Control System Engineering

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
111th Annual Conference on Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services, IEEE/IFIP WONS 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
211th IEEE India Conference: Emerging Trends and Innovation in Technology, INDICON 2014conference and proceeding
313th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication, ICEIC 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
413th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IFSC 2013conference and proceeding
514th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, STA 2013conference and proceeding
616th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition, PEMC 2014conference and proceeding
717th IEEE International Multi Topic Conference: Collaborative and Sustainable Development of Technologies, IEEE INMIC 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
819th Annual International Mixed-Signals, Sensors, and Systems Test Workshop, IMS3TW 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
919th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2014conference and proceeding
101st International Conference on Automation, Control, Energy and Systems - 2014, ACES 2014conference and proceeding
112009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009conference and proceeding
122013 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2013conference and proceeding
132013 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management - Proceedings of ICSSSM 2013conference and proceeding
142013 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2013; Joint Conference of SINTES 2013, SACCS 2013, SIMSIS 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
152013 18th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, MMAR 2013conference and proceeding
162013 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2013 - Conference Proceedingsconference and proceeding
172013 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2013conference and proceeding
182013 2nd International Conference on Systems and Computer Science, ICSCS 2013conference and proceeding
192013 3rd Australian Control Conference, AUCC 2013conference and proceeding
202013 3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, ICSC 2013conference and proceeding
212013 4th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, MTD 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
222013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2013conference and proceeding
232013 5th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2013conference and proceeding
242013 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO 2013conference and proceeding
252013 9th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2013conference and proceeding
262013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, CACS 2013 - Conference Digestconference and proceeding
272013 European Control Conference, ECC 2013conference and proceeding
282013 IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, LASCAS 2013 - Conference Proceedingsconference and proceeding
292013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, IEEE-CYBER 2013conference and proceeding
302013 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems, AMPS 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
312013 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS 2013conference and proceeding
322013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2013conference and proceeding
332013 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, ARIS 2013 - Conference Proceedingsconference and proceeding
342013 International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications, CCUBE 2013conference and proceeding
352013 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, CASES 2013conference and proceeding
362013 International Conference on Control Communication and Computing, ICCC 2013conference and proceeding
372013 International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials, ICCCCM 2013conference and proceeding
382013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2013conference and proceeding
392013 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, Computer, Power, and Control Engineering, ICECCPCE 2013conference and proceeding
402013 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering, ICEESE 2013conference and proceeding
412013 International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Systems and Assistive Technologies, IISAT 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
422013 International Powered Lift Conferenceconference and proceeding
432013 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
442013 International Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Testing Automation, JAMAICA 2013 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
452013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum and International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFC 2013conference and proceeding
462013 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, SCES 2013conference and proceeding
472014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2014conference and proceeding
482014 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2014conference and proceeding
492014 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2014conference and proceeding
502014 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology and Its Applications for a Better Future, ICITACEE 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
512014 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2014conference and proceeding
522014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
532014 7th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability: "Sharpening the Future with Sustainable Technology", ICIAfS 2014conference and proceeding
542014 9th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference: Challenges of Change - Shaping the Future, IMPACT 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
552014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, ICCPS 2014conference and proceeding
562014 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines, Dynamics 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
572014 European Control Conference, ECC 2014conference and proceeding
582014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2014conference and proceeding
592014 IEEE 12th International New Circuits and Systems Conference, NEWCAS 2014conference and proceeding
602014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control, MSNMC 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
612014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control: Green Challenges and Smart Solutions, ISCO 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
