| |
1 | 2014 International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, IWCIM 2014 |
2 | Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
3 | Acta Classica |
4 | Agora – Estudos Classicos em Debate |
5 | American Journal of Philology |
6 | Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia |
7 | Ancient Near Eastern Studies |
8 | Ancient Philosophy |
9 | Ancient Society |
10 | Annual of the British School at Athens |
11 | Antichthon |
12 | Antiguo Oriente |
13 | Antik Tanulmanyok |
14 | Antike Kunst |
15 | Antike und Abendland |
16 | Antiquite Classique |
17 | Archaeological Reports |
18 | Archeologia Classica |
19 | Arctos |
20 | Arethusa |
21 | Arion – Journal of Humanities and the Classics |
22 | Atene e Roma |
23 | Athenaeum |
24 | Babesch |
25 | Britannia |
26 | Britannia (Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies) |
27 | Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique |
28 | Bulletin du Cange – Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi |
29 | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies |
30 | Byzantin Symmeikta |
31 | Byzantion Nea Hellas |
32 | Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes |
33 | Cambridge Classical Journal |
34 | Chiron |
35 | Classica et Christiana |
36 | Classical Antiquity |
37 | Classical Journal |
38 | Classical Philology |
39 | Classical Quarterly |
40 | Classical Receptions Journal |
41 | Classical World |
42 | Cuadernos de Filologia Clasica |
43 | Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne |
44 | Dionysius |
45 | Eikasmos |
46 | Eirene |
47 | Electrum |
48 | Elenchos |
49 | Emerita / Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios, Centro de Estudios Historicos |
50 | Erga-Logoi |
51 | Etudes Classiques |
52 | Euphroyne |
53 | Exemplaria Classica |
54 | Glotta – Zeitschrift fur Griechische und Lateinische Sprache |
55 | Graeco-Latina Brunensia |
56 | Greece and Rome |
57 | Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies |
58 | Gymnasium |
59 | Helios |
60 | Hermes |
61 | Hesperia |
62 | Historia – Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte |
63 | Hyperboreus |
64 | International Journal of the Classical Tradition |
65 | Invigilata Lucernis |
66 | Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum |
67 | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
68 | Journal of Roman Archaeology |
69 | Journal of Roman Studies |
70 | Kadmos |
71 | Klio |
72 | Latomus |
73 | MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche |
74 | Melanges de l’Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite |
75 | Metaforms |
76 | Mnemosyne |
77 | Mnemosyne, Supplements |
78 | Monumenta Graeca et Romana |
79 | Museum Helveticum |
80 | Nikephoros |
81 | Opuscula |
82 | Pallas |
83 | Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series |
84 | Philologus |
85 | Philosophia Antiqua |
86 | Philosophie Antique |
87 | Phoenix |
88 | Polis |
89 | Proceedings of 2014 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, ICDRET 2014 |
90 | Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy |
91 | Prometheus (Italy) |
92 | Pyrenae |
93 | Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica |
94 | Ramus |
95 | Review of Central and East European Law |
96 | Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes |
97 | Revue des Etudes Anciennes |
98 | Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale |
99 | Rivista di Filologia Classica |
100 | Rivista Storica dell’Antichita |
101 | Schole |
102 | Scripta Classica Israelica |
103 | Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica |
104 | Symbolae Osloenses |
105 | Synthesis |
106 | Transactions of the American Philological Association |
107 | Wiener Studien |
108 | Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum |