 | Research-Technology Management | 0895-6308 |
1952 | Residential Treatment For Children & Youth | 1541-0358 |
1953 | Resilience; International Policies, Practices and Discourses | 2169-3293 |
1954 | Rethinking History | 1364-2529 |
1955 | Rethinking Marxism | 0893-5696 |
1956 | Review of African Political Economy | 0305-6244 |
1957 | Review of Comunication Online | 1535-8593 |
1958 | Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies | 1071-4413 |
1959 | Review of International Political Economy | 0969-2290 |
1960 | Review of Political Economy | 0953-8259 |
1961 | Review of Social Economy plus Forum for Social Economics | PACK-6764 |
1962 | Review: Literature & Arts of the Americas | 0890-5762 |
1963 | Reviews in Anthropology | 0093-8157 |
1964 | Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. | 1064-1262 |
1965 | Revista de Psicologia Social | 0213-4748 |
1966 | Revolutionary Russia | 0954-6545 |
1967 | Rhetoric Review | 0735-0198 |
1968 | Rhetoric Society Quarterly | 0277-3945 |
1969 | Ringing & Migration | 0307-8698 |
1970 | RNA Biology | 1547-6286 |
1971 | Road Materials and Pavement Design | 1468-0629 |
1972 | Rock Music Studies | 1940-1159 |
1973 | Rocks & Minerals | 0035-7529 |
1974 | Roeper Review | 0278-3193 |
1975 | Romance Quarterly | 0883-1157 |
1976 | Romance Studies | 0263-9904 |
1977 | Rural Society | 1037-1656 |
1978 | Rural Theology (International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives) | 1470-4994 |
1979 | RUSI Journal & Whitehall Papers | 9999-1847 |
1980 | Russian Education & Society | 1060-9393 |
1981 | Russian Journal of Communication | 1940-9419 |
1982 | Russian Politics & Law | 1061-1940 |
1983 | Russian Social Science Review | 1061-1428 |
1984 | Russian Studies in History | 1061-1983 |
1985 | Russian Studies in Literature | 1061-1975 |
1986 | Russian Studies in Philosophy | 1061-1967 |
1987 | Safety and Reliability | 0961-7353 |
1988 | Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies | 1753-3171 |
1989 | SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research | 1062-936X |
1990 | Scandinavian Actuarial Journal | 0346-1238 |
1991 | Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal | 1651-2006 |
1992 | Scandinavian Economic History Review | 0358-5522 |
1993 | Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation | 1502-7686 |
1994 | Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research | 0031-3831 |
1995 | Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research | 0282-7581 |
1996 | Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology | 0036-5521 |
1997 | Scandinavian Journal of History | 0346-8755 |
1998 | Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism | 1502-2250 |
1999 | Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy | 1103-8128 |
2000 | Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology | 0300-9742 |
2001 | Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament | 0901-8328 |
2002 | Scandinavian Journal of Urology | 2168-1805 |
2003 | Scando-Slavica | 0080-6765 |
2004 | SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies & Recreation Education | 1937-156X |
2005 | School Effectiveness and School Improvement | 0924-3453 |
2006 | School Leadership & Management | 1363-2434 |
2007 | Science & Global Security | 0892-9882 |
2008 | Science & Technology Libraries | 0194-262X |
2009 | Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas | 0036-8121 |
2010 | Science and Medicine in Football | 2473-3938 |
2011 | Science and Technology for the Built Environment | 2374-4731 |
2012 | Science and Technology of Welding and Joining Online | 1743-2936 |
2013 | Science as Culture | 0950-5431 |
2014 | Scientific Studies of Reading | 1088-8438 |
2015 | Scottish Geographical Journal | 1470-2541 |
2016 | Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa | 1812-5441 |
2017 | Security Studies | 0963-6412 |
2018 | Self and Identity | 1529-8868 |
2019 | Seminars in Ophthalmology | 0882-0538 |
2020 | Separation and Purification Reviews | 1542-2119 |
2021 | Separation Science and Technology | 0149-6395 |
2022 | Sequential Analysis | 0747-4946 |
2023 | Serials Review | 0098-7913 |
2024 | Services Marketing Quarterly | 1533-2969 |
2025 | Settler Colonial Studies | 2201-473X |
2026 | Sex Education:Sexuality, Society and Learning | 1468-1811 |