622014 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, CGNCC 2014conference and proceeding
632014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2014conference and proceeding
642014 IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Conference: Enabling an Internet of Things - From Sensors to Servers, DCAS 2014conference and proceeding
652014 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium, EDAPS 2014conference and proceeding
662014 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC 2014conference and proceeding
672014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE ICMA 2014conference and proceeding
682014 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, ISIC 2014conference and proceeding
692014 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems, AMPS 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
702014 IEEE Sensor Systems for a Changing Ocean, SSCO 2014conference and proceeding
712014 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS 2014conference and proceeding
722014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2014conference and proceeding
732014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2014conference and proceeding
742014 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, CASES 2014conference and proceeding
752014 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2014conference and proceeding
762014 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communications, ICDCCom 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
772014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering, MEIC 2014conference and proceeding
782014 International Conference on Power Signals Control and Computations, EPSCICON 2014conference and proceeding
792014 International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems, ICPCES 2014conference and proceeding
802014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedingsconference and proceeding
812014 UKACC International Conference on Control, CONTROL 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
822015 16th Latin-American Test Symposium, LATS 2015conference and proceeding
832015 7th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2015 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
8420th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC 2015conference and proceeding
8520th ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013conference and proceeding
8621st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITSWC 2014: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected Worldconference and proceeding
8722nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013conference and proceeding
8823rd Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE 2013conference and proceeding
8926th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2014conference and proceeding
9029th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014conference and proceeding
9149th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conferenceconference and proceeding
924th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, IEEE-CYBER 2014conference and proceeding
9350th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2014conference and proceeding
9457th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS 2013: Curating the Conditions for a Thrivable Planetconference and proceeding
955th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010, ACMD 2010conference and proceeding
965th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, VALID 2013, Held at SoftNet 2013conference and proceeding
975th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
986th Annual International Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference, PEDSTC 2015conference and proceeding
997th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2013conference and proceeding
1007th Int. Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, IMAACA 2013, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2013conference and proceeding
1017th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, ISCO 2013conference and proceeding
1027th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, ISRCS 2014conference and proceeding
1037th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomographyconference and proceeding
10481st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference: Metrology for High Speed Circuits and Systems, ARFTG 2013conference and proceeding
1058th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2014 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
1068th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering: Advancing Technology for a Better Tomorrow, ICECE 2014conference and proceeding
1079th Annual Conference on Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology, LISAT 2013conference and proceeding
1089th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, IEEE-NEMS 2014conference and proceeding
1099th IMAPS/ACerS International Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies, CICMT 2013conference and proceeding
1109th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, RoMoCo 2013 - Workshop Proceedingsconference and proceeding
111ACDT 2015 - Proceedings: The 1st Asian Conference on Defence Technologyconference and proceeding
112ACM IMCOM 2015 - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
113ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systemsjournal
114ACRA 2014 - Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioningconference and proceeding
115Acta Mechanica et Automaticajournal
116Advanced Roboticsjournal
117Advances in Complex Systemsjournal
118Advances in Fuzzy Systemsjournal
119Advances in Fuzzy Systemsjournal
120Advances in Military Technologyjournal
121AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conferenceconference and proceeding
122American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, AFPM - Plant Automation and Decision Support Conference 2014, Held at Q and A and Technology Forumconference and proceeding
123Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposiumconference and proceeding
124Annals of Functional Analysisjournal
125Annual Reviews in Controljournal
126Applied Mathematics and Optimizationjournal
127Archives of Control Sciencesjournal
128Archives of Control Sciencesjournal
129Asian Journal of Controljournal
130ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2010conference and proceeding
131ASME 2013 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems, ISPS 2013conference and proceeding
132ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2014conference and proceeding
133ASME 2014 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems, ISPS 2014conference and proceeding
134ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2014conference and proceeding
135Assembly Automationjournal
136Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRAconference and proceeding
