Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | American Journal of Orthopsychiatry | |
2 | American Psychologist Journal | APA Publishing | APA |
3 | Archives of Scientific Psychology | |
4 | Asian American Journal of Psychology | |
5 | Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice | |
6 | Behavioral Development | |
7 | Behavioral Neuroscience | |
8 | Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science | |
9 | Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology | |
10 | Canadian Psychology | |
11 | Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology | |
12 | Clinician's Research Digest: Adult Populations | |
13 | Clinician's Research Digest: Child and Adolescent Populations | |
14 | Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research | |
15 | Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice | |
16 | Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology | |
17 | Decision | |
18 | Developmental Psychology Journal | APA Publishing | APA |
19 | Dreaming | |
20 | Emotion Journal | APA Publishing | APA |
21 | Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences | |
22 | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology | |
23 | Families, Systems, & Health | |
24 | Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice | |
25 | Health Psychology Journal | APA Publishing | APA |
26 | History of Psychology | |
27 | The Humanistic Psychologist | |
28 | International Journal of Play Therapy | |
29 | International Journal of Stress Management | |
30 | International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation | |
31 | Journal of Abnormal Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
32 | Journal of Applied Psychology | |
33 | Journal of Comparative Psychology | |
34 | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
35 | Journal of Counseling Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
36 | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | APA Publishing | APA |
37 | Journal of Educational Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
38 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition | |
39 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied | |
40 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General | APA Publishing | APA |
41 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | APA |
42 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition | APA |
43 | Journal of Family Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
44 | Journal of Latinx Psychology | |
45 | Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics | |
46 | Journal of Occupational Health Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
47 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | APA Publishing | APA |
48 | Journal of Psychotherapy Integration | |
49 | Journal of Rural Mental Health | |
50 | Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology | |
51 | Journal of Threat Assessment and Management | |
52 | Law and Human Behavior | |
53 | Motivation Science | |
54 | Neuropsychology | |
55 | Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology | |
56 | Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment | |
57 | Practice Innovations | |
58 | Professional Psychology: Research and Practice | |
59 | Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal | |
60 | Psychoanalytic Psychology | |
61 | Psychological Assessment | APA Publishing | APA |
62 | Psychological Bulletin Journal | APA Publishing | APA |
63 | Psychological Methods | APA Publishing | APA |
64 | Psychological Review | APA Publishing | APA |
65 | Psychological Services | |
66 | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy | APA |
67 | The Psychologist-Manager Journal | |
68 | Psychology & Neuroscience | |
69 | Psychology and Aging | APA Publishing | APA |
70 | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | APA Publishing | APA |
71 | Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts | |
72 | Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice | |
73 | Psychology of Men & Masculinities | APA Publishing | APA |
74 | Psychology of Popular Media Culture | |
75 | Psychology of Religion and Spirituality | |
76 | Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity | |
77 | Psychology of Violence | APA Publishing | APA |
78 | Psychology, Public Policy, and Law | |
79 | Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain | |
80 | Psychotherapy | |
81 | Qualitative Psychology | |
82 | Rehabilitation Psychology | |
83 | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology | |
84 | School Psychology | |
85 | Spirituality in Clinical Practice | |
86 | Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology | |
87 | Stigma and Health | |
88 | Training and Education in Professional Psychology | |
89 | Translational Issues in Psychological Science | |
90 | Traumatology |
American Psychological Association
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