2027 | Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity | 1072-0162 |
2028 | Sexual and Relationship Therapy | 1468-1994 |
2029 | Shakespeare | 1745-0918 |
2030 | Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik) | 0937-7255 |
2031 | Ships and Offshore Structures | 1744-5302 |
2032 | Sikh Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory | 1744-8727 |
2033 | Slavery & Abolition | 0144-039X |
2034 | Slavic & East European Information Resources | 1522-8886 |
2035 | Slavonica | 1361-7427 |
2036 | Small Enterprise Research | 1321-5906 |
2037 | Small GTPases | SUPP-1256 |
2038 | Small Wars & Insurgencies | 0959-2318 |
2039 | Smart Science Online | 2308-0477 |
2040 | Smith College Studies In Social Work | 0037-7317 |
2041 | Soccer and Society | 1466-0970 |
2042 | Social & Cultural Geography | 1464-9365 |
2043 | Social and Environmental Accountability Journal | 0969-160X |
2044 | Social Dynamics | 0253-3952 |
2045 | Social Epistemology | 0269-1728 |
2046 | Social History Pack | PACK-518X |
2047 | Social Identities | 1350-4630 |
2048 | Social Influence | 1553-4510 |
2049 | Social Movement Studies | 1474-2837 |
2050 | Social Neuroscience | 1747-0919 |
2051 | Social Sciences in China | 0252-9203 |
2052 | Social Semiotics | 1035-0330 |
2053 | Social Work Education | 0261-5479 |
2054 | Social Work In Health Care | 0098-1389 |
2055 | Social Work In Mental Health | 1533-2993 |
2056 | Social Work In Public Health | 1937-1918 |
2057 | Social Work With Groups | 0160-9513 |
2058 | Socialism and Democracy | 0885-4300 |
2059 | Society & Natural Resources | 0894-1920 |
2060 | Sociological Focus | 0038-0237 |
2061 | Sociological Research | 1061-0154 |
2062 | Sociological Spectrum | 0273-2173 |
2063 | Soft Materials | 1539-445X |
2064 | Soil and Sediment Contamination | 1549-7887 |
2065 | Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 0038-0768 |
2066 | Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange | 0736-6299 |
2067 | Somatosensory & Motor Research | 0899-0220 |
2068 | Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society | 1099-9949 |
2069 | Sound Studies | 2055-1940 |
2070 | South African Geographical Journal | 0373-6245 |
2071 | South African Historical Journal Pack | PACK-2473 |
2072 | South African Journal of Accounting Research | 1029-1954 |
2073 | South African Journal of African Languages | 0257-2117 |
2074 | South African Journal of International Affairs | 1022-0461 |
2075 | South African Journal of Philosophy | 0258-0136 |
2076 | South African Journal of Plant and Soil | 0257-1862 |
2077 | South African Journal on Human Rights | 0258-7203 |
2078 | South African Review of Sociology | 2152-8586 |
2079 | South African Theatre Journal | 1013-7548 |
2080 | South Asia:Journal of South Asian Studies | 0085-6401 |
2081 | South Asian Diaspora | 1943-8192 |
2082 | South Asian History and Culture | 1947-2498 |
2083 | South Asian Popular Culture | 1474-6689 |
2084 | South Asian Review | 0275-9527 |
2085 | South Asian Studies | 0266-6030 |
2086 | South European Society & Politics | 1360-8746 |
2087 | Southeastern Archaeology | 0734-578X |
2088 | Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies | 1607-3614 |
2089 | Southern Communication Journal | 1041-794X |
2090 | Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science | 2070-2620 |
2091 | Space and Polity | 1470-1235 |
2092 | Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Espanola de Financiacion y C | 0210-2412 |
2093 | Spatial Cognition & Computation | 1387-5868 |
2094 | Spatial Economic Analysis | 1742-1772 |
2095 | Special Operations Journal | 2329-6151 |
2096 | Spectroscopy Letters | 0038-7010 |
2097 | Speech, Language and Hearing | 2050-571X |
2098 | Sport in History | 1746-0263 |
2099 | Sport in Society | 1743-0437 |
2100 | Sport, Education and Society | 1357-3322 |
2101 | Sport, Ethics and Philosophy | 1751-1321 |
2102 | Sports Biomechanics | 1476-3141 |
2103 | Sports Coaching Review | 2164-0629 |
2104 | Stanislavski Studies | 2056-7790 |
2105 | Statistical Theory and Related Fields | 2475-4277 |
2106 | Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research Online | |
2107 | Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics | 0233-1888 |
2108 | Statutes & Decisions: Laws USSR | 1061-0014 |
