| |
1 | Acta Neuropsychiatrica |
2 | Acta Numerica |
3 | Advances in Animal Biosciences |
4 | Advances in Applied Probability |
5 | Advances in Archaeological Practice |
6 | Africa |
7 | Africa & Africa Bibliography Package (AFB and AFR) |
8 | Africa Bibliography |
9 | African Studies Review |
10 | Ageing & Society |
11 | Agricultural and Resource Economics Review |
12 | AI EDAM |
13 | AJIL Unbound |
14 | AJS Review |
15 | American Antiquity |
16 | American Journal of International Law |
17 | American Political Science Association Package (PSR, PPS and PSC) |
18 | American Political Science Review |
19 | Americas |
20 | Anatolian Studies |
21 | Ancient Mesoamerica |
22 | Anglo-Saxon England |
23 | animal |
24 | Animal Health Research Reviews |
25 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales |
26 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (French and English package) |
27 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales: English Edition |
28 | Annals of Actuarial Science |
29 | Annals of Glaciology |
30 | Annual of the British School at Athens |
31 | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics |
32 | Antarctic Science |
33 | Antichthon |
34 | Antiquaries Journal |
35 | Antiquity |
36 | Antiquity PREMIUM Lease bundle |
37 | ANZIAM Journal |
38 | Applied Probability Trust Package (JPR and APR) |
39 | Applied Psycholinguistics |
40 | APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing |
41 | Arabic Sciences and Philosophy |
42 | Archaeological Dialogues |
43 | Archaeological Reports |
44 | Architectural History |
45 | arq: Architectural Research Quarterly |
46 | Art Libraries Journal |
47 | Asian Journal of Comparative Law |
48 | Asian Journal of International Law |
49 | Asian Journal of Law and Society |
50 | Association of Symbolic Logic package (JSL and BSL) |
51 | ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA |
52 | Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education |
53 | Australian Journal of Environmental Education |
54 | Australian Journal of Indigenous Education |
55 | Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling |
56 | Austrian History Yearbook |
57 | Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
58 | Behaviour Change |
59 | Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy |
60 | Behavioural Public Policy |
61 | Bilingualism: Language and Cognition |
62 | Bird Conservation International |
63 | BJHS Themes |
64 | BJPsych Advances |
65 | BJPsych Bulletin |
66 | BJPsych International |
67 | BJPsych Open |
68 | Brain Impairment |
69 | Britannia |
70 | British Actuarial Journal |
71 | British Catholic History |
72 | British International Studies Association Package (RIS and EIS) |
73 | British Journal for the History of Science |
74 | British Journal of Music Education |
75 | British Journal of Nutrition |
76 | British Journal of Political Science |
77 | British Journal of Psychiatry |
78 | British School at Athens Annual Report (School Report) |
79 | British School at Athens package (ATH and SCH) |
80 | Bulletin of Entomological Research |
81 | Bulletin of Symbolic Logic |
82 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society |
83 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies |
84 | Business and Human Rights Journal |
85 | Business and Politics |
86 | Business Ethics Quarterly |
87 | Business History Review |
88 | Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies |
89 | Cambridge Archaeological Journal |
90 | Cambridge Classical Journal |
91 | Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry |
92 | Cambridge Law Journal |
93 | Cambridge Opera Journal |
94 | Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics |
95 | Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies |
96 | Canadian Entomologist |
97 | Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine |
98 | Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence |
99 | Canadian Journal of Law & Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société |
100 | Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique |
101 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
102 | Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences |
103 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy |
104 | Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique |
105 | Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement |
106 | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin |
107 | Canadian Mathematical Society package (CJM and BCM) |
108 | Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international |
109 | Cardiology in the Young |
110 | Central European History |
111 | Children Australia |
112 | China Quarterly |
113 | Church History |
114 | Classical Quarterly |
115 | Classical Review |
116 | Clay Minerals |
117 | CNS Spectrums |
118 | Cognitive Behaviour Therapist |
119 | Combinatorics, Probability and Computing |
120 | Comparative Studies in Society and History |
121 | Compositio Mathematica |
122 | Contemporary European History |