137Automatic Control and Computer Sciencesjournal
140Automation and Remote Controljournal
141Automation in Constructionjournal
143AUVSI Unmanned Systems 2014conference and proceeding
144BIOIMAGING 2014 - 1st International Conference on Bioimaging, Proceedings; Part of 7th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2014conference and proceeding
145Biosystems Engineeringjournal
146CACS 2014 - 2014 International Automatic Control Conference, Conference Digestconference and proceeding
147CARE 2013 - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Embedded Systems, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
148Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processingjournal
149China International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CICEDconference and proceeding
150Chinese Control Conference, CCCconference and proceeding
151Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuatorsjournal
152CIE 2014 - 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering and IMSS 2014 - 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, Joint International Symposium on "The Social Impacts of Developments in Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems" - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
153CoCoS 2013 - Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Comprehension of Complex Systemsconference and proceeding
154Cognitive Systems Monographsbook serie
155Complex Systemsjournal
156Complex Systems and Complexity Sciencejournal
157Complex Systems Design and Management - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2012conference and proceeding
158Complex Systems Design and Management - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2013conference and proceeding
159Complex Systems Design and Management - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2014conference and proceeding
160Computational Geometry: Theory and Applicationsjournal
161Computational Optimization and Applicationsjournal
162Computer Systems Science and Engineeringjournal
163Computers and Electrical Engineeringjournal
164Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTolconference and proceeding
165Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digestconference and proceeding
166Conference Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems, ASDAM 2014conference and proceeding
167Conference Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2014conference and proceeding
168Conference Proceedings - IEEE SOUTHEASTCONconference and proceeding
169Conference Proceedings from the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysisconference and proceeding
170Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)conference and proceeding
171Conference Record - IEEE Cement Industry Technical Conferenceconference and proceeding
172Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conferenceconference and proceeding
173Construction Innovationjournal
174Control (Chicago, Ill)journal
175Control and Cyberneticsjournal
176Control and Intelligent Systemsjournal
177Control Engineeringjournal
178Control Engineering Practicejournal
179Control Theory and Technologyjournal
180Control Theory and Technologyjournal
181CPSS 2015 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security, Part of ASIACCS 2015conference and proceeding
182DEBS 2013 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systemsconference and proceeding
183DEBS 2014 - Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systemsconference and proceeding
184Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Controljournal
185Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Controljournal
186Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systemsjournal
187Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipmentjournal
188Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applicationsjournal
189DIVANet 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applicationsconference and proceeding
190EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologiesjournal
191Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisancesjournal
192Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion, ESARSconference and proceeding
193Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automaticajournal
194Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligencejournal
195Engineering Optimizationjournal
196ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variationsjournal
197ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variationsjournal
198Eurasip Journal of Embedded Systemsjournal
199European Control Conference, ECC 1999 - Conference Proceedingsconference and proceeding
200Evolution Equations and Control Theoryjournal
201Evolving Systemsjournal
202Evolving Systemsjournal
203Experimental Heat Transferjournal
204Expert Systemsjournal
205Gyroscopy and Navigationjournal
206Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering Universityjournal
207High Technology Lettersjournal
208HSCC 2014 - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (Part of CPS Week)conference and proceeding
209I4CT 2014 - 1st International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
210ICAC 2014 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing: Future Automation, Computing and Manufacturingconference and proceeding
211ICARA 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applicationsconference and proceeding
212ICIC Express Lettersjournal
213ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Roboticsconference and proceeding
214ICLEM 2014: System Planning, Supply Chain Management, and Safety - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference of Logistics Engineering and Managementconference and proceeding
215ICSSE 2013 - IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
216IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)conference and proceeding
217IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
218IEEE Control Systemsjournal
219IEEE Embedded Systems Lettersjournal
220IEEE Industry Applications Magazinejournal
221IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineeringconference and proceeding
222IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCAconference and proceeding
223IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technologyconference and proceeding
224IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systemsconference and proceeding
225IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systemsconference and proceeding
226IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronicsconference and proceeding
227IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control - Proceedingsconference and proceeding
228IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication, ISPCSconference and proceeding
229IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, PETSconference and proceeding
