Cambridge University Press

Posted by
Periodical Service
Sr. No.Title
1Acta Neuropsychiatrica
2Acta Numerica
3Advances in Animal Biosciences
4Advances in Applied Probability
5Advances in Archaeological Practice
7Africa & Africa Bibliography Package (AFB and AFR)
8Africa Bibliography
9African Studies Review
10Ageing & Society
11Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
13AJIL Unbound
14AJS Review
15American Antiquity
16American Journal of International Law
17American Political Science Association Package (PSR, PPS and PSC)
18American Political Science Review
20Anatolian Studies
21Ancient Mesoamerica
22Anglo-Saxon England
24Animal Health Research Reviews
25Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
26Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (French and English package)
27Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales: English Edition
28Annals of Actuarial Science
29Annals of Glaciology
30Annual of the British School at Athens
31Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
32Antarctic Science
34Antiquaries Journal
36Antiquity PREMIUM Lease bundle
37ANZIAM Journal
38Applied Probability Trust Package (JPR and APR)
39Applied Psycholinguistics
40APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing
41Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
42Archaeological Dialogues
43Archaeological Reports
44Architectural History
45arq: Architectural Research Quarterly
46Art Libraries Journal
47Asian Journal of Comparative Law
48Asian Journal of International Law
49Asian Journal of Law and Society
50Association of Symbolic Logic package (JSL and BSL)
51ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA
52Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education
53Australian Journal of Environmental Education
54Australian Journal of Indigenous Education
55Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling
56Austrian History Yearbook
57Behavioral and Brain Sciences
58Behaviour Change
59Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
60Behavioural Public Policy
61Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
62Bird Conservation International
63BJHS Themes
64BJPsych Advances
65BJPsych Bulletin
66BJPsych International
67BJPsych Open
68Brain Impairment
70British Actuarial Journal
71British Catholic History
72British International Studies Association Package (RIS and EIS)
73British Journal for the History of Science
74British Journal of Music Education
75British Journal of Nutrition
76British Journal of Political Science
77British Journal of Psychiatry
78British School at Athens Annual Report (School Report)
79British School at Athens package (ATH and SCH)
80Bulletin of Entomological Research
81Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
82Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
83Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
84Business and Human Rights Journal
85Business and Politics
86Business Ethics Quarterly
87Business History Review
88Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
89Cambridge Archaeological Journal
90Cambridge Classical Journal
91Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry
92Cambridge Law Journal
93Cambridge Opera Journal
94Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
95Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
96Canadian Entomologist
97Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
98Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence
99Canadian Journal of Law & Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société
100Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique
101Canadian Journal of Mathematics
102Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
103Canadian Journal of Philosophy
104Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique
105Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
106Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
107Canadian Mathematical Society package (CJM and BCM)
108Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international
109Cardiology in the Young
110Central European History
111Children Australia
112China Quarterly
113Church History
114Classical Quarterly
115Classical Review
116Clay Minerals
117CNS Spectrums
118Cognitive Behaviour Therapist
119Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
120Comparative Studies in Society and History
121Compositio Mathematica
122Contemporary European History
123Continuity and Change
124Dance Research Journal
125Data & Policy
126Data-Centric Engineering
127Design Science
128Development and Psychopathology
129Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie
130Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
131Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
132Early China
133Early Music History
134Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh
135Ecclesiastical Law Journal
136Econometric Theory
137Economics & Philosophy
138Edinburgh Journal of Botany
139Educational and Developmental Psychologist
140Eighteenth-Century Music
141English Language & Linguistics
142English Today
143Enterprise & Society
144Environment and Development Economics
145Environmental Conservation
146Epidemiology & Infection
147Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences
149Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
150Ethics & International Affairs
151European Constitutional Law Review
152European Journal of Applied Mathematics
153European Journal of Archaeology
154European Journal of Archaeology PREMIUM Lease Online Bundle
155European Journal of International Security
156European Journal of Risk Regulation
157European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie
158European Political Science Review
159European Psychiatry
160European Review