123 | Continuity and Change |
124 | Dance Research Journal |
125 | Data & Policy |
126 | Data-Centric Engineering |
127 | Design Science |
128 | Development and Psychopathology |
129 | Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie |
130 | Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness |
131 | Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race |
132 | Early China |
133 | Early Music History |
134 | Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh |
135 | Ecclesiastical Law Journal |
136 | Econometric Theory |
137 | Economics & Philosophy |
138 | Edinburgh Journal of Botany |
139 | Educational and Developmental Psychologist |
140 | Eighteenth-Century Music |
141 | English Language & Linguistics |
142 | English Today |
143 | Enterprise & Society |
144 | Environment and Development Economics |
145 | Environmental Conservation |
146 | Epidemiology & Infection |
147 | Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences |
148 | Episteme |
149 | Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems |
150 | Ethics & International Affairs |
151 | European Constitutional Law Review |
152 | European Journal of Applied Mathematics |
153 | European Journal of Archaeology |
154 | European Journal of Archaeology PREMIUM Lease Online Bundle |
155 | European Journal of International Security |
156 | European Journal of Risk Regulation |
157 | European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie |
158 | European Political Science Review |
159 | European Psychiatry |
160 | European Review |
161 | Evolutionary Human Sciences |
162 | Experimental Agriculture |
163 | Experimental Results |
164 | Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine |
165 | Financial History Review |
166 | Forum of Mathematics, Pi |
167 | Forum of Mathematics, Sigma |
168 | Genetics Research |
169 | Geological Magazine |
170 | German Law Journal |
171 | Glasgow Mathematical Journal |
172 | Global Constitutionalism |
173 | Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics |
174 | Global Mental Health |
175 | Global Sustainability |
176 | Government and Opposition |
177 | Greece & Rome |
178 | Greece & Rome BUNDLE (GAR and NSY) |
179 | Harvard Theological Review |
180 | Health Economics, Policy and Law |
181 | Hegel Bulletin |
182 | Hellenic Society Package (JHS and ARE) |
183 | High Power Laser Science and Engineering |
184 | Historical Journal |
185 | History in Africa |
186 | History of Education Quarterly |
187 | Horizons |
188 | Hypatia |
189 | Industrial and Organizational Psychology |
190 | Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology |
191 | International Journal of Law in Context |
192 | International & Comparative Law Quarterly |
193 | International Annals of Criminology |
194 | International Journal of Asian Studies |
195 | International Journal of Astrobiology |
196 | International Journal of Cultural Property |
197 | International Journal of Disability Management |
198 | International Journal of Legal Information |
199 | International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies |
200 | International Journal of Middle East Studies |
201 | International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care |
202 | International Labor and Working-Class History |
203 | International Legal Materials |
204 | International Organization |
205 | International Psychogeriatrics |
206 | International Review of Social History |
207 | International Review of the Red Cross |
208 | International Theory |
209 | Invasive Plant Science and Management |
210 | IRAQ |
211 | Irish Historical Studies |
212 | Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine |
213 | Israel Law Review |
214 | Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica |
215 | Itinerario |
216 | Japanese Journal of Political Science |
217 | Journal of African History |
218 | Journal of African Law |
219 | Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics |
220 | Journal of Agricultural Science |
221 | Journal of American Studies |
222 | Journal of Anglican Studies |
223 | Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition |
224 | Journal of Applied Probability |
225 | Journal of Asian Studies |
226 | Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis |
227 | Journal of Biosocial Science |
228 | Journal of British Studies |
229 | Journal of Child Language |
230 | Journal of Chinese History |
231 | Journal of Classics Teaching |
232 | Journal of Clinical and Translational Science |
233 | Journal of Dairy Research |
234 | Journal of Demographic Economics |
235 | Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease |
236 | Journal of East Asian Studies |
237 | Journal of Ecclesiastical History |
238 | Journal of Economic History |
239 | Journal of Experimental Political Science |
240 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis |
241 | Journal of Fluid Mechanics |
242 | Journal of French Language Studies |
243 | Journal of Functional Programming |
244 | Journal of Germanic Linguistics |