230IEEE Power Electronics Magazinejournal
231IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazinejournal
232IEEE SSCI 2014 - 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CICA 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
233IEEE SSCI 2014 - 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - IEEE ICES: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
234IEEE Systems Journaljournal
235IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazinejournal
236IEEE Transactions on Automatic Controljournal
237IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineeringjournal
238IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Gamesjournal
239IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systemsjournal
240IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systemsjournal
241IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technologyjournal
242IEEE Transactions on Cyberneticsjournal
243IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systemsjournal
244IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systemsjournal
245IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronicsjournal
246IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informaticsjournal
247IEEE Transactions on Industry Applicationsjournal
248IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systemsjournal
249IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineeringjournal
250IEEE Transactions on Roboticsjournal
251IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans.journal
252IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systemsjournal
253IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, VNCconference and proceeding
254IEEE Wireless Communications Lettersjournal
255IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIMconference and proceeding
256IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronicsjournal
257IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinicajournal
258IET Circuits, Devices and Systemsjournal
259IET Control Theory and Applicationsjournal
260IET Control Theory and Applicationsjournal
261IET Generation, Transmission and Distributionjournal
262IET Networksjournal
264IFCS 2014 - 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
265iFUZZY 2014 - 2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Conference Digestconference and proceeding
266IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014conference and proceeding
267IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Informationjournal
268IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Informationjournal
269India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPEconference and proceeding
270Industrial Engineerjournal
271Industrial Robotjournal
272INES 2013 - IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
273Information and Controljournal
274Information and Controljournal
275Information Sciencesjournal
276Information Technology and Controljournal
278Integrated Ferroelectricsjournal
279Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineeringbook serie
280Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineeringbook serie
281International Bulk Journaljournal
282International Conference on Control, Automation and Systemsconference and proceeding
283International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication, CIEC 2014conference and proceeding
284International Conference on Embedded Systems, ICES 2014conference and proceeding
285International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automationconference and proceeding
286International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automationconference and proceeding
287International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDAconference and proceeding
288International Conference on Logistics, Engineering, Management and Computer Science, LEMCS 2014conference and proceeding
289International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASOconference and proceeding
290International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Engineering Systems - Proceedings of SPACES 2015, in Association with IEEEconference and proceeding
291International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshopsconference and proceeding
292International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineeringjournal
293International Journal for Uncertainty Quantificationjournal
294International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processingjournal
295International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologyjournal
296International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systemsjournal
297International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciencesjournal
298International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerationjournal
299International Journal of Applied Systemic Studiesjournal
300International Journal of Automation and Computingjournal
301International Journal of Automation and Controljournal
302International Journal of Automation and Smart Technologyjournal
303International Journal of Controljournal
304International Journal of Control and Automationjournal
305International Journal of Control, Automation and Systemsjournal
306International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equationsjournal
307International Journal of Dynamics and Controljournal
308International Journal of Dynamics and Controljournal
309International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communicationsjournal
310International Journal of General Systemsjournal
311International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineeringjournal
312International Journal of Information and Management Sciencesjournal
313International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Roboticsjournal
314International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systemsjournal
315International Journal of Logistics Research and Applicationsjournal
316International Journal of Manufacturing Researchjournal
317International Journal of Mechanics and Controljournal
318International Journal of Mechatronics and Automationjournal
319International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineeringjournal
320International Journal of Robotics and Automationjournal
321International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Controljournal
322International Journal of Sensor Networksjournal
323International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineeringjournal
324International Journal of Systems Sciencejournal
325International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Applicationjournal
326International Journal of Systems, Control and Communicationsjournal
327International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systemsjournal
328International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systemsjournal
