Sr. No. | Title | Journal |
1 | 2013 2nd International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics: Information for Sustainable Agriculture, Agro-Geoinformatics 2013 | proceeding |
2 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica - Section B Soil and Plant Science | journal |
3 | Acta Agrobotanica | journal |
4 | Acta Agronomica | |
5 | Acta Agronomica Hungarica | journal |
6 | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | journal |
7 | Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy | journal |
8 | Advances in Agronomy | book serie |
9 | African Entomology | journal |
10 | African Journal of Biotechnology | |
11 | AgBioForum | journal |
12 | Agrarforschung Schweiz | journal |
13 | Agrekon | journal |
14 | Agribusiness | journal |
15 | Agricultural and Forest Entomology | journal |
16 | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | Journal |
17 | Agricultural and Resource Economics Review | journal |
18 | Agricultural Economics | journal |
19 | Agricultural Economics Review | journal |
20 | Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journa | journal |
21 | Agricultural History Review | journal |
22 | Agricultural Systems | journal |
23 | Agricultural Water Management | journal |
24 | Agriculture | journal |
25 | Agriculture and Food Security | journal |
26 | Agriculture and Human Values | journal |
27 | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | journal |
28 | AgriScientia | journal |
29 | Agrivita | journal |
30 | Agrochimica | journal |
31 | Agrociencia | journal |
32 | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems | journal |
33 | Agroforestry Systems | journal |
34 | Agrokemia es Talajtan | journal |
35 | Agronomia Colombiana | journal |
36 | Agronomy | journal |
37 | Agronomy for Sustainable Development | journal |
38 | Agronomy Journal | journal |
39 | Agronomy Research | journal |
40 | Algal Research | journal |
41 | Allelopathy Journal | journal |
42 | American Journal of Potato Research | journal |
43 | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, ASABE 2011 | proceeding |
44 | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012 | proceeding |
45 | American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013 | proceeding |
46 | American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | |
47 | Annals of Applied Biology | journal |
48 | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | journal |
49 | Aquaculture International | journal |
50 | Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research | journal |
51 | Arboricultural Journal | journal |
52 | Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | journal |
53 | Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection | journal |
54 | Arthropod-Plant Interactions | journal |
55 | Asian Journal of Agricultural Research | journal |
56 | Asian Journal of Crop Science | journal |
57 | Asian Journal of Plant Pathology | journal |
58 | Asian Journal of Plant Sciences | journal |
59 | Austral Entomology | journal |
60 | Australasian Plant Disease Notes | journal |
61 | Australian Journal of Crop Science | journal |
62 | Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research | journal |
63 | Berichte uber Landwirtschaft | |
64 | Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology | journal |
65 | BioControl | journal |
66 | Biocontrol Science and Technology | journal |
67 | Bioenergy Research | journal |
68 | Biological Agriculture and Horticulture | journal |
69 | Biological Control | journal |
70 | Biology and Fertility of Soils | journal |
71 | Biomass and Bioenergy | journal |
72 | Biopesticides International | |
73 | Bioscience Research | |
74 | Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia | journal |
75 | Biosystems Engineering | journal |
76 | Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment | journal |
77 | Bodenkultur | journal |
78 | Breeding Science | journal |
79 | Bulletin of Entomological Research | journal |
80 | Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering | journal |
81 | Cahiers/Agricultures | journal |
82 | California Agriculture | journal |
83 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | journal |
84 | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | journal |
85 | Canadian Journal of Plant Science | journal |
86 | Cereal Research Communications | journal |
87 | Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture | |
88 | Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research | journal |
89 | Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology | journal |
90 | Ciencia e Agrotecnologia | journal |
91 | Ciencia Rural | journal |
92 | Communications in Biometry and Crop Science | journal |
93 | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | journal |
94 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | journal |
95 | Conference Proceeding - 5th International Conference, TAE 2013: Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2013 | proceeding |
96 | Crop and Pasture Science | journal |
97 | Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | journal |
98 | Crop Journal | |
99 | Crop Protection | journal |
100 | Crop Science | journal |
101 | Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management | journal |
102 | Cryo-Letters | journal |
103 | Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural | journal |
104 | Custos e Agronegocio | journal |
105 | EAAP Scientific Series | book serie |
106 | Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control | journal |