245 | Journal of Glaciology |
246 | Journal of Global History |
247 | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
248 | Journal of Helminthology |
249 | Journal of Institutional Economics |
250 | Journal of Laryngology & Otology |
251 | Journal of Latin American Studies |
252 | Journal of Law and Religion |
253 | Journal of Linguistic Geography |
254 | Journal of Linguistics |
255 | Journal of Management & Organization |
256 | Journal of Materials Research |
257 | Journal of Mechanics |
258 | Journal of Modern African Studies |
259 | Journal of Navigation |
260 | Journal of Nutritional Science |
261 | Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology |
262 | Journal of Paleontology |
263 | Journal of Pension Economics & Finance |
264 | Journal of Plasma Physics |
265 | Journal of Policy History |
266 | Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools |
267 | Journal of Public Policy |
268 | Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics |
269 | Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice |
270 | Journal of Relationships Research |
271 | Journal of Roman Studies |
272 | Journal of Smoking Cessation |
273 | Journal of Social Policy |
274 | Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
275 | Journal of Symbolic Logic |
276 | Journal of the American Philosophical Association |
277 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society |
278 | Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era |
279 | Journal of the History of Economic Thought |
280 | Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu |
281 | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society |
282 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association |
283 | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom |
284 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
285 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association |
286 | Journal of the Society for American Music |
287 | Journal of Tropical Ecology |
288 | Journal of Wine Economics |
289 | Kantian Review |
290 | Knowledge Engineering Review |
291 | Language and Cognition |
292 | Language in Society |
293 | Language Teaching |
294 | Language Teaching and ReCALL Package |
295 | Language Variation and Change |
296 | Laser and Particle Beams |
297 | Latin American Antiquity |
298 | Latin American Politics and Society |
299 | Law & Social Inquiry |
300 | Law and History Review |
301 | Legal Information Management |
302 | Legal Studies |
303 | Legal Theory |
304 | Leiden Journal of International Law |
305 | Libyan Studies |
306 | Lichenologist |
307 | Macroeconomic Dynamics |
308 | Management and Organization Review |
309 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
310 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science |
311 | Mathematika |
312 | Medical History |
313 | Microscopy and Microanalysis |
314 | Microscopy Today |
315 | Middle East Studies Association package (MES and RMS) |
316 | Mineralogical Magazine |
317 | Modern American History |
318 | Modern Asian Studies |
319 | Modern Intellectual History |
320 | Modern Italy |
321 | Modern Italy PREMIUM LEASE BUNDLE |
322 | MRS Advances |
323 | MRS Advances plus MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive PREMIUM Lease |
324 | MRS Bulletin |
325 | MRS Communications |
326 | MRS Energy & Sustainability |
327 | Nagoya Mathematical Journal |
328 | National Institute Economic Review |
329 | National Institute Economic Review PREMIUM Bundle |
330 | National Institute Economic Review PREMIUM online |
331 | Nationalities Papers |
332 | Natural Language Engineering |
333 | Netherlands Journal of Geosciences |
334 | Network Science |
335 | New Perspectives on Turkey |
336 | New Surveys in the Classics |
337 | New Testament Studies |
338 | New Theatre Quarterly |
339 | Nineteenth-Century Music Review |
340 | Nordic Journal of Linguistics |
341 | Nutrition Research Reviews |
342 | Organised Sound |
343 | Oryx |
344 | Paleobiology |
345 | Palliative & Supportive Care |
346 | Papers of the British School at Rome |
347 | Parasitology |
348 | Parasitology Open |
349 | Personality Neuroscience |
350 | Perspectives on Politics |
351 | Philosophy |
352 | Phonology |
353 | Plainsong & Medieval Music |
354 | Plant Genetic Resources |
355 | Polar Record |
356 | Political Analysis |
357 | Political Science Research and Methods |
358 | Politics & Gender |
359 | Politics and Religion |
360 | Politics and the Life Sciences |
361 | Popular Music |
362 | Powder Diffraction |
363 | Prehospital and Disaster Medicine |
364 | Primary Health Care Research & Development |
365 | Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences |
366 | Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting |
367 | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society |
368 | Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union |
369 | Proceedings of the Nutrition Society |
370 | Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society |
371 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics |
372 | PS: Political Science & Politics |
373 | Psychological Medicine |
374 | Public Health Nutrition |
375 | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia |
376 | Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics |
377 | Quaternary Research |
378 | Queensland Review |
379 | Radiocarbon |
380 | Ramus |
381 | ReCALL |
382 | Religion and American Culture |
383 | Religious Studies |
384 | Renaissance Quarterly |
385 | Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM LEASE BUNDLE |
386 | Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM LEASE ONLINE |
387 | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems |
388 | Review of International Studies |
389 | Review of Middle East Studies |
390 | Review of Politics |
391 | Review of Symbolic Logic |
392 | Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History |
393 | Robotica |
394 | Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series |
395 | Royal Historical Society Package (Transactions - RHT - and Camden Fifth Series - RHC) |
396 | Royal Institute of Philosophy Package (PHI and THI) |
397 | Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements |
398 | Royal Musical Association Bundle |
399 | Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle |
400 | Rural History |
401 | Science in Context |
402 | Scottish Journal of Theology |
403 | Seed Science Research |
404 | Slavic Review |
405 | Social Philosophy and Policy |
406 | Social Policy and Society |
407 | Social Policy Association Package (JSP and SPS) |
408 | Social Science History |
409 | Society for American Archaeology Journal Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO) |
410 | Society for American Archaeology Journal Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO) |
411 | Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO plus lease access to digital archives) |
412 | Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO incl. lease to digital archives) |
413 | Studies in American Political Development |
414 | Studies in Church History |
415 | Studies in Second Language Acquisition |
416 | Tempo |
417 | The Aeronautical Journal |
418 | The Mathematical Gazette |
419 | The Spanish Journal of Psychology |
420 | Theatre Research International |
421 | Theatre Survey |
422 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming |
423 | Think |
424 | Traditio |
425 | TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia |
426 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society |
427 | Transnational Environmental Law |
428 | Twentieth-Century Music |
429 | Twin Research and Human Genetics |
430 | Urban History |
431 | Utilitas |
432 | Victorian Literature and Culture |
433 | Visual Neuroscience |
434 | Wearable Technologies |
435 | Weed Science |
436 | Weed Technology |
437 | Wireless Power Transfer |
438 | World Politics |
439 | World Trade Review |
440 | World's Poultry Science Journal |
441 | WSSA Dual Package (WSC and WET) |
442 | WSSA Full Package (WSC, WET, and INP) |
443 | Yearbook for Traditional Music |
444 | Zygote |
445 | J of British Studies |
450 | Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology |
455 | Renaissance Quarterly |
466 | Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM ONLINE LEASE |
467 | Annual of the British School at Athens |
468 | British School at Athens Annual Report (School Report - print only) |
469 | European Journal of International Security |
470 | Review of International Studies |
471 | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin |
472 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
473 | Greece & Rome |
474 | New Surveys in the Classics |
475 | Archaeological Reports |
476 | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
477 | Bulletin of Symbolic Logic |
478 | Journal of Symbolic Logic |
479 | Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series |
480 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society |
481 | Philosophy |
482 | Philosophy Supplements |
483 | Think (also sold separately) |
484 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association |
485 | Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle |
486 | Advances in Archaeological Practice (also sold separately) |
487 | American Antiquity (also sold separately) |
488 | Latin American Antiquity (also sold separately) |
489 | Journal of Social Policy |
490 | Social Policy and Society |
491 | Perspectives on Politics |
492 | PS: Political Science & Politics |
493 | American Political Science Review |
494 | Invasive Plant Science and Management |
495 | Weed Technology |
496 | Weed Science |
497 | Weed Technology |
498 | Weed Science |
499 | Africa Bibliography (also sold separately) |
500 | Africa |
501 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (also available separately) |
502 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English Translation) |
503 | Language Teaching |
504 | ReCALL |
505 | International Journal of Middle East Studies |
506 | Review of Middle East Studies |