Automotive Engineering

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Periodical Service
Sr. No.TitleJournal
1Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologiesjournal
2International Journal of Impact Engineeringjournal
3SAE International Journal of Enginesjournal
4Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviourjournal
5Vehicle System Dynamicsjournal
6IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systemsjournal
7Vehicular Communicationsjournal
8Engineering Failure Analysisjournal
9IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazinejournal
10International Journal of Sustainable Transportationjournal
11Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systemsjournal
12IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyjournal
13International Journal of Engine Researchjournal
14International Journal of Rail Transportationjournal
15International Journal of Automotive Technologyjournal
16Computer Aided Geometric Designjournal
17Journal of Advanced Transportationjournal
18Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machinesjournal
19JVC/Journal of Vibration and Controljournal
20VANET 2013 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking, Systems, and Applicationsproceeding
21IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazinejournal
22SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrainsjournal
23Latin American Journal of Solids and Structuresjournal
24International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineeringjournal
25SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systemsjournal
26SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehiclesjournal
27European Transport - Trasporti Europeijournal
29Noise Control Engineering Journaljournal
30SAE Technical Papersjournal
31European Transport Research Reviewjournal
32International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamicsjournal
33ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers)journal
34International Journal of Vehicle Designjournal
352014 7th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Nets4Cars-Fall 2014proceeding
36IEEE SSCI 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIVTS 2014: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems, Proceedingsproceeding
37International Journal of Automotive Technology and Managementjournal
38SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systemsjournal
39IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedingsproceeding
402014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo: Components, Systems, and Power Electronics - From Technology to Business and Public Policy, ITEC 2014proceeding
41Transport Problemsjournal
42International Journal of Flow Controljournal
43International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testingjournal
44Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journaljournal
45International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibrationjournal
462014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014proceeding
47Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineeringjournal
48International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systemsjournal
49International Journal of Vehicular Technologyjournal
50Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineeringjournal
51International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehiclesjournal
52Archives of Transportjournal
53IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, VNCproceeding
54International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systemsjournal
55DIVANet 2013 - Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, Co-located with ACM MSWiM 2013proceeding
562013 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, IEVC 2013proceeding
572014 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2014proceeding
58Advances in Transportation Studiesjournal
59Neiranji Gongcheng/Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineeringjournal
60International Journal of Vehicle Safetyjournal
61IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSCproceeding
622014 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, IEVC 2014proceeding
63Institution of Mechanical Engineers - VTMS 2011, Vehicle Thermal Management Systems Conference Proceedingsproceeding
64AutomotiveUI 2014 - 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI - Proceedingsproceeding
65Advances in Military Technologyjournal
66MM Science Journaljournal
67Institution of Mechanical Engineers - 11th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbochargingproceeding
68Tire Science and Technologyjournal
69Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineeringjournal
70DIVANet 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applicationsproceeding
71Neiranji Xuebao/Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines)journal
722013 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo, ICCVE 2013 - Proceedingsproceeding
732013 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, PSSTMS 2013proceeding
74FORMS/FORMAT 2014 - 10th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systemsproceeding
75Mechanics and Mechanical Engineeringjournal
76Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES 2013proceeding
772014 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium, EDAPS 2014proceeding
78eb - Elektrische Bahnenjournal
79Metal Powder Reportjournal
80Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 21st Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the BeNeLux, IEEE SCVT 2014proceeding
81Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems, CIVTS 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013proceeding
822013 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2013proceeding
83IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrificationjournal
84International Journal of Automotive Engineeringjournal
852013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2014proceeding
86AutomotiveUI 2014 - 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, in Cooperation with ACM SIGCHI - Adjunct Proceedingsproceeding
87International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systemsjournal
88ISEC 2013 - 3rd IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conferenceproceeding
8918th International Conference of the ISTVSproceeding
902014 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, AUV 2014proceeding
91TR Newsjournal
92IUTAM Bookseriesbook serie
93International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systemsjournal
94American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, AFPM - International Lubricants and Waxes Meeting 2014proceeding
952013 9th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, IEEE VPPC 2013proceeding
96ACDT 2015 - Proceedings: The 1st Asian Conference on Defence Technologyproceeding
97Proceedings of the 2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology, rICT and ICEV-T 2013proceeding
9821st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITSWC 2014: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected Worldproceeding
992014 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications - Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles, TIWDC/ESAV 2014proceeding
1002014 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines, Dynamics 2014 - Proceedingsproceeding
101Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineeringbook serie
102Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2013proceeding
103RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Education and Professional Development of Engineers in the Maritime Industry, Papersproceeding
104RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Marine Heavy Transport and Lift IV, Papersproceeding
10520th ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013proceeding
1066th Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety 2013, DSP 2013proceeding
107Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering, ICMEAE 2013proceeding
108RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Design and Operation of Container Ships, Papersproceeding
109IHS Jane's Defence Weeklyjournal
1102014 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES 2014proceeding
11173rd Annual Conference of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc., SAWE 2014proceeding
112American Gear Manufacturers Association Fall Technical Meeting 2014, FTM 2014proceeding
113RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Marine Design, Papersproceeding
114RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Warship 2014: Naval Submarines and UUV's, Papersproceeding
115Advance Engine Design and Performanceproceeding
116International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environmentjournal
117Proceedings of Global Powertrain Congressproceeding
118American Helicopter Society International - AHS HRC International Technical Specialists' Meeting on Rotorcraft Structures and Survivability 2013proceeding
119Automotive Engineer (London)journal
120American Helicopter Society International - 2nd Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum, ARF 2013 and the 4th International Basic Research Conference on Rotorcraft Technology 2013, IBRCRT 2013proceeding
1215th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010, ACMD 2010proceeding
122Diesel Progress North American Editionjournal
123World Electric Vehicle Journaljournal
124ASME 2013 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2013proceeding
125AUVSI Unmanned Systems 2014proceeding
126Automotive Industries AIjournal

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