107 | Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture | journal |
108 | Environmental and Experimental Botany | journal |
109 | Environmental Control in Biology | journal |
110 | EPPO Bulletin | journal |
111 | Euphytica | journal |
112 | European Journal of Agronomy | journal |
113 | European Journal of Plant Pathology | journal |
114 | Experimental Agriculture | journal |
115 | Field Crops Research | journal |
116 | Food and Agricultural Immunology | journal |
117 | Food and Energy Security | Journal |
118 | Food Security | journal |
119 | Fruits | journal |
120 | Functional Plant Biology | journal |
121 | Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society | |
122 | GCB Bioenergy | journal |
123 | Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | journal |
124 | Grass and Forage Science | journal |
125 | Grassland Science | journal |
126 | Helia | journal |
127 | Hellenic Plant Protection Journal | |
128 | Icelandic Agricultural Sciences | journal |
129 | Idesia | journal |
130 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry | journal |
131 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Research | |
132 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | journal |
133 | Indian Journal of Agronomy | journal |
134 | Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources | journal |
135 | Indian Journal of Plant Physiology | journal |
136 | Industrial Crops and Products | journal |
137 | Insect Science | journal |
138 | International Journal of Agricultural Research | |
139 | International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology | |
140 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | journal |
141 | International Journal of Agronomy | journal |
142 | International Journal of Fruit Science | journal |
143 | International Journal of Pest Management | journal |
144 | International Journal of Plant Production | journal |
145 | International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation | journal |
146 | International Journal of Soil Science | |
147 | International Journal of Vegetable Science | journal |
148 | International Pest Control | journal |
149 | Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research | journal |
150 | Irrigation and Drainage | journal |
151 | Irrigation Science | journal |
152 | Israel Journal of Plant Sciences | journal |
153 | Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh | journal |
154 | Italian Journal of Agrometeorology | journal |
155 | ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria | journal |
156 | Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly | journal |
157 | Japanese Journal of Crop Science | |
158 | Journal fur Kulturpflanzen | journal |
159 | Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit | journal |
160 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Information | |
161 | Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | journal |
162 | Journal of Agricultural Meteorology | journal |
163 | Journal of Agricultural Science | journal |
164 | Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics | journal |
165 | Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico | |
166 | Journal of Agrometeorology | journal |
167 | Journal of Agronomy | journal |
168 | Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science | journal |
169 | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | |
170 | Journal of AOAC International | journal |
171 | Journal of Applied Entomology | journal |
172 | Journal of Berry Research | journal |
173 | Journal of Biopesticides | journal |
174 | Journal of Central European Agriculture | journal |
175 | Journal of Crop Improvement | journal |
176 | Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | journal |
177 | Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment | |
178 | Journal of Entomological Science | journal |
179 | Journal of General Plant Pathology | journal |
180 | Journal of Horticultural Research | journal |
181 | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | journal |
182 | Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education | |
183 | Journal of Nematology | journal |
184 | Journal of Oil Palm Research | journal |
185 | Journal of Pest Science | journal |
186 | Journal of Phytopathology | journal |
187 | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | journal |
188 | Journal of Plant Biotechnology | |
189 | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | journal |
190 | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | journal |
191 | Journal of Plant Nutrition | journal |
192 | Journal of Plant Physiology | journal |
193 | Journal of Plant Protection Research | journal |
194 | Journal of Plant Registrations | journal |
195 | Journal of Plant Sciences | journal |
196 | Journal of Seed Science | journal |
197 | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | journal |
198 | Journal of Soils and Water Conservation | journal |
199 | Journal of Stored Products Research | journal |
200 | Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | book serie |
201 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University | journal |
202 | Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science | journal |
203 | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | journal |
204 | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | journal |
205 | Journal of Tropical Agriculture | |
206 | Landbauforschung Volkenrode | journal |
207 | Landtechnik | journal |
208 | Legume Research | journal |