2109 | Stochastic Analysis and Applications | 0736-2994 |
2110 | Stochastic Models | 1532-6349 |
2111 | Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes | 1744-2508 |
2112 | Strabismus | 0927-3972 |
2113 | Strategic Analysis | 0970-0161 |
2114 | Strategic Comments (Online) | 1356-7888 |
2115 | Strategic Comments (Online) (Rest of the World Price) | 1356-7888 |
2116 | Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment | 1048-5236 |
2117 | Strategic Survey | 0459-7230 |
2118 | Strategic Survey (Rest of the World Price) | 0459-7230 |
2119 | Strategies, A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators | 0892-4562 |
2120 | Stress | 1025-3890 |
2121 | Structural Engineering International | 1016-8664 |
2122 | Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal | 1070-5511 |
2123 | Structural Heart | 2474-8706 |
2124 | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 1573-2479 |
2125 | Studia Neophilologica | 0039-3274 |
2126 | Studia Theologica | 0039-338X |
2127 | Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education | 0039-3541 |
2128 | Studies in Australasian Cinema | 1750-3175 |
2129 | Studies in Chinese Religions | 2372-9988 |
2130 | Studies in Conflict & Terrorism | 1057-610X |
2131 | Studies in Conservation | 0039-3630 |
2132 | Studies in Continuing Education | 0158-037X |
2133 | Studies in Documentary Film | 1750-3280 |
2134 | Studies in Eastern European Cinema | 2040-350X |
2135 | Studies in European Cinema | 1741-1548 |
2136 | Studies in French Cinema | 1471-5880 |
2137 | Studies in Gender and Sexuality | 1524-0657 |
2138 | Studies in Higher Education & Research into Higher Education Abstracts Pack | PACK-5079 |
2139 | Studies in Political Economy | 0707-8552 |
2140 | Studies in Political Economy (Canadian Dollar Price) | 0707-8552 |
2141 | Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema | 1750-3132 |
2142 | Studies in Science Education | 0305-7267 |
2143 | Studies in the Education of Adults | 0266-0830 |
2144 | Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes | 1460-1176 |
2145 | Studies in Theatre and Performance | 1468-2761 |
2146 | Studies in Travel Writing | 1364-5145 |
2147 | Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment | 0165-0521 |
2148 | Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts | 1467-5978 |
2149 | Studying Teacher Education | 1742-5964 |
2150 | Substance Abuse | 0889-7077 |
2151 | Substance Use & Misuse | 1082-6084 |
2152 | Supply Chain Forum Pack | PACK-TSCF |
2153 | Supramolecular Chemistry | 1061-0278 |
2154 | Surface Engineering | 0267-0844 |
2155 | Surgery Combined (Pack) | PACK-1111 |
2156 | Survey Review | 0039-6265 |
2157 | Survival | 0039-6338 |
2158 | Survival (Rest of the World Price) | 0039-6338 |
2159 | Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure | 2378-9689 |
2160 | Symbolae Osloenses | 0039-7679 |
2161 | Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures | 0039-7709 |
2162 | Synchrotron Radiation News | 0894-0886 |
2163 | Synthetic Communications | 0039-7911 |
2164 | Systematics and Biodiversity | 1477-2000 |
2165 | Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine | 1939-6368 |
2166 | Tang Studies | 0737-5034 |
2167 | Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professonal development | 1366-4530 |
2168 | Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice | 1354-0602 |
2169 | Teaching and Learning in Medicine | 1040-1334 |
2170 | Teaching Artist Journal | 1541-1796 |
2171 | Teaching Education | 1047-6210 |
2172 | Teaching in Higher Education; Critical Perspectives | 1356-2517 |
2173 | Technical Communication Quarterly | 1057-2252 |
2174 | Technical Services Quarterly | 0731-7131 |
2175 | Technology Analysis & Strategic Management | 0953-7325 |
2176 | Technology, Architecture + Design | 2475-1448 |
2177 | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | 1475-939X |
2178 | Technometrics | |
2179 | Tel Aviv (Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University) | 0334-4355 |
2180 | Temperature | 2332-8940 |
2181 | Terrae Incognitae (The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries) | 0082-2884 |
2182 | Terrae Incognitae (The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries) (Rest of the World Price) | 0082-2884 |
2183 | Territory, Politics, Governance | 2162-2671 |