329International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systemsjournal
330International Journal of Ventilationjournal
331International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systemsjournal
332International Review of Aerospace Engineeringjournal
333International Review of Automatic Controljournal
334International System on Chip Conferenceconference and proceeding
335International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMCconference and proceeding
336Inverse Problems and Imagingjournal
337ISACA Journaljournal
338ISARCS 2013 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM Sigsoft International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systemsconference and proceeding
339ISPCS 2014 - Proceedings: 2014 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communicationconference and proceeding
340Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technologyjournal
341Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMSjournal
342Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatisesjournal
343Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systemsjournal
344Journal of Automation and Information Sciencesjournal
345Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systemsjournal
346Journal of Cellular Automatajournal
347Journal of Combinatorial Optimizationjournal
348Journal of Complex Networksjournal
349Journal of Complexityjournal
350Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamicsjournal
351Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences Internationaljournal
352Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysisjournal
353Journal of Control Theory and Applicationsjournal
354Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systemsjournal
355Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASMEjournal
356Journal of Dynamical and Control Systemsjournal
357Journal of Dynamical and Control Systemsjournal
358Journal of Economic Dynamics and Controljournal
359Journal of Enterprise Transformationjournal
360Journal of Field Roboticsjournal
361Journal of Geometric Mechanicsjournal
362Journal of Global Optimizationjournal
363Journal of Grey Systemjournal
364Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamicsjournal
365Journal of Heuristicsjournal
366Journal of Industrial and Management Optimizationjournal
367Journal of Industrial and Production Engineeringjournal
368Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systemsjournal
369Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applicationsjournal
370Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systemsjournal
371Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industriesjournal
372Journal of Machine Learning Researchjournal
373Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASMEjournal
374Journal of Manufacturing Systemsjournal
375Journal of Manufacturing Technology Managementjournal
376Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysisjournal
377Journal of Optimization Theory and Applicationsjournal
378Journal of Physical Agentsjournal
379Journal of Power Electronicsjournal
380Journal of Process Controljournal
381Journal of Roboticsjournal
382Journal of Sensorsjournal
383Journal of Signal Processing Systemsjournal
384Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronicsjournal
385Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineeringjournal
386Journal of the ACMjournal
387Journal of the Energy Institutejournal
388Journal of the Franklin Institutejournal
389Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technologyjournal
390Journal of Uncertain Systemsjournal
391Kongzhi Lilun Yu Yinyong/Control Theory and Applicationsjournal
392Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decisionjournal
393Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decisionjournal
396Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineeringbook serie
397Lipid Technologyjournal
398Logistics Journaljournal
399Logistics Researchjournal
400MAMNA 2013 Spring Symposium - Microsystems Technology: Fulfilling the Promiseconference and proceeding
401MARS 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop for Mobile Augmented Reality and Robotic Technology-Based Systems, Co-located with MobiSys 2014conference and proceeding
402Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systemsjournal
403Mathematical Control and Related Fieldsjournal
404Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systemsjournal
405Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systemsjournal
406Measurement and Controljournal
407Measurement Science Reviewjournal
408Mechanical Systems and Signal Processingjournal
410Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Controljournal
411Memetic Computingjournal
412Metrology and Measuring Systemsjournal
414Minerals and Metallurgical Processingjournal
415Minerals Engineeringjournal
416Miskolc Mathematical Notesjournal
417Mitsubishi Electric Advancejournal
418Modeling, Identification and Controljournal
419Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cyberneticsjournal
420MOVIC 2014 - 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Controlconference and proceeding
421Multibody System Dynamicsjournal
422New Designjournal
423Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systemsjournal
424Nonlinear Dynamicsjournal
425Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimizationjournal
426Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimizationjournal
427Numerical Mathematicsjournal
428Open Automation and Control Systems Journaljournal
429Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journaljournal
430Operations Research Perspectivesjournal
431Optimal Control Applications and Methodsjournal
432Optimal Control Applications and Methodsjournal
434Optimization and Engineeringjournal
435Optimization Lettersjournal
436Optimization Methods and Softwarejournal
437PEDSTC 2013 - 4th Annual International Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conferenceconference and proceeding
438Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Politechniki Wroclawskiejjournal
439Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environmentsjournal
440Proceeding - 2013 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2013conference and proceeding
441Proceeding - 2013 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: "Recent Challenges in Computer, Control and Informatics", IC3INA 2013conference and proceeding
442Proceedings - 11th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS 2014conference and proceeding
443Proceedings - 16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013conference and proceeding
444Proceedings - 17th CSI International Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems, CADS 2013conference and proceeding
445Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2014, Jointly with 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, IUCC 2014, 13th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, I-SPAN 2014 and 8th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, FCST 2014conference and proceeding
446Proceedings - 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, CSCS 2013conference and proceeding
447Proceedings - 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2012conference and proceeding
448Proceedings - 2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation, IMSNA 2013conference and proceeding
449Proceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2013conference and proceeding
450Proceedings - 2013 6th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2013conference and proceeding
451Proceedings - 2013 6th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, ISRCS 2013conference and proceeding
452Proceedings - 2013 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2013conference and proceeding
453Proceedings - 2013 Chinese Automation Congress, CAC 2013conference and proceeding
454Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2013conference and proceeding
455Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 4th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2013conference and proceeding
456Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, SOSE 2013conference and proceeding
457Proceedings - 2013 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control, ICSPC 2013conference and proceeding
458Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2013conference and proceeding
459Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing, iMac4s 2013conference and proceeding
460Proceedings - 2013 IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis, WEMDCD 2013conference and proceeding
461Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Mechanical and Automation Engineering, MAEE 2013conference and proceeding
462Proceedings - 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2014conference and proceeding
463Proceedings - 2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2014conference and proceeding
464Proceedings - 2014 5th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, ICSGRC 2014conference and proceeding
465Proceedings - 2014 6th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, MTD 2014conference and proceeding
466Proceedings - 2014 6th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2014conference and proceeding
467Proceedings - 2014 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, CSO 2014conference and proceeding
468Proceedings - 2014 8th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2014conference and proceeding
469Proceedings - 2014 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Control and Informatics Seminar, EECCIS 2014. In conjunction with the 1st Joint Conference UB-UTHMconference and proceeding
470Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, SASOW 2014conference and proceeding
471Proceedings - 2014 IEEE Conference on System, Process and Control, ICSPC 2014conference and proceeding
472Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, iThings 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, GreenCom 2014 and 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical-Social Computing, CPS 2014conference and proceeding
473Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2014conference and proceeding
474Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies, EST 2014conference and proceeding
475Proceedings - 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, IS3C 2014conference and proceeding
476Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, ISADS 2015conference and proceeding
477Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control, IMCCC 2013conference and proceeding
478Proceedings - 4th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2014conference and proceeding
479Proceedings - 4th International Symposium on Electronic System Design, ISED 2013conference and proceeding
480Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Control and Automation, CA 2014conference and proceeding
481Proceedings - Design Automation Conferenceconference and proceeding
482Proceedings - IEEE 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, SOSE 2014conference and proceeding
483Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automationconference and proceeding
484Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, RSPconference and proceeding
485Proceedings - International Conference on Networked Systems, NetSys 2013conference and proceeding
486Proceedings - International Conference on Networked Systems, NetSys 2015conference and proceeding
487Proceedings for the Joint Conference of ISR 2014 - 45th International Symposium on Robotics and Robotik 2014 - 8th German Conference on Robotics, ISR/ROBOTIK 2014conference and proceeding
488Proceedings of 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013conference and proceeding
489Proceedings of 2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICA 2013conference and proceeding
490Proceedings of 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing and Emerging Information Technology Applications, SoSE 2013conference and proceeding
491Proceedings of 2014 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES 2014conference and proceeding
492Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication, Control and Computing Technologies, ICACCCT 2014conference and proceeding
493Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2014conference and proceeding
494Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems, MEACS 2014conference and proceeding
495Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, ICMIC 2014conference and proceeding
496Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Control and Embedded Systems, RACE 2015conference and proceeding
497Proceedings of 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSYS 2014conference and proceeding
498Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSIconference and proceeding
499Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services, GSISconference and proceeding
500Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSAconference and proceeding
501Proceedings of IREP Symposium: Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid, IREP 2013conference and proceeding
502Proceedings of SLIP - System Level Interconnect Prediction Workshop, SLIP 2014conference and proceeding
503Proceedings of Technical Papers - International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference, IMPACTconference and proceeding
504Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys 2015conference and proceeding
505Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2014conference and proceeding
506Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, WISES 2013conference and proceeding
507Proceedings of the 2013 14th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2013conference and proceeding
