Computational Mathematics

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
12013 Joint Conference of International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving and International High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum, ICCP and HSIC 2013conference and proceeding
22014 6th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014conference and proceeding
32014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Problem-Solving, ICCP 2014conference and proceeding
426th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2014conference and proceeding
5ACM Communications in Computer Algebrajournal
6ACM Transactions on Computational Logicjournal
7ACM Transactions on Economics and Computationjournal
8ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processingjournal
9Advances in Computational Mathematicsjournal
10Advances in Decision Sciencesjournal
11Advances in Fuzzy Systemsjournal
12Advances in Modal Logicconference and proceeding
13Algorithmic Financejournal
15Annual Reports in Computational Chemistrybook serie
16Applied and Computational Mathematicsjournal
17Applied Mathematics and Computationjournal
18Applied Mathematics Research eXpressjournal
19Applied Numerical Mathematicsjournal
20Argument and Computationjournal
21BioData Miningjournal
23Bioinformatics and Biology Insightsjournal
24BIT Numerical Mathematicsjournal
25Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Softwarejournal
27CCCG 2013 - 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometryconference and proceeding
29Communications in Mathematical Analysisjournal
30Communications in Mathematics and Statisticsjournal
31Complex Analysis and Operator Theoryjournal
32Complex Variables and Elliptic Equationsjournal
33Computational and Applied Mathematicsjournal
34Computational and Mathematical Organization Theoryjournal
35Computational Biology and Chemistryjournal
36Computational Complexityjournal
37Computational Geometry: Theory and Applicationsjournal
38Computational Geosciencesjournal
39Computational Intelligencejournal
40Computational Materials Sciencejournal
41Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physicsjournal
42Computational Mathematics and Modelingjournal
43Computational Mechanicsjournal
44Computational Methods in Applied Mathematicsjournal
45Computational Methods in Applied Sciencesbook serie
46Computational Optimization and Applicationsjournal
47Computational Science and Discoveryjournal
48Computational Statisticsjournal
49Computational Statistics and Data Analysisjournal
50Computational Thermal Sciencesjournal
51Computer-Aided Design and Applicationsjournal
52Computers and Mathematics with Applicationsjournal
53Computing (Vienna/New York)journal
54Constructive Approximationjournal
55Current Bioinformaticsjournal
56Dynamic Games and Applicationsjournal
57Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elementsjournal
58EPJ Data Sciencejournal
59ERCOFTAC Seriesbook serie
60ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variationsjournal
61Evolutionary Computationjournal
62Fixed Point Theoryjournal
63Formalized Mathematicsjournal
64Foundations of Computational Mathematicsjournal
65GECCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conferenceconference and proceeding
66GECCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companionconference and proceeding
67Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformaticsjournal
68Groups, Complexity, Cryptologyjournal
69IMA Journal of Numerical Analysisjournal
70In Silico Biologyjournal
71International Journal of Applied Cryptographyjournal
72International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applicationsjournal
73International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systemsjournal
74International Journal of Computational Methodsjournal
75International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanicsjournal
76International Journal of Computational Science and Engineeringjournal
77International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematicsjournal
78International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciencesjournal
79International Journal of Mechatronics and Automationjournal
80Internet Mathematicsjournal
81Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematicsjournal
82Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technologyjournal
83Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computingjournal
84Journal of Complex Networksjournal
85Journal of Computational Analysis and Applicationsjournal
86Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematicsjournal
87Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciencejournal
88Journal of Computational Biologyjournal
89Journal of Computational Chemistryjournal
90Journal of Computational Mathematicsjournal
91Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineeringjournal
92Journal of Mathematical Cryptologyjournal
93Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanicsjournal
94Journal of Mathematics and Musicjournal
95Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematicsjournal
96Journal of Numerical Mathematicsjournal
97Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal)journal
98Journal of Symbolic Computationjournal
99Journal of WSCGjournal
100Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineeringbook serie
101Mathematical and Computational Applicationsjournal
102Mathematical Biosciences and Engineeringjournal
103Mathematical Models and Computer Simulationsjournal
104Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systemsjournal
105Mathematics in Computer Sciencejournal
106Mathematics of Computationjournal
107Modeling, Simulation and Applicationsbook serie
108Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cyberneticsjournal
109New Mathematics and Natural Computationjournal
110Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applicationsjournal
111Numerical Mathematicsjournal
112Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equationsjournal
113Numerische Mathematikjournal
114Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry, MCSI 2014conference and proceeding
115Proceedings - 27th International Symposium on Ballistics, BALLISTICS 2013conference and proceeding
116Proceedings of HPTCDL 2014: 1st Workshop for High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages - Held in Conjunction with SC 2014: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysisconference and proceeding
117Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Algorithms and Computation 2007, WALCOM 2007conference and proceeding
118Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexityconference and proceeding
119Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometryconference and proceeding
120Reliable Computingjournal
121Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicasjournal
122Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processingjournal
123SIAM Journal of Scientific Computingjournal
124SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysisjournal
125SIAM Reviewjournal
126Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biologyjournal
127Studies in Computational Mathematicsbook serie
128Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computingbook serie
129Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagneticsbook serie
130Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Sciencejournal
131WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulationconference and proceeding

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