2184 | Terrorism & Political Violence | 0954-6553 |
2185 | Text and Performance Quarterly | 1046-2937 |
2186 | Textile & Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice PACK | PACK-RFTX |
2187 | Textile History | 0040-4969 |
2188 | Textile Progress | 0040-5167 |
2189 | Textual Practice | 0950-236X |
2190 | The Aging Male | 1368-5538 |
2191 | The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Encompassing All Addictive Disorders | 0095-2990 |
2192 | The American Mathematical Monthly | 0002-9890 |
2193 | The American Statistician | |
2194 | The American Statistician (Rest of the World Price) | |
2195 | The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology | 1444-2213 |
2196 | The Australasian Association of Philosophy Pack | RAJP-PACK |
2197 | The Australasian Society For Intellectual Disability Pack | 1366-PACK |
2198 | The Black Scholar | 0006-4246 |
2199 | The Cartographic Journal (The World of Mapping) | 0008-7041 |
2200 | The Chinese Economy | 1097-1475 |
2201 | The Chinese Historical Review | 1547-402X |
2202 | The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas | 0009-8655 |
2203 | The Clinical Neuropsychologist | 1385-4046 |
2204 | The College Mathematics Journal | 0746-8342 |
2205 | The Communication Review | 1071-4421 |
2206 | The Court Historian (The International Journal of Court Studies) | 1462-9712 |
2207 | The Design Journal and Design for Health Pack | RFDJ-PACK |
2208 | The Educational Forum | 0013-1725 |
2209 | The Engineering Economist | 0013-791X |
2210 | The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care | 1362-5187 |
2211 | The European Journal of Finance | 1351-847X |
2212 | The European Legacy | 1084-8770 |
2213 | The Explicator | 0014-4940 |
2214 | The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory | 0016-8890 |
2215 | The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice | 1756-7505 |
2216 | The History of the Family | 1081-602X |
2217 | The Imaging Science Journal | 1368-2199 |
2218 | The Information Society | 0197-2243 |
2219 | The International Information & Library Review | 1057-2317 |
2220 | The International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology | 1758-1206 |
2221 | The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | 1050-8414 |
2222 | The International Journal of Human Rights | 1364-2987 |
2223 | The International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs | 2380-0992 |
2224 | The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials | 0091-4037 |
2225 | The International Journal of Psychoanalysis | 0020-7578 |
2226 | The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (en Espanol) Online | 2057-410X |
2227 | The International Journal of Sustainable Development World Ecology | 9999-4509 |
2228 | The International Trade Journal | 0885-3908 |
2229 | The Interpreter and Translator Trainer | 1750-399X |
2230 | The Italianist | 0261-4340 |
2231 | The Japanese Political Economy | 2329-194X |
2232 | The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: Competence for Rural Innovation and Transformation | 1389-224X |
2233 | The Journal of Architecture | 1360-2365 |
2234 | The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society | 1063-2921 |
2235 | The Journal of Continuing Higher Education | 0737-7363 |
2236 | The Journal of Economic Education | 0022-0485 |
2237 | The Journal of Educational Research | 0022-0671 |
2238 | The Journal of Environmental Education | 0095-8964 |
2239 | The Journal of Experimental Education | 0022-0973 |
2240 | The Journal of General Psychology | 0022-1309 |
2241 | The Journal of Genetic Psychology | 0022-1325 |
2242 | The Journal of Higher Education | 0022-1546 |
2243 | The Journal of Holocaust Research | 2578-5648 |
2244 | The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology | 1462-0316 |
2245 | The Journal of International Communication | 1321-6597 |
2246 | The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development | 0963-8199 |
2247 | The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law | 0732-9113 |
2248 | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine | 1476-7058 |
2249 | The Journal of Modern Craft | 1749-6772 |
2250 | The Journal of Pacific History | 0022-3344 |
2251 | The Journal of Peasant Studies | 0306-6150 |
2252 | The Journal of Positive Psychology | 1743-9760 |