508Proceedings of the 2013 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2013conference and proceeding
509Proceedings of the 2013 8th International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, DTIS 2013conference and proceeding
510Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, DDECS 2013conference and proceeding
511Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems, ICES 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013conference and proceeding
512Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference, IITC 2013conference and proceeding
513Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems, CIPLS 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013conference and proceeding
514Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, CGO 2013conference and proceeding
515Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2013conference and proceeding
516Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2013conference and proceeding
517Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Process Control, PC 2013conference and proceeding
518Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, RACS 2013conference and proceeding
519Proceedings of the 2014 15th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2014conference and proceeding
520Proceedings of the 2014 3rd ICT International Senior Project Conference, ICT-ISPC 2014conference and proceeding
521Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 4th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2014conference and proceeding
522Proceedings of the 2014 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, AHS 2014conference and proceeding
523Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, CGO 2015conference and proceeding
524Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2014conference and proceeding
525Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, APSys 2013conference and proceeding
526Proceedings of the 5th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference, ESTC 2014conference and proceeding
527Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES 2013conference and proceeding
528Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems, ICOOOLPS 2013conference and proceeding
529Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys 2014conference and proceeding
530Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, SIES 2014conference and proceeding
531Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: The Socio-Technical Perspective, SoSE 2014conference and proceeding
532Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security, WESS 2014conference and proceeding
533Proceedings of the Annual Southeastern Symposium on System Theoryconference and proceeding
534Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, DISconference and proceeding
535Proceedings of the electronic system level synthesis conferenceconference and proceeding
536Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learningconference and proceeding
537Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Controlconference and proceeding
538Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Controlconference and proceeding
539Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshopconference and proceeding
540Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineeringjournal
541Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with Their Impact on Humanity, CIPECH 2014conference and proceeding
542Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMASconference and proceeding
543Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conferenceconference and proceeding
544Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded Systems Security, WESS 2013conference and proceeding
545Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA)conference and proceeding
546Processing of 2014 International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration for Intelligent Systems, MFI 2014conference and proceeding
547Real-Time Systemsjournal
548Real-Time Systemsjournal
549Refrigeration Science and Technologyconference and proceeding
550RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrialjournal
552Robotics and Autonomous Systemsjournal
553Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturingjournal
554RTCSA 2014 - 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applicationsconference and proceeding
555SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systemsjournal
556SCES 2014: Inspiring Engineering and Systems for Global Sustainabilityconference and proceeding
557SENSORCOMM 2014 - 8th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applicationsconference and proceeding
558Sensors (Peterborough, NH)journal
559Sensors and Transducersjournal
560Shenyang Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shenyang University of Technologyjournal
561SIAM Journal on Control and Optimizationjournal
562Signal Processingjournal
563SISY 2014 - IEEE 12th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
564Smart Structures and Systemsjournal
565Soft Roboticsjournal
566Springer Optimization and Its Applicationsbook serie
567STA 2014 - 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineeringconference and proceeding
568Statistics, Optimization and Information Computingjournal
569Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimizationjournal
570Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimizationjournal
571Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networksjournal
572Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processingbook serie
573SysCon 2013 - 7th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, Proceedingsconference and proceeding
574Systems and Control Lettersjournal
575Technical Papers of 2014 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test, VLSI-DAT 2014conference and proceeding
576Traffic Engineering and Controljournal
577VALID 2014 - 6th International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycleconference and proceeding
578Vibroengineering Procediaconference and proceeding
579WINSYS 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, Part of ICETE 2014 - 11th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunicationsconference and proceeding
580World Automation Congress Proceedingsconference and proceeding
581WSEAS Transactions on Systemsjournal
582WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Controljournal
583Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronicsjournal
584Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practicejournal
585Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technologyjournal
586Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)journal
587Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinicajournal

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