161Evolutionary Human Sciences
162Experimental Agriculture
163Experimental Results
164Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
165Financial History Review
166Forum of Mathematics, Pi
167Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
168Genetics Research
169Geological Magazine
170German Law Journal
171Glasgow Mathematical Journal
172Global Constitutionalism
173Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics
174Global Mental Health
175Global Sustainability
176Government and Opposition
177Greece & Rome
178Greece & Rome BUNDLE (GAR and NSY)
179Harvard Theological Review
180Health Economics, Policy and Law
181Hegel Bulletin
182Hellenic Society Package (JHS and ARE)
183High Power Laser Science and Engineering
184Historical Journal
185History in Africa
186History of Education Quarterly
189Industrial and Organizational Psychology
190Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
191International Journal of Law in Context
192International & Comparative Law Quarterly
193International Annals of Criminology
194International Journal of Asian Studies
195International Journal of Astrobiology
196International Journal of Cultural Property
197International Journal of Disability Management
198International Journal of Legal Information
199International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
200International Journal of Middle East Studies
201International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
202International Labor and Working-Class History
203International Legal Materials
204International Organization
205International Psychogeriatrics
206International Review of Social History
207International Review of the Red Cross
208International Theory
209Invasive Plant Science and Management
211Irish Historical Studies
212Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine
213Israel Law Review
214Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
216Japanese Journal of Political Science
217Journal of African History
218Journal of African Law
219Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
220Journal of Agricultural Science
221Journal of American Studies
222Journal of Anglican Studies
223Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition
224Journal of Applied Probability
225Journal of Asian Studies
226Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis
227Journal of Biosocial Science
228Journal of British Studies
229Journal of Child Language
230Journal of Chinese History
231Journal of Classics Teaching
232Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
233Journal of Dairy Research
234Journal of Demographic Economics
235Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
236Journal of East Asian Studies
237Journal of Ecclesiastical History
238Journal of Economic History
239Journal of Experimental Political Science
240Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
241Journal of Fluid Mechanics
242Journal of French Language Studies
243Journal of Functional Programming
244Journal of Germanic Linguistics
245Journal of Glaciology
246Journal of Global History
247Journal of Hellenic Studies
248Journal of Helminthology
249Journal of Institutional Economics
250Journal of Laryngology & Otology
251Journal of Latin American Studies
252Journal of Law and Religion
253Journal of Linguistic Geography
254Journal of Linguistics
255Journal of Management & Organization
256Journal of Materials Research
257Journal of Mechanics
258Journal of Modern African Studies
259Journal of Navigation
260Journal of Nutritional Science
261Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
262Journal of Paleontology
263Journal of Pension Economics & Finance
264Journal of Plasma Physics
265Journal of Policy History
266Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
267Journal of Public Policy
268Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics
269Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice
270Journal of Relationships Research
271Journal of Roman Studies
272Journal of Smoking Cessation
273Journal of Social Policy
274Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
275Journal of Symbolic Logic
276Journal of the American Philosophical Association
277Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
278Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
279Journal of the History of Economic Thought
280Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
281Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
282Journal of the International Phonetic Association
283Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
284Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
285Journal of the Royal Musical Association
286Journal of the Society for American Music
287Journal of Tropical Ecology
288Journal of Wine Economics
289Kantian Review
290Knowledge Engineering Review
291Language and Cognition
292Language in Society
293Language Teaching
294Language Teaching and ReCALL Package
295Language Variation and Change
296Laser and Particle Beams
297Latin American Antiquity
298Latin American Politics and Society
299Law & Social Inquiry
300Law and History Review
301Legal Information Management
302Legal Studies
303Legal Theory
304Leiden Journal of International Law
305Libyan Studies
307Macroeconomic Dynamics
308Management and Organization Review
309Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
310Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
312Medical History
313Microscopy and Microanalysis
314Microscopy Today
315Middle East Studies Association package (MES and RMS)
316Mineralogical Magazine
317Modern American History
318Modern Asian Studies
319Modern Intellectual History
320Modern Italy
322MRS Advances
323MRS Advances plus MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive PREMIUM Lease
324MRS Bulletin