2253 | The Journal of Psychology | 0022-3980 |
2254 | The Journal of Slavic Military Studies | 1351-8046 |
2255 | The Journal of Social Psychology | 0022-4545 |
2256 | The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine | 1079-0268 |
2257 | The Journal of the Middle East and Africa | 2152-0844 |
2258 | The Keats-Shelley Review | 0952-4142 |
2259 | The Law Teacher | 0306-9400 |
2260 | The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present | 0305-8034 |
2261 | The Mariner's Mirror | 0025-3359 |
2262 | The Military Balance | 0459-7222 |
2263 | The Military Balance (Rest of the World Price) | 0459-7222 |
2264 | The Neurodiagnostic Journal | 2164-6821 |
2265 | The New Bioethics (A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body) | 2050-2877 |
2266 | The New Educator | 1547-688X |
2267 | The Nonproliferation Review | 1073-6700 |
2268 | The Pacific Review | 0951-2748 |
2269 | The Physician and Sportsmedicine | 0091-3847 |
2270 | The Polar Journal | 2154-896X |
2271 | The Psychoanalytic Quarterly | 0033-2828 |
2272 | The Review of Faith and International Affairs | 1557-0274 |
2273 | The Round Table | 0035-8533 |
2274 | The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review | 0106-2301 |
2275 | The Senses and Society | 1745-8927 |
2276 | The Serials Librarian: From the Printed Page to the Digital Age | 0361-526X |
2277 | The Service Industries Journal | 0264-2069 |
2278 | The Seventeenth Century | 0268-117X |
2279 | The Sixties | 1754-1328 |
2280 | The Social Studies | 2573-5845 |
2281 | The Sociological Quarterly | 0038-0253 |
2282 | The Sociological Quarterly (Rest of the World Price) | 0038-0253 |
2283 | The Teacher Educator | 0887-8730 |
2284 | The Theory and Practice of Legislation | 2050-8840 |
2285 | The Translator | 1355-6509 |
2286 | The Washington Quarterly | 0163-660X |
2287 | The Washington Quarterly (Rest of the World Price) | 0163-660X |
2288 | The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry | 1562-2975 |
2289 | Theatre and Performance Design | 2332-2551 |
2290 | Theatre, Dance and Performance Training | 1944-3927 |
2291 | Theology & Sexuality | 1355-8358 |
2292 | Theology and Science | 1474-6700 |
2293 | Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science | 1464-536X |
2294 | Theory & Research in Social Education | 0093-3104 |
2295 | Theory Into Practice | 0040-5841 |
2296 | Thinking & Reasoning | 1354-6783 |
2297 | Third Text | 0952-8822 |
2298 | Third World Quarterly & Third World Thematics - Pack | PACK-CTW |
2299 | Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal | 2379-9978 |
2300 | Time and Mind | 1751-696X |
2301 | Tissue Barriers Online | 2168-8370 |
2302 | Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation | 1074-9357 |
2303 | Total Quality Management & Business Excellence | 1478-3363 |
2304 | Tourism Geographies | 1461-6688 |
2305 | Tourism Planning & Development | 2156-8316 |
2306 | Tourism Recreation Research | 0250-8281 |
2307 | Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods | 1537-6516 |
2308 | Toxin Reviews | 1556-9543 |
2309 | Traffic Injury Prevention | 1538-9588 |
2310 | Transactional Analysis Journal | 0362-1537 |
2311 | Transactions of the IMF | 0020-2967 |
2312 | Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society | 0371-750X |
2313 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa | 0035-919X |
2314 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia | 0372-1426 |
2315 | Transcription | 2154-1264 |
2316 | Translation Review | 0737-4836 |
2317 | Translation Studies | 1478-1700 |
2318 | Transnational Corporations Review | 1918-6444 |
2319 | Transnational Legal Theory | 2041-4005 |
2320 | Transnational Screens | 2578-5273 |
2321 | Transport Reviews | 0144-1647 |
2322 | Transportation Letters (The International Journal of Transportation Research) | 1942-7867 |
2323 | Transportation Planning & Technology | 0308-1060 |
2324 | Transportmetrica A: Transport Science | 1812-8602 |
2325 | Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics | 2168-0566 |
2326 | Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces | 1751-5831 |
2327 | Tribology Transactions | 1040-2004 |
2328 | Tropical Zoology | 0394-6975 |
2329 | Turkish Studies | 1468-3849 |
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