209 | Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske | journal |
210 | Malaysian Journal of Soil Science | |
211 | Marine Fisheries Review | journal |
212 | Maydica | journal |
213 | Molecular Breeding | journal |
214 | Molecular Plant Pathology | journal |
215 | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | Journal |
216 | Mycopathologia | journal |
217 | Nematology | journal |
218 | Nematropica | journal |
219 | New Medit | journal |
220 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | journal |
221 | New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science | journal |
222 | New Zealand Plant Protection | journal |
223 | NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences | journal |
224 | Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca | journal |
225 | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | journal |
226 | OCL - Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids | journal |
227 | Open Agriculture Journal | journal |
228 | Outlook on Agriculture | journal |
229 | Outlooks on Pest Management | journal |
230 | Paddy and Water Environment | journal |
231 | Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences | journal |
232 | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | journal |
233 | Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science | |
234 | Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | journal |
235 | Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical | journal |
236 | Pest Management Science | journal |
237 | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | journal |
238 | Pesticide Formulation and Delivery Systems: 33rd Volume, | proceeding |
239 | Pestology | journal |
240 | Philippine Agricultural Scientist | journal |
241 | Phytochemistry Letters | journal |
242 | Phytopathologia Mediterranea | journal |
243 | Phytopathology | journal |
244 | Plant Biotechnology | journal |
245 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | Journal |
246 | Plant Breeding | journal |
247 | Plant Cell Reports | journal |
248 | Plant Disease | journal |
249 | Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation | journal |
250 | Plant Genome | journal |
251 | Plant Growth Regulation | journal |
252 | Plant Molecular Biology | journal |
253 | Plant OMICS | journal |
254 | Plant Pathology | journal |
255 | Plant Pathology Journal | journal |
256 | Plant Production Science | journal |
257 | Plant Protection Bulletin | |
258 | Plant Protection Quarterly | |
259 | Plant Protection Science | journal |
260 | Plant Root | journal |
261 | Plant Science | journal |
262 | Planta Daninha | journal |
263 | Poljoprivreda | journal |
264 | Postharvest Biology and Technology | journal |
265 | Potato Journal | journal |
266 | Potato Research | journal |
267 | Precision Agriculture 2013 - Papers Presented at the 9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2013 | journal |
268 | Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods | journal |
269 | Range Management and Agroforestry | journal |
270 | Recent patents on food, nutrition & agriculture | journal |
271 | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | journal |
272 | Research in Agricultural Engineering | journal |
273 | Research Journal of Seed Science | journal |
274 | Research Journal of Toxins | |
275 | Research on Crops | journal |
276 | Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo | journal |
277 | Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | journal |
278 | Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura | journal |
279 | Revista Ciencia Agronomica | journal |
280 | Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural | journal |
281 | Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias | |
282 | Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia | journal |
283 | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias | journal |
284 | Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana | journal |
285 | Rice | journal |
286 | Rice Science | journal |
287 | Romanian Agricultural Research | journal |
288 | Romanian Biotechnological Letters | journal |
289 | Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research | journal |
290 | Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics | journal |
291 | Scientia Agraria | |
292 | Scientia Agricola | journal |
293 | Seed Science and Technology | journal |
294 | Soil and Tillage Research | journal |
295 | Soil Use and Management | journal |
296 | Southwestern Entomologist | journal |
297 | Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research | journal |
298 | Spore | journal |
299 | Stewart Postharvest Review | journal |
300 | Sugar Tech | journal |
301 | Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science | |
302 | Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi | journal |
303 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | journal |
304 | Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology | journal |
305 | Transactions of the ASABE | journal |
306 | Transgenic Research | journal |
307 | Tropical Agriculture | |
308 | Tropical Plant Pathology | journal |
309 | Turkish Journal of Field Crops | journal |
310 | Weed Biology and Management | journal |
311 | Weed Research | journal |
312 | Weed Science | journal |
313 | Weed Technology | journal |
314 | Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen | journal |
315 | Zemdirbyste | journal |
Agronomy Crop Science
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