325MRS Communications
326MRS Energy & Sustainability
327Nagoya Mathematical Journal
328National Institute Economic Review
329National Institute Economic Review PREMIUM Bundle
330National Institute Economic Review PREMIUM online
331Nationalities Papers
332Natural Language Engineering
333Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
334Network Science
335New Perspectives on Turkey
336New Surveys in the Classics
337New Testament Studies
338New Theatre Quarterly
339Nineteenth-Century Music Review
340Nordic Journal of Linguistics
341Nutrition Research Reviews
342Organised Sound
345Palliative & Supportive Care
346Papers of the British School at Rome
348Parasitology Open
349Personality Neuroscience
350Perspectives on Politics
353Plainsong & Medieval Music
354Plant Genetic Resources
355Polar Record
356Political Analysis
357Political Science Research and Methods
358Politics & Gender
359Politics and Religion
360Politics and the Life Sciences
361Popular Music
362Powder Diffraction
363Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
364Primary Health Care Research & Development
365Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
366Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting
367Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
368Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
369Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
370Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
371Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
372PS: Political Science & Politics
373Psychological Medicine
374Public Health Nutrition
375Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
376Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics
377Quaternary Research
378Queensland Review
382Religion and American Culture
383Religious Studies
384Renaissance Quarterly
385Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM LEASE BUNDLE
386Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM LEASE ONLINE
387Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
388Review of International Studies
389Review of Middle East Studies
390Review of Politics
391Review of Symbolic Logic
392Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
394Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series
395Royal Historical Society Package (Transactions - RHT - and Camden Fifth Series - RHC)
396Royal Institute of Philosophy Package (PHI and THI)
397Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements
398Royal Musical Association Bundle
399Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
400Rural History
401Science in Context
402Scottish Journal of Theology
403Seed Science Research
404Slavic Review
405Social Philosophy and Policy
406Social Policy and Society
407Social Policy Association Package (JSP and SPS)
408Social Science History
409Society for American Archaeology Journal Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO)
410Society for American Archaeology Journal Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO)
411Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO plus lease access to digital archives)
412Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO incl. lease to digital archives)
413Studies in American Political Development
414Studies in Church History
415Studies in Second Language Acquisition
417The Aeronautical Journal
418The Mathematical Gazette
419The Spanish Journal of Psychology
420Theatre Research International
421Theatre Survey
422Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
425TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia
426Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
427Transnational Environmental Law
428Twentieth-Century Music
429Twin Research and Human Genetics
430Urban History
432Victorian Literature and Culture
433Visual Neuroscience
434Wearable Technologies
435Weed Science
436Weed Technology
437Wireless Power Transfer
438World Politics
439World Trade Review
440World's Poultry Science Journal
441WSSA Dual Package (WSC and WET)
442WSSA Full Package (WSC, WET, and INP)
443Yearbook for Traditional Music
445J of British Studies
450Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
455Renaissance Quarterly
466Renaissance Quarterly PREMIUM ONLINE LEASE
467Annual of the British School at Athens
468British School at Athens Annual Report (School Report - print only)
469European Journal of International Security
470Review of International Studies
471Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
472Canadian Journal of Mathematics
473Greece & Rome
474New Surveys in the Classics
475Archaeological Reports
476Journal of Hellenic Studies
477Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
478Journal of Symbolic Logic
479Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series
480Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
482Philosophy Supplements
483Think (also sold separately)
484Journal of the Royal Musical Association
485Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle
486Advances in Archaeological Practice (also sold separately)
487American Antiquity (also sold separately)
488Latin American Antiquity (also sold separately)
489Journal of Social Policy
490Social Policy and Society
491Perspectives on Politics
492PS: Political Science & Politics
493American Political Science Review
494Invasive Plant Science and Management
495Weed Technology
496Weed Science
497Weed Technology
498Weed Science
499Africa Bibliography (also sold separately)
501Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (also available separately)
502Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English Translation)
503Language Teaching
505International Journal of Middle East Studies
506Review of Middle East Studies

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